Chapter 54: Broken Floor: Stars of Oblivion (II)

[Millie Hotaru POV]

In their entire life, Millie and the Archdukes who inherited the names of the former Archdukes have never met any of their predecessors.

But with the help of images and the skill to show the past, they get to see them; what they look like, their genders, and many more of their unique features.

"No way, why are they here?" Inside the safe that Millie opened, were people trapped in a giant container filled with water.

"Furfur..? Sitri..? Barbatos..? Morax..? Vlad..? Everyone... They're all here, alive. Wait, there's no way they're alive because everyone saw them die, and their bodies were already buried." Millie kept looking in every direction and every container to see what's happening right now. "Even the deceased Archangels and Seraphs are here. There's Metatron, Sandalphon, Phanuel, Zaphkiel,

Haniel, and many more... They're here too..."

Millie was confused about why the body of the deceased Archduke and Archangels were here in Camael's lab.

She wants to know the answer on what Camael's goal with the bodies.

Millie kept moving forward and checking the container at the same time.

And when she was finally close to what's in front of her, she saw a table with many papers placed on top of the table.

In front of the table was a glass pane that shows another room on the other side of it, and inside of the room was someone Millie knew. "Zabaniyah?" The Archduke Zabaniyah who was inside the contained room was being powered up by a star.

He was inside a cage and the star was trapped inside a barrier, and shooting a laser at him to power him up.

The moment Millie saw the star, Millie knew where the star came from. "That's the star Mammon stole from Milicas."

After looking at Zabaniyah, Millie saw a journal on top of the table.

Millie opened the journal and began reading the pages. "The first page 'Day 1: The Seraph Metatron was our first creation, with his blood and soul that Jarren and Xuntea gave us, we can easily create a perfect clone of Metatron that has the same skills and characteristics of him, and our mission of fully having control on him is a success. - Camael.' With the blood and soul that my parents gave them, they made a perfect clone of Metatron... So this experiment was planned a long time ago." Continuing reading the journal, Millie gathered a lot of information on the experiment.

"It looks like that this experiment started when the battle on the 6th floor first started, which is about 40,000 to 50,000 years ago, also this was first planned by both Yahweh and Camael when the angels started attacking the 5th floor; seeing this is insane. It looks like many of the Archangels who died was killed by Camael himself, and some of the Archdukes were killed by Satanael. *Tsk* What is this? What are they planning with the clones?" As Millie kept looking through the journal, she was shocked when she saw the last 10 pages of Camael's journal.

"No way this can't be true." Millie took the journal and put it in her pocket and went to one of the rooms inside of the safe. And there she saw a single container with a person that made her tremble in fear. "Abaddon... He has a clone too..."

Seeing Archduke Abaddon freaked her out, because in the past when Abaddon was still alive, many devils knew that Abaddon was the only person that can rival the power of Lucifer and Satanael.

Abaddon even had a tie when he battled Lucifer before, so if Abaddon has a clone here, Millie was thinking about what can Abaddon's clone do.

She looked at the journal again immediately and read the pages she hasn't read yet. "Leviathan, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Asmodeus, they too have clone being created right now-"

Clap! Clap! Clap! "So you've discovered what they're planning huh? Good job Millie, I guess the information I gave to you and Haruki was nicely used."

She looked behind her and saw Mammon there with an injured Lilith with him. "Mammon!? And Lilith?!"

Lilith was happy to see Millie alive and hugged her tightly. "I'm glad to see you alive and okay Millie, I'm really glad."

"*Sigh* You too Lilith, *Tsk* So Mammon, can you tell us what are the clones for?"

"The clones created here in Camael's laboratory are gonna be used to bring fear throughout not only Hell but the entire world too. So that's why I gave Haruki this information about Camael's lab, it's because I'm quite interested in his experiments."

"Experiment? You mean to tell me that you don't know about this experimentation that Camael was doing?"

"Yes, even Azazel and Baphomet didn't know Millie. Only Yahweh, Camael, Satanael, and especially Milicas know about this."

"Milicas? But why would Milicas know about this and not you and the other two Mammon?"

"Oh, so you don't know yet Millie? Well, I guess I have to tell you then, but first Lilith, I have a question for you. Do you remember the day that Lucifer introduced us to Milicas?"

"Yes, how could I forget that."

"Then, do you remember what Milicas' soul looks like?"

"Yes... His soul was almost exactly the same as Lucifer's and up to today, his soul has later developed to almost like a twin of Lucifer's soul."

Mammon let out a smirk and proceed to question Millie. "Millie, in the journal Camael wrote that with the blood and soul he can create a perfect clone of the person, but what will happen if it's half of the soul that was inserted on the body?"

