Chapter 7: Future Plans (II)

[Michael POV]

In a place where one of the most prominent civilizations started, is also where a myth was firstborn.

Greece, one of the most civilized countries on Earth, and has one of the most famous mythology ever.

Greek Mythology.

The Greeks were followers of the twelve Olympian Gods. Greek Mythology, a myth famous for its Gods, history, creatures, and most of all stories.

The Gods of Greece were rumored to live in one of the mountains of Greece, which is Olympus.

As of now, the people that once worshipped the Gods have disappeared, and it's the same as the other myths that other people created.

Inside Mt. Olympus, a special entrance that's cannot be seen by normal life, and beyond the entrance is the metaphorical version of the mountain, and this place is where the Greek Gods call home.

Inside one of the buildings, two men are having a meeting, and are waiting for someone at the same time.

Those two men were one of the prominent and powerful Gods in the entire history of Earth.

The first one was the Greek God of Thunder Zeus; being the leader of the Gods of Greeks brought him tremendous strength and respect by some people.

He has the power to control the weather, and shoot out thunder from above to those who he detests.

And the one with him is one of the head figures of another famous mythology, the Norse God of War, and the leader of the Norse Gods and Vikings, Odin.

Odin's power for leadership in wars; is what makes him a dangerous opponent. His leadership; his charisma, and the way he fights will put anyone in awe.

Not long enough, the person who they're waiting for finally came alongside his famous warriors.

"You're finally here Yahweh, and I see you brought your Angelic Generals with you."

At the doorway of the room they were at, was another figure God, Yahweh.

The God of Creation in Abrahamic Mythology and the most famous God that is known in the entire world was here with Zeus and Odin.

And along with him were his 7 strongest angels, other known as Archangels. Each of the Archangels represents a Virtue that they follow, and they were known as the Angelic Generals; the opposite of the Demonic Generals of Hell.

And just by the look of the entire room, the Archangels were in fear to witness an ordeal that they would always witness from now on.

Zeus, Odin, and lastly Yahweh gathered in the same room, made the Archangels uneasy about what would happen next. Just by seeing the three gather together, they could only describe it as Legendary.

"Sorry for being late, Zeus; Odin. I went to deal with something important, so I didn't notice that you two were calling for me."

"Don't sweat it, Yahweh. Also even if the three of us have been partnered for a long time, you still haven't introduced your Generals to us yet." Zeus smiled happily. "So are you gonna introduce them for us?"

"*Sigh* Then everyone time for introductions."

The warriors with Yahweh, or what is known by many people as Archangels began positioning themselves for their self-introduction to both the God Zeus and Odin.

"I'm Michael, the leader of the Angelic General, and the representative of the Virtue of Justice." Michael, the strongest Archangel of Yahweh, his great leadership and charisma is what every angel hangs up too. Known as the protector of many countries, and depicted as the Archangel who is like God.

"I'm Gabriel, the representative of the Virtue of Faith."

Little is known by Gabriel, he is one of the few Archangels that can fight Michael equally, and he is also the Messenger of God when trouble comes.

"The names Raphael: representing the Virtue of Temperance."

The Archangel Raphael is known by many as the healer of people; her medicine and expertise of healing magic are respected by her fellow Archangels.

"Uriel's my name, the representative of Wisdom."

The smartest of all Archangel, his quick-wittedness and he's also famous in Heaven for creating the plan and strategy in attacking Hell in the last war.

"My Lords I'm Zadkiel, I represent the Virtue of Loyalty."

He is one of the Archangels the God cherished the most, hence why he's also the patronage of the Virtue of Mercy.

"I'm Jophiel, the representative of Patience, it's nice to meet you two, my Lord!"

Very active and caring among the Archangels, also known in Heaven as the mother for the angels, due to her always taking care of the angels that need help.

"Lastly I'm Camael, the representative of the Virtue of Fortitude."

One Who Sees God is a title given to him, due to being the only Archangel that Yahweh tells his secret.

The Seven Archangel of God, one of Yahweh's strongest angels, that even the Gods of various mythologies recognizes their talent as an equal of a normal demi-god.

