Chapter 123

New world. Surroundings of Dressrosa.

A large pirate ship sailed quietly in the blue sea. It was a real battleship, huge white sails, dozens of large-caliber cannons. On the bow of the ship was the huge head of a white bristling wolf. The same head flaunted on the black flag with bones, it was understandable, because these pirates were called - Pirates of the Frostwolf. Not long ago, this ship crossed the Fish-Man Island and entered the New World. The captain of this ship would be glad, because everyone on the ship dreamed about it, but unfortunately the sailing of the pirates was overshadowed by one unpleasant event. Once on Sabaody, the Frostwolf pirates set out to look for the master of the resin coating. Lately, the archipelago was full of many pirates who wanted to get to the New World and these newcomers were one of them. Finding a master was not easy, but after a couple of weeks they were lucky and they found one. When everything was finally ready and the pirates were about to leave for the New World, they were stopped. A green-haired swordsman, whose face caused fear in each of them ... Who in the world did not know the name of this person? Of course they tried to resist, but of course they didn't have a chance. The pirate hijacked the ship and ordered it to be transported to the New World, a kingdom called Dressrosa. The pirates had no choice but to obey, so now they were tense and happy at the same time. The island finally showed up, when this man left their ship they could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

The Frostwolf Pirate captain held the helm and glanced nervously up. At that moment, from the place where he was looking, a sleepy displeased voice was heard:

- Uahhh ... How much longer to sail, damn it?

The captain of the ship was frightened and quickly said:

- Ah, Zoro-san, we ... We're almost there, see for yourself.

Immediately after that, a man jumped from the crow's nest. He was wearing a long dark green robe with a red sash, on which were fastened three katanas. Roronoa Zoro was very different from his past, now he was taller and larger. A calm, cold aura emanated from him that made all the pirates around him tremble at the knees.

Looking at the island in the distance, the swordsman exhaled:

"Haa, great, I finally got here. Glancing at the Frostwolf captain, Zoro added, "Drop me off there and you can be free.

The pirate at the helm exhaled a sigh of relief and nodded. Zoro went to the bow of the ship, climbed on the head of the wolf and waited for the arrival on the island.


At the same time, not far from Dressrosa.

On an island half of which was covered in firelands and the other half covered in ice, a blond man landed. He wore a black suit and a white shirt with the top buttons open. He had a small beard and mustache on his face, as well as odd eyebrows curled to the right.

- Brr, well, it's cold, Dressrosa seems to be to the north. - Looking to the left, towards the side of the island that was blazing with fire, Sanji said in surprise, "Damn, it happens. The New World is really interesting. - thrusting his hand into his pocket, and then pulling out the Eternal Pos, the pirate determined where to move on. Then he nodded and instantly disappeared, all that was left behind was a bright flash of golden lightning.


Two days before Zoro and Sanji arrive at Dressrosa.

Not far from the country ruled by the Donquixote family, a large ship with black sails stopped. A dark red flag fluttered from each of the masts. This ship had a rather impressive crew. Each of these people was a dangerous wanted criminal. Especially a woman with blond hair and a barely covered body. It was covered by a short long-sleeved T-shirt and a dark tie. In her right hand was a large flag, with the same image as on the flag of the ship. It was Belo Betty, one of the commanders of the Revolutionary Army.

She approached a beautiful dark-haired girl and said:

- Nico Robin, have you changed your mind? We're going back and there will be no turning back, you really don't want to stay?

Robin turned to face Betty and smiled:

- I didn't change my mind, I was glad to meet you and the others. - Looking up, Robin added: - And with you too.

At that moment, a tall, half-naked man in green glasses jumped from the crow's nest and shouted:

- Ha ha ha, give him my big greetings!

Robin smiled and asked:

"You could do it yourself, don't you want to see him?"

The man sighed.

- I would be glad, but I am again sent on reconnaissance. But I think we'll meet again one day if I don't die, hehehehe.

Betty looked at the nearest soldier and said:

- Okay, get the boat ready, we will not sail further.

The man nodded and went to unhook the boat.

Having said goodbye to new acquaintances, Robin went to the already visible island. Dress Raza was already there ...


At the same time. At the very beginning of the New World, the water began to behave strangely. This did not last long, a large column of water struck upward, and then a small, beautifully decorated ship floated to the surface of the ocean. As soon as he rose, the resin ball surrounding him immediately burst.

This ship had a small crew and, judging by the flag, they were pirates. This happened very often in the New World, but now everything was different. The Blood Star flag flew on the main mast, and the three at the helm were notorious pirates. A particularly tall and large man with many scars. This was North, who had been called the "Bone Demon" over the past two years. He had grown considerably and was probably now the tallest in the team. His arms were as thick as logs, and two bloody tattoos reaching down to his shoulders made him look even more intimidating. Short red hair with a hedgehog, a scar on the left eye and an earring in the ear. Short beard and black glasses. He no longer wore outerwear, only short black breeches and sandals. The scores of scar on his tanned torso proved that these two years had not been easy. Now he no longer looked like a simple bully, now he looked like a real thug, one of his appearance causing fear in people.

Nami stood next to me and still couldn't believe, is it really that red-haired alcoholic?

- What were you fed? You have become twice as large.

- Ra-ha-ha, I ate the flesh of my enemies!

Nami chuckled:

- Well, of course, I read the newspaper, you really didn't sit still, only did you forget that the gold in the hold is now mine?

- Uh, why is it?

- Hmm, well ... - Nami pulled out a notebook and began to write something in it: - Taak, yeah ... Here! - Tearing out a piece of paper, the girl put it in the pirate's hand with the words: - This is interest, do not forget? You owed me, and it's been two years, so, well, you yourself understand

North lifted the sheet with a shiver, and when he looked at it, his glasses cracked.

- BUT?! You're kidding me!

A few minutes later, the pirate was sitting in the hold and drinking rum ...

- Hmm, shit, this woman is a product of evil. Well, at least the booze is safe ... Bargain for half of my savings, and what have I not learned to count ?! - Having swore, the pirate continued to drink. In fact, he was not particularly upset that what they took with them on the ship was only a small part of his wealth. He knew that this red-haired beast would not leave him if he showed her his treasury, so he hid all the good.

"I hope these assholes can keep an eye on the country. Now we don't need wealth ... - remembering his abandoned country of dreams, the pirate smiled and continued to drink.

"Ra-ha-ha! Adventure doesn't wait! Captain, we'll meet soon! "