Chapter 19 - Night Raid

Upon our arrival, the girls were waiting for me like wives that caught their husband cheating. Staring at me all I could do was give them a confused look. Introducing them to the girls, they turned their attention to the two girls.

"What Quirks do you have?", Nejire asked.

"I talk to spirits.", Dorothy said before realizing she slipped up again.

"I...I don't have a Quirk.", Melissa said.

"Oh...I am sorry. I didn't mean to be rude about that.", Nejire said back pedaling.

"It's okay.", Melissa said with a little disappointment.

"It's fine, Melissa can still be a Hero.", I said patting her back, "Heroes come in all shapes and sizes. Fight crime isn't the only way to be a Hero. With your intelligence you have the potential to save lives through your work in science! Unlike us you can truly make a difference in under developed countries and give those children a brighter future!"

Giving me a smile she nodded her. For once someone outside her family saw her potential which made her feel very happy. Instead of seeing her as a person to make Hero gear, I saw her as someone that could help the people directly.

"Of course!!", Melissa shouted.

'You brat...buttering up my daughter with your kind words, but also I can't say anything because you are praising her!!', David thought wanting to say something.

"Haha, you should be happy she is making more friends. I understand that sometimes being on an island like yours would be difficult for her.", All Might said.

"Usually I would, but he is making moves on her!", David whispered.

"Come now he is only ten, I am sure it will pass with age.", All Might said.

"You have no idea since you haven't married anyone...", David said.

"Oh come now, Young Clark isn't likely to marry all of those girls.", All Might said, "Have a little faith, I am sure the girls will make it hard for him too-"

"You want to join our group?", Mina asked.

"What group?", Melissa replied.

Pulling both girls out of the room, they returned five minutes later. Bowing their heads they said they would be in my care causing David, All Might, and I to collectively twitch.

"Scratch that...", All Might said.

"I need a drink.", David sobbed.

'I just met them!!', I thought, 'Don't make decisions for me! I don't even know the type of girl Dorothy is, and you are already adding her into our group!'

All Might said they would be back later as he got David out of the house.

"You better make her happy!", David shouted closing the door behind him.

Looking at the door then back to me, Melissa asked what was going on.

"Was I not supposed to accept the offer of joining your agency when it opened?", Melissa asked.

' seriously...ugh damn my adult mind. Melissa it totally looked like you joining the harem.', I thought with a sigh, "It's fine, I am sure your father will get over it. Want to go play video games?"

"Yes!", Melissa said with a smile.

Going up to play, we played till dusk. Getting a text from All Might, he said David was passed out and he had to go on patrol. Asking me to keep Melissa over night, I also explained the situation from earlier. Realizing what she meant he spammed the laugh emoji and thanked me for giving her a bigger dream.

Sighing I just went along with it. Making her and Dorothy a pair of pajamas, Melissa scolded me saying I was wasting my machine on frivolous things as she was burying her face in the soft fabric. Not buying her scolding I just said it was my machine, and I would do what I wanted with it. Deciding to all sleep in my bed, all of them passed out quite quickly.

Hearing my parents and Alfred go to sleep, I laid there with my eyes closed. Figuring they might try again to kill Dorothy, I wanted to be ready for them. I hoped they would be smart enough to realize not to break into my home, but that was shattered when I heard people picking the locks on the house. Sitting up in bed I looked at the girls, and clenched my fists.

'You crossed a line tonight...threatening my loved ones and attacking my home isn't something I will let you walk away with just a light beating.', I thought getting out of bed, 'I will show you the meaning of the word pain!'

Standing in the corner away from my bed, I stood their silently in the shadows. Watching the handle of my bedroom door turn, a man with wings on his back came in. Made of metal, it looked like all of the feathers were sharpened to a razors edge. Moving towards the bed, he took one of his feathers off getting ready to plunge it into Dorothy and Ochaco. Just before he did I appeared behind him.

"You move a millimeter, and I will rip your fucking heart out.", I growled.

Feeling the overwhelming sense of death behind him, the assassin froze. Taking the feather from him, I crushed his hands immediately causing him to scream. Trying to escape as the girls woke up in fright I grabbed him by the throat with my heat vision ready to fire.

"You have some nerve threatening the people I love.", I said in a cold tone, "How many of you are there in my house? For every person you miscount I will rip a limb off of you."

'What Hell did I walk into!?', he thought, 'He knew we were coming!'