During the last war on Hell, every member of the Angelic Generals survived, while most members of the Demonic Generals died in the war.

Both Zeus and Odin are wondering and thinking the same thing, which is "That's it? Where are the others?"

"You might be wondering, where the other three are? *Sigh* Don't worry they're still alive; they were just busy with other work."

Finally easing up their mind after hearing that, Odin finally began speaking to start the real purpose of the meeting. "A couple of hours ago, my agent at Hell, Elena finally reported that the Prince of Hell returned."

Everyone didn't get shocked about hearing this, more like they already expected this to happen, except for one, Michael.

Michael was shocked and filled with tremendous fear after hearing what Odin said, but he still hid these feelings from the others.

The last war from Hell caused Michael a lot of trauma that left his soul with scars that couldn't be healed.

For him, if another war started he would suffer more than he could take, so he asked this to the Gods to make sure what his gut is telling him. "Lord Odin, are you suggesting we attack them again?"

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be that smart Michael, of course. The devils especially their infamous King Jarren is a problem to our plan, so killing them is necessary."

"But... We already took the 1st up to the 7th floor of Hell, so why are we attacking them again?!" Michael was bewildered when he heard what Odin said, he thought that Zeus and Odin didn't have sympathy for the devils who have already had a hard time in their life.

The Archangels were shocked hearing Michael yelling at the Gods because for them answering back at a word from a God is a grave sin.

Raphael told Michael after hearing what he's done. "Michael apologize to our Lords right now, and lower your voice."

"*Cough* My apologies for raising my voice my Lords, but why do we really need to attack them again?"

"Jarren Hotaru the current King of Hell, he's a powerful man indeed, and we Gods recognizes his power, but... His power is so strong that it's deadly, so killing him and his family is necessary." Odin said with a sadistic grin

"Agreed, if Haruki his son got stronger also, then they might fight back to take the other floors, Xuntea and Millie are also both problems with our plan." Zeus happily agreed to Odin.

Killing them?! Why can't we just neutralize them?! The Devils already suffered enough, so why?!

Michael feeling sympathy for the devils is in rage to the Gods for suggesting to attack them, because even if they rebelled in the past, they are still part of his family.

"What about you my Lord? Do you agree to both of Lord Zeus' and Odin's plan?"

The other Archangels wanted to stop Michael from his anger toward the two Gods, but Yahweh stopped them from interrupting Michael's action.

"Yes I agree, but I'll change it a bit." Yahweh said with a smile. "We're still gonna attack, but we'll only kill Jarren, and his family, so I guess that's okay for you Michael?"

Michael not wanting to answer back to his Lord stood down from anger and agreed to the plan. "Yes my Lord..." He was in pain after hearing Yahweh's decision for them.

He doesn't want to disappoint his Lord, but for him treating the devils like mere insects is unfair for not only him but the devils also.

"Hey Yahweh, don't tell me you feel sympathy to the devils too?" Zeus mockingly asked

"It's not that I feel pity to them, but for me killing them seems unfair..."

"Okay I see... *Cough* Then, hypothetically if you attack, and you didn't kill a single citizen, what would you think the outcome of your precious angels, Yahweh?"

"I didn't say that they can kill devil to protect themselves, and if possible to make the plan easier they can kill devils, but only a few."

Michael wants to shout and say that it's still unfair, but he forced himself not to do it. Because if he kept fighting back he might be branded as an enemy.

"So, how many angels are you gonna use my Lord?" Was Michael's question to them instead.

"I don't want to use a lot since the mechanic that we use to turn people into angels got destroyed, so I can only use 20,000 with the help of the Generals."

Also, one problem that Michael is angry at to, it's the fact that not only some devils would die, but also angels.

Seeing his comrades and family die is one of the weaknesses of Michael, so that's why he tried to avoid fighting as much as possible. But if Yahweh ordered him to do so, he'll take the order, even if he doesn't want to.

Even if the order causes him grief and pain too, he'll still do it, so with that, he has been thinking that is his actions wrong. Do I deserve to serve my Lord? Am I a great leader? And do I deserve to be a protector of humankind? All of those questions are what come through his mind day by day.

