Chapter 26: Test of Devotion

After Zadkiel has finished the dinner that Jophiel brought him, he immediately went outside to his room to go to Uriel's room for the talk that Jophiel mentioned.

Zadkiel was just outside Uriel's room; nervous to talk to him alone since it has been a long time since they last had a conversation with each other privately.

And Zadkiel knows that Uriel is serious when it comes to things like this, so slaps himself in the face to calm down and knocked on Uriel's door.

Uriel heard the knock, so opened the door and saw Zadkiel in front of him.

"I see that you're finally here Zadkiel, come in."

Entering Uriel's room, Zadkiel looked around for a bit and felt a little nostalgic seeing Uriel's room again.

Zadkiel thought to himself. 'It's been a long time since I came here and it looks like nothing has changed inside Uriel's room.' Remembering the real reason for what he came here for, Zadkiel asked Uriel. "So what did you want to talk about?"

Uriel pulled something out of his pocket and gave it to Zadkiel. "I want you to inspect this."

He took it; upon looking at it Zadkiel saw that it was a photo of Camael, and when he looked at it, Zadkiel was speechless when he saw the photo.

In the photo was Camael with another person who he was not supposed to be with. "Azazel, why is he with Camael?"

Seeing Azazel sitting and eating with Camael shocked Zadkiel to an extent that he can't even describe.

Zadkiel only smiled because that's when he found out the real reason why Camael has been working on Hell.

It's because there's a huge possibility that Camael is betraying them and might lead to another rebellion like in the past.

"As you can see, one of my troops found this when they were ordered to guard the seventh floor of Hell, so what do you think about this, Zadkiel?"

"What do I think? I think that we need to talk to Camael about this right now, and tell our Lord and everyone about this."

"Not what I'm expecting, especially from you Zadkiel."

"What do you mean Uriel?" He was confused about what Uriel said, he couldn't think of an idea what Uriel was hinting at when he said that.

"I don't want you to act stupid to me Zadkiel, I know that you've been working with Camael for the past few days."

"So are you suspecting me from being allied with Camael, Uriel?" He was tensed when Uriel asked him that, but he remained his calmness to show Uriel that he isn't an enemy.

"Suspecting? Of course not, since I know that you don't have a reason to betray us, right Archangel of Loyalty?"

"So? What are you suggesting?" Uriel has no reason to lie to me, but if he's thinking that I'm some sort of traitor, I have to do something for him to trust me and clear out my suspicion.

"For now Zadkiel, I want to ask you some questions about Camael and what he's actually doing on Hell."

Interrogating me? I guess if I answer Uriel honestly then he might trust me and clear out my suspicion.

"First, is there something odd that you found back on Hell?"

Thinking what something odd that he saw back on Hell, Zadkiel remembered Millie and the other Archdukes who was caught with her being held as prisoners on Camael's base.

Zadkiel looked at the photo again, and he was wondering.

Why are the Princess of Hell and some of the Archdukes imprisoned, if Camael was working with Azazel? Isn't suspicious for him now that he know that?

Knowing this, Zadkiel looked back at Uriel and has started to be more nervous about answering Uriel's question.

Because for Zadkiel, if he told Uriel that some of the devils were imprisoned by Camael, it could lead to some serious controversy between him, the Archangels, and Yahweh.

The Archangels and Yahweh might decide to whether stop Camael and free the devils, or kill the devils.

And the second option is not something that Zadkiel wants, and Zadkiel knowing the Archangels will agree to go for that option.

But maybe if Zadkiel can convince his Lord Yahweh to free them, then he can tell about what he saw, but the chances of Zadkiel convincing Yahweh to free them is below 2%.

But despite that, Zadkiel still wants to believe in his Lord that he'll free the devils.

"There is one thing, but I want our Lord to hear it too."

"Why? Is there a particular reason why you can't just tell me about it?"


"I see... But you can tell me Zadkiel, I promise that I won't tell the other Archangels about it, even our Lord if you want to, so are you okay with that?"

What do I do? Do I trust him? Uriel is good at interrogating people, so one wrong saying then I lose. Zadkiel was doubting to trust Uriel and kept asking that question to himself, over and over again. "Are you sure that you won't tell anyone?"

"Of course, because I, myself am getting worried for the devils back on Hell."

Hearing what Uriel said, Zadkiel was shocked.

Saying to himself. Wait does Uriel knows? and Or is he the same as me?

Wait, if he's testing me, to tell the truth; maybe I can also test him. "What do you mean Uriel? Don't tell me that you're gonna betray us and our Lord?"

Uriel laughed after hearing what Zadkiel said. "Sorry... I didn't think that you would say that, but *cough* do not worry Zadkiel, you can tell me the truth about that secret of yours."

Zadkiel snickered from nervousness after hearing that, with hopes of not revealing what he feels, Zadkiel has nothing to do, but surrender to Uriel.

