Chapter 43: Two Fathers of Opposing Sides (II) - Tension

[Zadkiel POV]

After the excitement of the message that Shota received, everyone decided to tell everyone about the message.

Everyone attended the conference, except for three people: Luna, Dawn, and Azrael.

Luna and Dawn were still in the room having a talk privately, and Azrael was still in the room where he and Luna fought; sitting there in despair.

Even by just looking at the situation, Zadkiel already knew that he needs to do something fast to solve the situation between Luna and Azrael.

But what could he do? Even he has no experience of having a child, and most of all he has no experience in reuniting with your child.

Could there be another way? That is what Zadkiel wanted to know.

At first, he thought of asking Yahweh for advice without telling him about the situation, but he gave up because Yahweh might notice it.

So he and Azrael went back to Heaven first, and when they returned, he remembered a candidate to ask, and he knows that she will answer his questions.

He pointed his palm in front of him and closed his eyes to contact that person. "Name: Fre-"

Knock! Knock! "Zadkiel! May we come in?"

As he heard the knock from the door, his call was canceled.

The person who knocked was Uriel, so Zadkiel immediately hearing Uriel's voice, decided to cancel the call first, because Uriel might have something important to say.

Zadkiel responded. "Yes! You can come in Uriel!"

Slowly opening the door, Zadkiel saw that Uriel was nervous, and beside him was Cassiel pointing a dagger to his back. "Yo." She said.

"Cassiel?! What's the meaning of this? Why are you pointing your dagger at Uriel?"

"Why? Hmm... To be exact, I should be asking you the question, why?"

"Huh? I don't understand your point Cassiel."

"Hmm... Let's see... Actually, a couple of hours ago at midnight, I saw you go two... What was it? Hell right? And... I heard you and Uriel talking about helping the devils of some sort."

Zadkiel looked at Uriel in nervousness, and both of them instantly knew that they messed up.

Because even if they tried to lie to her, she wouldn't believe them, because her overall IQ can almost battle the intelligence of Uriel.

So on the verge of no hope in talking to her anymore, Zadkiel only response to Cassiel was. "So you caught us."

"Hmm..? I could've thought that you would insist on me having a misunderstanding... Oh well, then-" Cassiel put the dagger back into her pocket and went inside to take a seat at Zadkiel's bed.

The two were confused upon Cassiel who was just casually sitting on Zadkiel's bed as nothing happened.

Cassiel noticing this gave them a confused look. "Hmm? Isn't this the time where you two tie me up to make me quiet and not tell everyone? Or did I get it wrong? No... I think this is really the time for that... I think?"

Both of them sighed and were in relief because they forgot that Cassiel is really like this.

Cassiel is both smart and beautiful as any other girl in Heaven, and she's also the fastest angel in Heaven given that she's entitled as the "Speed of God", but despite that Cassiel is a lone wolf, hence why she represents the Virtue of Solitude.

But despite the achievements she gets, the reason why she loves being alone is that she is the only angel that doesn't have feelings and emotions.

She lacks empathy and sympathy, but even if the two knew that she lacks those emotions and feelings they still trust that she would keep their secret because all of the angels know that even having no feelings or emotions, she's evolving every day and getting stronger to gain the things she doesn't have that everyone has.

Because even if it's just a tiny bit, she finally evolved into completely emotionless to at least having small feelings or emotion on her, even if she doesn't normally show it to everyone, they can still notice her change sometimes.

"So you're not gonna say it to our Lord, Cassiel?" Uriel asked

"Isn't finding the details first a must? I think?"

Looking closely at the confused face of Cassiel, both Uriel and Zadkiel have decided to tell Cassiel what they have been doing, except they didn't tell Cassiel about Azrael's secret daughter and history back on Hell.

But would they tell her about Luna? As the two think about this for a sec; if they're gonna make Cassiel their ally then it's best to not tell her, but if Azrael decides then to tell her, then it's okay. But what's worrying the two is her lack of acknowledgment to people around her.

"Ahh? So that's it... I expected something cooler. But I guess if Zadkiel is the one doing-"

I can see the slight belittling of Cassiel in her eyes as she looks at me.

"*Cough* Then Cassiel, are you gonna tell our Lord about this? If I were you, I wouldn't do it, because I hope that you can understand that me, Zadkiel, and Azrael are doing this for the sake of Heaven."

"Really..? Then I guess I won't tell everyone, I think?"

"....." She thinks? Well, I guess it's better than telling them immediately.

