Chapter 30: Death's Daughter

[Millie Hotaru POV]

The five devils who were caught were sent to different places to do work for the angels. Millie was currently in a lab set up by the ghouls for them to work at.

And even when she checked every inch and corner of the room, Millie found no way to escape the lab.

Outside of it is crawling with ghouls who were guarding her, so even if she escapes from the door, she'll get caught the moment she went outside.

The windows and vents were also not an option, since when she inspected it, Millie found that there's a high tier barrier on every window and vents that even she can't break. Even if Millie can destroy the barrier with her skills, the problem is that she's unable to use her skills inside the base.

It looks like that there's a barrier that's surrounding this entire base, which has the power to nullify the use of skills.

Looking back at it, Millie is already giving up trying to escape the place, because with their current state, escaping is just impossible.

"Big brother... I hope you're safe..." She whispers in pain.

Thud. Thud. Coming from above the vents was a loud sound like someone is inside of it.

Hearing that, Millie looked above to see where the sound came from.

She noticed that whatever was walking, is definitely coming from the vents from above her.

Then, Crash! The person who was inside the vents fell from the vent and caused massive destruction to the equipment in the lab.

Seeing what appeared in front of Millie, she was startled upon seeing who it was.

"Is that me?" Looking at the person who fell on the vent, she saw that it was herself.

The odd look-alike clone of Millie stood up and looked at Millie directly in the eyes.

Millie was frightened and confused by the sudden appearance of an unknown clone.

She then inspected her clone a bit, and looking at her gave Millie a cold chill and the feeling of her mind almost dying from being confused on why her clone came from above the vents.

Even in the slightest moment, the clone showed no sign of moving or talking at all; like it was dead inside.

And up above from the vent, someone's legs have suddenly appeared above too.

It appears that someone was stuck, and only the waist up to the feet can be seen from the lab.

"Hey, clone... Can you help me get down?"

The mysterious clone of Millie then made her arms longer and reached the leg of the man who was stuck in the vents.

Pulling the leg of the person, the vent let out a loud cracking sound, and crash!

The person who was stuck in the vent fell onto the clone of Millie.

The door opened and made a loud sound from the impact, and two ghouls came inside the lab to see what was happening inside the lab.

And even before the ghouls could react to the situation, the door closed behind them, leaving them trapped inside the lab.

The person who fell from the vents then said with a smile filled with mischief. "May you two souls rest in peace. Light of Requiem!"

A small ball of light came toward each of the two ghouls, and like a small black hole, the ghouls were pulled.

Finding a way to try and escape the ball of light, they were still sucked in and let out a painful shriek before they met their demise.

Seeing what was happening in front of her, Millie looked at the man who has fallen from the vents.

She saw that the man has four wings like that of a dove, a halo that's like a shape of a crown, and his body was filled with a heavenly aura that only an Archangel has.

Noticing who it was, Millie stepped back from fear to the guy.

"Zadkiel... What are you doing here?!"

Zadkiel stood up immediately; he looked at Millie with a smile full of relief and bowed. "It's nice to see you safe, Princess of Hell."

Millie who was currently confused about what was happening right now, couldn't say a word to describe this.

What was happening right now? This is what Millie wants to know because Zadkiel bowing to her and being polite is making her confused.

But even so, Millie remembered when Zadkiel tried to help her and the others, so for Millie, she wants to know what's Zadkiel's objective for coming here.

And for him to even kill his ghouls seems off to Millie.

"What do you mean Zadkiel? Why did you kill your ghouls?"

"I came here to save you, that's all." He proudly replied with a smile.

"Save me..? I don't understand, why are you saving me for?" It's normal for her to be confused since anyone would be. After all, she's a devil and Zadkiel is an angel.

"What for? It's because I want to break the wall that made us devils and angels detest each other."

Millie thought that this guy might be stupid for thinking of that idea.

For her, it's just nothing but mere fantasy.

Devils and angels can't ever live together in peace and harmony, even if a God forced them to do so, it's impossible to her that it can ever happen.

"Peace between us? I don't know if you're joking Zadkiel, remember that you angels killed many of our citizens, so do you still think that this fantasy of yours can truly happen?"