"Hephaestus can work on the weapons and armors that all of you gonna use, and I already messaged him, and he replied that it'll take him two months."

"Then that's enough for the angels to train. *Cough* You seven go back to Heaven and tell this to the angels that you'll bring to Hell, and I'll go back later."

The Seven Archangels bowed down and created a portal to go back to Heaven.

Looking at his back before leaving, Michael thought to himself that when will this end? And why is this happening?

"Now I was wondering, where are the others? Why are we the only three here?" Yahweh confusingly asked them?

"*Sigh* Dagda is currently talking with the rest of the Celtic Gods; Amun-Ra is training his armies; Tian Gong said that he was doing experiments that he couldn't leave, while Ahura Mazda is still investigating Holax."

"Really... I wanted to talk to them especially Dagda." Yahweh whispered to himself.

"Also Yahweh... What do you think of Michael?" Zeus asked in an excited smile.

"Michael? He's the leading the angels perfectly, and I like that about him." That's what Yahweh thinks of Michael. Having many achievements already that Yahweh couldn't even keep count of; he can only instead praise him for it.

"Haha! Don't tell me you haven't noticed Yahweh? Michael seems eager to protect the devils, so he might rebel on you someday."

"Please Zeus, I know Michael more than you, so I know he won't do that."

"Let's see about that..."

After finishing their meeting, Odin and Yahweh finally went back to their home, while Zeus is contacting the other Gods he has been allied with.

"*Sigh* If you three could've been smart this wouldn't have happened..." His voice was in sheer disappointment. "Now it's checkmate Poseidon, you only have the Japanese Gods with you, and I have six."

Zeus grabbed a cup made of gold and poured wine on it, and drank the wind slowly, Zeus lift his cup above and said "Now you see father, this is what true power is!" He shouted in joy and drank the cup.


Finally, in Heaven. Michael went to this room to think this through.

Remembering the war last time, and hearing the screams of despair that the devil felt during their attack haunted him.

Help me!; Why!; Spare us, and many more, are things he heard back at the war. Even if he tried many times already, Michael couldn't force himself to forget what happened.

Standing up and punching the wall with despair, Michael started to cry immensely.

"Lucifer... Why did you have to rebel against us? Why?! I loved you since you're my brother, and the feeling of killing my own family is hurting me..."

Michael in the corner of despair and pain already remembered what Lucifer exactly told him on that day.

On the day of the war, after they took the seventh floor of Hell, Michael killed Lucifer.

But what started this pain wasn't because he killed his own brother, but because his brother told him this word that haunted Michael forever. "Hey, Michael... How does it feel like to murdering your own brother? And how does it feel like murdering the family that your brother loved?" After Lucifer told his last word, Michael looked around Hell and saw what Hell was supposed to be in the first place.

Dead bodies scattered, burning buildings, and angels killing innocent demons.

For angels to bring despair to people that are living peacefully, is not a true angel. If that is what the angels and humans believe the angels to be; that's not what the ideal angels Michael believed.

The kind of angels that Michael believed are the ones who help people; not just humans, but everyone, including the devils.

With that, Michael began to doubt himself and doubt his siblings, and most important of all is to doubt his Lord and Creator.

Still, on the edge of sorrow and doubt, Raphael saw the despaired Michael and went to him so that she can comfort him. She whispers to him slowly. "Michael, I don't know how you're suffering and what's the cause, but remember we're here with you always. Me, the other Generals, the Archangels, the angels, and especially our Lord." Raphael hugged Michael tightly and patted his head gently. "It's okay... Just believe in our Lord okay?"

With hearing those words of Raphael. Michael stepped forth from his despair and wiped out his tears. "Come on Raphael, we still need to train." Even in pain, he still has a job to do that he can't forget.

Despite the hatred he felt for what he's gonna do, for him; an order from a God is a must that the angels will do, even if those orders cause despair to others, they still need to follow them.

"*Sigh* Fickle as always." Raphael held tightly her own hands and said "Please believe in me, Michael."