
Chapter 29 - Night Crawling

It wasn't easy; while she could 'see' as she meditated, it was another matter entirely to be able to move her Yang essence. This was completely different from moving elementum in her body.

If moving elementum was like feeling the vapour in the air and absorbing it into your body, then essence is something that is a part of your body from the start. It's almost like trying to sense the blood in your body flow.

If the Yang essence was like a condensed, solid pebble the size of a glass marble, then the amount of Yang essence that flowed out was like the condensation on said pebble, less than a fraction of all the Yang essence.

Catherine held onto the small amount she managed to get out of the Yang core and let it flow through the required meridians. It was a slow and careful process since those meridians were like unused muscles; they were hard to coordinate and use.

From there, it branched out to her pelvic muscles, going up to the abdomen and around the hips.

Next was the most difficult part, she carefully.... caaarefully split the many branches of Yang essence even further, into even amounts towards the blood vessels the cultivation technique instructed.

She couldn't help but wince a few times due to failure caused by the imperfect distribution of Yang essence to the blood vessels, it would burn her whenever she failed.

After three failed attempts, she finally managed to pass the Yang essence into her bloodstream and from there, she was free to enjoy the benefits as her heart did the rest.

It pumped the Yang essence throughout her whole body, it nourished all her muscles and burned away impurities. The boiling heat would temper her muscles and purify her blood, her breathing became smoother and more refreshing with each pulse of her heart.

Once she was sure the Yang essence was in her blood and decreasing with each circulation, she opened her eyes and looked around. When she looked at the time, she couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the time, she had been cultivating for 6 hours!

'It shouldn't have taken more than 4 hours but I really am out of touch if it took me this much longer than the average. Liliana must have gone to sleep with Miku and Seung??' Catherine stood up and stretched, relishing in the feeling of warmth spreading throughout her body.

But this wasn't something she should do again, cultivating using her own essence like this without any Yang attribute elementum would damage her body. Even the amount of Yang essence used today would take weeks to replenish naturally if she doesn't get her new contractual beast.

Next, she would have to study how to use her senses while the Yang essence is circulating to find her future companion. The cultivation session just now caused enough essence to run through her blood to last 2-3 days, enough time to look around.

She felt a little hollowed out despite her full balls, the uncomfortable parodoxal sensation was something Catherine didn't want to feel ever again. To have her Yang energy removed in a way beyond the biologically natural way would naturally have repercussions.

Her Yang energy was gone but her produced seed that previously held that Yang essence hadn't gone anywhere, just as she was thinking of going to empty her dead cum in the toilet, a new mission appeared!

[Mission Description: Your little girl did some adult things last night but decided to sleep with another woman instead! How dare she! Go and do some not so legal night crawling and get away with it~

Mission: Get into bed with Seung and Liliana and cum without upsetting either of them.

Reward: A hint for your choice of contractual beast

Punishment: Everything you eat will taste like cum for 24 hours]

Catherine felt her breath caught in her throat; honestly, she had avoided thinking to deeply about what was happening with Lily which was due to some things she avoided mentioning to her.

She was worried her daughter would be sexually traumatised once she found out. This led to her always being positive and praising her beautiful little girl, and it wasn't empty praise. She didn't let Liliana feel fear towards sex by speaking openly about it, but she did not let her become more acquainted through porn or other sources.

So, despite understanding sex and aware of more than someone who hadn't watched porn normally would, she didn't have any concrete image of it. Catherine hoped this would leave a little less traumatised since she wouldn't have a visual image.

It was a silly and futile attempt, but it was one that was done with the purest and most desperate intention of a mother who didn't want to hurt her daughter. Such careful and considerate feelings made Catherine very touchy to sexual things around Lily.

Yet, who would have thought that the centre of her daughter sexual interested was her mommy dearest? She never looked at her daughter that way, but after waking up to creamy panties and swollen nipples, Catherine became suddenly aware of just how well Lily had grown.

Was she interested in her daughter sexually? She couldn't say no, but the feeling of discomfort bordering of disgust stopped her from saying yes. But none of this stopped her dick from swelling the moment she read the mission description... just where did Catherine's heart lie?