Chapter 16 - Out of This World

Saturday morning I triple checked my preparations for the date. Ensuring I had no leaks, the tanks were topped off, and the spares were good to go, I got the spares to the location before Momo was ready. Having made her a special suit for this date, she was really excited to see where we would be going. After saying goodbye to the others, I carried her into space with me. Landing us on the Moon I gave her a smile as she stared at the Earth lost for words.

"Why aren't you wearing a space suit!?", she asked before realizing her voice wouldn't reach me.

"I can hear you.", I laughed telepathically, "No need to worry, I don't need to breath in space."

"What!?", she gasped.

"No need to worry, I am fine.", I said giving her a smile, "Anyways I thought we'd start our date out here. I really wanted to do something special so I thought coming to the Moon would be special enough."

"Uh huh..." she said looking at me.

"You realize you are the first girl on the Moon right?", I asked.

"That's right!!", she said with a big smile, "I am!!"

"Since there are no laws here, want to drive the moon buggy?", I asked.

"Yes!!", she laughed.

Flying her over to the vehicle, I let her drive around the Moon. It wasn't fast by any means, but it was still a blast to drive. Two hours later she was doing flips through the air laughing as she slowly flew past me. Taking her home at that point so low gravity didn't affect her too much, I took her on several tours of different factories around the world. Since her Quirk required some level of understanding of the items before she could make them, I felt this might make her happy. Sure enough she really did seem to enjoy it, and linked arms with me almost the entire time. After our tours ended I took her to a theme park in Tokyo where spent the rest of our date riding attractions together.

"This has been a lot more fun than I thought.", she said with a smile as she sipped on her hot chocolate.

"I am glad you are having fun.", I told her.

"So Clark...", she said, "I know you want to make your own agency when we graduate from U.A...will you bring us with you?"

"Of course, unless you go somewhere else I will absolutely bring you all onboard.", I said with a smile.

"Good!", she said trying to hide her smile.

Taking her back to the mansion, she immediately started showing the others pictures from our date. Seeing that we went to the Moon everyone just stared at me when Momo told them I went without a spacesuit.

"Isn't it supposed to be really hot or really cold out there!?", Toru gasped.

"Yes, but I am fine.", I said.

"No it's not, I saw a movie where people's faces turned blue and exploded when they didn't have a suit in space.", Mina said.

"He didn't do any of that.", Momo refuted.

"Is that because of a Quirk?", Itsuka asked.

"Yes.", I said with a smile.

Sighing the girls relaxed before looking confused.

"I haven't heard of a Quirk that allows you not breath.", Ochaco said.

"I promise to tell you all about it once we get into U.A.", I said.

"Oh, and Clark said he will bring all of us into his Agency!", Momo proclaimed.

Nodding their heads with satisfaction, they showed me the way they wanted their uniforms made up. I shouldn't have expected much given they were ten, but seeing their designs almost made me laugh. All of them wanted variations of my costume which was both flattering, and also weird. I got that they wanted to look similar to me, but they weren't quite grasping the meaning of the symbol on my chest.

"Is there any room for-"

"No!", they snapped.

Looking at the designs again I nodded my head. Taking them with me to my lab, I took them down to the machine I used to make my clothing. Since I would be dating them in the future seriously, I had no issue showing them where my lab was. Eventually I would show the other three as well, but that would happen in a few years.

"You made all of this!?", they gasped.

"Yes, this is where I work on stuff for now.", I said.

"And that thing is making our costumes?", they asked.

"Yes.", I said, 'They will be way am I letting you all where a variation of my suit. There will so many issues if you do.'

Handing them their pajamas, the girls looked at me and then the pajamas. Accepting them for now, I sighed with relief before showing them the renditions I had for the super suits I made for them. Taking the same approach as I did for my parents, I went through everything they would be able to do. For starters they would be bullet and stab proof thanks to the material and embedded shielding. Past that the suits would allow a form of pseudo-flight that was a mix of levitation and electric powered rockets. In addition...I would be installing my Med Bots on belts for them. As my future wives I trusted them with everything till they gave me a reason not too.

'If we are eventually going to share a home, have a family, and be tightly woven unit I have to trust them.', I thought, 'They aren't like those people that perverted my tech to slaughter innocent people. After I find out whether or not those three will join, I will decide if I want to upgrade them as well.'

Seeing the designs I had, the girls looked at the clothes I made and those suits. I could see the conflicted looks in their eyes.

