Chapter 36: Hateful Reunion

[Zadkiel POV]

Before Zadkiel knew, he woke up when it was already midnight.

He stood up tiredly and looked all around the entire room to try and remember what happened to him.

The room was filled with tons of confetti and snack wrappers, and upon looking behind him, he noticed the other Archangels were deeply asleep beside him.

Zadkiel scratched his head and let out a loud groan. "I remember... All of us had a sleepover. *Groan* I'm still sleepy." But I have no time to rest.

Quietly standing up so that Zadkiel won't wake them up, he almost screamed when he heard someone say. "Are you going Zadkiel?" Immediately looking who asked him that, Zadkiel saw Uriel who was awake and drinking on the table.

"You scared me-! Why are you still awake Uriel?"

"I was fully asleep a moment ago, but then I was woken up when I noticed Azrael suspiciously creating a portal and leaving."

Azrael created a portal and left? Then if I think about it, the only place he would go would be back to Hell.

"*Cough* Then I'll follow him, will you come today with us, Uriel?"

"*Sigh* I want to... But unfortunately for me, I'm gonna be busier than before."

"Really? What a bummer..."

"Zadkiel for now, I want you to immediately go there, because who knows what's happening between Azrael and Luna."

"Azrael and Luna? What do you mean? Azrael saved Luna from the angels and ghouls, so what would they fight about?"

"I won't tell you why, but you'll know when you go there."

"Okay, so I guess I'll leave now." Before he entered the portal that he created Zadkiel thought to himself.

What did Uriel mean? Does Luna hate Azrael? Because of what reason? No, I don't need an answer, because I already know that it's normal for them to feel hatred toward us angels.

When he finally entered the portal, he saw that he was back at the location they last left.

"I'm finally back... but- where could they be?"

"Don't ask that without looking at your surroundings, Zadkiel."

He looked at where the familiar voice came from and behind him, he saw Millie sitting and hiding at a large boulder.

"Princ- I mean Millie, what are you doing here outside? You know that the angels are here right?*

"*Sigh* Is that what you say if someone's being considerate to you? I went here because I knew that you'll come alone and you don't know where our current base is, so that's why I came here."

"Ahh... Sorry... And thank you, Millie."

"Enough with the talk, for now, we need to go there fast, so come now."

As the two walks on the wasteland, Millie suddenly spoke to Zadkiel. "I want to know Zadkiel, what changed your mind from being enemies with us to now being allies and helping us?"

Zadkiel hearing this was hesitant to answer Millie's question, but when he rethinks about it, isn't better to just tell her why?

He wants to answer her just by saying he's the Archangel of Mercy, but he wants to give Millie a different answer than that.

Killing tons of devils before in the past is what he did, so why would he say that he's the Archangel of Mercy? It doesn't make sense at all.

"Millie, do you know who are the creators of the angels?"

"It's Yahweh right?"

"I didn't say who, I said 'who are'."

"Wait, you mean there's another person who created the angels along with Yahweh?"

"Yes, us angels doesn't call her our "Lord" like my Lord Yahweh, but instead we call her Mother."

"Mother... I never heard of something like that before, well there are theories of it back on Earth, but it was not well developed and agreed to be legitimate."

"Well she's true, but she and my Lord have long been divorced, they divorced when Mother found out that my Lord ordered us to kill some of the angels who rebelled in the rebellion of Lucifer."

"But why ask that and avoid my answer?"

"I wish it was easy to answer your question Millie, because even if they're divorced already she visited all of the Archangels to tell us something, and what she told us is to be with the devils or disobey the will of our Lord."

"I see... It must have put a lot of pressure on all of you, but is that the real reason you're helping us?"

"It's part of the reason why and also it was the one that pushed me to do it, but the main is because I don't want to see the devils unfairly treated by the Gods."

"I understand, thank you for being honest with my question Zadkiel."

"Don't mention it, we're allies now, and just as I say, I want to break the tension and boundary between Hell and Heaven, with you and the others."

"Okay, okay, don't worry I'm on your side jeez... It's really impressive to think that you can talk casually with your enemy."

"This is just the start of the devil and angel friendship, so I don't consider us enemies for now it is, I guess our situation of being enemies will return when we finally defeated Camael and Satanael."

"I guess so... But I wouldn't forget about what happened between the all of us Zadkiel."

"Me too Millie."

