Chapter 61: What I Want People to Think

The next day has passed, and not a sign of both Akemi and Shota waking up.

Ever since they both talked unconsciously, I thought that there's a chance that either one of them would wake up the next day.

But it didn't happen at all, both of them didn't wake up, and remained sleeping on their bed.

As of right now, I'm heading to Master Ifrit's arena to train with both Luna and Dawn there, because I have to get stronger so that I can now stand beside my friends equally. And Master decided to walk than creating a portal, which is why we're walking in the city right now.

"So Haruki, what do you think?" Ifrit asked me with a mischievous smile. "Isn't wonderful?"

"What are you talking about Master?"

"Hehe! As of right now, you're gonna train with two beauties that are about the same age as you. What do you think? Doesn't it excite you?"

"What are you talking about Master? They were just nice enough to help me train, so there's nothing naughty about that right?"

"Haha! First, you got the bishōjo General of Envy Akemi Leviathan to be close to you, second is the tsundere General of Vainglory to accept you and talk to you nicely, third is the goth loli energetic Luna to take care of you, and lastly the cute and smart little sister Millie with the adorable shy little sister Talya. To put it in words, being in a harem life is wonderful isn't Haruki?"

Bishōjo? Tsundere? Goth loli? Where did he even get these words? Only a proud weeb or an otaku would know this kind of stuff... Don't tell me? Is Master an otaku of some sort? But the last part bothers me... "Hey Master, why did you even mention Millie and Talya on that list?" Oh please no, I remember when I first found out about Millie being my adoptive sister... And this guy said some insanely disgusting words that I didn't want to hear.

"Haha! Come on Haruki, as a devil there's nothing wrong with having a polygamous relationship. In fact-"

"Not that! Why did you even mention Millie and Talya?! I already said their name the first time I asked!"

"Hmm... Haruki, I heard in Japan they made this cool stuff called animes, mangas, and light novels right?"

"Yes, but how did you even know about those? I heard from everyone that there's no source of entertainment like televisions and comics here in Hell."

"Haruki, there are things that are not supposed to be asked."

"Okay..." But, if it's possible that he has ways to get those stuff then why doesn't he tell me?! My only source of entertainment here is reading old novels and books in the library and also daydreaming, if it's possible that he has those three, then I want to at least read or watch one!

"*Cough* Also there's this stuff that cultured people called as hentai."

Now he knows what the meaning of cultured individuals is? This is really surprising. "*Sigh* If you're talking about the word hentai, then it just means pervert in English, but if you're talking about those things that associate with the things called the disgusting meaning of hentai, then you're right about that."

"Yeah, and I heard that incest is popu-"

Before Master Ifrit finished his sentence, I punched him on the stomach to stop him. "Let's stop talking about that disgusting stuff okay?"

"*Sigh* Jeez..! I'm just joking okay? Then let's get back to the topic then, now that you have those three: Akemi, Ruri, and Luna, who's your next target? Is it the mysterious goth loli Dawn? I got to say that's a tough and good choice."

"*Sigh* What are you even talking about? Yes, it is indeed nice to have a harem of some sort, but you know that they're just my friends right? Akemi is just caring, well even if there's some time that she flirts with me, but that's only to tease me because I know that there's no way that she'll like me I think? Because there might be a possibility that she actually likes me. Ruri is different than the other two, so why add her? She almost killed me three times and kept threatening me to either shut up or something else, and there are some times that she's nice to me, but I think that's just her way to say sorry. And Luna is just thankful to me because I saved her life, that's why she's been taking care of me and helping me. Also, if you add Dawn to that, I don't think that's happening, because we're not that close at all, we only barely interact, but not in a bad way though."

"*Sigh* How dense and dumb..." Ifrit whispered to himself.

"Hmm? Did you say something Master?"

"*Sigh* Nothing, but let me ask you this Haruki, as the current King, you'll need a Queen to be at your side, so are you planning to get one?"