"You know, you can wear those till we get into U.A. Once we enter I can make you these, and those can just be normal pajamas.", I stated.

"Yeah!!", Nejire said, "So we will be able to fly like you?"

"Well...sort of. You won't be able to fly as fast, but you be able to go around four hundred miles an hour at top flight speed.", I said.

"Yes!", Mina said fist pumping.

With that settled we went home, and the girls quickly changed into their pajamas. Poking her head in to check on us, she saw them all wearing my symbol on their chests. Lighting up like a Christmas tree she gave me a big smile, and mouthed something to me.

"Own up, and take responsibility. Wait till your older, but I want lots of grandchildren.", she mouthed.

Giving her a shocked look I was about to say that would be a while, but she showed me the album in her hand.

"You are blackmailing me!", I told her telepathically.

"Your father and I already consider them family.", she replied, "Just make it official when your older. Of course finish your schooling before you go make them, don't need them distracting you all."

"Mom...", I sighed.

"Hehe.", she laughed with a Joker smile before shutting the door.

'These things take time, I want us to enjoy a few years of lives after U.A. before having kids. I know that won't fly with Yu, Nemuri, and Rumi as they will likely dispute that, but they are the exceptions...assuming they even accept.', I thought.

Having made the pajamas softer than normal, the girls seemed to appreciate them given the cold weather. When it came time to go out on patrol with Rumi, I met her out at her place which wasn't far from where I fought Big Boy. Coming out in her usual uniform, she said we would be running her usual route. Calling my dispatcher to clock in, the two of us started patrolling. Unsurprisingly crime was lower than usual after the big bust earlier in the week, add in my recent arrests and most organizations were scrambling to stay afloat without manpower.

"Damn it kid you really put the screws to crime in our area.", Rumi laughed.

"Sorry, I know all of you rely on it for income.", I said not really apologizing.

I understood that most people wouldn't do it for free, but this method really encouraged Heroes to make back door deals with villains to ensure a steady cash flow for both. Since I had no need for money, and was doing this to genuinely help the community I was someone they couldn't bribe. The fact no one had even tried showed me they understood I wasn't a sellout.

"It's fine, we still can pay the bills doing patrols. It's just boring not having any action.", she said.

"Question, your license should be valid all over Japan right?", I asked.

"Of course.", she said.

"Even say...coastal waters?", I asked.

"Yep.", she said.

"Want to catch some smugglers?", I asked.

Her frown turned upside down immediately.

"Hell yes!", she shouted.

Picking her up, I shot off towards the location of a ship smuggling in villains.

---Two Miles off The Northern Coast of Japan---

Captain Neo was a veteran captain for Silk Road Black Market, and had made the voyage between the Mainland and Japan several hundred times. His Quirk, Weather Prediction, allowed him to see accurate weather forecasts just by looking at the sky. This quirk could have earned him a good job as a weatherman, but doing this work earned him much more money. As one of the best captains in the fleet, he used his Quirk to ensure he picked the best times to make his runs.

Today he was making his run using a fog bank as cover to deliver equipment, villains, and illegal drugs that induced people into a dream like state. Currently his cargo were bitching about losing their gig or something, but it wasn't his concern. He had already been paid so he'd do his job then go home. Keeping the lights off to avoid being detected as easily, he was using instinct and memory to guide the ship in.

High above the ship, the two of us were watching the ship come into view. Flying just out of sight for them Rumi was examining the deck for movement. Seeing the Villains on deck, she smiled with excitement.

"So here is the plan Clark, we radio this in and jump them.", Rumi said.

"Are you that pent up?", I asked.

"Shut up.", she snapped.

"Whatever you say.", I said.

Calling in our location to the coast guard, they had several boats headed our way within minutes. Landing on the cargo containers, we waited for them to be distracted before making our move. Before I could say go Rumi was already smashing the first man's head into the deck. Sighing, I used my cold breath to stop the ship from moving before joining her. All the villains weren't that tough really, just a bunch of mercs for hire effectively.

"Such a let down, but it's better than nothing.", she said dragging the captain to the crowd of unconscious men.

Ripping the center mask off the ship, I bent the metal around them to hold them in place. As I was doing so Rumi was watching me closely.

'Kids seriously strong, I can understand why those two knuckleheads are after him. Might toss my hat in the ring too at this point, I am not going to find a better sparring partner...not many men can tolerate my overly active lifestyle, but he has kept up like it was nothing.', she thought, 'I am not good with fan service, or flirting's been a long time since I...wait have I actually been on a real date?'