"What can I say..?" Zadkiel looked above the roof and silently mesmerize by his ideals of peace. "It's just up to my Lord if that can ever happen, but... As scientists like you say, 'everything in science is just a matter of trial and error until we find an answer; because there's no such thing as 0%' I heard from Ifrit that you always say that."

Ifrit? What does Zadkiel mean? Are Master Ifrit and the others cooperating with Zadkiel? But why though? Millie couldn't think straight anymore, right now her mind is filled with confusion and disbelief.

"Zadkiel, what's this about Ifrit? Are you helping him free us?" It was the only conclusion that Millie thought, even if it seems odd and implausible for her.

"Yes. Me, Azrael, Ifrit, Hans, and Shota Beelzebub created an alliance between us, for a certain amount of time."

"An alliance? I can guess that it's to save us, but what else too?"

"*Cough* Well I guess it's better if we explain it to you later..."

Even by looking at it, This feels very suspicious... but if what Zadkiel is saying is true... "Zadkiel, can I trust you to free me here?"

Zadkiel looked at his hand where Millie slapped before and said. "I don't know, It's up to you to either trust or doubts me; because as of right now an angel is saving a devil, which is impossible, but also possible at the same time. But if I, the Archangel of Loyalty Zadkiel want to answer your question, then my answer would be neither, since an angel like me is either an enemy or an ally of devils."

"I see... So you're delusional as of right now, I wonder what happened to your pride as the Archangel of Loyalty, Zadkiel?"

"It's still here, the title of the Angelic General of Loyalty isn't gone Princess of Hell, because a wise lady once told me that I can still show my loyalty to my Lord, while having my freedom to do what I want, and right now I'm doing what I want." And one more time, Zadkiel tried to give Millie his hand to save her. "So Princess of Hell, do you trust me?" He gave Millie a calm smile, and the hand that Millie slapped before, was now being used by Zadkiel to give Millie a hand.

Giving Zadkiel a sigh and smile, Millie said to him. "Even if you keep saying delusional things like breaking the boundary of our hatred to each other, despite that the moment I laid eye on that clone of mine, I already made my decision Zadkiel."

"Then what is it Princess of Hell? You're decision?"

Accepting the offer of Zadkiel, Millie raised her hand and held Zadkiel's, with a smile Millie said. "For now I trust you, Archangel of Loyalty."

Going to the vents, Zadkiel first fixed the broken ceiling, and left the clone to make sure that they won't suspect.

While crawling to the vents, Zadkiel asked Millie. "Princess of Hell, if I may ask you, have you found something suspicious inside this base?"

"Nothing really, except for Camael always leaving to meet someone."

"I see..." Who could you be meeting with Camael?

"Zadkiel, how did you even sneaked through here easily? There are tons of guards especially the ghouls, so how exactly?"

"Shota Beelzebub has a skill that can turn anyone into a very small fairy fly for a certain amount of time, which is why sneaking into here is very easy, but..."

"But what? Is it because that we can't turn into one when you're finally done saving us?

"No, but Princess of Hell, I wanted to ask you this also; what do you know of the relationship of Azrael and the daughter of Hans? Because before coming here, Azrael was very nervous while Hans was cheering him up."

Hearing that Millie suddenly stopped talking, and was afraid of what would happen.

Noticing Millie stopped talking, Zadkiel became worried and asked Millie why she stopped talking.

"Princess of Hell is there a problem..?"

"Of course there is! Who even decided that Azrael could meet Luna?!" Zadkiel was surprised when Millie was bewildered by what he said.

"Ifrit is the one who decided on which will everyone would save, even me saving you was his decision, but even if myself and Azrael didn't want to do it, the three still kept on insisting so we couldn't do a thing."

"*Tsk* That stupid old man! Then do you know where Luna and Azrael are located? I have a bad feeling about this..."


[Azrael POV]

As of right now, Luna was tasked by the ghouls to clean up the weaponry and tools of the angels in the base.

Every corner in the room were ghouls and angels guarding her if she made a move.

