Chapter 15: True Nature

An empty land filled with giant grasses that if a normal human was in it, only their head can be seen from above.

There were no things here besides grass, not even any spec of life can be seen here.

A civil twilight sky that makes the scenery more beautiful at a distance made me in awe.

Looking at the sky makes me wonder, how do beautiful things can exist? Does life deserve any of this? That was all I can ask myself while looking at the sky.

Even if life is sometimes unfair, even if life is sometimes pitiful; the way that nature forgave us was wonderful and unforgettable.

Life destroys things they see, and they'll do anything for their sake, even destroying nature itself.

So how? Why is nature still fair and forgiving? Religions? Science? Those are things that nature gifted us that show how mother nature is forgiving.

"What are you doing there Haruki, Sora, and Ifrit?"

Right now, my buddy Sora, Master Ifrit, and I were lying down on the ground and looking at the sky.

We were thinking about how beautiful the scenery is and we've been clearing up our mind from the meeting a moment ago, so that's why we're here relaxing.

We know it's not the time to relax, but our minds were blackened and malfunctioned from the meeting and the teleport, so that's why we rested for a bit and absorbed ourselves in the beauty of mother nature.

"Oh Akemi, we're just resting to clean up our mind." That's the reply I can think of, cause if I say that we just want to rest, then we'll never see mother nature again.

"All of us are thinking a way to get out of here, and you three are lazing around, I guess my hands will get dirty..."

"Akemi, as the representative of Sloth, I'm proud that I can laze around and I'm proud to have found colleagues with the same interest as me, so skedaddle now or we'll forever stay in this spot." Way to say that Sora, do you want us to get killed? That was what I wanted to say, but I was one second late doing it, now we three were frozen solid.

"You three are finally here..." Millie said in disappointment. "Now let's begin our conference, first what have any of you found?"

"It looks like this space is infinite, everywhere my bat go they can't see an end to the space." Vladamir declared. "And it's also nothing but grass here..."

"I see... So this really isn't Satanael's skill, only a God can do this... Which meant that Yahweh helped them set this up."

"I can see that... But Millie you haven't told us how you knew about Satanael's identity." Lilith asked. "And also, why didn't you contacted us in the first place if they've betrayed?"

Oh right, I completely forgot to ask that, because at the meeting it's obvious that the Generals knew that they were betraying us.

Millie and the Generals looked at each other and made eye contact if either they should tell everyone or not, but with a sigh and nod, they decided it's best to show it.

Millie closed her eyes and has begun showing the memory from the war last month, the city was being destroyed by the angels, and the ten Archangels fighting me.

Me and the others seeing the skill I used were in awe and surprised at the same time, I have a skill like that? And it's powerful enough to fight an Archangel? That's insane.

It's natural for the others to be shocked by something like this, after all, something like this was only found out now, and out of all the people having a chance to get that. And I, Haruki Hotaru was chosen by that chance.

Millie looked at me sad in the eye while also biting her lips. "Big brother, please be ready for the next scene that I'll show you." Wondering what it is, why is Millie telling me to get ready? Is it that serious?

Seeing the next scene I saw what Millie meant to be ready.

Looking at it bit by bit, a recollection of what he did came to mind, I remember the day he kidnapped me and had fun at the same time, I remember when he visited me at the party to make me calm, and I remember even at the shortest time we said our final goodbyes together.

All of those were fun, all of those was one of the best memory of my life, laughing loudly from what I saw everyone were shocked at me, and are trying their best to calm me down.

The feeling of disbelief occurred when I saw El, one of the people who I deeply respect the most, and who helped me a ton, was a lie... It was a lie all along, a fun lie that made me laughed in disbelief.

Is this the reason you said goodbye? Is this the reason why Sora attacked you again? I see... All along mother nature was cruel and unfair.

First Satanael and the others betrayed us a moment ago, now you too El, being betrayed two times in the same day seems unfair. "El, Satanael, Milicas, Mammon, and Azazel, you five are the reason my parents are gone, all of you took them from me... D*mmit..."

