Chapter 13 : What should i do?

We go to the cinema to watch a film that Anna likes, yup it's a romantic genre film. And when there was a kiss scene, Anna suddenly looked at my face with her flushing face.

"What? Want to try it?" I asked

"Wha- of course not, we're at the public-" and I kissed her right away.

She said she didn't want to try it but she felt like she was enjoying it .... I could feel her tongue dancing in my mouth.

*DUK* my head hit the wall

"Ooh, just a memory of the past turns out." I said

*KNOCK - KNOCK* "I'll go in!" said John.

John has been discharged from the hospital and heard the news that Anna moved after a little fight with me, he, David and Michael went straight to my place.

"Kazuki! You look like hammered shit" said David

"Looks dont count shit on the jungle, this is 'Nam, baby!" i said

"Damn, thats brings back old memories." Said Michael

*Hahahaha*, we laughed.

"Oh yeah, talking about 'Nam, how's that old man doing?"

"He must be doing good." I said

"So it's true? Anna left her boyfriend alone?" asked David.

"Boyfriend? She's just my cousin." I said

"Come on, we already figured it out ... You guys always stick together and sleep together, sus." Said John

"Dammit, who already knows it?" I asked

"Wow, I thought it was a lie but you don't deny it," said John

"Well shit" I said.

*Hahahaha*, they laughed.

I explained to them what happened and they listened to it seriously.

"Alright, suit up Kazuki...C'mon guys." Said David

"Huh, where? Why?" i ask

"We've got a job to do!" said David.

Then we went to find Anna's new school, first we asked the teacher who also manages the students transfer files.

"Come on Ma'am, tell us where Anna moved to." Asked John.

"Sorry, Anna told me not to tell you guys ... BTW, are you completely healed?" Said Ms. Katerin

"Yes, I have fully recovered." said John

"Okay let's go home, I'm going to sleep." i said

"Go home? Come on, Kazuki, we could find her." said David

"Tch, that old lady, won't tell us." said Michael

"Who are you calling old lady Michael? I'm still 29, and that was Anna's wish ... Oh yeah Kazuki, do you have free time this week? If so, let's go have a drink." Invite Ms. Katerin

"Ya." i said

After that we went looking for information and found nothing, and we decided to go home.

A few days later, Ms. Katerin picked me up to go for a drink

"Yo, Kazuki ... how are you?" asked Mrs. Katerin

"I'm good, what about you ma'am?"

"Just call me Kate when we are out of school, yeah I'm fine."

"Cool, anyway what's wrong with you? ask me to go out for a drink? I'm still underage you know." I said

"Yes, I know ... I have something to say about Anna. Actually, Anna didn't move, she just went to Japan for refreshing." said Kate

"Ooh ... Wait, what?"

"Yeah, so ... why don't you meet your girlfriend now?"

"I will, and she's my cousins...not my girlfriend."

"Oh aight, good luck!" said Kate

"Thanks for the information Kate! Love you, good bye!" I went straight home and get ready to meet Anna.

"Sorry, Anna...I can't let person I love become stress out." said Kate

"Heh, he's cute tho....why is your face flushed?" said the waiter.

"Huh? No- nothing, this is because i drink too much." said Kate.

I immediately packed my things and ordered tickets. Luckily there was a perfect timed trip. I don't talk about this to my friends because i intend to keep it a secret.

Continue Chapter 14 : childhood friend