Chapter 8 - The Psychic

It was that day that Bulldozer learned there were things that he couldn't charge through. Coming in like a raging bull he was so confident about being able to take me out that he failed to recognize me from the news. Had he remembered the strength I had show a few days prior he may not have done it. With my right arm out, I clothesline him the moment of impact. Bulldozers neck slammed into my arm, and only one of kept moving forward after

On impact his feet came up as his body pivoted at the neck, followed by him falling to the ground on his back. Gasping for air as his windpipe was crushed he started clawing at his throat trying to breath. Landing next to him, I smashed his head into the ground knocking him unconscious. Using the Med Bots to fix his windpipe, I took some car bumpers from cars, and tightly bound him up so he couldn't rip them off easily.

"Uh Chief...", Emergency Lady said.

"The kid not able to-"

"He one shot Bulldozer, while he was barreling at us.", she stated.

"Come again, I think I must be misunderstanding what you said.", he replied.

"Chief, Little Clark clotheslined him and took him out.", she restated.

"You are telling me a child took out a guy that gave the Canadians and the Russians headaches?", the Chief said.

"I know not sounds crazy, but I just watched him do it. He's bending car bumpers around him now, and...welding them with his eyes. I honestly don't know how to explain it Chief.", she said checking her blood pressure to make sure she wasn't losing it.

"Dear lord just what kind of kid is that Wayne boy?", the Chief said, "One shotting a villain that plows through buildings and tanks is ridiculous. The fact he held up the roof in the stadium, and now he is helping save people...maybe I need to take a vacation after this. I think this job is getting to me."

"You and me both...did someone call his parents?", she asked.

"Do you think that with all this shit going on here my top priority was calling his parents?", he retorted.

"You could have said no, no wonder your wife makes you sleep on the couch.", she snickered.

"She tell you that?", he groaned.

"Whole hospital knows.", she replied.

"I need a drink now.", he sighed.

Finishing up his binding I flew him to the station where Cena, Johnson, and two older men were waiting. Dropping him on the pavement the older men nodded their heads.

"Good work kiddo.", the man with a cigar said.

"The younger generation has a brighter future than we did.", a man made of metal said, "Bet your father is proud of you."

"You know him?", I asked.

"Do I know him!!!", the old guy laughed, "I taught him how to wrestle, and kept him in line with my fist!!"

Looking at Cena and Johnson, they nodded their heads with depressed looks.

"You the reason my dad acts weird sometimes?", I asked.

"Meh, your pops is just crazy kid.", the two old men said, "Especially for courting your mother, she was a firecracker in college years."

"Let's see if you can handle my Fist of Love!", the metal man said hammer fisting my head.

I heard what sounded like someone hitting a cymbal, and watched the old man start shaking in place as he pulled back his fist. Watching it too the old man with the cigar fell to the ground laughing.

"Your Fist of Love isn't a match for the kid!!", he laughed, "Turned you into an instrument!!"

"Shut up.", he said as his body was still vibrating, "Glad to see you can take it kid, you get my seal of approval for stepping up and helping out. Heard you been running civilians to safety at the convention center. Right now we are preoccupied with the villains here, you think you can watch the convention center for us in case another one shows up?"

"Of course, I will work on helping heal the people there too. If you need back up just call for me, I can hear you from the convention center.", I said flying off.

"You hear that, we can call him to help you two old men across the street.", the Chief laughed.

"Haha very funny.", they said.

"If you can hear me kid I am Gramps, and the smoker is Smoky.", Gramps said not expecting me to actually here him.

Zipping back, I thanked him then returned to the convention center.

'Kids these days, I didn't have that level of control back then.', he thought, 'He's got a bright future with those Quirks of his. Wonder why his parents moved, the kid would have been perfectly fine under my wing.'

Getting back to the med station, more and more were arrived with injuries. Deploying my Med Bots I started helping the wounded. Of course most people were skeptical about a kid doing this, but they were quickly won over as people became healed. Watching me interact with the patients Emergency Lady wasn't really sure what to make of it. She expected me to be a meat head like my father, but was in shock I was taking time to make sure people were taken care of.

'Where did he get this mentality from. Neither of his parents have it...I am not saying they are bad, they just aren't that patient with people in situations like this.", she thought, 'Having him here is a God send, if he wasn't here to take out Bulldozer we'd have a lot of dead people. I feel bad that he won't get anything for all this work he is doing. The government won't pay him a dime for any of this yet he is continuing to do it with a smile. Why can't more Heroes be this selfless.'

When a bus loads of children arrived from the downtown area, all of them started running frantically looking for their parents. Helping them locate their families several of them couldn't locate their families and started crying. Asking where they lived they gave me addresses, and I went to get them. Unsurprisingly most lived destroyed building which still had people trapped in the rubble. Ripping a billboard off a nearby building, I started pulling people out of the rubble and laying them carefully on the metal using pillows I found to support their heads. When I filled the board I flew them back to awaiting medical staff.