"Big brother? Please stop... You're scaring me." Looking at Millie and the others worried look I smiled and patted Millie on the head.

That's right, I still have them... Millie, Akemi, and the others. My beloved companion, I'll protect them from El and Satanael, even if it cost my life.

"Sorry Millie, I guess all those betrayals caught me off guard, d*mmit... I just need to stay strong for now."

"*Chuckle* D*mn Haruki that was f*cking cringe as h*ck." D*mn Master's right, that was cringe.

"Yeah, Haruki... that was embarrassing." You too Sora!?

"*Sigh* Now, we can use our skills here, but we can't escape, any idea Millie?" Akemi asked

"Already have." Really? Did Millie found how to escape? I'm proud to have a little sister like her. "Really what is it? And are you sure it's gonna work?" I asked her in excitement.

"We wait until someone arrives at the castle and break the trap and free us."

"Really..? wait–! but who would do that?!" Don't tell me we have allies outside?

"Luna and Dawn, right now they're getting the three Generals and setting us free."

The Archdukes and I were in relief after hearing that we were gonna get freed by allies from the outside, except for two. "So that's why you asked me to bring Dawn here!" and "'Wait! Luna is here! Explain!"

Vladamir and Hans were shouting angrily at Millie and Lucas for hearing that.

"Come on you two, both Luna and Dawn are strong, and even us Generals recognizes their strength as equals." Sora said with a smug smile. "And if they lose to them, well it's not entirely our fault."

"Umm, who exactly are those two?" It appears that Luna is related to Hans and Dawn is related to Vladamir.

"Luna is Hans' adoptive daughter, and Dawn is Vladamir's daughter, so that explains it."

Really so their daughters are the ones who's gonna save us. "Wait, so that means they're gonna fight the four right?"

The Generals and Millie looked at each other with a smug face and replied with an "Obviously."

Vladamir and Hans are at the corner almost in tears after hearing that, these two are really overprotective, aren't they? But I can understand them though; after all, it's 2v4 which is unfair for both of them.

"Come on Old Vlad's and Old Hans', those two are strong, possibly even stronger than me though." Sora is trying to calm them down and looks like it worked.

"*Sigh* So I guess we have to wait."


[Dawn Dracula POV]

In the middle of the city, both Luna and Dawn are hiding in the crowd, so that Satanael would not spot them.

Looking at their back and even at the sky, both Luna and Dawn are almost near the designated place that they are going.

"Even if we got close to the castle, there's a chance that we'll fight them."

"Yes, and the possibility of the four of them coming is high."

Entering one of the buildings and going to one of its rooms, the two rested and checked their surroundings for a bit, so that they're safe.

"Now, let's place the device here."

A device that Luna took from the lab before it exploded, and it is designed by both Faust and Millie to contact the other Archdukes from the other floors, even if there's a barrier It would work because it doesn't have skills attached and used to it, because it's not something that magic uses, it's the device that everyone uses on Earth and was created in Hell too, the telephone.

Even if Hell doesn't have electricity, the skill to create energy can be used, and it'll still work.

"Now, Lightning Sprite." A small electricity came from Luna's hand and powered up the phone. "Hello, can anyone hear me?"

"Yes, is that you Luna?" A voice of a girl they knew came from the phone.

Luna and Dawn were in relief after hearing someone responded to their calls. "Yes Phenex, a problem has occurred on the eighth floor."

"Really?! Is Millie safe?!"

"We don't know, right now Millie is in Satanael's hand." Luna said with disappointment. "But we're trying to get them out now."

"Ha! What do you mean?! What is Satanael doing with my precious Millie?! What happened?! If that sh*tty old bastard lay a hand on my Millie I'll kill him!"

"Can you be quiet for now Phenex, we'll tell you what happened here on the 8th floor."

At first, Luna told everything on why they can't contact each other via skills, and about the unbreakable barrier surrounding the eighth floor that made the devils impossible to go or contact everyone on the ninth floor. "So that's why I can't call Millie." Was Phenex's response.

