Chapter 63: Hellish Training: Definitely a FAIL

"Hahaha! What the h*ck! That's so funny!" When I woke up that's the first thing I've heard.

Having been trapped by Beelzebub to the point that I lost my sanity, I thought I would get a "Haruki! Good thing you're safe!" Or "We were worried Haruki!" Something like those two. But... That's not what I got at all!

The first thing I got when I woke up, was someone's laughter.

"Hahaha! Meatthew?! What the h*ck is that Haruki!? Hahaha!" And there he is laughing again.

"Kakaka! How hilarious! I can't believe our King is an idiot! Kaka! It's embarrassing that I'm serving you! Kakaka!" And with him was a clucking Turkey.

The moment I woke up from the endless suffering of a dream, the only people who were here in my room, was Sora and Phenex, and when I saw them; for some reason, I knew exactly what was about to happen.

And my gut was right since I immediately heard them laughing and making fun of me at the same time.

What's worst of all is that they said really rude and awful words to my friend Meatthew, I was angry. "Hoy! Don't you dare insult Meatthew!"

Both Sora and Phenex looked at each other dumbfounded from what they've heard come out of my mouth. And at the same time. "Hahaha!" "Kakaka!" Both of them laughed at me again.

"*Sigh* Can you just tell me what happened?"

"Who knows? Maybe something did happen, like you creating me as Meatthew my friend."

That voice... That voice that came out of Sora's mouth, no way! "Wait! You're Meatthew!?" No way, I've been deceived all along by Meatthew! I trusted him! But all along, he's that useless guy who has no hope in life Sora!

Sigh. Let's stop for now. I just want to know what happened. "So, can you two stop laughing now and tell me what happened?" Having been defeated by their constant laugh and bullying, I couldn't do a thing but surrender now and go back to my usual self.

"Kaka! For You to sleep on your training for 3 hours, the Flaming Monkey and the two goth ladies decided to take you back to your room since You won't wake up, and that's when they heard you mentioning that old guy Beelzebub's name, so that's when Sora came in."

I'm guessing that the flaming monkey and the two ladies that Phenex is saying are Master Ifrit, Luna, and Dawn, so that means... I completely missed my training with Luna and Dawn! D*mn that Beelzebub! Instead of me eating disgusting food for an entire hour and being schizophrenic to a lump of pork, I could've trained with two beauties! I'll punch that b*tch if I see him again!

"*Sigh* So what am I gonna do now? The other dead Archdukes might come and visit me always, and it's tiring to be involved with any of them. *Sigh*"

"Well, at least you got to meet them right? Unlike me, I haven't met them, so why don't you think of it as a gift from them? *Groan* And also, Dawn told me that if you wake up, go to the underground dojo. And *Groan* you'll start your training there, while I *Groan* slee-" And without hesitation, Sora fell to my bed and slept in an instant the moment he lay down.

"*Sigh* How hopeless." I looked at Phenex who was smiling in front of me with a smug face and asked her. "So is there anything you want?"

"Well, that Flaming Monkey asked me to come with You and see how You're gonna do in your training, also I really want to see that sword of Jarren in action, but if You're being nice and asking me what I want, then give me Milli-"

Before Phenex finished what she was supposed to say, I stopped her from finishing it, since my answer would be a big NO! "Let's go to the underground dojo now Turkey, since we don't want to leave them waiting for us."

"Hoy! Who are You calling a Turkey, come here! I'll show you what a real phoenix is!" Phenex shouted that to me, as she ran to the door to chase me.

Honestly, it's like being chased by a child, but the child is a demon because Phenex's body looks like a 7-year-old child like Talya, and what's funnier is that she's shorter than Talya.

I really can't believe that legal lolis do exist in real life, because that can only happen in animes and mangas, but right behind me is a legal loli. "Hurry up Turkey! Oh, wait... Maybe with those small legs of yours, you can't run? Haha! So this is what the legendary Pheonix is!"

"How dare you! I'll kill You. Ha-!" I can't believe that the legendary Pheonix of Greek Mythology tripped.

Oh, poor souls of the people who thought that demons and Gods are scary and strong because my experience is quite the opposite of what any human imagined them to be.

After a couple of minutes, we're already here at the underground dojo, and just by seeing the door to the entrance, it's already giving me an awful memory with Ruri. Well... At least it's not awful, since I got to know more about Ruri when we fought here.

"What's with that disgusting grin? Come on, let's go and start your training now."

"You wouldn't understand Turkey, since you were not here at that time." We finally entered the dojo, and there was Luna, and Dawn waiting there. After seeing us come, both Luna and Dawn went to us immediately.