"Well I'm interested of course, but not for now at least. Now that we're part of this saving the world plan, I don't think that it's the time to start a romantic relationship, because that doesn't matter right now that the entire Universe is gonna die."

"Okay, okay. But since that there are chances that I might die on this saving the world thing, I'm not gonna die until you at least have a lover okay?"

"Whatever you say." But Master is indeed right, a King needs a Queen to be by his side and to support him. Even if their goal for Hell is a lie, my parents are supportive of each other, which is why they fended the angels off successfully.

But a partner huh? I wonder who my partner will be? No actually, will I even get a partner? That's the most important question now that Master is talking about that stuff. "Hey Master, what did you even mention about a harem anyway?"

"Haruki, polygamy is normal for a devil, so it's not surprising to see that a guy here having 5 or more wives in Hell."

"I see..." So polygamy is normal in Hell. Now that I'm thinking about it.

(Haruki, we're gonna have a boy.)

(Looks like that we're gonna have a cute girl Haruki.)

(Our child is gonna be strong.)

Those words and scenes with Akemi, Ruri, and Luna came into my imagination, but it is a good thing I stopped those weird imaginations that I was having.

Because I'm gonna say this another time, there's no way that they'll like some awkward neet like me! So I better stop now with these lewd fantasies of mine.

Also now that I think about it, I never got to ask Master. "Hey Master, if you can create a portal to teleport to your arena, then why aren't you doing it? And we might be making Luna and Dawn wait for us."

"Don't worry, I told them that we're gonna walk there since I want to test something for a bit."

"Test? What are you testing?"

Ifrit let out a happy smile when I asked him that. "Look around you Haruki, do you see that the citizens are moving away from nervousness because you're here?"

"Yes, I've noticed that actually." I guess my presence here in the city is making the citizens afraid that they're not even making a single noise.

And I can see from here that they're trying their best to be very respectful to me, and they're glancing at me to make sure that they didn't do anything wrong.

To be frank, it's making me sad that they're avoiding me, well I guess it makes sense since the person right in front of them is their King.

"Wow! It's really him!" From the distance, I heard a little girl shouting excitedly and running toward me.

When she got closer to us, she suddenly tripped and fell onto me.

Seeing what happened, every citizen around us was shocked and stricken in fear.

They were all freaking out about what happened.

And from the distance was a woman, who's clearly the mother of this little girl came toward us hurriedly in fear.

She grabbed the little girl hurriedly and bowed to us with a voice filled with fear. "I'm sorry my King, please forgive my daughter for giving you trouble..."

I can hear from her voice and see from her face that she's really afraid of what the outcome would be, and the citizens around us were all whispering to each other about something.

Seeing this, I let out a smile. "Don't worry it's fine, no need to worry." I looked at the little girl who was very confused and kneeled.

The citizen and the mother who saw me kneel to the child were surprised to see this happen and they were all sweating on what was gonna happen.

"You, what's your name?" I asked her politely.

"I'm Kierna! Kierna Gaustrishia, it's nice to meet you, my King!" She excitedly responded to me.

"It's nice to meet you too Kierna." Seeing the girl in awe for seeing me, I couldn't hold back my happiness. I patted her in the head. "You know Kierna, you shouldn't make your parents worried okay?"

"I know... I'm sorry mother..."

I looked at her and examined her body to see any injuries from the trip, and I saw a scrape on her knees. "look at you, there's a scrape. Hold on okay."


Looking at my pockets, I took out a handkerchief and tied it on the little girl's knee to stop the bleeding. "There, it'll heal up soon. You know, you should take care of yourself more Kierna."

"Of course!"

The citizens and the mother were surprised by what I did, and they all ease up after seeing it.

The mother was again apologetic to me. "I'm sorry again my King, and thank you for what you did to Kierna because she truly idolize you."

"Really? You idolize me Kierna. I'm happy to hear that."

