Mastering the sword!

(A/N: This chapter has been edited)

---Chapter 4: Mastering the sword!---

After receiving the Wooden sword from the old man, we walked towards the training grounds.

"Hey old man...?"

"What is it kid?"

"When you said that all the other races were much stronger than us humans, what races did you mean?"

I was curious, even if this world was similar to Terraria, it should have its own history. So the possibility of new races was not 0.

"I meant races like the elves, goblins, angels, demons, merfolk and pygmies. All these races have intelligence, and are physically stronger than humans in every way, honestly I don't know how did we manage to survive all these years as the weakest race"

Elves, merfolk, pygmies, and angels? What the hell is this? This races didn't exist on terraria...

No wait... There were a few items you could get that gave hints about their existence...

Like the "Neptune's Shell" That allowed you to transform into a merfolk once you entered water. Or the Pygmy Staff that summoned small pygmies to fight for you...

But I don't remember any reference towards elves...

Meh, who knows... Either way, I don't think that knowing "why" will allow me to become stronger so...

Let's focus on the training that I'm about to receive.

"I see..."

Maybe when I become strong enough I can help the human race to win this war, and make them become one of the ruling races in this world.



What am I thinking? I shouldn't get carried away just because I'm a human too...

In this war there are more races than just humans.

I need to understand the motives of every race behind this war, until then I won't decide anything.


While walking, I got curious about how strong the sword the old man gave me was, compared to my wooden sword. So I glanced at it and checked its stats.

[Wooden sword (Training)]

-2 Melee damage

-2% critical chance

-Fast speed

-Weak knockback


Holy sh*t this sword is trash...

Well, I guess it was specially made for training, not for killing, so it's not that strong.

I wonder how strong the iron swords from the guards will be?

While lost in my own thoughts we finally arrived to the training grounds.

"Alright kid, we'll do a normal spar, I want to know your current level."

"Yes, sir"

We both took our stances, and I must admit it, when he took his stance I couldn't help but feel nervous, it was like he was emanating pressure just by holding his sword in front of me.

My stance however... was pretty lame. It was the typical stance you could take when holding a sword, just standing there with both of my hands holding the sword in front of me.

Just thinking on fighting this Pro swordsman made me shiver, And not in excitement...

Could this be the legendary killing intent? I thought it was just the authors spiting bullshit to make their MC look badass...

"Alright kid, attack me with all you've got" The old man said while grinning sightly.

Fuuuh... Here goes nothing...

I launched myself towards him and launched a horizontal attack.


Ah, sh*t...

He blocked it.

"Hmm, that was a nice swing, have you practiced before?"

"Just using a stick"

"I see... However, your stance and your footwork are pretty unstable"


He attacked my legs and I fell to the ground.

"See?" He smiled while looking me from above, like he was enjoying this...

This old piece of sh-

"Alright get up, we will continue doing this for the rest of the day"


Sigh... whatever.




4 years later




Name: Aspen (Aeron)


Age: 12 (31)


[Hp:117/117] [Mana: 40/40]

Strength: 13

Stamina: 12

Resistance: 12

Defense: 0 [No armor currently]

Comprehension: 15

Mental stability: 18

Mental power: 16

-Abilities (Passive)


[Order's blessing: Supreme body]

[Order's blessing: Supreme mind]

[The player]

[Swordsmanship: Expert]

[Bow mastery: Expert]

[Martial arts: Expert]



I glanced at my status while resting on a nearby tree.

"Damn kid, I didn't expect that you could actually reach my abilities in just 4 years. Maybe my age is finally starting to affect me..." The old man chuckled lightly while taking a seat next to me

After the spar from today I finally managed to come victorious, and after that we decided to take a small break.

"Don't belittle yourself old man, your abilities in swordsmanship are still far ahead from mine"

And it was true.

Even if my abilities reached the [Expert] mastery, I could only defeat the old man Magnus just because of my enhanced body and mind.

My body currently was twice as strong as a normal person. I think the physical stats of this old man should be around 7 or 8, so my body was a lot stronger than his.