Sifting through her memories she realized she really hadn't. She had gone out with friends, but no one she considered dating material. Realizing she had no experience, she also remembered that her apartment was a mess. She kept it tidy enough for her, but still not enough to invite some one over.

'Fuck...I need to step up my game.', she thought.

"Alright Rumi, the coast guard is two minutes out.", I said, "Everything alright?"

"Next job?", she asked.

"Well...if you are up for it there is someone I would like to save.", I said.

"Okay, that's vague.", she said.

"She's two, and needs our help. I figured you would be the most likely to accept as you are more willing to kick some ass.", I said.

"Gotcha, and you need someone to go with you.", she said seemingly disappointed.

"Hey, I am enjoying spending time out here with you. Don't get fussy.", I jabbed.

"Shut up, I am not fussy!", she snapped.

Flying over to the area I had been hearing Overhaul in I used x-ray vision to quickly located the underground facility. Getting Rumi up to speed I warned her about Overhaul. Telling her what he had been doing to the young girl inside Rumi became quite upset.

"The hell didn't you save her earlier!?", she snapped.

"First of all I needed a Hero to come with me to make it legal. The few times I have done work the cops were assigning the duties, and wouldn't budge. Now that I partnered with you they didn't give us assignments so now I can come save her. Coming by myself would have lost me my license, and likely caused issues getting my Hero license when I graduated.", I stated.

"That...that's fair.", Rumi said understanding how stupid they made getting the license was with a ding on your record.

"Anyways this time we are going in hot and loud.", I said.

"That sounds wrong.", she laughed.

"Oh hush it!", I snapped.

Smashing through the roof of the complex, we caught the group completely off guard. Putting Rumi down she immediately kicked a man hard enough to send him flying through a support beam.

"I got them, you get the girl!", Rumi said.

Nodding my head, I flew through several walls to reach Eri. Fortunately we got here early enough so that she wasn't as cut off from the world as she would have been in the story. Kneeling down to her, I found she was covered in fresh injuries and had been crying.

"It's okay now.", I said, "We are getting you to safety."

Not knowing if I was trustworthy she remained silent as I picked her up. Using my Med Bots to heal her, I heard Rumi shout out from her area. Flying back I found a very strung Overhaul who was disassembling all of his men to bulk himself up. Pushing a beam off herself Rumi was his next target. Intercepting him I sucker punched him sending him flying to the opposite half of the base.

"You okay?", I asked.

"Yeah, what the hell is that guy!?", she snapped limping a bit.

"You are injured.", I stated.

"He smacked me with a steel beam, I will walk it off.", she replied.

"We aren't playing games here Rumi.", I stated, "Call in backup, and take Eri. I will handle Overhaul, make sure the cops know to approach with caution."

Leaving before she could reply, I found Overhaul reassembling himself from the blow. He was so strung out that the pain didn't even register with him. Swinging at me I smacked the hand out of the way, and kidney punched him. Throwing a knee straight into his head I heard the bone crack from the blow, but it immediately healed.

'Damn I don't think I am going to be able to take him in alive.', I thought.

Trying to use cold breath next he quickly encased himself in a layer of earth, then shattered it afterwards. Clicking my tongue I switched to more drastic actions. Using Heat Vision I literally disarmed him, and proceeded to push his regeneration factor to the limit. Causing localized earthquakes with my punches Rumi who was on the ground above was holding on to something as the surroundings started to collapse.

Hearing the commotion, All Might arrived on the scene just as the police did. Seeing her and the girl they asked where I was. The next moment I shot out of the ground throwing Overhaul, rather a very mutated Overhaul, into a large tank of gasoline. Using my heat vision I ignited the fuel causing a massive explosion that hit the group like a load of bricks.

"Who is that guy the kid is fighting?", the cops asked.

"A local Yakuza officer.", Rumi replied, "He's strung out on some kind of drugs. His Quirk lets him disassemble and reassemble matter."

"Got it.", All Might said, "Young Clark do you need-"

"Stay back he isn't dead!", I shouted as a skeleton slowly reassembling itself walked out.

"Haha!! This rush is amazing!! There is no way that I can lose!!", Overhaul laughed, "I can feel my Quirk is on the verge of evolving!! Come on Heroes!! Fight me!!"

"You are nothing more than a mad man.", I stated, "No calling you a man after what you did to Eri...that's an insult to men. You want to act like a fool, let's see how long that regeneration lasts!"