"When did you find out Uriel?"

"I don't know... Maybe a long time ago? I kind of forgot when exactly, but that doesn't matter anymore."

"I see... So you'll tell our Lord about this, but don't worry I'll surrender myself in." Zadkiel was in disbelieve that he was caught. What do I do now? My brothers and sisters might resent me for this, and I don't want that.

Another loud laugh came from Uriel. "No I'm not gonna tell our Lord about this Zadkiel, nor surrendering yourself too would matter."

"What do you mean Uriel?"

"Zadkiel, you really think that you're the only one who feels something like this? Don't forget that Michael and Azrael are both having troubles with their minds right now, because of the same exact reason as you."

Wait... So that's why Jophiel said that both Michael and Azrael were also been having trouble lately, it's because of feeling sympathy for the devils. "But Uriel, are you also like us?" It seems odd for Zadkiel that Uriel is calm about this unlike the three of them.

"No, but... Maybe I guess so; since I've been dreaming about Lucifer lately, so that's maybe the reason why."

"I see... So now that you know about my secret, what are you planning to do?"

"You've been to Camael's base, right? So what did you find there? Don't worry I won't tell anyone."

I don't know if I should believe what Uriel is saying right now, but if it's to stop Camael from doing anything to Heaven, I'll put my trust in Uriel for now. "The Princess of Hell; Hotaru Millie and some of the Archdukes were imprisoned by Camael."

Uriel was speechless upon hearing that, even responding to Zadkiel's answer is giving him a hard time. "I see... But how though?"

"I released the ghouls on Hell, because... Camael asked me too."

"What?! Are you out of your mind?! Why did you do that?! You know that even if Camael asked you to do that, you can't still send the ghouls. Because you know what will happen if the ghouls were used by the wrong hands right?!"

"Why would you think is the reason I gave it to Camael? It's because I trusted him, but now that we know what he's actually doing, I regretted doing that."

"Then we're gonna need to do something ASAP because he might use that to kill every devil on Hell, or worse he might use your ghouls to even attack us and create another rebellion against our Lord."

"So what are you suggesting we're gonna do? Our Lord or even the other Archangels would stop us if they found out about this; because they will do anything to stop them, which could mean that not only they're gonna attack Camael, but also the devils again."

"Don't worry, I already thought of a plan to stop Camael from what he's doing."

"Really? So how are we gonna do it?"

"It's not we Zadkiel since it's only you, I can't go with you to Hell since I might get in trouble, so I'm sorry, but you have to do this by yourself."

"Then it's gonna be hard to do it, but I just have to stop Camael right?"

"You really think you can stop Camael if he's allied with Azazel? And maybe there's other more, we still don't know what's happening on Hell right now that made Azazel and Camael work together."

"Yes, then I'll have to investigate them without them noticing right?"

"Yes, and find a way to save the Archdukes of Hell, since there might be a chance that the Prince would do something to Heaven if he found out that his sister and Archdukes are all dead."

I don't know what's the Prince's personality is, but when he transformed into that monstrosity back when we attacked them, I know that it's dangerous to mess with him.

And remembering the way he fought all of us nine all alone equally, I have to save Millie and the others at all cost.

"But Uriel, this might take longer to do and the possibility of me getting find out is high since I'm not trained for sneaking in-"

A cloud of black smoke appeared from Zadkiel's behind and Azrael appeared after the smoke went away. "Don't worry you have me."

Both Zadkiel and Uriel stood up after seeing Azrael appeared in front of them, so Uriel asked. "Why are you here Azrael?"

"When I saw Zadkiel coming here, I was curious since it's rare to see him come here, so I decided to listen in."

"Then you won't report this to our Lord?"

"Yes, since just like what you said Uriel, there's been something in my mind about the devils lately, so that's why I want to help them a bit."

"*Cough* Then tomorrow, you two go to Hell and investigate Camael a bit."

Zadkiel looked at Azrael in the eyes filled with suspicion and asked him. "Is there a particular reason why you want to help us Azrael?"

Azrael looked at above slowly and said. "I don't know... It might be because of-" Stopping what he was saying Azrael just said. "Nothing."

Knowing that there's a reason why Azrael is helping them, Zadkiel kept on saying to Azrael. "because of what? You stopped answering my question."

"I told you it's nothing, I'm just tired right now, so don't mind me because you two are lucky that I'm helping with this plan of yours."

Seems suspicious to me... did something happen to Azrael that made him change?

He was cold and ruthless to people back then, so why is he doing this now?

Could there be really a reason why he's helping us? And why didn't he reported this to our Lord?

I don't know, I guess I have to find out after we do our mission.

Knock! Knock! A knock came from Uriel's door, so Uriel opened it.

Upon opening the door, Jophiel appeared with joy and doing a cute peace sign with her hands "Yahoo! It's everyone's favorite cute angel, Jophiel! At your service tee-hee!"