"Wait, so you're telling us that Milicas wasn't the son of Lucifer but a clone?"

"That's correct Millie! Milicas wasn't a normal devil at all, he's a clone of Lucifer himself, and with the power that the Skill Soul can provide, Milicas was made into a destructive being. That's why many clones were created, and that's why Milicas has skills that no one has seen before."

"Wait! So you're telling me that MIlicas soul was entirely built with the Skill Souls of the dead Archdukes and Archangels?!"

"That's right, and that's why I'm planning to weaken Milicas so that Haruki can defeat him. You saw the star and Zabaniyah right? Even if Milicas' soul is entirely made out of the skill soul of the fallen Archdukes and Archangels, by destroying the main soul in the bodies of the clones, the skill soul inside of him can vanish."

"But, will Milicas die after you destroyed the skill souls?"

"Don't worry Millie, he'll only weaken but he won't die, because if he were to die, I won't be doing this in the first place."

"Really? That's good, so next question, what is Satanael's plan with the stars that Milicas created?"

"If a normal star dies and creates either a black hole or a neutron star it has a low chance to form a legendary mineral made out of stardust. If a black hole creates the mineral it is more powerful and more destructive, and with the combination of the soul of the dead, the mana that's in the soul will power up the mineral, so if they used a black hole to kill the demons on the 8th floor, it will suck out the soul and feed it to the legendary mineral. And that mineral is called, Starridium."

Millie was confused about what a Starridium is, but Lilith was shocked to hear it. "Starridium?! Isn't that the mineral that the Gods used to create planets?! So that's how Starridium forms..."

"Nope, that's not how Starridium forms Lilith, Starridium only forms if the star has entrapped mana on its core, but even if a star is made out of mana, the extreme heat and the atoms of it can push the mana away from the core, so to create a Starridium many sacrifices are needed."

"Even if this is my first time hearing what a Starridium is, we need to go and stop them now!"

"Here Millie, go to the angels and help them defeat Camael because the skill I stole from them won't be enough to completely power up the star, so I need them here so that we can destroy the clones and the souls faster." After saying that, Mammon created a portal to where the Archangels' location was.

"Thanks again Mammon, let's go now Lilith."

"Mammon, I put my trust on you that you won't kill Milicas, because even if he's a clone and a traitor, Milicas is still like a son to me."

Mammon only let out a smirk at Lilith and put his fist to his heart; after seeing that Millie and Lilith entered the portal Mammon let out a deep sigh. "You two better do this successfully.


[Haruki Hotaru POV]

Flint ran as fast as he can toward Milicas fiercely. "Milicas!" I shouted at him.

Milicas stomped the ground and many swords appeared, but this time it was triple than what it was originally.

But even so, we kept running toward him.

With Flint and Ignisvem with me, I can do this. I can defeat Milicas.

All of the swords encircled us and flew to us very fast.

It was faster than before?! How will we dodge this?!

"Haruki!" Luna shouted above us and with a clap from her hand, many bones spew out of the ground and blocked every sword that flew.

"*Tsk* There's always a disturbance whenever I fight!" He stomped on the ground again, many swords appeared and flew to Luna.

"Don't you dare hurt Luna! You wretched fool!" Using her own blood, Dawn used the blood and made a spear with it to block off the swords.

After blocking the swords, both of them went beside me and Flint. "It's nice to see you two well..."

I said to them in joy.

"You too Haruki."

"I"m very pleased that you have not gone on the ground yet Haruki."

Luna created a scythe made out of bones, and also Dawn released bats made out of blood from her own blood. And I can see Shota summoning insects in the distance.

Milicas summoned tons of swords again, and with a snap of his finger, a small star has appeared.

"Sh*t!" The three of us hurriedly ran toward Milicas and prepared for a dangerous fight.

The small star flew above us and Milicas shouted. "Fillisuperbia!" A sword appeared on his hand, and with the sword he summoned; Milicas ran to us.

"Aranefilu!" Strings came behind Milicas, and all of the strings stuck to the swords. "Eat this!" Shota shouted and he pulled the strings directly to Milicas.

Milicas summoned many shields and blocked all of the swords that came to him, and he threw Fillisuperbia on the ground and a red dragon appeared.

The dragon let out a roar and Milicas road it. "Now die!"

All of us ran and flew as fast as we can to dodge the fire that came out of its mouth.

Dawn sent the bats to the dragon to distract it, and she went above the star. "I'll do my best as I can to stop the star from further developing, and you two fight Milicas." Dawn created a barrier with her blood and trapped the star with it.

"Get out of the way!" After shouting, the star that Dawn trapped was teleported in front of Milicas, and he used his sword like a bat and hit the star toward us.