Taking them from me they rushed many into emergency surgery. One of the patients had been run through with a piece of rebar in a difficult area to operate from. She was a middle aged woman and her children were pleading with the staff to help her. Saying that the procedure was too risky, the staff was insisting they couldn't help. Judging by their expressions it wasn't that they couldn't, but rather didn't want too. In this situation where they had a large number of patients, they weren't going to spend time saving one when that time could be spent saving twenty. I understood that it was logical, but it defeated the purpose of being here to help.

"Please, she is all we have!", they cried.

"I am sorry kids, it's too dangerous to be done out in the field. In the hospital we could do it, but it's too risky here. We have a lot of other people that need our help, I am sorry.", the doctors said.

The color from their faces drained as the doctors walked away. Walking over I offered to have a look. At this point they were desperate enough to make a deal with the devil if it meant saving their only parent. Having my Med Bots start safely removing the metal from her chest, I asked about their story while the process was happening. Telling me their father was killed by a villain several years ago, they said his death hit all of them hard. He worked as a bus driver for the city, and was killed by a villain who used him as a means for escape.

There mother kept working hard to support all of them, and they did all they could to support her. The thought of losing her too was something none of them wanted to imagine. Twenty minutes later the rebar fell out, and her wound was healed. Telling them that she would still be weak from loss of blood, I advised they ask Emergency Lady for a blood bag for their mother. Thanking me while bawling their eyes out they ran off to do as I asked.

Flying off to do several more runs, I decided to fly them to surrounding hospitals as the team at the convention center was being overwhelmed. The Chief called ahead so they could be ready for me. Unexpectedly several news stations were already there when I landed to deliver patients. Helping load them up on to hospital beds, several reporters were trying to get an interview as I was working. Glancing back at them I said that I was on the clock, and didn't have time for an interview. Stating that every second I spent wasting my time doing an interview some child out there might be stuck under a building. That shut them up real quick, and let me get back to work.

Back in Japan thousands of people were watching the events unfolding there. Among them were my parents who were watching closely as well as my classmates who were watching with excitement. In Nejire's class she busy telling everyone that we were a couple, and that she was my childhood friend. Out for lunch with Gran Torino, All Might was watching my evacuation of people, and me bringing in a powerful villain single handedly. It was being reported that I took him out single handedly bravely defending the med station.

"That brat, he should know that not every Hero is going to be happy about this.", Gran Torino said, "Some are going to start hating him for showing them up before he even gets his license here."

"Doubt that he will need one.", All Might said, "If he keeps doing work outside the country like this the government may have to make an exemption for him. He is showing he can be a Hero, and the world is seeing that too. Come monsoon season I expect he will be out saving lives at sea. There aren't many Heroes that can do that in a quick, safe manner."

"That is true, but I think you are a bit crazy. The Prime Minister isn't going to make an exemption that easily nor do I think lawmakers would support it. All Might you and I know he is more mature than a kid his age, but they don't want 10 year olds flying around saving people.", Gran Torino said, "If they make an exemption for him it opens the door for others. The only way I see it maybe happening is if he gets put in with a Hero, and only is allowed to do Hero work with them in Japan."

"I'd take him under my wing, he has a good head on his shoulders.", All Might said taking a bite of his sandwich.

Back in class my classmates were going nuts as they started showing me take Bulldozer out with cellphone footage taken by those evacuated. Watching me bend the car bumpers around him, and welding it together they were shouting how cool I was. The girls were super happy I was getting my moment to shine, and Deku was geeking out with my suit design. Only 1 student was angry...Bakugo.

'That freaking show off!! How dare he show off like that!! He is rubbing it in my face that he is better than me.", he thought, 'Just you wait, I will blast that look off your face! Just because you can fly and are strong means nothing, I will be number 1.'

After delivering the remaining people to hospitals, I returned to the Med Station to further assist the first responders. Back at the station the Section 13 team was getting nervous, Magneta and Megaton still hadn't shown themselves which was a big problem. The team knew they had a Quirk Boosting drug, and both of them were already extremely dangerous.

"If what their employer said is true...they are going to suicide run the station, it's their only option. Since the kid showed up it pretty much forced their-", Charles started to say before Gramps cut him off.

"That boy has done more than you lot have done today.", Gramps said, "He saved a lot of good people that had nothing to do with this. You dumbasses lost track of them, we could have saved a lot of trouble if we actually hit them first."

"I am not blaming him, I am simply saying their options narrowed after he one shot Bulldozer.", Charles said, "We should expect Magneta and Megaton to be on a suicide mission. If they seriously think they are going to die, they will likely take us with them."

