"Kazuki? Katerin? Why are you guys here?"
"Wooh, you guys know each other already?" Said Jay.
"Yeah, Katerin is Kazuki's old teacher and Kazuki is my friend and my student." Explain Reika.
"Ooh i see, i see... have a seat Reika." Said Jay.
"So why are you here Kazuki, Katerin?" Ask Reika
"Well... I'm here because I promised to treat Kate a drink." I said
"Hmm...is that true?" Kate asked in disbelief
*SIGH* "Okay, I'll tell you..." I also explained why I'm here"
Reika started to understand what happen
"So you guys are high school friends?" I asked Reika and Jay
"Yeah that's it" said Jay
"So how was Anna after that day?" Ask Reika
"She's starting to get back to being herself after a few days....it may be hard for her because her mother is very strict, but I will definitely protect her if her mother do anything harshly on her."
"So what Joe said is true." Reika said
"Who's Joe?" We both just smiled at Jay's question
"And yeah, can I stop by your place after this?" Ask Reika
"Yeah, sure...Anna will be happy too" And I told Anna that Reika wanted to stop by our place.
Then we are going to my place...Kate is coming too
"Hey, Reika… have you ever had sex with Kazuki?" Ask Kate with drunk
"Ha? What do you mean?" Reika asked confused and a little angry
"Kate, try to stay conscious later...Do you want what I said will happen?" I said in a slightly angry tone
"Hmmm...okay" Kate said with a pout
After that we arrived at my place and I reminded Kate one more time.
Then we entered the living room
"Hi Anna, how are you now?" Ask Reika
"Yeah...good enough than before?"
"OH FUCK, I forgot there was an assignment the principal gave me, sorry but I'm going home first." Said Kate
"But aren't you still drunk?" Ask Reika
"Okay, I'll accompany her." I said
I had to accompany Kate because she's still drunk, and even though she's an adult, she's still a girl...it's dangerous for her to walk alone when drunk.
"So do you really have a task or something?" i asked
"Yeah that's how it is, I thought that I would only cause trouble later... I don't want your relationship to end like mine" Kate said with a smile
"What was your relationship like before?" Ask me
"I'll explain it sometime, I don't want to remember it right now." Said Kate
"Ooh, ok I see, sorry for asking."
"Its okay."
After arrived at Kate's apartment, I'm immediately going home
"Hey Kazuki!!" I heard her voice calling me from the window.
"Thanks for the treat!" Said Kate with a big smile.
I just smiling back and nodding.
Wow, I don't know what she's been through but I don't think it's good.
After arrived at my place, I was bombarded with several questions from Reika and Anna
"You didn't do anything with Katerin right?" Ask Anna to me with suspect
"Huh? No..." I said
"She's pretty drunk you know, are you sure you didn't do anything to her?" Ask Reika
"Ok, now you guys don't believe me? Fine, aight." I said
"Oh yeah, how about your fiancé Reika, what's his name.....ah Ryan?" ask me
"I don't know, since you came back from Japan and a few days later I came to US too, there's no sign of him." Reika said
"Wait a minute...Ryan? The person who tried to kiss me before I was in the accident was your fiancé?!" Anna asked with shocked and looked like she wanted to slap Reika
"Ye-ah..." Reika said in a scared tone
"Control your emotions Anna, try the way I teach you." I said
*SIGH" "Wow...I...I don't know what to say." Anna said
"Looks like I'll be going home too, thanks for the tea Kazuki, Anna…bye." Say Reika while leaving the room.
"My head hurts, I'm going to sleep." Said Anna
After that I got a message from Kate
"I'm ready to tell you about my past, come to my room after school tomorrow." Kate said in the message.
Continue Chapter 25: Kate's Past