Chapter 82: Untold Lie of the Truth of Both Real and Fake (18+)

[Zephyrus Ziz POV]

"Hehe! Your friend is now dead boy-" Sun stopped finishing his sentence. He looked at Haruki again to see how he was doing, and he was speechless to the point that he became more excited. "You're a tough kid ain'tcha? I can't believe that you survived that, hehe!"

Zephyrus was restrained by the clones of Sun Wukong, with him being alone with Sun, Zephyrus couldn't even lay a single scratch to Sun even if he kept on trying.

He kept thinking how stupid he is for letting Haruki be killed by Sun. "I'm a failure, I'm a failure as an Archduke..." He cried. Zephyrus didn't even bother to listen to what Sun said when he discovered that Haruki was still alive, because his mind was only filled with regret for being unable to protect his own King.

"Ya got balls of steel boy, no wonder that beauty of a vamp is your girlfriend. If you could wake up, I want to hire you to work under me." Sun was proud of Haruki for being able to survive the direct hit of his Ruyi Jingu Bang, even if he didn't put all of his strength into his staff, Sun knew that even a God can get killed by that hit. "Hehe! Hoy boy! What is this guy's name?"

Zephyrus was confused by Sun's question, but he couldn't escape from his fear of dying right now when Haruki sacrificed his just to let him live. "His name is Haruki, the current King of Hell, Haruki Hotaru..."

"Wow! Really?!" After hearing Zephyrus' answer, Sun became more excited upon knowing who Haruki really is. "That's superb! I can't believe I got to meet the infamous son of Jarren Hotaru. What about you boy? Whatcha name?"

"My name... My name is Zepyrus Ziz... I'm the inheritor of the will and name of the former Archduke Ziz." Looking in every direction at the building, Zephyrus couldn't find a way to grab Haruki's body and also a way to escape the building.

With Sun's power to clone himself with his hair, they were trapped. And after seeing what can a real God do to a demon, Zephyrus' mind was blank to create a plan.

"Amazing! Not only did I get to meet the son of the infamous Jarren Hotaru, but I also met the person that inherited Ziz's name. My luck is really amazing, if I could bring you two back with me to Heaven, the other Gods will surely let go of whatever punishment they'll give me if they found out about what happened here.

Zephyrus knows that Sun was not talking about the Chinese Heaven, but the Abrahamic Heaven. Hearing this, Zephyrus was setting his mind up to find a way out of here.

"Also yer name is Zephyrus, isn't it? That's interesting... Especially to a devil like you, so why are ya named Zephyrus? Isn't strange for you and the other demons that you're named after a God?"

Zephyrus was the Greek God of the West Wind, Zephyrus being named after that God, made Sun Wukong doubt if that was his real name. After all, respecting a God is already a massive sin for a devil to do, even to the point that other devils would call them traitors or a hypocrite, and especially if a demon is named after a God. "Didn't your life go to hell after being named? Haha! See what I did, I said hell!" Sun was humoring himself by his own joke, even his clones were laughing too. "It's amazing how you handled it, any discrimination or whatever? Or did your position of an Archduke the reason the devils aren't hating ya."

"No..." Zephyrus remembers everything that happened to him when he was still a child. It was a very painful memory that he cannot forget.

He was called a traitor to the entire demon race, a being that shouldn't coexist with the demons. Zephyrus remembered those exact words in his entire childhood. But despite that, Zephyrus didn't take their insult as an insult to him, but more of a compliment. "*Tsk* If you're asking how I survived through my entire childhood... I'll just say that I took the initiative to accept their compliments to me."

"Compliment?" Sun was weirded out by Zephyrus' answer. "Your a weird kid aren'tcha Zephyrus? To put it simply, I took an interest in both you and this kid right here." He looked at Haruki's body with a smile on his face. "Yo kid, why are you even fighting us anyway? You know that you're on the wrong side right? If you want to join me, I'll bring you and this kid too back to Heaven, so that maybe I can ask Yahweh to forgive you demons and join-"

"Shut up!" Zephyrus was bewildered by Sun's answer, he was angered for the fact that Sun is telling them that they joined the wrong side, even if they aren't. "What do you mean the wrong side?! You're the one who's on the wrong side, not us!"

"What are ya talking about kid? You sure that you have your mind right? I know that devils are evil by both blood and soul, but when I saw you two, I knew that you had the potential to change the regretful past of the devils. So why didja join the Gods who want to destroy this world? If you answer me because you want it to be destroyed, then I have no choice but to kill you two; right here right now."