"Don't be so pessimistic.", Smoky said.

Air lifting the healed civilians out of the area, I took the medical to the station where they began treating Officers and Heroes. Standing guard with Cena, Johnson, Smoky, and Gramps they asked if I should be getting back. I'd been here for two hours now so they were curious if I wanted to leave.

"School sucks...I don't learn anything, I have my friends but that's it. I finish my school work within five minutes or less, and sit there bored out of my mind.", I said.

"Sounds like you and your dad really are the same.", Gramps laughed.

Telling my stories about their active years I used my X-ray vision to look for the two people. Most of the fighting had died down now so I was curious where they were. Seeing two people in costume heading our way, I was easily able to see one was Megaton. The man had no body really, just a ribcage floating in a biohazard suit. It appeared he was mainly made of radiation which was an issue. Tearing that suit would ooze all sorts of radioactive waste everywhere.

"We have company.", I said looking to our left.

A few moments later two people appeared crossing the road towards us. Getting into position, the Cops and Heroes got ready to fight. Grabbing a megaphone the Chief started speaking.

"Alright, this is you only warning stand down or be taken out. The UN has ordered you brought in dead or alive, make this easy and surrender. I don't want to kill if I don't have too.", he said.

"We don't have that luxury, we are dead either way.", Magneta said, "We both knew that you weren't taking us in alive."

"I had to try.", he said looking at them with pity, "Men, get ready."

"We may be dead either way, but if are dying...all of you are coming with us.", they said dropping several needles.

"Fuck.", the Chief said.

"You forced us to do this.", Megaton said as his body started to glow.

"You can all die with us!", Magenta said as the cops fire arms started compressing into small balls of metal.

Flying at Megaton, I stopped him from slamming his hands together. Something told me it would cause a small nuclear explosion, and I'd be the only here aside from those two who'd live through it. Using his arms for anchor points, I threw my knee up and sent him flying backwards further into downtown.

"I got Megaton, you handle Magneta.", I said flying off.

"Since when did we start taking orders from a snot nosed brat!?", Smoky snapped.

"I am going to have to give his father the Fist of Love!! I taught your old man to have better manners!!", Gramps shouted.

"You are going to start yelling at him from a distance now, aren't you?", Cena sighed.

"Damn right I am!!", Gramps shouted.

'I am only a few months away from retirement...maybe the Commissioners will let me go early.', the Chief thought, 'This is all becoming too much.'

"How lucky for me, I get to deal with all of you.", she said looking them over.

"Actually I will be handling you.", Emergency Lady said jabbing a needle in her neck.

"When did you...get...behind me...", Magneta said falling to the ground unconscious.

"Damn you still got it!", Gramps laughed.

"Just how exactly did you pull that off?", Charles asked.

"A woman has her secrets, don't ask me about it. You may end up on the ground too.", she replied.

"Don't offer him a good time.", his secretary laughed.

"Shut up Daisy!", Charles said.

"Oh you into that sort of thing? I know a few girls with some Quirks that would be up your alley.", Emergency Lady said with a wink.

Shivering Charles shook his head no. Advising that they use the chance to secure the villains they had locked away, the police got to work on it. Meanwhile a mile away, I was slamming a bus down on Megaton as he was sending out a beam of radiation. Once his beam faded, I swept in from the side and slammed it into his ribs. I discovered it was really the only place that he felt pain at the moment though that was changing. As I was fighting him the more radiation he let off the more of his body came back into being.

Continuing to punch each other, it was pretty much a test of endurance now. With no physical brain for me to knock out, and no nerves to strike I was out of luck trying to knock him out the normal way. As long as I kept him for detonating that was good enough for now. The only issue was if we kept going at this rate the shockwaves would level the city. Each time we hit each other the ground would spiderweb then cave in on the next hit.

Increasing my force was an option, but ripping the suit might make him meltdown. The best option for me, and really the safest option all together was to give it one big shot, which was what I decided to do. I would take him into outer orbit, and bring him back down at roughly Mach 50. His body had a natural barrier of radiation around it so I was hopeful it wouldn't get damaged.

Putting my hands together, I swung them down on his head then came up with an uppercut. The force of the strike blew out the glass in every building in downtown. Flying up to intercept, I slammed into his guts fists first at my intended speed. This time my hit actually made him cry out in pain. Continuing to bombard him punches as reached outer orbit, he stopped fighting as he gripped his throat. Since he was mostly pure energy I assumed he didn't need to breath, apparently he did. With a powerful kick to the head I sent him hurdling back towards the planet.