"Oh I forgot, you told me about your mother right? If possible, can I know her name?"

"Name? It's been a long time since I said her name, but of course, I would never forget her, *cough* her name is-"

It was then he was disturbed by a sudden shout. "There you two are! Seriously, you two are slow!" Seeing the person who shouted, they both saw that it was Shota who's running toward them breathless.

"Shota Beelzebub, it's nice to see you again."

"*Wheeze* We need to go back to the base quick, Azrael and Luna are having an intense argument that we can't even stop them from fighting. Well... To be exact, we can't stop Luna from shouting at Azrael."

Hearing what Shota said, all of them run immediately to the new base, and Zadkiel again thinking to himself.

There it is again, why is it about Azrael and Luna again? Is there something between them that I don't know?

Zadkiel remembered what Uriel said to him. "I won't tell you why, but you'll know when you go there." That is what I remember Uriel telling me.

Does Uriel know about what happened to the history of both of them? Probably since he told me that, but if I don't know about it and everyone around me knew, then I'm very worried.

But whatever it is, if they're fighting, then it'll negatively affect the future that I wanted for us angels and devils.

The three has finally got to the base, and when they entered the base, Luna's voice can be heard from where they were standing, even if she's very far away from them.

As the three got to the room where the others were, all of them were stopped by Lilith and Hans from entering the room.

Outside the room were everyone, except for Luna and Azrael who were inside the room arguing.

They heard Luna shouting. "I don't need you here! Go back to Heaven now if you don't want me to kill you!"

Azrael wasn't responding to Luna, it's more like when they saw him, he was quiet and sad from what Luna has said to him.

Even if he can't do his best to respond to her, he can only say one word to her. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you even here! You came here just to apologize!?"

"Yes, and I'm here to be with you Luna, I know I've been a failure to both you and Cianna, so I'm gonna bring back what's mine."

"Bring back? Stop joking with me! Do you think I belong to you?! Do you still think that I'm your daughter?! Stop your delusions! Because there will never be a chance that I'll call you my father!"

"Luna... Even so, I'll do my best, even if it's impos-"

"You really think that it's possible!? Because of you, my mother is dead! Because of you all of my guardians and friends are dead! Because of my dirty blood that has that of an angel and this wings that I inherited from you, everyone around me hated for who I am!"

Again, Azrael was speechless and almost in tears, because he found out about the way his daughter has suffered in the past.

He was afraid at first about when they will meet again, but the truth is told from what he imagined, his nightmare of this exact scene happening; is currently what's happening right now.

Luna who was already crying from the memories she remembered that she endured in the past, and the way she's saying them right now, even if she knew it's a taboo to hers; saddened her.

"I wanted to kill myself for being born, I wanted to kill myself from the suffering that I experienced, and I wanted to kill myself because I was the daughter of an angel!"

Azrael has already given up from enduring the emotion he's feeling, even if it's normal for him to not react to any emotion, Azrael was shocked that he was crying.

No, he was happy that he was crying.

"I don't want to see you again!-" She said that and dashed outside, but Azrael immediately caught her arm, saying to her. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry Luna..."

"Let go of me!" Slap! Right in the face, Luna slapped Azrael.

Upon slapping him Luna was shocked that she slapped Azrael, so she immediately ran outside and went to the other room; passing by everyone who was watching them argue.

Seeing this, made Zadkiel also in tears and he was angered that he now knew what's the history of Luna and Azrael.

Azrael, have a daughter? And it's the daughter of Hans?

He was both speechless and thoughtless from what he experienced; not being able to think straight right now, made him feel in complete despair.

He feels pity for what Azrael and Luna have gone through, but at the same time, he was feeling irritated when he found out that Azrael has a daughter with an undead.

And remembering again what Uriel has said to him before, he was angry that Uriel didn't tell him when he knew that Azrael has a daughter.

Zadkiel wants to know when did Azrael have a daughter, and when did Uriel know about what Azrael has done.

As the Archangel of Loyalty, he can't tolerate what Azrael has done, since it's forbidden for an angel to procreate, but at the same time, he was also happy that Azrael wants his daughter back.

He wants to decide if he wants to be loyal to his Lord and report this to him, or be loyal to his brother and won't tell a single thing about this to the others.

He slapped his face and thought to himself. 'What am I doing? How can I report this to my Lord? It can ruin everything I wanted.'

