Chapter 134

When North finished the story of his adventures, the others also shared short stories of their adventures. Of course, they were no longer as eventful as the Red Pirate's. Yet most of them were not in the New World and did not move much.

Nami and Aliya separated only once, it was due to the fact that the blonde needed to practice her medical skills. In the past, she had too little experience due to the fact that she lived in seclusion. So it was necessary to catch up. She visited several islands and helped people. It was a good workout, thanks to which she was finally able to learn how to control her devil fruit. So now, she will not enchant every traveler with her holy aura. Although, as for me, nothing has changed much, her beauty alone is enough to charm anyone, even a woman.

Since this was East Blue, nothing interesting happened. Nami, on the other hand, was mainly on her home island with her sister. Of course, the girls did not forget to train and improve their skills. Even though there were no people of their level, they somehow got out. Their strengths were approximately equal, so they helped each other well in development.

As for Zoro, he was on the Grand Line after being stranded on a desert island. He stayed there for almost two months, after which he met a ship of small pirates and forced them to transport it to a large city. So he actually traveled from place to place and trained as much as possible. This did not last very long. After another skirmish with the Marines, he was seriously wounded, although he won. Falling overboard exhausted, he lost consciousness. He was thrown onto the shore of a rather gloomy island, where he decided to wait it out, at the same time to practice. Who could have known that he would meet Mihawk himself there? In general, he spent the rest of the time there, constantly training and improving his abilities through sparring with the strongest swordsman.

As for Robin, her story amazed me, and what she gave me was a very pleasant surprise ... It all started quite simply. The girl decided to find the same treasure, the coordinates of which were recorded in the diaries of a pirate of old times - Balavur, nicknamed "Black Dragon". The treasure was on Amazon Lily, it was known for a long time. The pirate himself, as if he was a fruit man, as he mentioned it in his diary. Although he did not mention the strength of his fruit and the possibilities, but based on the nickname, one can understand that this is probably some kind of mythical zoan. In the past, I did not know the coordinates of the treasure, although I visited the island of the Amazons. Therefore, it was simply pointless to look for the treasure, the island is not small. When Robin deciphered them, I did not attach much importance to this, I put everything off until later. So in the end, I just forgot about him. But Robin has a better memory, so she decided to finish it herself. And she was also interested in this pirate, who sailed a hundred years ago and knew the language in which the words on the poneglyph were engraved.

Arriving at Amazon Lily, after separating from Aliya and Nami, Robin immediately went to look for the treasure. But Amazon Island isn't an easy place, so she's in trouble. Although, perhaps she created them herself, having gone to the village of Kuja. Although Robin was a woman, she was a stranger, so she was treated with suspicion and naturally taken into custody. Of course it was all temporary. Hancock recognized her and let her go right away, probably didn't want to anger me. Judging by Robin's words, even when she released her, she still behaved quite aggressively. At first, Robin did not understand the reason for this behavior, but when she mentioned my name, it finally came to her ... Jealousy, a terrible thing ...

Hancock may not have taken her very well, but it was temporary. Robin was quite cunning and easily won her favor. I don't know what she said to her, but it looks like they are now almost best friends, and from this strange smile on the girl's face, for some reason everything inside me went cold. Oh and I don't like it ...

In general, Robin found a good place to train. The Kuja were strong and possessed many skills, so she must have grown much stronger through training with them. But this is not the main thing, the main treasure of Balavur ...

There were many treasures, but Robin left them to Hancock, since she simply could not take them. And we did not need them, we are so rich. Then there were more rare things, a rare katana, a devil fruit and of course a poneglyph along with another diary. The katana was unidentified and looked unusual. She was larger than usual, but not as huge as Mihawk's. Its blade was two centimeters wider than usual, and about ten centimeters long. Although it looks like it is more than a hundred years old, you cannot say that from its appearance. A moderately curved katana, with a white edge and a dark green jamon, which had the appearance of sharp teeth, the edges of which were pale green in color. The handle was covered in dark green silk, the color of which was even darker than the hamon. Tsuba has the shape of a four-pointed star, dark green in color. Two symbols were engraved on it, similar to those on the poneglyphs. Robin translated them simply "Marakaito Raito", a strange name, but it is not for me to wear this blade. Judging by Zoro's gaze, he likes it, and the sword was definitely not ordinary. If he gets stronger, I'm just glad. Robin did not mind and immediately gave it to him. So he immediately replaced the Sandai Kitetsu with a new katana, putting it in a dark green sheath, matching the color of the hilt. They had only two ornaments on, at the very tip. They were two green stars, with four sharp edges fading towards the end.

The poneglyph that Robin found, she certainly could not take with her. And there was no need for that either. She translated it and already studied it. On it, a certain island was described, in the New World, with a huge tree, on which an incredible creature with unprecedented strength is hidden. In fact, the poneglyph was a warning telling some of the secrets of the place. There was no word about the creature itself, as well as the location of the island. But what this tree looks like and what can be found on this island was said. Rare species of minerals, plants, creatures and .. Giants. It reminded me of something, I already had guesses what kind of island it was.

The katana and poneglyph weren't the most interesting. The main one was perhaps the devil fruit, and this is not because they are rare. It was completely different, Robin explained to me its power, and when I heard this, I was ready to spit blood. I had to be such a fool, the treasure was under my nose, and I ignored it. The fruit was mentioned in the last diary of this pirate. It contained a lot of information about his life, where he was born, grew up, how he became a pirate, and so on. The main information was about the fruit that he managed to find in his youth. Thanks to him, he really got his name. I also guessed, with his appearance, it was a mythical Zoan. But I couldn't even imagine his abilities. The truth is they say, mythical zoans are much stronger than ordinary ones, this was just that case ...