
Chapter 32 - Mystery reward

"@£"%$... *whisper* *whisper*" A groan escaped Catherine's lips, her muscles seemed to be feeling a bone-deep ache. A stretch would feel so satisfying but that required her to move...

" *Whisper*... -inally time for revenge." Before the ominous premonition could even settle in, a whistling sound was heard, followed by a loud and resounding *thuack!*

"Gah!" The shock of pain... no it wasn't enough for her to feel pain with her cultivation, but the strange tingling stimulation went from her ass cheeks all the way up to her balls. Catherine shot up in surprise and even missed the chance for a nice stretch before moving.

Then she looked at the source of her misery, what she saw was last night's masturbation material looking at her with a bratty grin on all fours.

Her first thought was, 'I was right, her panties are getting too small for her meaty ass. It's the perfect bubble butt for her size... fuck, is that really my first impression???'

She snapped out of it and glared at the loli who spoiled her morning stretch, "You do realise I'm going to get you back for that young lady? Come here!"

Lily giggled and tried to escape but how could she possibly get away in time?

She soon burst out laughing as she was tickled without mercy, her tank top was lifted and her ribs weren't spared. Even her feet couldn't escape unscathed from her mother's assault, her panties almost slipped off a few times but Catherine made a point of ignoring it.

"Ahahaha, w-wai- haha, wait, wait! Didn't you have a date with Seung to prepare fo- ahahahah!" Despite her attempt to divert attention, the evil demon queen's relentless revenge continues.

She even counterattacked a few times, trying to tickle her mother's knees which were her only weak point.

Before the grand battle that would make even a eunuch get a boner could progress further, Miko came in and rolled her eyes at the two... but not before thinking about how soft those big milkers that were currently suffocating her best friend are.

"Lily, enough playing around already. Can't you smell breakfast? Your mom needs to go freshen up too."

Catherine stayed in bed for a few moments longer to hide her erection; no matter how small it was, it was hard to hide that in her sleepwear. Lily made a cute *hmph* to show that she had yet to admit defeat and she slid off the huge bed and follow her best friend out of the room.

It was fortunate that she let out so much last night otherwise her erection would have been difficult to deal with. The loss of Yang Essence and her still long refractory period meant that even a full night's sleep wasn't enough despite her impressive cultivation.

Today there was no need to go to work so it would be good to keep her promise with Seung. She could also use this chance to make an accurate judgment about her current level of strength at the gym.

She remembered to check the system shop in hopes of it being refreshed but unfortunately, it was still the same. 'Maybe it required 24hrs after you buy something? It's not likely but it could also be every 3 days or a week. It might be something else too.'

It was impossible to guess so Catherine decided to shelf the problem for when it refreshed next. Instead, she decided to check the reward for the latest mission.

[Mission Description: Your little girl did some adult things last night but decided to sleep with another woman instead! How dare she! Go and do some not-so-legal night crawling and get away with it~

Mission: Get into bed with Seung and Liliana and cum without upsetting either of them.

Reward: At Stanmore Country Park, along the Nature Trail. The perfect contractor is going to fail in cultivation tonight. Go save them.]

'It's not too far, I can jog or take a bike there and it's not that much slower than using the car. London is awful as far as traffic is concerned, anybody with high-tempering can just run faster than taking a taxi.' Since it was tonight then she had time to spend with Seung as promised, she just needed to make sure she was there before the sun went down.

She went to the shared bathroom and washed up after the other girls went down. She changed into some sports leggings and a sports vest with a coat on top.

"What's for breakfast?" She tied her hair up in a ponytail as she came down, her smirk made it clear that Catherine was fully aware of where their eyes were travelling. They were travelling everywhere, after all, which part didn't look good?

"We made some omelettes to finish the leftover eggs, there's also mushrooms and sweetcorn so eat up." Miko was removing the apron as she put the finishing touches on the breakfast Seung started.

"Since the two of us decided on going for a workout, these two decided to join us too. Plus, I want to see just how much improvement you've made with your new technique." Seung appeared from the kitchen with something to drink and sat down at the kitchen table.

She was wearing shorts and a sports bra, she had a matching sports jacket on top that she hadn't zipped up since the kitchen was so warm.

"Yeah! Mom looks super strong now even though her tempering is lower so I want to see the difference. Miko wants to do some final training for her competition and I want to make sure I'm ready for the ceremony when I do my blood contract." Lily added in between mouthfuls; Miko was a great cook that even Catherine who taught her couldn't win.

"Alright, finish eating then get your sports clothes. I have something to do in the evening so let's get going right away."