Grabbing him as he fell, I increased my speed and aimed for the piece of land that the US had used previously for nuclear testing. About ten feet from the ground, I let go and pulled out of the dive. The force of the impact shook the whole area, and even registered on the seismograph. The nearby cities shook violently as the shock spread through the surrounding area. Blowing the dust cloud away, I found Megaton about a quarter of a mile into the ground unconscious. Sighing with relief that his suit didn't rip, flew him back to LA as I had nothing to hold him securely out here.

"Here is your prisoner...I may have left a crater in Nevada, and caused a seismic event.", I said, "Think you might be-"

"I appreciate you not doing that here.", the Chief said wiping his brow, "I don't need our faultline sliding because of you."

"Well done kid!", Gramps said.

"He was a difficult guy to knock out.", I said.

"Get him in the containment unit.", the Chief said to his men, "Anyways kid, I thank you very much for your assistance. This could have ended a lot worse if you didn't show up."

"Not a problem, if Charles's team said is true...where is the fourth guy?", I asked.

"Caught him early.", Cena said.

"Alright then, I guess I will head-"

Before I finished all the people in the area dropped to their knees cradling their heads. Wriggling on the ground in pain it was like they were experiencing a massive migraine. Sensing someone nearby, and older man fellow arrived with a cane in hand.

"Now that's surprising, first person I meet that can resist my psychic attacks is a child. The next generation certainly does look brighter.", he laughed without smiling.

"Who the hell are you old man?", I asked.

"They call me Mind Breaker, an Esper.", he said.

"You are for Night Monkey?", I asked.

"Tying up loose ends, finding good help is so difficult now a days.", he said, "You are quite a powerful Hero, young man. You are the first person my mental assault doesn't effect."

"Any way I can get you to leave peacefully?", I asked.

"No, I am afraid this requires thorough extermination.", he said, "Nothing personal, just business."

"Kid...get out of here...", Charles weazed.

"I don't think I will.", I said, "I don't turn tail and run when the going gets tough."

"You should reconsider child.", Mind Breaker said, "I am the world's most powerful Esper, no one is-"

"Yet I a ten year would appear to be stronger than you as I am unaffected by you.", I said, "Besides aren't on my level."

"Your arrogant mouth has sealed your fate boy.", he said, "Time for you-"

Punching him in the gut the moment he blinked, he rocketed out through several buildings. Following after him I hit him harder blasting him through the street towards the station. Looking up to hit me with a psychic he panicked when she couldn't locate me. Noticing a shadow overhead, he looked up only to see a shipping container slam into him. Punching the container like a riveting gun I compressed it till it was level with the street. Using X-ray vision to check on his status, but that was unneeded. Kicking the container out of the way, he stumbled out of the hole with blood pouring from his head.

"You freak of nature! No one is that fast, and that strong! What drugs are you using!?", he snarled.

"Old man you need to retire, and play bingo.", I said X-raying his head.

Locating an anomaly there, I got ready for my finisher. After his next blink, I focused my heat vision through his eyes, and cut the anomaly out. The move caused him to stumble backwards, and swear at me.

"That's it boy, now I am mad!!", he said motioning to make an attack.

When nothing happened he tried it several more times, but nothing happened. Grabbing him by the collar, I carried him back to the ruined station. Dropping him off, I told them he was no longer a threat.

"What do you mean?", Charles asked.

"I scanned his brain for anomaly's, found one, and cut it out.", I said, "He is no longer able to use his Quirk."

"What!?", they gasped.

"Heat vision focused through his eyeballs, like a surgical laser.", I stated.

"Damn.", Gramps said, "Ballsy move kid! I like it!"

"As do I.", Charles said grabbing him, "Now why don't we step into my office in Denver? My boss would love to have a chat with that you can't shield your mind."

"Gentlemen, we can be civilized can't we?", he asked starting to sweat.

"The President of Russia has a nice place reserved over his mantle for you.", Smith said, "Remember that little incident in Prague a few years back, his daughter was among the dead. He would be more than happy to meet you."

"Boy aren't you a Hero!?", the man shouted.

"I am, but I won't save you from your punishment.", I said, "It's just my job to save the innocent, and catch bad guys. What happens after that isn't any of my concern."

"You catch on quick.", Smoky laughed.

"If we are done here I got to get back to class.", I laughed then sighed.

"Have fun kid, send your dad my regards.", Johnson said.

"Will do!", I stated shooting off back home.

Getting back too last for the end of day the whole class just stared at me, and I just ignored it. When I got home my parents didn't even bother lecturing me this time. Apparently the Section 13 Commander for the US called them, and thanked me for my service. I could still tell they were conflicted by it, but they didn't bother at this point. While they didn't the girls and Deku, who decided to come over today, were asking me all sorts of questions. Mainly asking me about the Heroes I met, and about if I was holding back I smiled answering their questions. Of course I said not to mimic me because I didn't want them to get hurt.