Chapter Seven

Dani and I planned to go to New York University to study Film, Television and Multimedia. I am also planning to be a playwright in Broadway, so I do think of New York as my future.

My mom tells me that if that's how I want to do it, I should go. I am eighteen when I set foot to America. Dani and I are planning to be married here after we graduated.

I want my mom to come with me, but she can't leave her businesses in Singapore. In my NYU years, I go for a change, including my name. I decided to used Mariani Lei as my stage name. Dani and I auditioned for Broadway and we both got our part. My biggest hit theater play is "The Orange Girl " which is the theater adaptation of 'Exit the Actress ' , a novel by Priya Parmar which retells the story of Ellen "Nell" Gwyn, the once orange vendor on backstage of Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, who became a theater actress and later on a favorite concubine to King Charles II of England . I was contracted to played Ellen for a year before I completed my degree in NYU. In short, I became a Broadway actress, and I do it while attending college.

That is how I cross paths with Heroine again. He is thirty-nine and I am twenty-three. He became a lot of a man now, still wearing his clean military cut, but grew a few stumbles in the face. His skin became a little tan and muscles became broader.

"Heroine! " I said as I hugs him .

"You're an actress now? " he said as he study my face. "What happened really Suza. "

"I go for Mariani. That's how they call me. "

"I'm glad that you're fine. I just thought that I should meet you after I saw you in a newspaper. You're beautiful. "

"Thank you. Are you staying? "

"No. I settled for Hawaii sometime in the past, and still. "

"You're here for a vacation? "

He just shrugs. I decided to invite him in my apartment in order for him to have a glimpse on my life.

"Who's this? " he inquires while pointing to my picture with Dani during our honeymoon in Puerto Rico.

"He's Dani, " I tell him as I hand him a glass of juice. "I'm married.," I said to him while showing him my wedding ring.

He blinks a little then place the picture on the shelf. "Congratulations. "

I smiles. " You, do you have family now? You're not waiting for me, are you? "

"Haha, " he laughs then shakes his head. "I have twins. Daughters. Their mom passed away of car accident last year. They're five. "

" I am sorry to here that, " I said sadly. "How's dad? Do you get in touch with them? "

"I just met with Aguiluz when I visit Moscow. He's still there. No family, still. He said dad is fine with mom. "

"How about Octavio? "

"He's a traitor. "

"What? " I said shockingly.

He locks his gaze with mine. "He conspired with Hitler's Generals. Exiled then lost it in jail. "

"Then what it makes you?! " I retorted sharply.

"Suza, they exterminate Jewish people, Christians, Jehovah's witnesses and any one they find inferior of their Aryan race. They killed soldiers. Civilians. I never join the Nazi. I just flew to San Francisco after you. Octavio is crazy. I tried to talk to him. God knows. "

"How about Olivia? Louisa? Victoria? "

"They are all fine with their families. You should see for yourself when you go back home. "

"Home, " I said almost a whisper then looks at him sadly. "It is my home here. I am happy. I'll just send them a post card. "

He just nod while looking at me intently. "It's been eight years but many things happened, " he said , "I miss you. "

"You're daughters are five. That makes what? Three years to forget me? " I said. " I really do love you back then, you know that. "

He just nods. "I know. " With that he smiles at me. " It doesn't make sense now. "

I just nod. "I met Dani when I was eighteen. He really is a lot like you. We married last year. We used to go to NYU together, you know? He is a film director and I love him. "

"Okay, " he said with that look that is telling me that he supports me on what I want. "I'm glad that you're are happy. "

"Sure you are. Find someone again for the girls. " I said sincerely.

He just nod.