Encircling him at a high rate of speed a tornado manifested which started sucking everything towards us. Grabbing hold of Rumi and Eri, All Might shouted for the cops to fall back. One of the cops used their Quirks to produce sticky slime to hold the group in place to prevent anyone from being pulled in.

Since we were in a disused industrial park I didn't feel the need to hold back. Increasing my speed incrementally, Overhaul was unable to flee anywhere as stepping any direction was like brushing up against coarse sand paper moving at over five hundred miles an hour. As soon as the oxygen started to leave his confinement he fell to his knees clutching at his throat.

"Where's you confidence now!", I shouted, "Now stay down!"

Throwing a flurry of punches Overhaul could only watch as a literal wall of fists started pumbling him over and over. At first his regeneration was keeping up, but a minute in it was starting to fail him. Trying to scream he wasn't able to as now the inside was like a vacuum. Not stopping until he past out, the last blow I gave smashed his face into the pavement, and dropped the entire complex into the underground base below.

'Good gracious!', All Might thought, 'That was one hell of a punch!'

Lying in a crater in the fetal position only one came to mind.

"Yamcha, is that you?", I asked doing best not to laugh.

Fortunately no one heard me so I didn't have to explain what I was talking about. Grabbing him by the throat I dragged his broken body to the cops. Dropping him off at the cops feet I used the Med Bots to neutralize the drugs in his system. Logging the amounts in his blood, I was amazed that he was at over ten times the potency that Megaton and Magneta were on their drugs.

'Damn it's no wonder he was a bitch to take down. Holding back is a real pain in the ass, but...killing in front of Eri would have been bad.', I thought.

"The detox should be done momentarily.", I said, "He overdosed on the a large amount."

"What about his men?", Rumi asked.

"Unfortunately I think they are permanently gone.", I stated.

"Clark...there were over thirty people down there.", Rumi said, "There isn't anything you can do?"

"He merged them all into himself as if this was how he was born. There is no undoing this, all of them are dead.", I stated, "We are fortunate we came tonight, Eri might not have seen tomorrow."

Clutching Rumi tightly Eri looked at Overhaul with fear. Giving the cops the full story, I explained that she had a rather unique Quirk that required special care. Looking at me with confusion, I pulled All Might to the side with Rumi I explained her Quirk allowed her to rewind living objects to a previous state they gave me a shocked look.

"So you mean she can rewind age, and all that?", Rumi asked.

"Yes, but she can't control it well. Her father...well he was rewound out of existence.", I stated, "That's why she ended up here, her mother abandoned her fearing she was a Demon."

"Now I see why you are being secretive.", All Might said, "Her Quirk is-"

"She is an innocent child.", I stated taking her from Rumi, "It doesn't matter what Quirk she has. I will talk to my parents about taking her in."

"What about the Quirk, can't she...wait let me guess you have a Quirk that blocks it?", Rumi sighed.

"No, I have a barrier around my body that her power can't penetrate.", I stated, "I am not worried about it. She is going to need training to control her Quirk. Can you arrange that at U.A?"

"I can Young Clark, that won't be any issue.", All Might said.

"Thank you, Eri you will be coming home with me.", I stated calling home.

Informing my mother of Eri she immediately told me to bring her home. As a precaution for her safety and everyone else's I used my psychic powers to put a blocker in place to prevent her powers from accidentally activating. I didn't want anyone to know about this as it could be seen as a bad thing by everyone. For now the barrier story would have to suffice.

"Alright Eri, I am going to take you to my home so my mother can get you cleaned up and in some comfy pajamas.", I stated with a smile.

"Okay.", she said with a weak smile.

Excusing myself I flew us home, and handed her over to my mother who immediately took her from me and slammed the door on me.

'Thanks mother...I feel the love.', I thought with a grin.

Flying back to the site, I let the cops know where Eri was. Calling the Commissioner to inform him, he gave his blessing saying that at least she was in a good home for the time being. Waking up from his slumber, Overhaul groaned as his entire body felt like everything was broken. Standing over him I glared down at him in anger.

"If you come near Eri or try to hurt her I will kill you.", I told him telepathically, "No amount of police protection will stop me from tearing you to pieces you piece of human waste. If I see you before your funeral it will be too soon."

Sending him a mental image of me ripping him apart he shakily nodded his head with fear painted on his face. Leaving the cops to handle him, they secured him in an ambulance before taking him to the hospital. Following them to ensure he didn't attempt an escape All Might gave me a pat on the shoulder before heading out.

