Chapter 130

While sailing, I felt something strange. The feeling was pretty familiar to me, so I focused. Several incomprehensible fragments blinked before my eyes, after which I got a little headache.

"This crap again ..." - After scratching my head, I decided to drink some rum. From these couple of fragments, I did not understand anything. Some ruins and ...

I stopped and said in amazement:

"The Straw Hats ..." There was a bunch of destroyed buildings in that vision. They were slightly unusual, I had not seen such, the culture of these people was unfamiliar to me. I have visited many different islands, but I have not seen this yet, even though they were ruins. There was also water, a lot of water ... The main thing that I understood now is that there was something strange there. The straw hat ... It was not a simple hat that you can buy at any store, no, it definitely belonged to the Straw Hats, I couldn't be wrong. Curious ... Will our roads cross again?

I grinned and stomped for the bottle. Anyway, these visions are useless, I didn't get a damn thing at all.

I have a strange premonition, I think it's not so simple on Dressrosa. Although, knowing my team, they definitely learned something. Especially Zoro, he could have gotten into a fight for sure. If he could find his way at all. As I understand it, he and North have parted ways, so I won't be too surprised if the swordsman gets lost. Yes, and Sanji left not far from him, he can try to protect some woman and then a mess will begin. Whoa, who cares, no one is a threat to them on Dressrosa ...

A few hours later the island appeared and then I realized for sure that I was not mistaken. For several kilometers around there were saturated black clouds. There was no rain, but the roaring thunder created a rather eerie picture. The sea was unusually quiet ... It was difficult to see what was happening on the island, as it was surrounded by huge stones. If we were sailing from the other side, then maybe that could have been noticed, but now the view was covered by a rather huge cobblestone. The auras of the creatures on the island indicated that something difficult had definitely happened there.

Charlie, like me, also stood up and frowned.

- I don't like it, can we speed up?

I nodded.

- I also thought about it. - then I concentrated, and our ship took off. I added speed and we began to approach the island very quickly.

Stopping the ship next to a large rock, we climbed onto it. But when we saw what was behind the stones ...

Charlie opened his mouth in shock:

- Damn it...

I frowned:

- Do you think it should be so?

- I doubt...

The entire island was in ruins. Of course, some of the buildings survived and people were hiding wherever possible. In the distance, a large crowd tried to leave the island. Some of the land was turned into wasteland, and in some places there were mountains of rubble. It was as if someone had collected all the buildings and squeezed with tremendous force. There were craters and many burnt places all around. The forest is completely burnt out, and all that is left of it is ash. Probably the main battle took place in that direction, in the main castle. The castle itself was halved. It was perfectly cut, one part was still standing, and the other was lying a few meters from the other. The cut went deep into the ground and into the distance. The cut was about a hundred meters in length, gradually decreasing towards its end.

I sighed:

- Zoro ...

- What? Zoro? A swordsman on our team?

I nodded.

- Yes, that aura ... It's definitely his job.

Charlie wiped the sweat from his forehead and muttered:

- What a monster ...

The guys were definitely here. The scorched forest is likely Sanji's work, as are the many craters. What have they done here?

- Come on, I found them.

Charlie nodded and followed me.

I felt the auras of the guys in the direction of the ruined castle. There were several more not weak auras on the island, but the strongest were there. Apparently, the battle is long over. I don't know who they fought with, but it was definitely someone who was not weak. I'm sure this is definitely not Doflamingo, who is it ...

Not far from the destroyed part of the castle there was more or less an entire territory. It was not scorched, and there were many different flowers growing there. But most importantly, almost my entire team was there. The girls who have gotten prettier in two years, the noticeably pumped up North and the wounded Zoro. Alia sat next to him and changed the bandage on her head. There were also several other people: a gray-haired old man, a pink-haired girl and a one-legged man. It was not hard to guess who they were ... Not far from them were unusual little creatures, surrounding another dark-haired girl. If I'm not mistaken, this is Viola, her breasts are really big ... She was the first, after Zoro, who noticed us.

The swordsman bared his teeth and waved to me:

- Mor!

I smiled and went to him:

- Ha-ha, how are you?

- Not really, as you can see ...

- Mor!

- Cap!

The girls rushed in my direction. Nami and Ali rushed to hug me, and Robin just smiled with me.

- Ouch! - Alia jumped back and was embarrassed.

We narrowed our eyes:

- What are you?

`` N-nothing ...

At that moment, a big red-haired man ran up to me and squeezed with his hands:

- Captain! I missed so much!

I turned pale from his embrace:

- Kha ... Let go ...

But he didn't even listen to me:

- Captain! You have no idea what I've been through!

- I'm suffocating ...

- So! Enough! - Nami saved me in time.

- Kha ... - I began to gasp for air: - Haa ... Thank you.

Nami nudged North and grinned.

- Hehe, and this is a pirate with five hundred million? Little child ...

The redhead scratched his head in embarrassment:

- Blame the cap ...

I waved my hand:

- Damn you, better meet you. - I turned to Charlie and said: - This is our new nakama, his name is Charlie and he is a musician.

The guy stretched out his long arm and waved:

- Healthy!

North exclaimed:

- NS! This should be noted! - then he ran up to Charlie and led him to the others. While they were getting to know each other, I approached Zoro.

He sat on the ground and was bandaged in many places. Three of his katanas rested beside him. I sat down next to me and said:

- You look shitty.

The swordsman chuckled wryly.

- Ha-ha, there is ... Glad to meet the cap, how is it in the New World?

- Not bad, you will like it.

- Ha ha ha, I hope. I was already fed up with Paradise, I did not think that I would immediately find a worthy opponent as soon as I arrived here.

I frowned and decided to finally ask:

"So what happened here and where is Sanji?"

Zoro grimaced and rubbed his head.

- It's all because of this idiot ... And that idiot in a straw hat ... Three days passed, and you still did not appear, many became bored and they went for a walk around the city. While the fucking cook was drooling over the women, North got drunk as usual and quarreled with someone. Sargon never showed up ... Well, I decided to find myself an opponent ...