Chapter 150

North was not surrounded, but there were two people standing right in front of him. Both were quite tall and did not look weak. One was shaven-headed, in strange clothes, on the shoulders of which were strange balls, with white and blue stripes. From these balls hung a long yellow cloak.

Another man was somewhat similar to him, and also wore unusual clothes. He was slightly taller than his comrade. His hair was bright red, gradually turning yellow towards the ends. The hair was like a helmet, in three curved cuts. He was wearing only raincoats and pants.

North immediately recognized these two, the couple were listed as pretty strong pirates. According to rumors, although they are not as strong as the Candy Generals, their strength is not far off. It was rather unpleasant to face these two brothers at once. Even after increasing his strength, North was not very confident in the battle. These two were Charlotte Aries and Daifuku respectively. Both were brothers Katakuri, although, probably in this family here all are brothers or sisters to each other.

Both brothers frowned at the big man in front of them, who was not inferior to them in height. North felt that it would not work out, so he sighed:

- It looks like it won't work out in an amicable way ...

- You think correctly, you're finished, you shouldn't have come here. - said the bald-headed man coldly.

North only grinned wryly, after which his body began to behave strangely. The two brothers frowned and then something strange happened ...

* Crunch * Crunch *

Bones began to grow rapidly from the body of the red-haired pirate. They quickly covered his entire body, forming a kind of armor. But the growth of bones did not slow down, they did not stop covering it, gradually increasing in size. Five meters, six, ten, twelve ... Stopping at twenty meters, a loud, mocking voice swept through the area:

- Ra-ha-ha-ha, let's see what you are good for, little Ministers! - laughing, all the bones suddenly began to turn black, after which a huge bone appeared in a huge bone hand, which also quickly turned black. A light shine betrayed the will of weapons, but even a fool understood that this was not a simple will of weapons. Only a real pro in this matter can cover such a bone body with khaki.

Realizing that they were faced with an unpleasant opponent, they became more serious, activating the power of both fruits, they rushed to the enemy. North just laughed wildly and struck a bone with incredible speed for his size ...


At the same time, on the other side of the Whole Cake Chateau.

Robin and Sargon easily penetrated the castle, especially after the noise made by the captain. Most of the strong pirates fled the territory, and those they encountered were easily defeated by the carpenter's forces. All they had to do was find the poneglyph pointer, which Robin gladly agreed to. Sargon did not mind finding himself a normal opponent. He could sense a strong aura nearby, even several of them, so the fight should have turned out to be interesting. Although, of course, he had little confidence. Perhaps the one he sensed was several times stronger than Jack. Be it so, it will be very problematic, especially considering that he is not alone. The enemy is also prepared and, apparently, they are guarding the poneglyph. This is certainly nice, thanks to them they were able to find him quickly, but the number of strong people there is definitely more than needed. But he could not retreat, now everyone is fighting, which means he must too ...

Stopping at a large steel door, Robin nodded.

- Here we are. Are you ready Sargon-san?

The old man chuckled:

- Of course I'm ready, and by the way, I said, just call me Sargon, we're a team ...

- Understood. Robin smiled and nodded. Then the old man took a couple of steps with his bare feet on the floor and easily opened a huge door, several times larger than himself.

With a slight creak, the huge door opened. But the two pirates were not at all happy. Rather, those who were waiting for them inside were delighted.

The most notable were perhaps only two, the rest were not weak, but did not pose a particular threat to Robin and Sargon. Even if they attack in a crowd, they won't be able to do much, but these two were very dangerous ...

First on the left was a tall, large man, or rather a creature that seemed to resemble a man. His appearance was too unusual. A fat man, in a chocolate suit, whose face and hands were composed of a semi-liquid white substance. He was one of the ministers, or rather the Minister of Whipped Cream, Charlotte Opera. Although he was a minister, one cannot say that he was very strong. But he was definitely better than the majority of those present here, yet not everyone gets the title of minister.

But this guy was nothing compared to the girl next to him. She was very long, or rather her legs were unusually high. It was easy to understand that she had some connection with the Leggy tribe. The girl was slightly dark and quite attractive. Blue eyes and white hair hanging down to the waist. The girl wore a striped swimsuit, as well as a large yellow scarf. Long boots and a slightly unusual beret that completely covers her head. In her left hand she held a long sword, and behind her was another weapon. In shape, it resembled a spiral blade. Of course anyone in the new world would recognize her. Charlotte Smoothie is the Juice Minister and also one of the three Candy Generals. Her bounty was even greater than Cracker's, although this is certainly not an indication of her strength.

Smoothie was the biggest obstacle to achieving poneglyph. If Mor and the others, the other members of Big Mom's team, had not been occupied, Sargon and Robin would have had no chance of getting anything right now. But since there are only two obstacles ...

Sargonu smiled and, looking up at the very tall girl, asked:

- Lady, can you miss the little old man?

Robin giggled, and Smoothie ignored the old man's words, narrowed her eyes and coldly said:

- Kill the intruders.

About ten people who surrounded the girl immediately rushed towards the couple. Robin smiled, and Sargon simply clapped his hands.

- The bigger, the better! - after the clap of the old man, a stream of something strange, similar to sawdust, burst out of his body. After that, several exactly the same copies of Sargon appeared next to him, they were all absolutely identical, even were alive, if you can call it that. All the clones smiled and charged. But Smoothie was not stupid, she knew that she was not an easy opponent, so she immediately rushed to the old man.

* Tink *

The blade slipped past, only slightly injuring Sargon, he smiled and deftly jumped off the wall, calmly landed, slapping his bare feet on the floor. The two separated from the main battle, Robin had already started to fight the crowd of pirates and the cream guy, so Sargon was not distracted. His clones can still help her a little.