Zephyrus was confused about what Sun said, he wasn't sure if Sun was telling the truth or not, so he kept on thinking to answer him back to prove him wrong.

'What did Lucas tell me about the attack back on Hell?' He was forcibly trying to remember every detail of what Lucas said. 'Does everyone have a clue too that Sun isn't telling the truth? Like perhaps Millie? Does she know something about this that I don't know? Maybe people like Ryou... Akemi... Ruri... Shota... Tal-'

Zephyrus remembered what Lucas said to him concerning about Talya. 'Right, Talya managed to get some stuff from Azazel's memory at that time, which meant that she knows that Sun is not telling the truth.' "Stop lying Sun Wukong! You're not gonna trick me!"

"What didya mean boy? I'm not tricking you? You're like you're being tricked by those bastard Gods." Zephyrus noticed that Sun's voice wasn't that of a liar, and with his skill to check someone's intention, he was confused that Sun wasn't trying to trick them, but more like he's trying to help them instead.

"What is this? You're not using a skill on me, right? Like a skill to give false information?" He couldn't accept it, Zephyrus was afraid of Sun telling the truth.

If ever was Sun telling the truth to him, then Lucas, Luna, and Dawn's life might be endangered right now, and if Lugh was just lying to them that he's a weak God, right now the entirety of Hell is right in Lugh's palm.

"Kid, even if I'm the Chinese God of Trickery, I still have my pride as a God to protect my people, which is why I want you and this dude right here to help me protect the people here on Earth against the Gods who are trying to massacre them-"

Whoosh! An arrow was shot at Sun, and his back was injured. "What the h*ck?! Where did that come from?" Sun jumped back instantly to go behind Zephyrus.

In front of them was Bishamonten who was pointing a bow at Sun, and Lucas was with him. "Zephyrus! You're safe!" Lucas worriedly said.

"Sun Wukong, if you don't want to die right here, give us back Ziz Zephyrus."

"Oops! looks like your friends are here now kid, then let's have a conversation again the next time we meet." Zephyrus has been let go of Sun's clone, and Sun patted him in the back one last time; whispering to him. "Also, don't forget what I said to you, because I don't like it when kids are being tricked by others when I was supposed to be the one tricking them, so think it through and good luck kid."

Sun took back all of his clones and created a portal to escape. "Also Bishamonten, remember that this game that we are playing right now is still not over." That was Sun's last word to Bishamonten, and he finally left.

Zephyrus was in relief that he's finally safe, but he remembered one thing. "Haruki!" He immediately went to Haruki's body and checked on him. Both Bishamonten and Lucas noticed Haruki laying on the ground unconscious so they went to him too.

"Wait for a moment, Ziz Zephyrus." Bishamonten touched Haruki's chest to check the condition of his body. "He's safe... But which do you two want to hear first? the good news or the odd news?"

The two became more worried when Bishamonten asked them that question; they looked at each other in the eyes with worry that they cannot express and answered Bishamonten's question. "Good news."

"Good news is that I can heal his body very quickly, but the odd news is that even if his body is okay, his soul isn't, but what's odd in it is that something or someone is healing his soul."


[Haruki Hotaru POV]

"Congratulation Eve, for being the first human to commit a very deadly sin. "

Eve dropped the fruit and was confused by the sudden change of the appearance of the snake she was talking about before. "Who are you? And what did you mean by me committing a sin?"

"For now, my name doesn't matter to you human, just let me first tell you about that fruit you ate. It's a fruit that can give humans the power to use skills, to put it into words that you'll understand, a skill is the same power that your Lord Yahweh uses, and it's also the same power that those elves were using."

"Skills? Do you mean I can now use those powers that they can do? But what does it have to do with being the first human to commit a deadly sin? When me, Adam, and my children are the only humans that God created?"

Lilith laughed. "You don't know? there are other humans beside everyone here, and not only your Lord Yahweh is a God, but there are other Gods besides him. After all, how would you meet those elves if Yahweh and the God Ea made a contract to test you all."

Eve was surprised by what Lilith said, but she was happy too knowing that her Lord Yahweh is not alone if there are other Gods. "Then that means that Lord Yahweh has friends like Lord Ea and if my family and I have powers like them, we can finally be with them."

No Eve, you can't be with them. A human can't have skills is what Millie told me. There are only special cases that humans have skills in history, but that wasn't because they ate the Forbidden Fruit to become one, but it's because of their heroic feats that the Gods gave them skills.