The next thing Luna said is the return of Haruki Hotaru, hearing about this Phenex was mad and happy at the same time, because Phenex thought that why didn't they told the ninth floor and even the people on the eighth floor about this.

Phenex doing her best now to stay calm after hearing this, is on the verge of complete madness, until when Luna told Phenex about the angels' attack at Tastraria again. "*Tsk* I can't believe this... Attacking us again even if we're already weak, how coward of the proud angels of Yahweh..."

"Yes, even we only found out about this, at the end due to the attack and lack of information, something also terrible happened."

"What is it?" Phenex asked with confidence even if she already knows what could possibly happen to the city, but with the answer of Luna, Phenex began to drop tears. "The King and Queen are dead."That is what Luna told Phenex.

"I can't believe this... Ka ka ka, what else? Don't tell me that there's more than that."

Luna and Dawn with saddened faces said about the true nature of Satanael, Mammon, Milicas, Azazel, and possibly Baal.

Phenex hearing made her intense and sick of hearing about it more, with an angry voice showing her rage. "What can I do to help?"

Luna and Dawn smiled and began telling her Millie's plan and objective.

Hearing it happily Phenex replied. "Ka ka ka, then I'll show you what I can do, especially if it'll make Millie happy." And Phenex hangs up.

"Done, now we need to go to the castle."

Heading their way out with a smile, the two took their weapons and began to head out to free the others.

Sneaking at the castle they saw that the workers there are gone. Maids, butlers, cooks, and even guards have disappeared without a trace.

"Where's everyone?" They both asked themselves in confusion.

The place is completely cleaned and silent, but it feels weird that everyone disappeared.

Not a single trace of dirt or footprint can be seen in the castle, it's like being in a horror film where everyone disappeared.

The two were walking in the hallway and are already near the meeting room that Millie said that they were hosting, but when they were about to open the door Dawn smelled something that made her uneasy. "Luna, I smell something metallic in the room beside this; it reeks of blood." Dawn as the daughter of Vladamir Dracula knows the smell of blood even if it's not close to her.

"Luna... You go to the meeting room and figure out a way to free them, I'm gonna check the room."

"Sure... Be careful." Luna said and entered the room.

Dawn walked slowly to the room and smelled the scent again to make sure. "So I was right, it's blood." Opening the door, and what she saw haunted her.

Bones, bodies, blood, are everywhere in the room.

The bodies of the workers in the castle are here, and all of them are dead.

Some are missing a piece of the bodies, and some have no hints of where they are at all.

Growl. Growl.

Looking at the corner of the room, Dawn saw a pack of canines eating the corpses.

Dark fur, fiery pattern in their bodies, and has menacing sharp teeth and claws; one of the strongest and most fearsome animals here in Hell that everyone with no power to use skills fears, hellhounds.

"Well, that'll be fun." With one think of her mind, Dawn made every blood in the room float and turned it into a spiked-shaped form.

"Now come at me you foolish canines." Three hellhounds, you three are cute, so it makes me sad killing you all.

The Hellhounds ran up to her and began blowing fire from their mouth.

"That's all?" she said with a sadistic smile. The blood spike was thrown to the three hellhounds, and all of them died.

"May you three rest in peace, but... Who could've sent dangerous animals in the castle?" Hearing something cry in the corner Dawn noticed a hellhound pup.

"Poor pup." Dawn took the pup into her hands and casts it to fall asleep. "Don't worry, as payment for killing your family I'll take care of you."

Looking at the room Dawn noticed two hidden presence in the room. "You two can come out now."

Revealing their identity, the two were one of the maids Elena, and one of the people Dawn expected here to come, Milicas Lucifer.

Dawn holds her dress and did a curtsy to Milicas. "It's nice to see you again Milicas, looks like you're the same as always, but as a snake inside."

"It's nice to see you too Dawn, It looks like your as beautiful as always and you still wear goth loli as your fashion, you never change."

