Chapter 7 : Music is life

Tuesday, its time from band practice.

"Anna, do you want to come?"

"Okay, i also want to train my vocals."

And we are going to nearest studio my band booked.

"Here you are Kazuki, you're late." said John, my drummer.

"Ooh, Anna is coming too?" ask Michael, my rhythm guitarist.

"Yeah, i also wanna train my vocals too." said Anna

"Okay, let's get started first....our vocalist said he'd be late." i said.

And we start practicing our first cover song, "For you, of the sleepless forest" by Kana Boon.

Anna filled the vocals while waiting for our vocalist to come.

"~When I put out my CD, you'd sneak into Tower Records, frantically scanning the area as you fight back tears you'd shove limited edition pin badges into your bag while pretending that nothing's going on~"

"Damn your voice is so good Anna, maybe you should join our band." said David.

"Thanks, but i'm a solo singer." said Anna.

Shortly thereafter came our vocalist and we are continue the practice.

On the way to home,

"Yaah, It's been a long time since I heard your sweet voice." i said

"Tha- thanks, your guitar solo it's great too."

"Yeah, i've been practicing all this time.

Anyway, your voice when you're in bed is good too."

"Wha- what do you mean Kazuki!? you're always saying that." said Anna shyly and yeah, she's so cute....always.

"Oh yeah, it's been a while since we are had sex, can we do it tonight? i ask

"What do you mean? only yesterday we didnt do it....are you really want to do it everyday?"

"Yep" i answered

"Bruh, what a pervert" she said.

At home,

"Ok, i'll put it in..."

"Aaah, slowly kazuki....."

"Does it still hurt? we already doing this everytime."

"No isn't, but your dick is too big and it always hitting my womb when you put your dick in." said Anna.

"Don't cum inside Kazuki, today is not my safe day."

"Yeah, i know" i said.

"Anna, i want to cum."

Then Anna clamped her feet on my hips

"What are you doing Anna? move your feet out of my hips, i will cum inside if you dont move your feet."

"I dont know, my body move themselves" said Anna.

"Aaah, Anna i'm cumming..."

Continue Chapter 8 : What are we going to do?