Even cleaning about most of the tools here right now, they still didn't give her a break, because right now she's very tired from working since every minute there's always something new she has to clean.

Since when she took a quick break from cleaning the tools, one of the ghouls used its chains as a whip to punish Luna.

So with that, she was heavily injured by the ghouls and angels who punished her for taking a break.

Even right now, since she's afraid of being whipped by chains, Luna was overexerting and overworking herself to the fullest of her limit.

Sometimes she was almost in tears for how she was treated by them because Luna felt like she was treated like an insect by them.

And then, she can't take it anymore and Luna suddenly fell on the floor from weakness and exhaustion from her work and punishment.

Trying to stand up as best as she can, but in the end, Luna's body was already at her limit, and couldn't stand up anymore.

All of the ghouls and angels saw this and were angered by her for stopping her work.

And one of the angels took a whip from the locker and went closer to Luna, raising it and saying to her angrily. "What are you doing you filthy undead-"

Inside the room, everyone was shocked upon seeing the angel who went closer to Luna suddenly stopped moving.

So another angel went closer to the angel who stopped. "Hoy, are you okay?" Touching the body of the angel, his head fell and soon the body fell also.

The angel who came closer to look was frightened from the scene he experienced. "He's dead?!-"

He tried to step backward, but he noticed that somebody was behind him, and looking at it; he saw a mysterious man behind.

The other angels began to prepare their swords for a fight, and one of them asked the mysterious man. "Who are you, intruder?"

But before he even answered the angel's question, ten of the ghouls who were inside the armory and guarding Luna, all flew to the intruder with their whips thrown by them.

The mysterious man, who was Azrael seeing this made him fell in raged and shouted. "You dare hurt my precious daughter! Now, feel the wrath of the Archangel of Death mongrels! Threading Light!"

A line made of light appeared in front of the ghouls, and when they looked at it, the line was shaped like that of a pattern of a spider web.

Everywhere beside the ghouls were light spider webs; above them, on their left, on their right, and at the bottom were just spider webs of light.

They had no means of escape from the webs, and every second it became more smaller and trapping the ghouls inside.

And when it finally got smaller, it stopped shrinking and spread out from every corner of the room.

All of the ghouls who were inside were cut to many pieces and then every ghoul was killed.

The angels were shocked when the mysterious intruder used light-type magic to kill the ghouls, and so they became more cautious about who the person is.

Azrael then immediately went to Luna and looked at her immediately. "Luna are you okay?!"

She opened her eyes slowly, Luna was confused about who the person holding him was, even though she knew who it actually is, and she tried her best to even talk; Luna could only say. "Father-" Before she lost her consciousness.

Seeing this, Azrael was happy that she knows him and angry about what the angels have done to Luna.

He laid Luna back on the floor slowly and saying to her in a soft voice. "Wait for me, Luna..."

Azrael then looked at the angels filled with immense wrath, and so the angels have pulled out their swords for real; acknowledging that their enemy in front of them is very strong.

And before Azrael began attacking, black smoke then appeared below him.

When the smoke was finally gone, the angel was shocked and was filled with fear when they saw what happen to the intruder.

Four wings like that of a dove, a halo that's shaped like that of a crown, and black armor-like death itself, and so the moment they saw those features of the intruder, the angels knew in an instant what they're facing up against.

All of them then immediately dropped their swords from fear and bowed down immediately from anxiety.

One of the angels then said. "Please forgive us, Lord Azrael!"

Looking at what was happening, Azrael was filled with disgust and anger toward the angels bowing at him with fear and asking for forgiveness, Azrael snapped and created a barrier inside the room to trap them.

The angels immediately knew that Azrael was not giving them mercy and forgiveness, and so they began to panic and kept knocking on the door for help.

"It's futile to even try and escape the barrier of an Archangel, so stop now and be punished for what you all have done!"

"Please stop my Lord!"

"Lord Azrael forgive us!"

"We promise that we won't do something like this again!"

"Spare us please!"

Were the words of the angels crying for Azrael's mercy, right now Azrael couldn't feel either sympathy and empathy to the angels.