"*Sigh* I want to appreciate the compliment, but I have better things to do than listen to some mooncalf." She made the blood float again and turned them all to skewers. "Fighting while also protecting this cutie at the same time, it'll be troubling for me don't you think?"

Milicas' the sword, while Elena's the support... I just need time to distract them until Luna freed them.

"You're thinking about Luna right? Don't worry Azazel and Mammon will get their revenge."

Well, I at least expected that to happen. "*Sigh* enough with the chatter, let's begin." Shooting the blood at them and at the same time Dawn ran away.

Fighting now would be an easy win for them, so Dawn knows she has to waste time by fleeing away from them.

Looking at her back Dawn noticed that they were not following her, so that means. "Front!" Using the furniture as a shield Dawn blocked Milicas hit.

"You've noticed Dawn. Flame Shot!" getting burned from the attack, Dawn runs away again.

Seeing Elena at the front, Dawn transformed herself into a bat and flew as fast as she can.

Milicas smiled with joy. 'Transport: Target: Dawn Dracula, Type: Myself.' With one command with his mind, Dawn was shocked when she was suddenly teleported to Milicas, and with one hit Dawn's left arm was injured.

"Haha, this is truly unfair, but you made one wrong step..." Using her own blood, Dawn turned it into a sword for her to use. "Poor pup, don't worry you're safe."

Exchanging hits with Milicas, Dawn is getting injured more, but she's taking it as an advantage.

Milicas noticed this so he stepped back and ordered Elena to stop giving him buffs.

The blood of Dawn was floating through the sky and merging to create a bigger orb.

"I can see why you are the master of blood magic Dawn, this is really a sight to see."

"Even if I became weak from blood loss, I can still fight." If only I can cut them once then they lose.

Milicas withdraw his sword back and began clapping at Dawn. "You know Dawn, there are such things as surrendering, but for you to not surrender and fight me, I condemn and commend you at the same time."

"Where are you getting at? Milicas."

"Nothing, I just want to congratulate you for now at least, my clothes are getting tainted in blood so I have to get going, so go fight Elena." Teleporting his way out Milicas smiled at Dawn.

"Keeping your pride in the presence of a battle, you're the same as always."

Dawn looked at Elena and created another sword. "Now, please be a dear and fight me fair."

Throwing every blood at Elena, they both became weak.

"How can I not beat a single monster? My Lord would be disappointed."

"I'm not a big fond of fighting so that's why I want to make this quick, so please do me a favor and die."

Elena was angered and ran toward her to attack Dawn.

Exchanging hits and blocks from their sword, made Elena wondered how can blood block a real sword?

"Wait... why isn't my attack going to your blood, monster?"

"Can you stop calling me a monster? It's not a pretty nickname for a lady like me, and why would I tell you? *Giggle* Blockhead." With one swing the blood came toward Elena.

Elena was shocked seeing the blood duplicates and turning bigger.

Dodging every attack, she noticed she's now weaker. "How?!"

"Why do you think that numbskull Milicas left? It's because he knew that I can forcedly take the blood of someone whose injury is exposed."

"I see, then it's my loss."

Going near Elena, Dawn whispered. "Don't worry, I'll put your blood to good use, and I'll kill you painlessly."

"Thank you, if I may, can I know your full name?" Dawn smiled at the question. "Dawn Dracula, it's nice knowing you, Elena." Elena closed his eyes and smiled at Dawn. "Nice meeting you Dawn, my name's Elena Astrid."

Dawn smiled at Elena and took all of her blood in an instant, and killing her.

"GOOD GRIEF, it's over, even if it's a short fight that is tiring." Now I need to see if Luna is safe.

Entering the door, she saw Luna uninjured and safe. "I see, so Milicas was lying all along."

"Dawn, what happened?"

"Milicas attacked me, but he retreated, so anyway how's your progress?"

"It's almost done, Millie just needs to destroy the barrier inside."

"I see, but... We still have more to do when they come out."

The two laughed at each other and began to take a rest in the meeting room until they fell asleep.

Now, it's up to Haruki and the others to free themselves from the trap.