Chapter 100: New Hero

It was sudden, very sudden. His speed is not something I could underestimate, just by seeing his bright blue wings and aura I was on the verge of despair, but despite that, I couldn't give up.

I wonder why? Is it because I wanted to know where Luna is? Or is it because I want to be someone equally strong as them? But either way, those two questions have the same conclusion.

I have to win this fight.

Doing as fast as I can, I turned around and slashed Ignisvem to his chest but he grabbed it with his arm.

Everyone and I were shocked to see Zephyrus holding the blade of Ignisvem because this was the first time we saw someone do this, even if I am weak compare to the beastly power that my friend has, everyone knows how powerful Ignisvem is.

It's understandable that any God could hold the blade of Ignisvem, but if it's someone like Zephyrus who's only an Archduke of Hell then it's impossible for him to do something like this, but seeing that he could do it means that his skill of converting heat to energy is not something I can underestimate.

"Sorry, Haruki... But I have to win this!" His hand and his wings combined and used it to push me by using the strong gust of air that he created.

"D*mmit!" Along with the strong wind he created, his feathers were flown by the wind too and one of the feathers hit my cheek and cut it.

"My feathers can cut anything cleanly." Zephyrus said proudly.

This is gonna be troublesome... And by the looks of it, he can generate his feathers the moment he uses it.

So this is not gonna be easy... I gripped Ignisvem tightly and looked at Zephyrus with a nervous smile, Zephyrus seeing that I'm nervous responded. "I remember..."

I was confused about what he meant by that. "What do you mean Zephyrus?"

"It was that day when I first became an Archduke and the inheritor of the will and name of the late Archduke Ziz..." Just from his voice, it looks like what he's gonna say is serious. "At that time when I haven't become an Archduke yet, my mother told me a story of the Three Great Monsters of Abrahamic Mythology, and one of those stories is about the Great God War..."

"Great God War..?" What could this mean? During that time when we haven't met Lugh yet, no one knows about the Great God War, even Millie doesn't know about it. The only ones who know about that war are the older Archdukes but they didn't tell anyone about what happened in the Great God War.

So it doesn't make sense at all for Zephyrus' mother to know about the war after only the first generations demons are the only ones who were affected by that war, and those demons who were affected are now either dead or have become an Archduke.

This means there's got to be something Zephyrus' mother knows about the Great God War.

"This is why..." Zephyrus spoke in a shaking voice. "This is why I want to get more information about the Great God War because if I do I'll know the reason why my mother knows about... And I'll know the reason why Ziz sealed this memory..."

Hearing what he said made me lose confidence to win, unlike him, he has very good reasons why he wants to win this fight, but even so, I still wanted to win because of my selfish reason. "Sorry, Zephyrus... But I'm gonna win this duel."

Zephyrus smiled at me and looked at me. "Then... Let's see who will win this fight, King Haruki."

I ran very fast with the help of Electric Manipulation, while Zephyrus duplicated Solis Pluma to guard himself.

Ignisvem tip closes to Zephyrus' Solis Pluma, the moment he saw the tip near the blade of his haladie, he created two more behind me.

The two haladie moved toward me really fast and hit my back.

It hurts, but it didn't bother me. I kept pushing my sword at Zephyrus haladie.

He just looked at me blankly while holding off my sword with his two haladie. His wings were changing to blue from different colors, and his eyes were also the same.

Seeing that my blade is getting through his haladie, he created two more clones of his haladie behind me and the two flew to the previous haladies and went inside my back deeper.

It was really painful when it entered my body, and without noticing it I let go of my grip and lost the balance of Ignisvem. Zephyrus noticed that I lost balance and swept his two haladie at me that I was pushed back.

I noticed that he cut my stomach twice with his haladie, so I used my flames to seal it. "*Tsk* I don't want to use this, but you leave me no choice..." I looked at him in the eyes one last time and shouted. "Soul Bound!"

Seeing that I started transforming, Zephyrus summoned many clones of his haladie and encircled it around me. "This is the time you lose Haruki!"

My transformation is finally over and when I opened my eyes I saw one of the haladie flies through me and cut me on the cheek. I was surprised to see how he cut me with his haladie since I'm wearing the Soul Bound armor, but I forgot that he's more powerful now that he's converting my heat into his energy,

He ran up to me and all of the haladie he created flew toward me. I was trapped, I couldn't find a way to escape Zephyrus, after all with the help of his speed he was already in front of me.

But... I could only smile. "Foresight..." Remembering that I have my foresight skill, I jumped above and dodged some of the haladies, and hit some of them with my sword.

Zephyrus wasn't surprised that I dodged his attack, so he flew and swung his haladie at me.

I blocked his attack with Ignisvem, I powered Ignisvem with Fire Manipulation as fast as I can, and when it glows I fired the fireball at Zephyrus in front of me.

He was hit by the fireball that I fired at him and was pushed back to the ground; destroying it along the way. Seeing what I did I was nervous that I might've seriously injured him, but when the smoke of the fireball has finally vanished he was there standing still; unscathed by the fireball.