It can ruin my relationship with Azrael too, I don't want that.

So for now, I'll do what I think Mother wants, I'll help both Azrael and Luna to be together again.

"Everyone, can you keep your distance with us for a bit, I want to talk to Azrael privately."

Everyone just replied with a sigh and smile and immediately left.

Patting his back a bit, he noticed that it was Lilith doing that.

"Zadkiel, do you think you can fix this? Will I trust you that a fight between the angels won't happen again?"

"It will never happen, just put your trust in me, Lilith."

"*Sigh* You never change..." Pushing him to the room, her final words to him were. "Successfully do this, 'bringer of peace'."

Looking at the crying Azrael thoroughly, he thought to himself with a smile. 'This is the first and probably last time I get to see Azrael cry, and to be honest it makes me happy that he can cry for his daughter.'

"Yo Azrael."

"Zadkiel? *Tsk* Didn't I tell you that I won't need you anymore? So go back to Heaven, and leave me alone..."

"Yes you told me that you won't need your help, but don't forget, you also told me that you can do this alone, but from what I saw earlier, can you actually do this alone?"

"You heard... Don't worry you can tell our Lord about this, I'll take any punishment he gives me."

"I won't tell him."

"*Tsk* So what are you really doing here? If you really wanted to help me and Uriel, then leave me alone!"

"You cried right? You cried for Luna and her mother, to be honest, I was happy that the first time I see you cry is for them. It shows that you love both of them very much."

"That's all..?"

"Azrael, even if it's not my place to say this, but as your brother and her uncle, I want to help both of you to be together."

"You saw right? She doesn't want me as her father anymore, which is normal since I left her and Cianna to die on the wastelands."

"But even so, you can't just give up, right? Even if she doesn't want to, you can protect her in the shadows, and remember what Mother taught us? She taught us that anger comes from love, so I know that deep inside her, Luna still loves you as her father."

"Stop with the joke Zadkiel, she doesn't want me anymore, I can feel it when said those words to me..."

"But for me, it's not like that Azrael! Even the others are helping you to be with Luna again. Look at Hans, he's doing his best to help you and Luna! And that's the same with the others."

"I'm happy that you're trying to cheer me up Zadkiel, but that won't work..." Azrael saying that has started to cry again.

Zadkiel patted Azrael in the back slowly. "Even so, there's a chance, right? Because there's no such thing as 0%, so I know that she'll soon accept you"

"*Snicker* You're getting awfully close to the Princess aren't you? But *Sigh* I guess I'll take her words then, so thank you Zadkiel, and I'm sorry for saying that I won't need your help anymore."

"Don't take it seriously, because you were right that I was blinded from being the embodiment of Mercy and Loyalty."


[Haruki Hotaru POV]

In the depths of the city, a large insect was being hunted by five ghouls.

It was invisible to the naked eye because the creature known as the quegbee was smart enough to not harm any of the citizens.

As it was running as fast as she can, it found the secret passage she was hoping to find.

So she immediately went to the passage safely without being noticed by the ghouls who were chasing her.

And when she went inside, she was in a bedroom filled with scientific materials.

In an instant she saw this room, she remembered this exact bedroom from her master's memory.

The giant insect then immediately went outside, but to her shock, due to her large size, the giant insect can't fit in the door.

Thinking of a plan on how to make contact with the person she was sent to message, she let out a large buzz inside the room.

The buzz was loud enough to make a noise that it can be heard throughout the entire castle.

Sora and I who were walking in the hallway immediately heard the large buzz.

And upon hearing it, we were scared from the buzz, because we remembered the memories we have in the secret lab of Millie.

But also, we immediately decided to themselves that they should check it out since it might not be a ghost like before.

"I heard it coming from Millie's room, so go inside Haruki."

"Huh? Why me? Aren't you suppose to be the one to do that? And I'm very tired from the speech I did a moment ago, so you do it."

"Haruki, don't forget what your father said. "A king should protect the citizens." Isn't that what he said?"

"I don't need to hear that from you!"


"Then let's settle this with rock, paper, and scissors, are you okay with that Sora."


In the end, Sora lost from using papers, so he nervously kicked Millie's room from fear, and shouted. "Put your hands up in the air"

The moment we both opened our eyes, we saw the large insect in Millie's room.

We were shocked by what they saw because they knew who this giant insect was.

"Anya..?" I slowly said.