Chapter Four

"I'm not going anywhere if that's what makes you worried." He mutters.

"Really? But Dad wants you to go. In Med school maybe, or to study Law."

"Like Aguiluz or Octavio, you mean? Hell, no. I want to be with Dad, and with you," he said then smile. "I'll go in the military."

"You shouldn't," I tell him straight. "Dad wants Octavio to be there."

"But he refuse."

"Well, it doesn't makes you his substitute."

"Ha-ha," he laughs as he reaches for my small hand. "This is not because I want to become Dad's favorite. I just want to stay. It's my dream to serve the country and to protect the people I love," then he looks straight to me. "It's not that you want me to go, right? Suza?"

I just shrugs then I let out a sigh. "It's not like my opinion matters," I said. "What?! You're not crushing with me, are you?"

"Ha-ha," he laughs again. "Well, if it does makes you comfortable, sometimes I wonder what it's like if you're not my sister. Ha-ha."

He taps his shoulder then gestures me to lean on him. I did as he said. "I still adores you," I said, "You mean so much to me, with Dad or Victoria or Octavio not around."

"That's too bad that I'm just fourth," he said softly.

"You should feel bad," I said with a smile.

That winter, everybody goes off, except for me. Olivia went off with a fight with Dad, but goes to the nunnery anyway after Dad agreed to give Pedro a chance. But I bet it's a lie, because I heard it and saw it, how he bribed the boy with money and with a gun pointed in the head. I hated Dad's ways, really.

Octavio goes to Cambridge to continue studying Law, while Aguiluz finally made it to Moscow. Heroine did as he said. With a heavy heart, we embraces each other during our parting.

"I'll miss you, " I tells him before he goes. "You wouldn't dare to be killed, okay?"

"Okay," he replied shortly. "You have to stay put Suza."

"sure," I tells him. "You too."

"I will," he said. With that, he offers me a hug. God knows how I embraced him so tight, then I planted kisses on his cheeks. "I'll miss you."

"Okay," he said again then he locks his gaze with mine. "You should study well," he said again.

With that I kiss him on the cheek, then I ran off. Before I reach our doorstep, I still looks at him one last time and waive him goodbye with a smile.