"Then Cassiel, do you want to join us? Because if Azrael and Zadkiel are gonna fight Camael in the future, we need your speed for recon and being bait to the enemy soldier."

"Me a bait? Ahh... I didn't know that you are into that sort of thing Uriel." Cassiel said with a smug face.

"Just answer my question Cassiel!"

"Hmm... Do I answer yes or no? Can you give me a hint on what the right answer is?"

"Just answer it Cassiel!"

At this very moment, this is the first time I get to see Uriel more pissed than ever.

"Then, before I answer this "supposed" question of yours, Uriel. I want to ask you about three questions then."

"What is it?"

"Hmm... Where is Azrael?"

"*Sigh* He's in his room taking a rest, because some things happened back on Hell, well that what he said to me."

"Hmm, I see... Then let's go to the second question. Is there another particular reason why you're helping the devils? Or Camael betraying us, Satanael and the other Archdukes betraying Hell, and that questionable dream of Zadkiel that he'll make peace the answer?"

"Yes, those three are the main reason why we're helping Hell but don't worry Cassiel after things between us and Camael has ended, then we'll surely leave Hell and become hostile with them again, but Zadkiel's dream-"

"I'll find a way to continue it, even if it takes months, years, decades, centuries, or even eons! As long as it is done, then I'm completely satisfied."

Cassiel gave Zadkiel a perplexed look and said. "Wow... Then let's move on to the next question then."

Only giving Zadkiel a wow filled with pity, Zadkiel forced himself to not argue with her right now.

"Then the third question is not for you Uriel, so you can now stay calm, I think?"

"*Sigh* Good, so can you tell your question to Zadkiel now?"

"Zadkiel? Why would I ask this- *Cough* Zadkiel a question?"

"But isn't he the only one here beside the two of us?-"

Disturbing what Uriel is saying, Cassiel continued to speak what she's gonna say. "Third: Who is this entity named Luna, Azrael?"

Smoke came out of nowhere from behind them, and Azrael appeared on the smoke with his sickle readied to warn Cassiel that he's ready to fight her anytime. "So you noticed me here Cassiel." Azrael said while holding his sickle tightly.

Both Uriel and Zadkiel let out a deep sigh, because even if they didn't know that Azrael was here, but the fact that they're already used to Azrael sneaking up on anyone made their mind gave up on looking for him anymore.

Because if they could, they will instantly shout Azrael's name even if he's not with them because they would expect him to be behind him if they noticed or not.

"Looks like somethings bothering you Azrael, is it because I knew about her without you or the two telling me?"

"Yes." Zadkiel replied. "So how did you knew about her Cassiel? Because if you won't tell me, I'm prepared to be called a traitor by everyone right here right now, since I will kill you if you won't tell me how you knew.

"How I knew her? As I remember... Hmm what was it again..? Oh yeah, I forgot that only our Lord, Michael, and Metatron knew that I can see the past of anyone I look at."

Both Uriel and Zadkiel froze in shock, but Azrael remained strong and continued the conversation. "*Tsk* How annoying... Then are you gonna tell our Lord about this?"

"Tell? What could it be..? For now, I think I know my answer, maybe I would tell him depending on what you're gonna say. So let's start again, shall we? Third: Who is this entity named Luna, Azrael? You have 30 seconds to answer my question, or else-"

"Or else what Cassiel? Do you think I'm gonna let you go?"

"Hmm..? Azrael, did you forget who I am?"

"You are Cassiel, my annoying and lonely sister."

"Well... I guess that what you said is indeed correct, but you forgot one thing Azrael, and it's my speed."

"How could I forgot that "Speed of God"?"

"*Sigh* Then can you answer my question Azrael? Third: Who is this entity named Luna, Azrael? 30 seconds starts now, and Remember that I can see the past."

"If you know what happened in my past already, then why would I answer your question Cassiel? It's too much of a hindrance to answer."

"Who knows? Only I can know."

"*Sigh* Luna is a half-undead, the next in line for the title of Archduke in Hans' name, and she's also my daughter."

Cassiel stood up and looked at the time. "Good, it looks like 5 seconds were left before time runs, *Clap* *Clap* I congratulate you Azrael for passing my test, then goodbye-" And after saying that, Cassiel starts to walk outside Zadkiel's room.

"Wait right there Cassiel! So you're not gonna tell our Lord about Luna?" Azrael asked her in a hurry.

