Chapter 97: Three Great Monsters (I) - Leviathan, Behemoth, and Ziz

Thunders were roaring, the ocean waves were strong, the land kept on shaking, and magma was coming out of it.

Any living being seeing what's happening could only think that this was the end of the world.

It was something never seen before in the history of mankind, even the Gods were in utmost shock of what's happening right now, they felt powerless at this time when they saw what was happening right in front of their own eyes.

In the past, Yahweh used to have angels that were triplets; two girls and a boy who is the middle child of the triplets. Those three were Leviathan the oldest among the three, Behemoth the middle child and the only male, and Ziz the youngest triplets among the three.

During the time of the Great God War when the first rebellion of the angels led by Lucifer has started, two of the three triplets joined him. Those two were the former Archangel of the Sea Leviathan and the Archangel of the Land Behemoth, while the Archangel of the Sky Ziz remained loyal to Yahweh in the end.

But during the end of the rebellion of Lucifer and they all have finally turned to demons, another rebellion led by the former Archangel of War Azazel made another mess to the Great God War that created a massive disaster that the Gods couldn't forget from the rest of their life, and a disaster that scarred the youngest of the triplets heart.

In the ocean, a loud roar can be heard every minute and in the land, earthquakes keep on happening every minute. Humans were being protected by the authority of the Gods from various Mythology, and due to this disaster the war was put to a halt and the Gods from the two sides decided for a truce until they can find a way to solve what's happening right now.

The side of Poseidon was at the ocean fighting Leviathan and the Gods on Zeus' side were fighting Behemoth in the land, but despite the power they have combined, they couldn't even scratch the two monsters.

The two Archangels weren't angels anymore, nor devils too, but instead they're monsters.

Instead of them looking human-like any angels and devils, they became a monstrosity that can rival a Gods' power. The beast Leviathan became a sea serpent bigger than the tallest tower in history which is the Tower of Babel that has a height of 8,150 ft, and Behemoth; despite not being as big as Leviathan his strength and toughness was no match for her, he's like a fearsome dragon that not even the Gods could not beat. That was what happened to them.

When they became these monstrosities, they lose their sense of sanity, so both of them went on a rampage.

Seeing what's happening right now on Earth, Yahweh couldn't stay quiet, after all as the Father of both Leviathan and Behemoth and since the two were former angels, they fall on the jurisdiction of the Mythology that Yahweh rules.

Right now, Yahweh is at his throne and in front of him was Ziz. "Ziz my daughter, as you can see something has happened to your sister and brother."

Ziz was shaken upon hearing that from Yahweh, she remembered the day she first saw Leviathan and Behemoth rampage and she was heartbroken that she couldn't do a thing to stop them.

Every day she sees the two destroying their surroundings mindlessly, she couldn't help herself but cry every day. Even if the other Archangels are helping her to calm down, it wasn't working, after all, she kept blaming herself for not protecting them.

"Ziz, I can give you a skill that can stop the two from rampaging, you may ask me why I chose you. The reason for that is because you're the only one who can help them."

Ziz's eyes shone after hearing that from Yahweh, for this is something she has wanted in her entire life, she loves her sister and brother, so hearing that she'll be the one to stop and save them made her happy. "What is it, my Lord?"

"I'll give you a skill that can transform you into a monster like them, but you'll still have your sanity intact, unlike your older sister and brother. So do you agree on becoming one to stop and save them?"

"Of course my Lord, I'll do it." She answered Yahweh immediately after hearing what Yahweh said.

She knew that even if she become a monster like his older sister and brother, it still wouldn't matter because, in the end, she saved not only her two siblings but also the world.

So she was happy to be chosen by Yahweh to do this mission.

The next day has already passed and the Gods have decided to retreat when Yahweh told them that he has a plan to stop his two children.

"Are you ready Ziz?" Behind her was Michael, he was gonna watch her transform into a monster like the two, and he was tasked to help Ziz if something were to happen. "Don't be nervous, we're here for you."

Ziz smiled happily after hearing what Michael said, she could only look in front of her. Her two siblings are currently in the ocean fighting, Leviathan was using her body and Frost Manipulation skill and Behemoth was standing on land that he created to stand on, and he was using his destructive power against Leviathan.

All she and Michael could describe in this scene was pitiful, seeing their sister and brother attempting to kill one other pain them, but now that they've found a solution to stop them, they started to put a smile on their faces.

Ziz went closer and gazed at the two. "I'll save you two..." She whispered to herself. Even if the wind is moving swiftly and her balance is loose, she remained still, closed her eyes, and started chanting.

Seeing that Ziz is already starting, Michael decided to stay back for his safety.