"Flint!" I grabbed Luna's hand and Flint entered the shadows to escape.

"Flint, go to Milicas' shadow!" Woof! "Luna hold on." When we got out of the shadows, we were behind Milicas and Luna jumped out to fight him.

Dawn was furious when Milicas almost killed us and she summoned a giant bat that's about the same size as the dragon.

And behind us, was Shota riding a giant spider and was heading toward us.

I was below Milicas, Luna on the front, Dawn above us, and Shota from behind. If you look at this it is a win-win situation for us, but we let our luck loose.

Flames came out of the dragon's body and burned us all.

Everyone immediately set out a barrier to protect themselves from the fire, but even with the barrier, we were still injured from the fire.

"Pathetic, even if there's four of you, none of you can rival my power. Seriously how disappointing-"

The giant bat that Dawn created was still alive and bit the dragon from behind.

Seeing that, Luna, Shota, and I ran to Milicas with everything we can.

Dawn smelled the blood of the dragon and she let out a sadistic smile on her face and shows her fangs. With a snap from her finger; all of the dragon's blood came out. And Dawn drank some of the blood and transforms into a scary-looking monster.

Luna saw the dead body of the dragon and transformed it into a zombie and she also summoned many more skeletons and zombies.

Shota used the string of Aranefilu and grabbed the zombies and skeletons with it and threw it to Milicas.

While Flint and I sneaked behind his shadow again to sneak up on him.

Milicas saw that he was trapped, but there was no worry or the acknowledgment of defeat on his face. "Disappointing..." Every one of us was teleported above him.

Swords were then summoned below and above us, and in a blink of an eye, all of the swords flew to us.

All of us got stabbed from the swords and all of us fell to the ground in pain.

Shota was stabbed on the stomach, and Dawn was stuck on the ground because the sword struck her arm and leg, and was stuck on the ground. Flint was also stabbed and he fainted, but good thing that they're all okay and breathing.

Luna escaped because of her undead skills, but she was exhausted from the skills that she used.

My armor from Soul Bound protected me from being stabbed so I was okay for now.

MIlicas walked toward us with a smile on his face. "How wonderful, to show the wonderful skill that I have-"

"Argghhh!" Clang! With every bit of her strength, Luna stand to her feet and continued to fight. But Milicas immediately blocked her sword.

I also stood up as best as I can with the strength that I have left and grabbed Ignisvem from the ground.

"*Sigh*" Milicas kicked Luna away and threw her at me, but I caught her immediately.

Luna and I held our sword tightly with anger and ran toward him.

Milicas summoned another batch of swords and fought us easily.

He kept blocking our attack and the swords were making us more tired and injured.

With this many swords flying to us, we can't block them all so we kept getting slashed by the swords. But we can't give up now, we will win this I know we can.

So Luna and I kept on fighting, even if we can't defeat him

Milicas was already getting tired from waiting. "*Sigh* How futile and weak." a strong shockwave came from him and pushed the both of us.

"I guess I'll show you how it feels to see your friends die Haruki, so sorry." A smile came on his face, and all of the swords flew to Luna who can't stand up because of the strong force that Milicas let out.

Luna looked at the swords that flew to her, and she froze from fear because she can't escape.

Seeing this made me angry with Milicas, I couldn't hold back my agony and anger anymore. I threw out Ignisvem away to run faster to save Luna.

Yes, I don't want to lose someone important to me ever again, so I'll protect them. "Luna!" My Soul Bound let out a strong aura, and I ran faster than before and blocked the hit.

I looked at my chest I saw the swords stabbed through my chest, ad I started spewing out blood and fell.

"Haruki! Haruki!" Luna cried in deep agony after seeing me shield her from the swords.

"*Sigh* Now die-" Milicas was confused about the sudden pain and tremble from his body that he stopped attacking for a bit.

Instantly figuring out what it was, Milicas was angered. "Millie!" And he teleported away

Seeing that Milicas retreated, Luna held my hand while crying. "Haruki! Haruki!"

"*Tsk* I can't believe that on our reunion, I'm gonna die... But at least knowing that you're gonna smile beautifully again, then I'm happy."

"No, you're not gonna die! You're gonna live and stay with us Haruki! Please!"

My vision started to blur and my body is getting weak; it was like the same feeling I had when I got hit by the truck.

My body became hot and cold at the same time, and I couldn't stand the pain anymore, so I slept.

"Phenex come here!"

Seeing that Luna was holding me who was injured, Phenex retreated from her fight and went to where they were.

"*Tsk* What an idiot! Don't worry Luna he's gonna live, because his soul wasn't severely damaged, so I'll heal him up."

Luna held my hand tightly and put it in her face. "Really..? I'm happy, I'm happy that he's still alive..."