"Why would I tell our Lord and everyone? You've answered my question, right? so that sums it, and I asked these questions to the three of you to see if you three are gonna be honest to me, but I can see that there's no lie in any answers you three gave me. Goodbye-" Cassiel who was about to say goodbye to everyone, but suddenly stopped and looked at the three with a smile. "I forgot, as payment for answering my questions honestly, I'll then answer your question Uriel; whether I will join the operation or not. My answer is yes, so be sure to call me if you two are gonna leave. Thank you for the intrusion for a bit, and goodbye..." And she finally left.

The three were in relief and joy that Cassiel won't tell their Lord about this, and also a new member to their party.

Azrael looked at the two; saying to them. "*Sigh* Then I better get some sleep now, wake me up if it's already night then." Poof! Smoke came from below him and he disappeared.

Uriel was puzzled by what happened, so he decided that he need to take a rest to process what has happened today.

Finally alone in his room, Zadkiel called the person he was gonna asks for pieces of advice to.

"Call: Freyja." A giant screen appeared in front of him, and on the screen was Freyja wearing a bathrobe, and was smiling when Zadkiel called.

"Oh, did you miss me? my darling Zadkiel?"

Zadkiel was nervous upon seeing her wearing a bathrobe... "Lord Freyja, if I may intrude for a couple of minutes, there are some questions I want to ask you. My Lord."

"Sure, ask me anything you like darling..."

"Then Lord Freyja, I want to know. How did you handle raising both Lord Hnoss and Gersemi?" In Norse Mythology Hnoss and Gersemi are the daughters of the Goddess of Beauty Freyja and the God of Mind and Feeling Ódr.

"Oh! I completely forgot that only the Norse Gods and the other Gods knew about this, then I'll only tell you this darling... I don't actually have two daughters named Hnoss and Gersemi and I'm not also married to anyone named Ódr, because those three don't exist, I just made them all up to fill my stories."

"Really..." Then what do I do? My Lord told me that some Gods and peoples in many Mythologies don't exist, but more like created by the Gods to create stories, and I guess that one of those fictional stories or beings that Lord Freyja made is her daughters and husband.

"Why ask darling?"

'Nothing really, I'm just curious about having children."

"Ohh..? So you are interested in me darling, don't worry because you're the only man I have in my heart, and I can't wait for your actions, darling..."

For now, I just need to play with her actions. "So if you know something Lord Freyja, can you tell me how to fix a relationship between a child and a parent?"

"Time, that's all you need darling, relationships can't be fixed in days, it would likely take years to fix, but as long as the child knows that the parents care and love them, then it's a matter of time that the child will want the parent back."

Time... "But what if the parent doesn't have time Lord Freyja? For example, the parent is about to die of some sort, then what do you think the solution can be?"

"Hmm... I could say that as long as the parents still show love to their child, and are willing to sacrifice their whole life just for the child's future, then that could open the child's eyes and accept the love of the parent."

That could work, because if Azrael shows that he'll sacrifice his life to save Luna when the battle starts with Camael, then Luna will accept Azrael. "*Cough* Thank you for answering my question Lord Freyja, I'm truly grateful for your answer, and if you want I can do any order that you can give me."

"You're welcome darling and order that I want you to say? Hmm... Then from now on darling, I want you to call me by my name Freyja, even if everyone is with us."

"Surely you jest my Lord, I'm not worthy to call you by your name-"

"Hmm? Didn't you say that you can do any order I want right? Then that's my order, please..! Do it darling."

Even Freyja is begging me to call her just by her name, then if that's her order I'll have to follow it. "Sure, Freyja."

"Yay! Thank you, darling. Then this is our goodbye, for now, I still have work to do, so goodbye for now, darling, I can't wait to see you again-" The call then ended, leaving Zadkiel in a tight situation.

Not because he doesn't like Freyja's answer, but it's because of ordering him to just call Freyja by her name, and without the use of the word Lord.

One tear fell from his eyes because of what had happened. "If Jophiel found out about this, she'll surely kill me because of her way of respect. *Sigh* Even Raphael will kill me for not using Lord on her name, *Sigh* I can't wait..."

He lay on his bed and closed his eyes, Zadkiel smiled that Azrael has the chance to be with Luna again if he tried hard enough.

Imagining already what could happen in the future gave him a smile filled with joy and sorrow because right now he's standing on a tightrope, and if they aren't careful, everything they did was a waste of time.

"Even so, I'm not gonna give up easily because I have everyone who I can call both friends and enemies as an ally to my dream; because I'm not gonna do this for my sake only, but also my friends, family, and especially Mother." I won't let what she taught me to be a waste.