Chapter VI

A carriage carrying a sleazy merchant was trailing along the narrow road when a sudden blur zipped pass knocking it over in the process.

Zak, aka the blur, flinched when the carriage toppled over and wore a sheepish face.

"I'm sorry whoever was in there. Please don't be dead."

It wasn't like he intentionally tipped the carriage over but whilst he was running, he opened his mouth for a very brief time but just enough for a bug to enter. Zak choked and spluttered making him lose focus of where he was going and barely managed to run straight into the carriage.

"Damn bugs,"

Currently, Zak had been running for 4 hours straight. He only stopped when he wanted to check the map and then continued. His stamina was still not too bad and he reckoned he'd be able to reach the town in another 4 hours.

(a/n yeah I know I made him super fast but just roll with it.)

The sun was still high in the sky but luckily there was a pleasant breeze accompanying it. Zak's feet ran on the road which was rough and bumpy but it didn't slow him down.

Just as Zak predicted, he finally reached the town in another 4 hours. As soon as he saw the buildings ahead, his running slowed till it eventually came to a halt. He panted heavily upon reaching his destination and checked his system screen.

"Why is there no message?"

[Mission: Travel to Shu Jing on foot. Must be completed under 12 hours]

[Time remaining: 4 hrs]

"Maybe it's because I haven't stepped into the town. Well, I have a lot of time left so I'll just take a stroll there."

Zak didn't rush and took his time walking to the entrance. As soon as he entered, the system dinged.

[Congratulations. You have completed the mission within given time]

[Reward: 45 credits]

Zak ignored the system message and started looking around admiring the buildings and stalls which were different from those in his home town. There were people everywhere, shopping, gambling, chatting, eating and some were wondering about like him. If Zak recalled correctly, Master Piandao was a well-known figure so he figured it shouldn't be too hard to find him.

The first thing he did was ask the nearest stall owner who was a plump old man with a messy beard.

"Sir, do you happen to know where I can find Master Piandao?"

The stall owner didn't seem surprised at the question and just pointed in a direction with his wrinkly finger. "He lives in a big mansion atop the hill on the other side of this town."

"Thanks," Zak flicked a coin to him which the old man gratefully accepted and took his time heading towards the hill.

It was currently afternoon and the sky was a lovely shade of orange, perfect for a Fire Nation aesthetic. Zak quite enjoyed the scenery in this world and often spent his nights star gazing back home. It was a hobby he'd developed after arriving in this world with no internet or forms of modern-day entertainment.

As he was strolling through the town, his noble-like aura attracted looks from the locals who knew an outsider when they saw one. Most of them ignored him in the end but some kept an eye on him for malicious purposes.

Zak knew he was being watched as he neared the east side of the small town. His keen senses caught on to a group of no-good looking men, no doubt wanting to cause him trouble. And he was right because when he made a turn to a dead-end alley, his pursuers came out of hiding and surrounded him.

"Looks like little noble's got himself lost and alone. Too bad you ran into us," One of the men sneered. His associates chuckled as they held out knives ready to attack him. "Give us everything you own and you can leave here alive."

"It's just one thing after another isn't it?" muttered Zak to himself. But these dude's were really weak, even more so than the pirates so he didn't even need to fire-bend to take them down. First he disarmed the man closest to him and threw the knife to the leader which hit the unsuspecting person in the forehead.

Seeing their leader and associate down, the rest were too afraid to attack but Zak wasn't going to let them off and took them down in a minute. Regretfully, the system hadn't turned this situation into a mission where he could have gotten some good rewards.

[System will issue missions after at least 5 hours have passed from previous mission]

'Ah. That's why.'

Shrugging to himself, he left the alley whistling away.


Standing in front of the massive door that looked incredibly lavish, Zak knocked on it once and waited. A few seconds later, a man opened the door and Zak recognised him as the attendant of Master Piandao except he looked younger than in the canon.

"Can I help you?" asked the man.

"Yes. I would like to meet your Master."

The man looked at Zak suspiciously.

"I've heard stories of his amazing swordsmanship and so I have come to have a duel with him." Zak said. He took a different approach than Sokka did and challenged the man.

The attendant's eyes widened slightly before he nodded and said, "Very well. I will let him know however, if he refuses, you must leave."

Zak frowned. 'I can't leave after coming all this way. In that case...'

"Then please mention the words 'White Lotus' to him."

The attendant seemed confused but nodded and closed the door.

A few moments later, he opened it again and told Zak to come in to which Zak grinned. The attendant led him inside the mansion and came to what looked to be the reception room. The man Zak was wanting to meet was seated on the ground with a table in front of him and Zak took a seat in front of the table.

Master Piandao looked much younger than the canon, with not as many wrinkles but his eyes were as sharp as ever.

"What's your name?"


"And how why did a noble like you come all the way here just to challenge me?"

Zak's eyes widened for a brief moment, "You knew I was a noble?"

"I know a noble when I see one. No commoners hold themselves like nobles do and as a swordsman, you learn to read people easily." said Piandao. "You haven't answered my question,"

"As you've said, you are a swordsman and I consider myself one as well. Please have a duel with me to test my strength."

"You have only told half the truth but never mind that, what I really want to know is how you know about the organisation called 'White Lotus'?" Piandao's eyes turned slits as he slowly assessed the boy in front of him.