"*Sigh* I can't believe that Beelzebub came to you the moment you were about to start your training, seriously how troublesome for us to wait." I can see why Dawn is angry about what happened because Master and I made them wait too. "Well, now that it's over, can you show us your skill list now Haruki?"

"Skill list!" The paper that contains my skills appeared and I grabbed it to look at what I got. The five other skills that I have.

Soul Bound

Fire Manipulation

Electric Manipulation


Companionship: Flint

Space Cutter

Thought Owl

Those five are still here, and there are two new ones here. "Space Cutter and Thought Owl." I remember that I used to have Space Cutter before, but it was gone when I last check my skills, and I remember that Thought Owl is the skill that everyone used to message each other.

"Space Cutter and Thought Owl... Thought Owl isn't important in training, but in a real battle, it's really important, and maybe you can use Space Cutter to create a portal to retreat..." Luna was thinking about what to say

next, and when she saw my skill list she noticed my other skill. "Companionship: Flint? I'm guessing you can call Flint with that... So can you call him here now Haruki?"

"Sure. Flint come." My shadow became bigger and Flint came out of it happily. (What is it, Master?)

Honestly, it's freaky to hear Flint talk to my mind. "Uhmm... For today Flint, we're gonna train."

(Sure Master, I'll get ready!) Woof! With just one woof, Flint started to grow larger.

Dawn went closer to Flint and petted him gently. '"It's really surprising that you're the cute pup that I adopted and gave to Haruki."

"Right? I was shocked to see him grow faster and stronger, also I was really surprised to see him use Soul Bound too."

"....." Everyone was silenced by what I have said. "Wait Haruki, did you just say that Flint can use Soul Bound? Like for real?"

"Yes... I thought that all of you already knew since Ruri saw Flint use Soul Bound, and even in the war Flint used Soul Bound, so I thought that you all knew because everyone saw him use it."

"We know about him using Soul Bound, but we thought that it was just a joke since this is the first time we heard about Soul Bound being used by an animal..." Luna replied. "But I guess, it makes sense that Flint has one, because of the Companionship skill that connects both of your souls as one. *Sigh* But anyway, let just go on with your training Haruki. Now is gonna be your first-day training so we'll make your training easier for you."

"Really? So what am I gonna do then?" Good thing that Luna is such an angel, unlike Ruri who is the total opposite.

"You and Flint would fight me and Dawn together, and there are no rules, you can use anything you want."

"Oh really... Wait what!?"

"You want me to repeat it Haruki? You and Flint will fight me and Dawn, of course as I said, there will be no rules, so use your skills as much as you can Haruki."

"Hmm?" With a smile on her face, Dawn said. "I see that you're quite the gentleman for not wanting to fight us Haruki, but no need for that right now that you're gonna train, so don't hold back on us okay?"

"Okay..." This is not what I imagined it to be, I thought that my training would be something like normal swordplay, exercising, and some other else, but who could've guessed? It's a PVP.

And I already know what the outcome would be, since when I battled Ruri here at the dojo, I was beaten by her even if I have Flint with me.

"Also, since we said that we'll make it easier for you, we're gonna explain some of our skills, so that you're ready."

After they've finished explaining their skills, I couldn't do a single thing but remain silent.

Luna is very fast, strong, and durable since she can carry a giant scythe with just one hand, but not only that she can summon any types of undead like zombies, skeletons, and ghosts and be like them, so which meant if she's like a zombie she can nullify pain if she wants too but it causes tons of energy though. While Dawn is much scarier than Luna, because even if her defense is really weak, she has Blood Manipulation as a skill, which meant if she saw an exposure of blood coming out of my body; I'm dead because she'll absorb my blood immediately.

This is bad; really bad, it's an instant loss for me.

Woof! (Master, even if we lost this, at least we'll grow stronger together.)

I guess that makes sense. "Then! I'm ready, so come and fight us!"

Both Luna and Dawn smiled and went to their side excitedly to get ready.

"Kaka! Then I'll go to the corner to observe and be the referee of this battle, so bye-bye." And there she goes, the Turkey went to the corner to observe us.

We were staring at Luna and Dawn who were at the other side menacingly. "Let's try to win this Flint." I said confidently, but I knew that it wouldn't happen.

"Are you ready Haruki and Flint?" Phenex asked us


"Are you ready Luna and Dawn?"

They both replied with a "Yes".

"On a count of three! One..! Two..! Three..! Go!"

I rode Flint so that we can move faster. "Ignisvem! And Soul Bound!"