And I know for a fact that Gods are nothing but selfish beings that only cares about what would benefit them, so if a human-like you were to have a skill when you're just nothing but science experimentation for them, you're dead.

"I knew that you would get it Eve, so can you stay here for a bit and wait for someone by the name of Jophiel to come, since I'm going to your home and give Adam a fruit so that not only you would be with Yahweh, but Adam and your children too."

the Archangel Jophiel? Why would she come here? I thought that this plan was only known by Asherah, Frihmats, and Lilith? So why is she here?

"My daughter Jophiel doesn't know what I've done Haruki Hotaru. When Eve ate the fruit and gain the power to obtain a skill, Yahweh noticed it and ordered Jophiel to check what happened here at Eden."

Then, in the stories of Adam and Eve when they ate the Forbidden Fruit at the Bible, the angel that drove them off outside the Garden of Eden is the Archangel Jophiel.

"Really?! Thank you! But if I may ask, why are you calling Lord Yahweh by his name? Also, who are you and the Jophiel that's gonna come here?"

"My name?" Lilith mischievously smiled. "My name is Lilith, and Jophiel is my beautiful older sister, and if you're wondering why I call your Lord just by his name, it's because I'm his daughter." That's what Lilith answer to Eve after finally leaving.

The form of the shadow changed again, and it now shows Adam trapped inside a giant crevice and was finding a way to climb out of it. "What do I do? Eve and Frihmats must be waiting for me..." He scratched his head out of frustration, and let out a deep sight to show his pain.

"Good morning Adam." behind him was Lilith who appeared out of nowhere with the Forbidden Fruit in her hand.

Adam was confused about who Lilith is and what she's doing here, but mostly he was more curious about what Lilith is because this is the first time Adam has seen a demon.

Also, the fact that Lilith is naked right now in front of Adam is what's making Adam flustered. Because the main difference of the Garden of Eden right now from the stories, is actually that they wore clothes, while in the stories they started wearing clothes when they ate the Forbidden Fruit.

Actually, I was also kinda aroused by the situation right now, because the shadow has full details of Lilith's naked body. "Hey Asherah, is it okay for me to see this? You know that I'm looking at your daughter's naked body right?"

She just replied to me with a smile and didn't even bother to answer my question.

What do I do now? Because of Lilith's beauty and her naked body, my son is rising below me. I can't believe that I got excited about an older woman's body. "I better say sorry to Lilith if I see her again..." For now I have to watch the real story of Adam and Eve before I do my thing later on privately.

"Uhmm... Who are you..?"

"My name is Lilith, I'm the daughter of Yahweh. It's a pleasure to meet you, Adam." She seductively said.

"Lord Yahweh's daughter! I didn't know he has one. Uhmm what can I do for you, my Lord?" Adam, I know how you're feeling right now. Because I, myself is uncomfortable seeing a woman naked in front of me, especially since that I'm with her biological mother.

"Actually Adam, my Lord asked me to come here to talk to you for a second, because there is something he wants you to do."

"Really..? What is it, my Lord?"

Lilith came closer to Adam and touched his chest; her face was almost near Adam's and her breast is touching Adam's chest.

"Miss Asherah, I better leave for now!"

"Wait Haruki Hotaru, you wouldn't know the full story if you didn't watch." How can she casually say that right now?! Your daughter is raping a man who has a wife and kids already. How can you be okay with that?!

"Actually... My father wants you to become his heir for his throne, and Eve has already agreed in you becoming one."

"Then I'm honored, I promise that I would be as amazing as Lord Yahweh..." Even in embarrassment, Adam can still proudly talk. "But is there some sort of test that I would do to prove that I'm worthy?"

"You have to eat this fruit to ascend to Godhood, but first." Lilith wickedly smiled at Adam. Lilith slowly put her hand on Adam's crotch and held Adam's son. "Oh you're already that excited, and also that's really big, I wonder if it can fit through?"

"My Lord, is there something I can do?"

Lilith forcedly kissed Adam, and he pulled tore all of Adam's clothes, while Asherah and I were just here watching the scene unfold.

"Haruki Hotaru, what do you think of this?"

"Oh, this is some NTR stuff right here..."

"NTR? Not this scene, but everything you've seen?"

I gave her a smile with no emotions at all, because I'm watching one of my Archdukes and friends raping someone right now, so I couldn't even describe how I feel. "*Sigh* I want to go home..." I silently whispered.