Chapter 139

We returned not to the ship, but to the huge elephant. It was he - Zunesha. The same elephant that wanders in the ocean for hundreds of years and carried a whole race of creatures on its back. His skin was rather flabby, it was easy to see that he was already very old. So I doubt that he is immortal, definitely, even this ancient creature will one day leave this world. They say he was punished for some crime, and since then, he always wanders alone. Yes, I wouldn't wish that on an enemy either ...

Immediately on the rise, Nami and North were waiting for us, and everyone else went on reconnaissance. They greeted Sargon, after which he went to rest on the ship. The fight with Jack was pretty exhausting for him.

He talked about what happened to him. This happened about two weeks ago, even before I arrived at Dressrosa. Sargon sailed to a general meeting with the team, after visiting his homeland. He had a good time there, it turned out that the ancient forest is still alive, although it was damaged. But he was not there for long, he just wanted to make sure everything was in order. Having finished with all the chores, he set off on a free voyage. Although he was already old, he wanted to become stronger so as not to let the team down.

He swam for about two months and was looking for an interesting place to stop to start training. While he was looking, at one point, he ran out of provisions, so he decided to get off on the nearest island. But it was at that moment that he noticed a strange movement. To his surprise, it turned out to be a huge elephant walking calmly across the ocean. From such a picture, Sargon was a little stunned, but later calmed down and decided to visit the back of the elephant. In the past, he has not been to it, but he heard about the legendary elephant Zunesha. It was a good decision to visit the so-called country of Zou. There he met the Minks, the local population, who were not people, but also not animals. Strange creatures with unusual abilities. The old man liked the place, so he stayed there and began to train.

The year passed unnoticed and the second was about to end. It was time to sail away to meet us, but it was at that moment that misfortune happened. A disaster has arrived on the island ... Drought Jack. Sargon fought him for over two weeks, but ultimately lost. This pirate was incredibly tenacious and resilient, so he held out longer and won. But then the minks entered the battle, and already with them Jack had a harder time. He was wounded and exhausted, so the pirate had to retreat temporarily. Taking Sargon with him, he set sail from the island. Well, there, I met him, and finished him ...

I will not say that the battle was difficult, I could not even use my transformation, but I wanted to test all my strength and make sure of our difference. It turned out to be quite serious, I think I would have dealt with two like him. Although, if it were two admirals, I would hardly have mastered them. Still, the Yonko generals, although strong, are not at the level of admirals. Katakuri may be close to Kizaru's level, but not Sakazuki's.

It's a pity Jack could not hold out longer, I wanted to check a couple more attacks. For his murder, of course, I was given a good reward. In addition, there was an additional reward, exactly what I certainly did not expect. The last time it happened was with the Shichibukai.

[Pirate "Drought" Jack killed, 1,000,000,000 belli. Reward: 1 development point, 100 growth points.]

[Special character is killed, One of "Calamities" Jack, "Pirates of the Beasts". Special reward: 1 development point, 100 growth points.]

The award was very handy, the points are just not enough, and soon, it will be almost impossible to get them. For example, for a new fruit, I need five hundred points, as well as for the Yami Yami no Mi.

Fuka Fuka no Mi:

Black Dragon: 0 to 100

Void Dragon: 100 to 500

There are only two stages of development, but I think there will definitely be a difference. This is a mythical Zoan, he must have a special power. I can control my black scale coverage, but maybe there is something else. I'm not sure, but both armor gain and regeneration are enough for me to pump this fruit. I would like to immediately go to the rank of the Abyss, and then spend points on something else. Still, dragon fruit can be very helpful in combat, so it's worth pumping up. Well, you shouldn't forget about the will either, as well as about the main fruit.

Well, okay, later I will pump, now I wanted to walk around the island and look around. Yet it is a legendary land where one of the signpost poneglyphs is hidden. In the past, minks and samurai from Wano Country were almost brothers, so one of the most important poneglyphs is here. Well, of course, in the country of Wano itself. What the poneglyph forgot in Big Mom's territory, I don't know. Maybe this also has some kind of connection ...

In any case, I didn't intend to sit still, I'll go for a walk.

I didn't move quickly and use my will, but just enjoyed the walk. Although I felt different movements in the forest, I did nothing. Nobody attacked, so everything was fine.

A few minutes later, I arrived in a city ... a ruined city. He vaguely reminded me of something, as if I had already seen him somewhere. After breaking my head, I decided not to worry and moved on ... There were ruins everywhere, but there were no casualties. As if all the inhabitants had just evaporated. In the very center of the city, there was a castle, which was also destroyed. Not far from it was an area with the most severe destruction. There was a huge crater, several tens of meters long and somewhat deep. There were no buildings next to this place, they were simply swept away, there was an aura of heavy battle. This is probably where Sargon and Jack faced.

The whole city was surrounded by a huge wall, and on four sides of it, there were several high towers. Even trees grew on these towers, so the city looked very ancient. A little further from the city, there was a strange tree. The trunk of this tree was very unusual. In shape, it resembled a whale, from the head of which branches stretched, creating a large green crown of a tree.

It was from the side of this tree that I heard a quiet, barely noticeable whisper. As if something was calling me ... I smiled and walked towards the dense forest, I knew what awaited me there, so I did not hesitate. I wanted to check if it's true now I can find out what is written on the legendary poneglyph-pointer. Is it true that now, I am able to hear the voice of a lifeless stone ...