"Well that was crazy.", Rumi laughed looking at the giant hole in the ground, "Want to go to my place and train for a bit?"

"Mind if we get something to eat, and then workout?", I laughed.

"Haha sure.", she laughed.

After grabbing a few burgers we went to her place to eat, and then proceeded to help her train. Being her spotter as she lifted weights it take take long for her to ask to spar with me, I ended up getting suckered into some martial arts fighting. Cutting loose and going full throttle Rumi was grinning ear to ear.

'Yes Yes!!! I love this!! No holding back, and no need to worry about hurting someone!!', she thought, 'I can finally let go!!'

As time went on her moves became more sporadic like she was slipping. Trying to get her to talk, I got no response from her. Looking at her closely she on an adrenaline high currently, and wasn't the least bit conscious of her surroundings. Deciding to use killing intent to snap her out of it, I made all the motions I did for the Serious Punch. Just as I started to swing her eyes wide as she snapped back to reality. Diving out of the way, she broke out into a cold sweat looking at me.

'Was that...death I saw?', she thought.

"Glad you are back.", I said, "As much as I like sparring with you, don't lose yourself in the rush."

"I...I am sorry. I don't usually get to go all out, and I kind of lost it.", she said looking at me, "What did you do? I...I can't stand up."

"It will take a bit for you to regain your wits.", I said picking her up.

Sitting her on the couch, I went to make her some tea. Staring at me from behind she couldn't help, but remember that sensation she felt.

'Just what is that why Gigantomachia is being so submissive for the cops? Just mentioning Clark is enough for him to follow their instructions.', she thought.

Bringing her a cup of tea, she took a sip then looked at me.

"Clark, how strong are you really?", she asked.

"I haven't found a machine that can measure it yet.", I stated.

"Be serious with me...if you fought all of us, who would win?", she asked.

"Rumi, I wouldn't want to fight any of you. In that situation wouldn't survive.", I said.

"Do you know your upper limit?", she asked.

"Rumi, I think it's better if you see for yourself.", I said going to the lab to retrieve a space suit for her.

Taking her out into space, the entire time we flew she stared at me dumbfounded. Moving one of Jupiter's moons in front of her made her jaw drop in shock as she realized I was on a whole other level to superhuman. Pushing a small planet sized moon around with a single arm meant there wasn't a thing on Earth that matched my strength. Taking her to the Earth's Moon she looked at me with a serious look.

"Clark, are you even human?", she asked.

"That's rather rude, but I understand.", I replied telepathically, "I am human, but I am unique."

"The fact you don't need a space suit, can push a moon, and fly in space didn't give me that impression.", she laughed.

"Anyways, how about I show you around out here?", I asked.

"You mean take me to other world's?", she replied.

"Yep.", I said.

"Lead the way.", she said.

Picking her up Princess Style she started complaining before I shot into deep space. Flying her around for over an hour out there, she remained silent just looking at everything we passed. Stopping by planets with weird life forms, nothing humanoid, she was surprised to see it all.

'This is one hell of a date.', she thought.

Touching down in world's with different gravities she jumped around testing out how powerful she was on a given world. Watching her enjoy herself I made sure we took plenty of pictures. Finding a world filled with natural hot springs, and an earth like atmosphere she jumped into after I verified there was no threats. Sighing as she sank into the pool she felt her muscles released.

"This water is much purer and mineral filled than on Earth.", I said, "You should be feeling quite relaxed."

"Mm...I do.", she moaned, "It's like floating on a cloud."

"I am glad you like it.", I said.

"So have you explored a lot?", she asked.

"A very small amount, no aliens though.", I laughed, "Just plants."

" you think maybe you'd consider dating an older woman when you are in U.A?", she asked.

"Surprisingly direct.", I said.

"I am not the romantic type, and I don't claim to be.", she said looking at me, "I recognize you have your little group of girls, and a guy like you...probably will end up with many. You think you got room?"

"What's the catch?", I teased.

"You and I keep things professional till you get into U.A, after that we keep things private till you graduate.", she said, "In addition, you and I stay sparring partners and work out together. Sure I know physically I won't catch you, but I want it to be...our thing."

"I see.", I said, "So basically get to know each other till I get into high school. I can live with that, and can agree to be your workout partner several days a week. That said, you are sure your cool with multiple women?", I asked.

"Truthfully I'd rather not share you, but...even I have to say you are too much for me alone. No way in hell would I satisfy you alone.", she laughed.

"Haha!", I said almost falling over.