After summoning Ignisvem ad using Soul Bound, Flint swiftly ran to the two.

Since we're gonna fight this battle seriously, it's gonna be really hard, so now knowing about that skill that Dawn can use, we can't get injured.

Luna created a sword made out of bones and let out a smile as she dashed to us. And Dawn behind her who cut her arm to use her own blood at us.

"Better focus on your surroundings Haruki." Many skeletons and zombies came out of the ground to encircle us.

Flint used his skill to go to my shadow to move, and he came out of Dawn's shadow.

Dawn looked at us silently; she didn't show any expression of defeat.

Many drops of blood came out of her hand that turned into thousands of spears flew to us.

It's undodgeable, for any stupid person. With my Fire Manipulation, I created a giant wall of fire and it evaporated all of the blood spears completely. "Ha! You lost!"

"I said look at your surroundings." Behind us was Luna, her sword that was made out of bones turned into a spear and she thrust it near to my chest.

But I blocked the hit immediately with Ignisvem, and when Flint finally got to the ground the zombies and skeletons ran straight to us.

I created a wall of fire again to kill the ones who were in front of us so that we can run.

When I looked behind to check on them, I saw Luna already close at us.

"D*mn she's fast. Wait, nows, not the time, Flint run to directly to Luna!"

Woof! Flint immediately ran to Luna.

We were already close to Luna when. "*Giggle*" Behind us was Dawn with a spear made out of blood and Luna was in front with a bone spear. Also, many zombies and skeletons were all around us. "Oh sh*t! Flint retreat!"

Seeing this, Flint went to my shadow immediately. But when we were about to escape I heard Flint in pain.

And when we're inside my own shadow, Flint said to my mind. (Master, I'm sorry. But looks like my tail has been cut by them.

Looking at Flint's tail, I saw that he was telling the truth since there's blood on it.

D*mmit, if only I have a healing skill! Flint let's go outside"

(Sure Master)

The two are strong, even if they're not an Archduke they can rival my Soul Bound, maybe they can even defeat the Generals too, and they haven't used their weapons yet if they have one at least.

But that would be embarrassing if they don't have one!

When we got outside of my shadow, I immediately created a wall of fire since Flint teleported to Luna and killed the zombies and skeletons who were around.

I saw Luna being hit by the fire too, and it made me worried that I injured her.

"Sorry Haruki, but that wouldn't work on an undead." She came out from the firewall with a smile on her face and she wasn't injured. "With the power of a ghoul, any of the common elements won't work on me."

Then if it won't work, both my Fire and Electric Manipulation are useless against her, so I have to defeat her with my sword. "*Cough* Phenex! Flint is gonna forfeit since he has a cut!"

Phenex nodded at me in agreement with Flint's surrendering.

(I'm sorry Master) I smiled at Flint and said to him. "If it weren't for you, we could've been defeated immediately.

I got out of Flint and readied my stance to fight them. I gripped my sword tightly and ran to Dawn who was defenseless. "Ha! Got you!"

"You lost." Many drops of blood came out of her body and trapped me inside.

Luna went inside the giant ball of blood that Dawn trapped me in, and in a blink of an eye, I didn't even notice that she put a cut on my finger.

After Luna got out of the blood bubble, Dawn let me go and smiled at me. "Told you, you lost."

That was quicker than I thought, even my battle with Ruri took a long time to finish. "*Sigh* This is embarrassing..."

"The match is over! Luna and Dawn won the match!"

Everyone went closer to me who was in despair on the ground. "We need to make you stronger." Luna said.

"First I was defeated by Ruri, and now you two... *Sigh* How can I get stronger!"

"Haruki, like I told you many times, you need to be aware of your surroundings first, and also you need a good strategy and good teamwork with Flint."

"So what do you suggest on doing Luna? Haruki needs to be stronger in less than 5 weeks."

"Wait, less than 5 weeks? What are we gonna do after 5 weeks have passed?" And also, that's hard to do! I can't get stronger with only 5 weeks! I need months! No for someone as stupid as me, I need years!

"After you're done training for 5 weeks, me, Luna, you, and Lucas are gonna go to Japan to get in contact with the Japanese Gods."

"*Sigh*" This is true hell... I can't believe that I'm gonna start with hellish training.

"I know. Get ready for tomorrow Haruki, since we're gonna train at Mt. Levi!" Luna excitedly said

Mt. Levi? That sounds familiar... Wait I remember, Millie said that the temple that I was at when I first came here was at Mt. Levi.

Also, she says that Akemi lives on top of there.

Mt. Levi... This is going to be bad...