Uriel sighed and covered his face with his palm. "What do you want Jophiel? Can't you see that we're busy discussing something?"

"How mean, I came here to cheer you and Zadkiel up." Upon looking to Uriel's room, Jophiel saw Azrael with them. "Oh Azrael, you're here too! You could've told me!"

"Shut up you annoying and noisy swine! Just answer Uriel's question and leave!"

Zadkiel looked at Azrael with a smile and thought to himself. 'I thought that Azrael changed and wasn't cold like in the past, but I guess that there are people too who Azrael gives exceptions to.'

Tears fell down on Jophiel's eye and began shouting. "Azrael you meanie!"

I can't believe that Azrael just made Jophiel cried like that, he's gonna get in trouble with Raphael if she finds out.

"*Sigh* I'm sorry Jophiel for raising my voice on you, can you tell us now?" Azrael politely asked Jophiel with a smile.

"Well, I guess I can take your apology."

Uriel let out a deep sigh and asked. "Then tell us now what you are here really for?"

"Oh yeah, Lord Yahweh told me that the other Gods will come here for a meeting tomorrow, and they want Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, and you Uriel to come to the meeting tomorrow afternoon, so you better get ready and so does you two since us Archangels need to show the Gods how well-behaved we are."

"I see... So can you leave us for now Jophiel?"

"Sure thing Uriel, also don't forget to not fight, or else I'm gonna get angry at you three." Saying that Jophiel went outside and locked the door.

The three all sat in pain after hearing what Jophiel said.

"I can't believe it, how bad timing for the Gods to have a meeting now in Heaven... Uriel, Azrael, what are we gonna do now?"

"It ruined my plan, but we can still do it since the meeting is in the afternoon, so you two need to go to Hell early before dawn starts."

"Then I guess we'll go with that, so I'll sleep early." Smoke came from underneath Azrael, and when he was enveloped in it, he disappeared.

Standing up and stretching his arm upward. "Then I guess I better get going now, bye!"

"Wait Zadkiel, this is an order from me. Failure is not an option, remember that."

Zadkiel stopped moving and looked behind to say this to Uriel seriously. "It never will be."


[Ifrit POV]

On the seventh floor of Hell were Ifrit, Shota, and Hans hiding from the ghouls who were running after them.

"What's happening? How did we even enter the seventh floor? I thought that there's a barrier trapping us in..."

"Ifrit... How can the ghouls even come here on Hell, if they can't enter the barrier? So that means that they destroyed part of the barrier."

"Well I guess you're right, but now that we're trapped, we have nothing to do but wait."

"Yes, those ghouls are now more powerful than before, so we need to be careful."

Ifrit sighed and looked at his left. "Hey, Shota! Did you find a way to get us away from them safely?"

On his left was Shota changing and talking to the insects living here. With his skills to control any type of insects, bugs, and arachnids, he was using them to gather information.

Shota opened his eyes and answered. "No, every time my insects find a way out, it's always blocked by the ghouls, so it seems that we're trapped here."

"*Sigh* Anytime now we're gonna get caught by them, so we need to make a run for it."

"Wait Ifrit! one of my insects found something."

"What is it?" Ifrit hurriedly asked Shota.

"It found a hidden base near us, and when I told it to enter, it found more ghouls and angels there working, and also it saw Camael and Zadkiel arguing there too."

"I see, but how is that useful?"

"Well I just thought that telling about it is gonna be fine so I told-"

"Shota? What's with the sudden stop? Is something wrong?"

Panicking from what he saws, Shota began to tremble from anxiety. "No way... impossible, but how?"

Hearing Shota who they saw was afraid of what he saw from his insects, Ifrit and Hans went to him immediately.

Hans patted Shota's back slowly and gave him water to drink; asking him. "What happened Shota? What did your insects see in that base?"

Shota answered them in a panicked voice. "They were caught and imprisoned: Millie, Luna, Dawn, Lilith, and Vladamir were imprisoned in that base."

The two were both speechless upon hearing what Shota said, both thinking how? And impossible.

And Ifrit was filled with tremendous rage after accepting the fact that they were caught by the ghouls. "Where is it Shota?! Tell me where is the base located?!" Pulling Shota by his collar, Ifrit asked him.

Hans stopped Ifrit from pulling Shota said. "Wait Ifrit, it's dangerous to go there, you'll get caught by the ghouls too."

"So what Hans?! As of right now, we don't know what will they do to Millie and the others, so let's bust in there and save them."

"Wait Ifrit, Hans is right! If we get caught by them then we can't save them anymore, so that's why we'll stay here and watch them for a bit, and don't worry I sent one of my pets to Haruki and the others to tell them about our current situation."

Ifrit finally let go of Shota's collar, and he clenched his fist angrily. "But..! Jeez fine! But if they did something to Millie and the others, I'll go there even if you two stop me."