"*Tsk* Looks like anything related to fire won't work..." Then would my Electric Manipulation work? Then I got to try to test it on him, but if it won't work I'll just defeat him with brute force.

Zephyrus flew toward me in a blink of an eye and I immediately blocked his incoming attack.

I created a dagger made from electricity and stabbed him on the hip, I saw it go through his hip and he retreated for a moment. It looks like electricity works on him, but... His skill to convert heat to energy is healing his wound.

"What Haruki? Are you gonna give up?"

"*Tsk* Of course not."

"Good...." He prepared to throw his haladie at me. "Because I won't let you lose by surrendering." Zephyrus ran up to me and threw his haladie at me.

I hit his haladie away and I didn't notice him being close to me with another haladie in his hand. "You lose." He swung his haladie at my chest and it cut me deeply.

He created another one and swung it near my neck. "Do you give up now Haruki?"

I was losing my consciousness due to the amount of blood I lost, I was getting dizzy and couldn't move properly, I look at everyone and saw Lucas with no expression at what happened in my fight, my friends from Earth were surprised and nervous at what happened, and it looks like Master Bishamonten and the other two Gods are gonna pull out the flag now to announce my lost.

I can't... I can't lose... After all... I have to win this, I have to prove to everyone that I'm someone who can walk along with them, someone who could lead them properly, and someone who they can rely on... And also, I haven't talked to Luna yet!

Bang! An explosion came from my body, I didn't know how it happened, but I know that something changed, and I can guess what it is.

"Do you accept?" That was the question I got from the mysterious girl before that explosion happened. "Do you accept Haruki? Do you accept to be the protector of mankind?"

I know what she meant, whether I'll be what the Gods would call Heroes, the being that protects mankind... And my answer to that question of her was...


[Zeus POV]

"Oh... This is getting interesting..." Back at Mt. Olympus, Zeus was sitting on his throne smiling after he has seen the news of what happened. "It looks like it happened, a new hero has been born!"

He was in joy seeing that Haruki Hotaru the Demon King has become a Hero, he was jumping in joy and ran up immediately to smithery of the Greek God of Fire and Smithing Hephaestus. "Hephaestus, ready the weapons and armor that you have created immediately, we'll start our move on Japan today!"


[Odin POV]

"Hmm... Interesting looks like Zeus' has thought of a new plan due to the events of today..." Odin stood up from his throne and messaged Freyja to come with him. "Haruki Hotaru, just who are you to be accepted as a Hero?"


[Sun Wukong POV]

"Haha! Old man, you saw what happen right? Can't believe that boy became a Hero! This is getting exciting doncha think?" Sun was back at his home jumping in joy in front of Tian Gong who was sitting on his throne smiling at what had happened. "Who knew that you were right all along when you said that he'll become a Hero."

"That's not enough though." Tian Gong said in disappointment. "You fought him yourself right? And he's not that powerful right? This is why we need to make sure that the Eve Miyu Kishimoto would become a Hero so that the Demon King Haruki Hotaru's position as a Hero would work properly."

"Then, we just need to make the Eve a Hero right? Piece of cake isn't it?"

"*Sigh* Stupid monkey..."


[Dagda POV]

"This is great news Morrighan! Haruki Hotaru has done it! He ha become a Hero of mankind!" Dagda was happily jumping around like a child after the event of Haruki becoming a Hero has happened, and Morrighan seeing that they might have a chance to win just smiled happily.


[Amun-Ra POV]

"Haha! I can't just get excited about the news of a new Hero! I can't wait for the battle to come, because I'll come there myself to meet you, Hero Haruki Hotaru!"


[Ahura Mazda POV]

"Yet another Hero has been born for a long time... A Hero of the demon race, this is something I got to see myself."


[Poseidon POV]

"Hotaru Haruki..."


[Lugh POV]

"No way, no way, no way, no way, no way! How did this happen?! No, when did this happen?! This is very sudden! Really sudden!"

"What happened Lugh? Why are you shouting?" Millie asked Lugh worriedly.

"Millie, you won't believe what has happened! I really can't believe this, but! Your older brother, the King of Hell Haruki Hotaru has become a Hero!"


[Yahweh POV]

"It has started, looks like the curse that Adam has left has now cursed the King of Hell." Yahweh was in Tokyo, Japan staring at the humans on top of a building.

"Looks like you expected this to happen, Yahweh... So why didn't you tell us that Haruki would become a Hero?" Behind him was Satanael, looking at him angrily for not telling him what has happened. "Are you gonna keep on doing this old man?"

"*Giggle* I just like to surprise you Satanael, I just like to surprise you... That's all..."


{Lilith POV]

"Adam! Adam! is there something wrong? Answer me!" Lilith was with Baal in the secret room that they have created to imprison Adam.

Adam was shaking which made Lilith and Baal worried about what's happening to him.

"A new Hero with the name of Adam has been born, the Adam Haruki Hotaru has finally become a Hero of mankind."

"What?" "No way..." Both Lilith and Baal were shocked to hear what Adam has said.

"Looks like the King is now a Hero... How amazing, to think that a demon would become one." From behind Lilith and Baal, a mysterious man said happily.