"Of course! Who wouldn't! After hearing about your feats on defeating the fallen angels! it was so cool, in the future, I want to be a great leader you!"

I patted her again in the head happily. "Don't worry, in the future, you'll be like me one day. You'll be a strong and smart leader soon, I promise that. So you better study well okay?" Me a great leader huh? I'm thankful that she thinks that, because if she founds out how much of a failure I am, then it could've broken this little girl's dream.

"Of course!"

'Then, I'll get going now Kierna. Remember, study well okay?"

"Sure! Goodbye King Haruki!" They both left with a smile on their faces, and Kierna was waving at me as they left.

Seeing what I did, Master looks proud of me. He patted me in the back with a smile on his face. "Haha! Now you see what I meant by test?!"

"Yes, I'm glad that you did that Master." I looked at the citizens again, and I saw that they were not tense and nervous anymore for seeing me.

I'm glad that they're not, even if I can't be the best King throughout the entire world, I'll try to be a good King instead. "*Sigh* Let's go now Master, we shouldn't make Luna and Dawn wait for us."

"Oh yeah forget about that! Sh*t let's go!" Ifrit looked worried and afraid like that of the citizens before, and he pulled me when he ran hurriedly to the arena.

I tried to stop him, but couldn't, since he won't hear out what I'm saying to him, well good thing we made it faster by Master dragging me to the arena though.

When we entered the arena, it brought a nostalgic memory to me, because this is the place where I first got my skills and this is also the place where I met that mysterious beautiful blonde girl.

It brings me back from the past on how worried they were when I woke up.

In the middle of the arena were Luna and dawn sitting there and chatting.

When we got close, the two noticed us and came closer to us. "Seriously, I know that we agreed on what you're gonna do Ifrit, but why did you make us wait for 2 hours!?"

"Jeez..! Come on Dawn, 2 hours is nothing, so let's start now okay?"

"If you say so, then let's start then!" Dawn excitedly said. "So Haruki, since it has been a long time that you talked to your souls, we're gonna put you back on the soul space, so that you'll talk to them and obtain some new skills."

"Yeah sure." Well, I did talk to three of the most important soul of mine yesterday.

"Lay here Haruki." Luna has already prepared a mattress on the floor.

When I laid on the mattress, it was very soft and refreshing; much better than me sitting down on the very hard and uncomfortable ground when I first got my skills.

Luna touched my head. "Okay, close your eyes now Haruki."

I began to close my eyes after Luna said that, and tried to relax like before.

When I opened my eyes, I saw myself back to the soul space. "That was easy." That was the first thing I said when I came here.

"It's nice to see you again Master, It is I, your Guidance soul, what can I do to help you today Master?"

"Uhmm... Nice to see you too again." Well, we talked yesterday about my dreams though. "I'm here to get new skills, so can you let me talk to my Skill soul?"

"Sure Master, coming right up." The black orb which is my Guidance soul immediately turned blue after saying that. "It's nice to see you again Master, I'll start checking on what skills you can get right now Master."

"Thank you!"

"I'm finally done-"

Before my Skill soul got to finish what he was saying, he disappeared out of thin air.

"What happened!? Guidance soul?! Skill soul?! Are you still here?! Answer me please!" What's happening? Why did my skilled soul vanish?

Thump. Thump. Thump. I heard a loud footstep heading toward me.

"Who's there?!" I asked.

from the distance, I saw a man with a weird mask coming toward me. "Who are you?" I asked him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you the current King of Hell, Haruki Hotaru." The mysterious masked man bowed. "I'm the original General of Gluttony, Beelzebub. I'm sorry for coming here unannounced."

Beelzebub!? This guy is the original Beelzebub!? What is he doing here?! And what does he wants from me?!

With a snap of his finger, a large table appeared in front of us.

And slowly, plates and forks appeared in front of us, with many foods on top of them.

"Now, let's eat first before I'll say what I want to talk about."