However, his technique was still superior to mine, he could close the gap of strength with just abilities.

I'm getting a bit worried about the monsters outside.

If he, who I still can't defeat without using my overwhelming strength, is this scared of the monsters outside, then they must be really dangerous.

This makes me guess that this world must be actually similar to expert mode or master mode. I secretly wished that it was more similar to the normal mode, but judging by what the people said about the strength of the monsters... it's most likely similar to the master mode...

It seems like being too confident won't do me any good. I must prepare myself properly if I want to be strong enough to survive outside this village when I become an official adult.


'I'm kinda tired right now... I think it's better if I go home for today.'

"I'm leaving for today old man"

"Alright kid, remember to come back tomorrow."

"Yeah yeah..."

During these 12 years I have had a long of time to think about my purpose here.

At first, I wanted to go on an epic adventure, have a harem and maybe even become the strongest being in existence.

But maybe because of the training I have received by the old man, me being on my thirties mentally, or the time I have spent in this village, the way I view that dream has changed, it doesn't seem that good anymore.

I want to help people to live freely without fear of being killed by a random monster and I want to make this world a better place for humans to live in.

But there's one thing that hasn't changed...

I need to become stronger.

That's why during these 10 years I have been gathering enough resources to survive in the outside world when I become officially an adult.

Check it out.



-Wood: 68.32

- Stone: 54.22

-Sand: 15.4

-Dirt: 28.93

-Kitchen knife

-Tomatoes x96

-Bread: x37

-Work Bench

-Deadly wooden sword

-Mushrooms x8

-Daybloom x5



This was all I could gather during these years, mostly because at some point there was nothing I could gather anymore.

The Mushrooms and the Dayblooms appeared one day in this village, and as they were very important when making potions, I decided to store them in my inventory.

I used my sword to cut bigger pieces of wood from nearby trees in the village, though I still couldn't cut the whole tree down. That speeded up a lot of the process of gathering all this.

And now, it was time to use it all.

This was all I could do to prepare for the moment i go to the outside world.



[Wood helmet]

[This item will cost you: Wood x20]

[Are you sure you want to craft this item?]

[YES / NO]

[Wood breastplate]

[This item will cost you: Wood x30]

[Are you sure you want to craft this item?]

[YES / NO]

[Wooden bow]

[This item will cost you: Wood x10]

[Are you sure you want to craft this item?]

[YES / NO]


[Wooden hammer]

[This item will cost you: Wood x8]

[Are you sure you want to craft this item?]

[YES / NO]



I pressed YES on all of them.

The four objects appeared on my inventory simultaneously, leaving me with only [0.32] of Wood...


I'm poor once again.

But from now on it will be easy gathering resources.


I composed myself once again and checked the stats of every object



[Frenzying] Wooden bow]

3 Ranged damage

4% critical chance

Average speed

No knockback

[-25% damage]

[+12% Speed]


[Wooden hammer]

2 Melee damage

4% critical chance

Very low speed

Average knockback

[25% Hammer power]

[-1 Range]


[Wood helmet]


[+1 Defense]


[Wood breastplate]


[+1 Defense]




Oh, goddammit!

Why did my only bow have get a negative modifier?!

Now it does even less damage...


Well whatever,

Now I just need some arrows...

I think the guards can give me a few if I ask them nicely.

All right!

Everything is ready

I have protection, food, weapons, tools...



Oh shit, I forgot that I need a pickaxe to mine all the minerals needed to improve my armor and weapons!

But how do I even get one?

Wood doesn't allow to craft pickaxes and there's no near desert to craft a cactus pickaxe

And I have no way to mine copper nor tin...

Because I don't have a pickaxe to mine them!!

My only way could be to find a Wooden chest in the surface that has iron bars in it...

But I seriously doubt that in this world those chests hasn't been opened before...

Or if there is even loot chests in this World.

So I currently don't know how to get a pickaxe.

From now on it's just 6 months until I become an adult and a guard...

Until then i have to find a way to craft or to find a pickaxe.

Then I will leave this town in order to become the strongest.