Raising both of his hands, Azrael closed his eyes and started to pray and say a chant. "Death has arrived and life would be taken, even if they sin or not, death is here. When thy has seen death, then it's inescapable. And I the Archangel of Death Azrael, an ally of both death and life is giving you all order, as the embodiment of death itself, come forth as the name Grim Reaper will be the last name you hear. Death's Scythe!"

A black shadow then began enveloping both of Azrael's hands, and the angels who were in fear saw the shadow turning into the shape of a giant scythe.

"Please stop Lord Azrael! Please!-"

Opening his eyes, Azrael took his scythe and with one slash from it, all of the angels in the room saw nothing but darkness in their eyes.

Blood then exploded in the room that came from the bodies of the dead angels who were killed by Azrael.

And all of the bodies of the angels were split in half from the scythe of Azrael.

Azrael made his scythe disappear again and returned to his original form where he has no halo and wings.

A crash came from above the vent, and both Zadkiel and Millie fell from above.

"Ow! that hurts, are you okay Princess?"

"I'm okay..."

Azrael was shocked when he saw both Millie and Zadkiel fell from the vents above, so he asked. "What are you two doing?"

"The Princess and I came here to check on you since she insisted on coming here, but I can see that it was successful."

Millie immediately saw Luna who was unconscious on the floor, and immediately went to her to check on her.

"So I guess she fainted, how did that even happe-"

When Zadkiel looked at his back, he was frightened and shocked when he saw the bodies of the angels who were killed in the doorway.

He asked Azrael with fear and confusion. "Azrael, what did you do here? Why are the angels dead?" He couldn't believe what he saw, if Azrael killed an angel, then it could cause trouble for him if the others find out.

Millie also looked at what was Zadkiel saying, and the same with Zadkiel, Millie was shocked when she saw the bodies of the dead angels, and she whispers to herself. "I see that Zadkiel was telling the truth about an alliance with us, but for Azrael to do something like this... It's insane." She was in complete disbelief that an angel killed another angel, she knows that angels are merciful and nice beings, but as of right now is far different than the angels that everyone knows of.

"Hey, Azrael! Tell me!" Pulling the collar of Azrael's shirt immediately, Zadkiel was crying from what happened. "Why did you kill them!?"

Azrael only looked at Zadkiel with a cold stare. "It doesn't matter anymore since they're dead, because all of them deserve to die." Just from his voice, Azrael shows no pity for the angels at all. He wasn't lying to Zadkiel when he said that they deserved to die.

"What do you mean?!-"

Azrael with his right hand punched Zadkiel in the face.

And when Zadkiel was pushed and has released Azrael's collar, Azrael then kicked Zadkiel in the stomach and kept on punching him.

"What do you mean? What do I mean!? Every sinner deserves to die!"

Pushing him in the locker. "You killed devils in the past, and I killed devils in the past too! Because why?! It's because we thought that they sinned, but now that devils are just like us, then why don't angels deserve justice from the sins they have committed?!"

Punching Zadkiel again and again. "If you've been blind from your loyalty and mercy Zadkiel! Are you just that stupid to bring it here at a life and death situation?!"

He threw Zadkiel on the floor. "My respect on you increased when you said that you'll break the boundary between us angels and devils, but now that I see that you won't even kill! Then this dream of yours is nothing but mere fantasy and delusions!"

Looking at the injured Zadkiel angrily, Azrael then called Luna's clone and used a skill that made the body of the angels disappear. "If you're gonna be that blind Zadkiel, then Uriel and I won't need your help, since I'm gonna do it by myself."

Immediately taking Luna from the floor, Azrael left the two in the room.

Zadkiel stood up even if he's still in pain, he looked at Millie in tears and said to her. "Come on Princess let's go..."

Millie looked at Zadkiel with pity and went closer to him; telling him to stay still so that he can heal him. "Zadkiel, I know that Azrael is right, but I want you to know that your goal of peace with no killing, I'm with you."

"Thank you, Princess..."

Millie became flustered and embarrassed by Zadkiel. "*Tsk* Enough with that, if you really want me to support you, then just call me by my name Millie."

"Then, thank you... Millie..."