Chapter 40: Sword of Treachery

"Haruki! Are you ready?!"

It was already time after we called the Turkey and received new information about my father's sword.

All of us then decided that we'll do this the next three days for them to prepare countermeasures if something were to happen to me or the sword.

And now that three days have finally passed and their preparations are finished, I'm here at Millie's room now; readying for Faust to order me to use Soul Bound.

"I'm ready!" I shouted in both excitement and nervousness.

"Then, 1..! 2..! 3..! Start!"

"Soul Bound!"

"Now, touch it Haruki!"

"Roger that!"

I went closer to the sword, and I can already feel the fiery heat that's coming out of it, even if I wore Soul Bound, the feathers that were used might be hotter than the armor.

But! Even so, I don't need the option to give up completely, I'm finally close to where the sword is. "Got you!"

I was falling in the sky when I finally touched the sword.

I was shocked that it teleported me above, and even my Soul Bound has disappeared too.

Oh, what do I do? Am I gonna die right here? I can see the ground from here.

"I'm gonna die..! I'm gonna die!" Smash! I hit the ground so hard that it created a small crater.

Seeing that my body was still okay from the fall, I was speechless.

"Oh, could this be another dream?" The only possible thing that I can think of is the sword exploding again when I touched it, and I fainted from shock, so I had another dream.

Yep, that's gotta, be it.

So... Who would visit me next?

By the looks of it, this is not the same grassy place that my peace belongs to.

It's a road somewhere, so the only thing I can do is go straight to where the road will lead me to.

While walking at the rode, I saw many plants and animals dying slowly.

Seeing this made me more confused. "Another nightmare?" That is what I asked myself.

But the place I'm in is unfamiliar to me.

At first, I thought that it was the road outside of the city, but when I saw the animals and the plants, they were different from the plants and animals I saw back in the forest.

So. "Where am I?" As exactly I was saying that, I heard something moving from behind me.

Taking this as a chance to find a way to get information, I hid in one of the bushes to see who was coming.

I saw were four people riding on horses heading toward where I'm going.

The four people were two males and two females each.

So when they finally got ahead of me, I followed the four to where they were going.

A couple of minutes has passed and I saw them slowing down and parking the horse near an abandoned house.

The house was very small and cramped, so I waited outside and took a peek at the window.

Seeing the other two among the four made me shocked.

The two were my parents, they looked young here in this dream, but I can see the resemblance from their older self.

What are they doing here? Who are the other two with them? And where are they located? That is what I wanted to know.

Not long, a portal appeared in front of them, and another shock came when I saw Yahweh coming out of the portal.

And he was holding the same sword that Lucifer gave me; the same sword that Lucifer said that my father owns.

"Here take this Jarren, this is the sword that I ordered Hephaestus to make. This sword has the power to even kill a God, so use it properly, Jarren."

"Yes, my Lord."

Lord? Did my father just call Yahweh, Lord? And Yahweh is the one who gave my father the sword.

Wait this is just a dream, this shouldn't be real, but what if the sword showed me what happened in the past?

"Now, I don't have time since the Seraphim are almost here, so let's get the ritual ready fast."

The four nodded upon hearing what Yahweh said, and my mother has started to draw something on the ground.

When she finished drawing it, I saw that it's some sort of ritual circle like I see in many movies.

The shape has two mini circles on each side, a large star on the middle, some sort of unknown text written around, and across is intertwined with the star.

My father went to the middle while holding the sword, and he trusted it above and shoved it to the ground; where the star is located.

The two unknown people with them then went to the minicircles, and just stood there.

"Are you two ready?"

Both of them answered. "Yes, Yahweh."

Yahweh let out a deep depressing sigh and closed his eyes, he then prayed and the circle shone a bright red light when Yahweh prayed.

The mysterious man then spoke with a smile. "Jarren; Xuntea, it's been nice to be friends with the both of you, and I hope you two will finish this successfully and won't let our death be in vain."

Both of my parents were saddened from the sudden word of the man, my father who was the saddest, painfully said to the man. "Don't worry, we'll definitely win this, and also... Thank you for being my best friend Izan."

The mysterious girl with them also smiled in pain. "Also Jarren; Xuntea, please take care of Millie for us, and tell her that we'll always love her; wherever we'll be."

My parents teared up hearing that, and my father clenched both of his fists tightly, replying to her. 'Of course, Millie is now like our daughter..."

I was again speechless from what I have heard from their conversation; because right there in front of me are my parents, El, and Millie's parents.

Both of my parents, and Millie's real parents are all traitors, they betrayed Hell a long time ago, that even if they're dead today, it's still affecting Hell and everyone.

