A Mythology created by the Greek Gods; first created and practiced at Greece, it is ruled by the 12 Olympian Gods of Greece and their current leader the Greek God of Thunder Zeus.

The Gods of Greece are living at Mt. Olympus and the others such as Poseidon lives in Atlantis.


A Mythology created by the Norse Gods; first practiced and created at Scandinavia, it is ruled by the Norse God of War Odin.

The Norse Gods are living at the Sacred Tree Yggdrasil, that consist of 9 other smaller spaces. Which are Asgard, Alfheim, Vanaheim, Muspelheim, Midgard, Niflheim, Jotunheimr, Hel, and Nioavellir.


This Mythology consist of the three prominent religion of Earth, which are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. In my story, the story of these three religions would be combines together to form a new story.

The God that leads this Mythology is Yahweh from Judaism and Christianity. The main focused religion in my story of the three is Judaism.

Abrahamic Mythology has angels and devils of all those three religions in my story.

Heaven is the place that Yahweh and the angels lives in, while Hell is the place that the devils lives in.


First created by the first Buddha Siddharta Gautama. Buddhism first started in India and has spread across most asian countries, mostly in the East.

Though not used yet in my story, some Mythologies such as Chinese and Japanese Mythology have symbolism of Buddhism on them.


It is lead by the Chinese Creation God Tian Gong, famously known as the Jade Emperor. This Mythology was first practiced in China.

Like mentioned above, I mixed Chinese Mythology with Chinese Buddhism to create a new story with them being used.


A Mythology that is lead by the Japanese Goddess of the Sun Amaterasu-Ōmikami or in short just Amaterasu. It is practiced in Japan.

The Mythology is the combination of Japan's most prominent religions: Shintoism and Buddhism.

Like said above, Buddhism is combines in the Mythology.


Persian Mythology or known as Iranian Mythology, or famously now known as the religion Zoroastrianism. It is lead by the Persian Creation God Ahura Mazda.

First appeared and practiced on Iran, and until to this day it is one of the most prominent religions.


Egyptian Mythology is a Mythology first practiced in Egypt, it is ruled by the Egyptian Sun God Amun-Ra.

Amun-Ra used to be two different Gods, but during the formation of the New Kingdom the two Gods combines into one.


Celtic Mythology was first practiced in Ireland, it is ruled by the Celtic God of Fertility Dagda.

The Mythology is divided into 4 different group/cycles. Those 4 are the Mythological Cycle, Ulster Cycle, Fenian Cycle, and Historical Cycle.

More information of those four cycles will out into the story.