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Her parents

"Well, you all don't need to be quiet like I did something out of the ordinary. Questions that you both ought to be asking when you saw that boy following her around like her shadow yesterday" Tade said huffily towards Julianna and Shade after Abby left the table.

"I'll take my leave too Josh said. He knew his dad might turn the whole Mike issue on him so he immediately stood up and left with his plate.

"*Oga, now that you have successfully chased away the children from the table, can the rest of us continue our lunch in peace, sir?" Shade said, shooting a dirty look towards Tade.

"You know I'm right. You of all people should understand what I'm trying to do."

"She's twenty years old Tade! We got married at nineteen. Let the girl live, don't smother her too much please." Shade added

"This is not smother-love. I was only doing what both her mothers should be doing." Tade said matter-of-factly. "I just want you both to pay more attention to her... Especially you Shade since Julianna is too busy for us all. Traveling up and down."

"My job demands it... I have to work!" Julianna retorted

"You said you have to work like I can't afford to take care of my wife's needs. Besides have I ever asked you not to work? Do you have to work that hard and travel all the time when you have a family to care for?"

"Please keep your voice down" Julianna pleaded, looking towards Abby's room because she didn't want her to hear them argue.

"Don't tell me what to do in my own house! You are my wife and it's been what...fifteen years now? Fifteen years and you still insisted on living apart from your husband. Still in love with him?"

"Please not this again! Because I live apart does not mean I'm still in love with him."

"What does it mean then?"

"Honey, how many times do you want me to explain this to you? why can't you please try to understand, ..."

"Understand what!? I've been trying to understand you for the past fifteen years since we got married, and I still come back to the same conclusion that you are still in love with him... Still pining for him"

"Can you both please stop arguing and talk about this like grown-ups?" Shade pleaded. Hope you both know Abimbola is still around?

"And for how long am I going to keep going in a circle with her?"

"Honey I..." Julianna attempted to touch Tade

"No more! I don't want to listen to any of your flimsy excuses...he said and left the table in anger.

Julianna sighed deeply, massaging her temple to get rid of the headache she could feel coming up.

"How does a happy family lunch ended with everyone leaving the table in anger? Why doesn't he want to understand my point of view and said I'm still in love and pining for him?"

"He's right you know" Shade tried to reason with Julianna.

"Right about what Maami!? Please don't tell me you also believe I'm still in love and pining for somebody who has been dead for twenty years!?"

"No! What I'm saying is that you work too hard! It's okay to sometimes be dependent you know, especially if the person you are depending on is your husband. You don't have to continually do it all by yourself and all the time, Julianna. You're trying too hard... It's as if you're afraid of something."

"Maami, I'm not afraid of anything and I'm not doing it all by myself, I delegate some to my staff. I just love my job and I'd love to see it grow bigger than what it is right now. You especially know that for a fact. You encouraged me to do this remember?

And about me living here permanently... He knows that won't be possible. This is your home, and I'm not taking it over. And it's high time he gets used to that" Julianna said firmly.

"You are his wife, and you should be by his side, not me. If you refuse to move in then I will move out and I mean it." Shade said seriously.

"Maami please now... Don't put me in a difficult corner like that."

"Come stay by your husband's side where you belong."


"And go to him please, for peace to reign."

Julianna reluctantly stood up and started clearing the table, mumbling... "How can I ever think I could win when both of you are teamed up against me?..."

"Leave them for the maid and go meet your husband Julianna." Shade said firmly, but with a loving smile that Julianna didn't notice.

"Okay, okay... I'm going"

Shade watched her leave and continue to smile to herself. "How can you win against us when we've been on the same team since cradle?"

Julianna entered Tade's room and saw him watching a football match on the TV. She went and purposely stood in front of the tv to get his attention.

"I want to talk to you"


"I need your attention"

"You have it"

"Omotade, undivided attention please"

Tade picked the tv remote and reluctantly switched off the tv.

"Now you have it," he said looking at her squarely in the eyes.

Julianna sighed, moved nearer to where he was sitting, and sat on his laps.

"I'm sorry! And you know I'm not in love with him. I've not been in love with him for fifteen years. It's you I love Tade."

"I'm not so sure about that again."

Hearing what he said, Julianna placed her lips on his and lightly kissed him. Teasing his lips apart to respond to her. After some time she reluctantly broke off the kiss and repeated the question she asked earlier.

"Omotade you know I love you right?" She asked, pleading with her eyes for him to answer her

"Yes... And I love you too. Just that I missed you so much around here. I don't understand why you have to be so stubborn when you know even Shade wants you here..."

"Okay, I've heard!

"Just like that... You're kidding me right?"

"No, I'm not! But it would be after Abby graduate"

"I knew there would be some catch to this..." He said and sighed. "Okay, then we'll have a baby?" He asked hopefully.

"Omotade I'm too old for that" Julianna laughed

"What old... You're just forty-three years old"

"That's still too old. Don't worry the kids are grown and will give us grandbabies soon."

"I love you baby"

"I love you too so much *Oko mi!"

*Oga: means boss

*Oko mi: means my husband