What do I do? I don't know how close Millie is with her real parents in the past, but I don't want to say to her that her parents and her adoptive parents have been playing with her.

Even if I don't know how legitimate the words that Millie's mother said; even if she said that she loves Millie dearly, it doesn't change the fact that they left her to do what the Gods want.

Because of my parents and hers, because of their greediness; everyone around me has tremendously suffered a lot, while me who was luckier than them and had an awesome life back on Earth.

Sh*t, every time, time passes; I got to see more and more corruptness in the entire world.

"Now, let's get ready!" After Yahweh said that, the lights on the circle started to change colors, and before even I get to see what happened, both of Millie's parents disappeared, and the sword has started to let out a red aura all around it.

"Now Jarren, use this sword and kill every Seraphim so that you would power not only yourself but the sword too."

Kill every Seraphim? But aren't those his children? So why is he ordering my father to kill them?

No, I already knew the answer to that, it might be just like what Ruri said to me when we fought. "How am I suppose to know?! Maybe it's just like all of us?! The angels were like us! Maybe they're being deceived and played by the Gods and your parents!-"

Could it really be true that the angels were also innocent like us?

"Sure my Lord."

The ground then started to crack, and change.

Both my parents, and Yahweh has disappeared, and even the house and the horses disappeared in front of me.

My head started to feel dizzy, and when I blinked; the entire landscape changed.

It's not the same as before were; some plants and animals are still alive and on the brink of dying, but instead, I get to see what the definition of Hell really is.

The entire scenery was filled with flames and dead bodies, there was no sign of life in the area, except the two people right in front of my eyes.

It was my father holding a decapitated head and has blood covering his entire body.

And what he's up against stricken me with fear; there in front of me flying above was an angel who I can call somewhat of a god.

he has six dove-like wings that shone a bright light, a halo that's connected to his body, a bright white armor that was enveloped in a menacing light, and he was holding a white shining sword that has no sign of a stain on it.

"Yo, so you're the Seraph Metatron. I must say, it's finally a pleasure to meet you, Seraph Metatron."

"Hotaru Jarren, King of Hell, you have murdered my family cold-bloodedly, as the highest positioned angel, I hereby declare by the name of Metatron, that ye Ruler of Hell, has released the wrath of I Metatron. Now I warned thee that thou shalt preparest for thy death."

"Then try me, Enoch! Soul Bound!"

My father began to transform into his Soul Bound, and instead of blue fire like mine, and black fire like Lucifer, my father was different.

From the dead bodies that were scattered all around the ground, I saw their souls being absorbed by the transformation of my father's Soul Bound.

Many souls from the bodies were crying and were in pain when I saw them being forcedly taken by Soul Bound.

I want to say stop many times when I saw this, but I was weak and afraid of what will happen.

My entire body was shaking, and when I try to move, my feet were stuck on the ground from extreme fear.

After all of the souls were gathered to my father's Soul Bound, I get to see what his armor looks like.

The skeletons armor that I have looks nothing compared to his, the dragon that Lucifer has is also the same, and even the transformation that Azazel did when they attacked and destroyed my room, looks extremely puny to what my father has.

Seeing him dressed in armor like that made me insane, I can't even describe him looking like that as an angel or a devil, but all I can describe him was a monster.

His armor was like both an angel and a devil combined that it formed something different.

He has both the wings of an angel and a devil attached to his back, even he has the tail and horns of a normal devil and a red spinning halo above his head.

And his entire arms has claws sharper than what Lucifer has, his entire armor is like a monster, and his head wasn't even human, but more of a rabid beast.

Even when Metatron saw him look like that, made him tremble in complete fear. "So thy has a hidden skill that even the Gods doesn't know, my respect for thee, Jarren Hotaru has deeply rose, now beast. Die!"

My father let out a beastly roar, and at the same time, both of them flew to each other; thrusting both of their swords and when both of the swords collided, a large explosion bigger and louder than any explosions I saw occur.

When I opened my eyes after I saw the explosion, I saw myself holding my father's sword and was back in Millie's bedroom.

I heard both Faust and Chizuru shouted at the back in excitement. "You did it Haruki!"

Both of them then went inside Millie's room to check on me.

When I noticed myself holding the sword, my eyes were shocked and I trembled in fear that I threw the sword away from me. "Get away from me!"

I was starting to cry, and Faust and Chizuru saw me threw the sword in fear, so Chizuru who was worried went closer to me and hugged me. "What happened Haruki?! Are you okay?!"

"Why?! Why?! Why?! Why?! Why?!-"

"Haruki snap out of it! What happened?!"