"So...another question, did Nemuri and Yu do anything to you?", she asked with a grin.

"I have been meaning to ask, how do you know them? You went to a different academy.", I stated.

"Hehe, Nemuri was an Instructor for a club at U.A when I was in school. Her club and mine would compete several times a year, and I would thrash them. She and I have had a competition of the guys she dated tried to pursue something with me. I told him to get lost, but she thinks I slept with him because he said he did. You will learn really quickly that there are a lot of asshole Heroes out there.", she said.

"Ah, so it's a relationship that started out of friendly competition, but soured over a guy.", I stated.

"I tried apologizing even though I didn't do anything.", Rumi said.

" apologizing probably makes her think you did.", I said, "I will take to her about it."

"You are on talking terms with them?", she asked.

"Yes.", I chuckled.

Leaving it me, she soaked for another ten minutes before getting out. Without anything to dry herself with, I flew back to her place and got a towel. Laughing at how fast I did it, she didn't even bother covering up as she dried off. Taking her home after that, she thanked me and kissed me on the cheek.

"Consider that down payment.", she said feeling super relaxed.

'Note to self, install a hot spring in the Fortress...', I thought, 'It will be very much worth the trouble.'

Flying home the girls were waiting up for me while watching a movie. Taking a shower quickly, I plopped down to watch it with them afterwards.

The following morning I got up, and texted Midnight. Asking if she minded going on patrol tonight she responded almost immediately with a yes. Going down to make breakfast, Nejire came barreling out of my room and jumped on my back.

"Where are you going?", she asked.

"To make breakfast.", I said.

Following after her the others said they were hungry too. Leading the way into the kitchen I made breakfast for all of us which was nice. Doing things like this was relaxing to me, and kind of reminded me of the charity work I did to raise money for those in need. Making eggs, bacon, pancakes, and sausage the girls just stared at the food as I plated it. Used to traditional Japanese breakfasts, they were conflicted by the meal I served. Over the course of every morning they had been here they never once ate this stuff so they were conflicted.

"This is a lot of food...", they said.

"Don't worry about that.", I stated, "Just try it, I am sure you will like it."

Taking hesitant bites, since they really hadn't sampled a lot of my cooking, they found that my food was really good. Wolfing the food down, they slid their plates forward asking for more. Plating them more they finished it before I finished my meal.

Getting changed, all of us ran to the park to go have a snowball fight since it snowed overnight. As we were playing Deku came to join us, and was soon followed by Bakugo. Trying to use this chance to beat me, he lightly used his Quirk to increase the velocity of his snowballs. It took a few attempts to make one that wouldn't fall apart, but the first one that was successful struck Ochaco on the side of the head. Unlike our lightly packed ones Bakugo had tightly packed his so it had some heft to it. Getting back up she started crying, and rubbing her head. Compacting a snowball I threw it at Bakugo, and pegged him in the nuts.

Watching him drop I glared at him as I hugged Ochaco. I checked to make sure it wasn't serious. Fortunately it wasn't so I rubbed it to make her feel better. Offering to get everyone hot chocolate, we left Bakugo groaning in the snow. Getting our drinks and some cinnamon rolls everyone got warmed up while Bakugo dragged himself home.

---Bakugo's house---

Seeing her son coming in walking funny his mom asked what was wrong. Telling her to leave him alone he started hobbling up the stairs. Assuming he did something she called my parents who in turn called me. Informing them what happened, she apologized and glared at her son.

'Damn it...', he thought hurrying up the stairs.

"Bakugo get back here right now!!", she shouted forgetting to hanging up.

"I didn't mean it!!", he shouted.

"Then stop running away!!", she retorted chasing after him.

---At the restaurant---

Hearing the shouting I knew he'd be given a proper punishment. Hanging up, I couldn't help but smile. Out of everyone on this planet the only one he feared was his mother so why not use that to teach him manners. Had he hit me I would have ignored it. The fact he hit Ochaco, and didn't even attempt to apologize pissed me off.

"Everything okay?", Momo asked.

"Doubt we will see Bakugo till school starts.", I said, "That was his mother."

"Serves him right.", Itsuka said.

"Someone has to put him in his place.", Mina said.

"Hence why I told his mother, she is the only one he listens too.", I chuckled, "I imagine right now he is being punished, and Ochaco will be getting an apology from him."

"Him apologize?", Momo laughed, "I think the world would explode before that happens."

Going home after that to play video games, I got ready later that evening to go on patrol with Mt Lady and Midnight.