Out of all the Archangels, only Michael knew about this plan. "I'll be here watching from behind."

He was already ready to draw his weapon St. Michael's Line in case of an emergency happening, but he put it on hold first because he believe that Ziz can do this.

"Oh dear Father, being the embodiment of the sky and has wings that can soar with it, with my white feathers that shone brightly like that of a star; with light as my main weapon that my father Yahweh has gifted me, I have cast upon thee. Come to my wings and feathers unlike that of the others, give me the strength that you're hiding. Queen of Birds!"

A strong gust of wind came out of Ziz's body, Michael was struggling to stand still when the wind came out, he saw her transform magnificently into a beautiful creature unlike that of Leviathan and Behemoth's body.

Her wings grew bigger than the biggest building built on Earth's history, her feathers changed like that of the color of the sun and it covered her entire body, her wings covered her arms and her feet changed to the talon of a large bird, her mouth became sharper and transform into a beak, and finally, her body grew bigger; far bigger than Michael has imagined it to be. she's as big as the continent of Australia.

"How beautiful..." That was the word that Michael could only say after seeing her transform. "She's not a monster, but more like a goddess..."

He was bewitched by the beauty of Ziz's body, he couldn't stop staring at her after she turned into a giant bird.

"Michael, are you okay?" Ziz asked.

Michael finally got his composure back and replied. "I'm okay, *Sigh* So are you ready Ziz?"

Ziz looked at her older sister and older brother still fighting at the ocean. "I'm ready..." She closed her eyes and started flapping her wings with pride, she can easily control the movement of her body despite not being used to it.

But it didn't matter for her, she could only think of saving her beloved older sister and brother from the insanity they're feeling. "I'll save you two, older sister and elder brother."

She finally got close to the two monsters, upon getting close the two noticed her come and they stopped fighting when they felt a scent of familiarity onto her. "My elder sister Leviathan and my elder brother Behemoth, I'm here to save you two."

A bright light shone that almost blinded Leviathan and Behemoth, from the two's perspective, it was like staring at the sun for too long.

"Now come with me elder sister; elder brothe-"

She stopped talking when she felt a painful headache, her heartbeat suddenly became faster, she was starting to get nervous for an unknown reason.

Her entire body was burning and she felt dizzy that she couldn't control her body properly, she was confused about what's happening to her right now. "Wha- what is this..?"

Michael along with Leviathan and Behemoth were all confused about what's happening to Ziz right now.

Michael went closer to the three monsters, he asked Ziz worriedly. "Ziz! Are you okay?!"

The light that enveloped Ziz's body disappeared without warning and Michael could finally see what's wrong with her, she was closing her eyes shut and she opened them slowly.

Michael froze when he saw Ziz's eyes, he saw that her eyes were unlike before, instead of an eye filled with light full of pride and ambition, he saw that her eyes turned red like the color of blood filled with anger like Leviathan and Behemoth.

She let out a painful scream like an adult hawk, it hurt Michael's hearing when he heard her let out that painful excuse of a scream.

He was sweating and couldn't describe what's happening right now in front of him. "Ziz... Is that you..?" Despite knowing already what the answer to this question is, he was confused to completely process what's happening right now.

He was fixated on Ziz's bright red eyes, he felt a chill down his spine unlike before, it was an intense pressure that he couldn't describe, he knew that he had to accept what happened, but he was in denial that they've failed.

Ziz spread her wings, the surrounding of the ocean was pitch black, her wings were covering the sun and blocking the sunlight from coming contact with the ocean, Leviathan and Behemoth responded to Ziz's threat with an all-out attack and Ziz did the same.

The collision of the three's strongest skill pushed Michael away, a massive explosion came out of it and Michael was trying his best not to get pushed by the force of the explosion.

He flew above the three monsters and saw them killing one another; resulting in the world's destruction being far more severe than the destruction that the two monsters Leviathan and Behemoth did in the past.

Michael could only feel sorrow and hatred for himself for not saving his sisters and brother, his mind became empty and he lost his emotions from sorrow.

The three monsters stopped fighting and looked at Michael, they saw him wearing a bright golden armor that they've never seen before, for them he's like a god that has hidden his existence from the outside world.

Slowly Michael raised his arm, he couldn't feel anything right now; he couldn't remember why he was here in the ocean in the first place, and he couldn't remember who he was, all he felt was extreme melancholy that he haven't felt before in his life.

He noticed that tears were falling from his eyes and he was gritting his teeth. "Dear Lord, I, Michael, Ask for your strength to help me, give me your word as your sword, and help me fight to protect humanity. Come forth..." His hand started to shine and flames were gathering around his hands; the flames were shaped like a sword and when it was done, Michael said. "St. Michael's Line..."