"Monster... My father is a monster..."

"I don't understand you Haruki."

"No, no more! I don't want to touch that sword! I don't want to see that again!"

Both of them were surprised by my sudden declaration and saw that I was already trembling and crying in fear tremendously.

Chizuru hugged me more tightly, whispering to me. "It's okay, it's okay, you're safe now Haruki... you won't see that and hold the sword again..."

"Why..? Why..? Why are they betraying us..?"

"Shhh... Haruki, don't worry about those things you saw anymore... Just think of other things for now."

Faust seeing Chizuru calming me down, then immediately went outside to call for the others.

Noticing that Faust has already left, Chizuru took this as a chance to ask me many questions slowly.

"Okay Haruki, I want you to tell me what you saw when you held the sword, so is it okay?"

"I-I saw them, both of my parents and Millie's parents working for Yahweh, and they used Millie's parents as sacrifices to create the sword...."

"I see..." On Chizuru's mind was. 'So it is confirmed that both King Jarren and Queen Xuntea are traitors, but even Millie's parents too? How will we tell Millie this?'

"So what else did you saw Haruki..?" Chizuru asked.

"Soul Bound."

"Soul Bound? Can you tell me the details about Soul Bound Haruki?"

"My father is a monster when he used Soul Bound to battle Metatron... And the battlefield that they used were scattered with hot flames and dead bodies, it's like what Hell is supposed to be... I don't want to see that again. I don't want to see people dying, even if they're enemies or not."

"It must've been painful for you to see that Haruki, but don't worry, I promise you that the others and I will try their best for you to not see those things again."

"Their souls... The souls of the dead were forcedly taken by my father out of their own will, and I get to see those souls cry and calling for help. And when my father finally got the souls, he consumed them. He killed them again. He tormented them again. He made them feel fear again."

"Stop talking for now Haruki, and rest for now..."

"Hmm." After she told that to me, I instantly fell asleep on her shoulders.

Not before long, the others were finally at Millie's room, and all of them were in the joy that I was now okay.

"Sora; Talya take Haruki to your room Sora, and let him rest."

Both of them nodded at Chizuru and Sora carried Haruki away to bring him to his room.

The sword was still in Millie's room, but it wasn't floating and causing destruction anymore, it was like a normal sword now when Haruki finally held it.

Chizuru stood up in complete despair and told everyone to sit down and listen to what she heard from Haruki.

All of them were in complete silence when they finally heard what Chizuru said, every one of them was in rage and fear from what they have heard.

"So our suspicion of the Haruki's parents being traitors is actually true, but worst of all, even Millie's parents are traitors too, and are both now residing on that sword. And Haruki is now completely traumatized from the dead bodies he saw on the sword's vision, so our objective of knowing that his parents are traitors is finally finished, and also our objective of obtaining the sword is a success. Now, we need to make Haruki's state stronger."

"What are suggesting Ruri? Don't tell me that you're gonna make Haruki-"

"Shut up Akemi! Haruki is our weakest member even if he has Soul Bound, which is why we need to make him face the fact that killing someone and allies dying is normal in a war! Or else he would die if he doesn't accept those."

"But Ruri! Haruki isn't like Millie and us Archdukes, he didn't get to suffer like us, he didn't get trained to kill someone, and he didn't get to fully experience all of his friends dying, so why are you gonna make Haruki suffer?!"

"Akemi! If Haruki won't accept that people around him are gonna die in the future, then that shows how stupid he really is! He told the citizens in his speech that he waged war against the Gods, and do you think that we would win if he didn't at least kill one of our enemies?! Then if that's gonna be his choice, I'd rather surrender to the Gods than us and the citizens dying because of Haruki's foolishness."


"Akemi you need to understand that because of his weakness in his mentality, he might one day change for the worst."


"So, who here agrees that we need to teach Haruki about this?!"

Everyone was hesitant to raise their arms from Ruri's question, but hearing what Ruri said made them think that she's right,

so Lucas and Faust both fully raised their hand, and Akemi and Chizuru didn't.

"You two... So what're your reasons for still not agreeing with me?"

"Ruri, I suffered a lot from my positions as the General of Envy, but even so, I don't want to see Haruki suffer from what I have experienced."

"*Tsk* Still stubborn... So what about you Chizuru?"

"I made a promise to Haruki that I won't let him see that again, and as his General, I'll do my promise."

"*Sigh* Fine, do whatever you two want, but if one day that Haruki completely changes for the worst, don't go crying on me."

Both Akemi and Chizuru both said at the same time. "We promise."