It took a moment for Dorothy to wake up enough to realize who I was holding.

"Death Wing!!", she shrieked, "He is here to kill me!"

"Call him off!!", Death Wing shouted, "He is killing-"

"Speak only when I talk to you.", I said tightening my grip, "How many are there of you?"

"Ten!", he shrieked, "I was to handle all of you, and the others were too kill-"

"If they lay a finger on my parents or our butler you will continue life as a cripple and feeding yourself through a straw.", I growled.

Fainting he started spasming and foaming at the mouth from shock.

"Clark what is going on?", Mina asked.

"All of you stay in my room.", I said snapping my fingers.

Immediately a barrier came up around the bed. Having considered the possibility that someone would one day make a move to harm my family as we slept I had barriers all over the house to keep my family safe. I was unable to save my parents in my prior life, I wasn't about to fail again. Calling the police I told them to get here immediately as I had assassin's in my house.

"Is everything alright?!", the Commissioner asked.

"You're coming here to protect them from me.", I said, "There is only one thing that can seriously anger me Commissioner, targeting my family."

"I understand, I will have my people head your way immediately.", he said.

Walking out of my room dragging a spasming Death Wing, I found the rest of the people trying to break into my parent's room and Alfred's room. Feeling a cold, deadly presence behind them they turned around to see me standing there. Three of them fainted immediately, and the remaining seven couldn't move.

'What...what the hell is this pressure. Anyway I tell my body to move I feel like I will die a gruesome death.', one of the men thought.

"Please...spare us!", two of them pleaded weakly.

"You came into my house, and tried to murder my family...", I said, "You better pray the cops get here before I cripple all of you."

Four of them collapsed unable to control their bodies. Wetting themselves they started crying like children. When the first man finally managed to take a step forward all he felt was my fist punch through his gut so fast that it cauterized the hole. It was at that moment that all of them realized they took the wrong job, and were first time in their lives praying the cops would hurry up.

"Now then...I want names, and locations of who you work for...", I said deciding that Old Man Batman's tactics were called for here, "Start talking!"

---Enroute To Wayne Manor---

Receiving the notice that assassin's had broken into Wayne Manor, David and All Might were speeding towards the scene.

"Damn it all I shouldn't have let Melissa stay there!", David shouted flying past traffic in his car.

"Young Clark won't let any harm come to her.", All Might reassured him.

"I hope you are right.", he said.

Arriving at the same time the cops did, they were about to run in when four people flew past them. Crashing into the street the four looked liked they had lost one hell of a bar fight. Running over to them, they quickly grabbed the police.

"Please arrest us!!", they screamed, "Don't send us back in there!!"

"Calm down, what is-"

"That child is monster!!", they shouted, "We admit it!!! We tried to kill everyone in the house, but he caught us before laid a finger on anyone!!"

Crying with blood, snot, and tears running down their face the Commissioner's expression hardened.

"I have seen your faces before. You were responsible for the death of the Prime Minister's son three years ago!", he snapped.

"We did it!! It was all us!! Please take us in now!! He will kill us if you don't!!", they screamed.

"Where are the others?", All Might asked.

"He's interrogating them!", they said curling up into the fetal position, "He wanted to know everything we had on our employer, and who we worked for!! We will tell you whatever you want just don't bring him near us!!"

"You're telling me that you four assassin's with a history of killing political and military targets are a afraid of a ten year old?", the Commissioner asked.

"Yes!!!", they screamed.

"Book them, and I want every damn word they say recorded for evidence. This kid probably just cracked nearly forty different cold cases tonight!", the Commissioner said.

Grabbing the cuffs from the cops, the assassin's cuffed themselves and literally jumped in the police car locking the door behind them. Rushing inside, they found seven more people sprawled out on the floor trying to make themselves as small as possible.

"Where is your boss?", I asked staring down Death Wing.

"The Marriott downtown Room 314!!", he sobbed, "Take the key!!! Please no more!! I want my mommy!!!"

Having broken his wings into powder, any hope of recovering from this was non-existent. Looking at the cops he quickly started shouting for help. Crawling over to the cops, the others looked up with swollen faces and dislocated joints.

"Clark, you didn't kill anyone did you?", All Might asked.

"No, they are all still alive and are mostly intact.", I said, "All Might, a man's home is his castle and trying to murder the people he loves most...they had to pay. Commissioner I think you will find they will tell you anything they are asked about."

"I got that impression.", he said, "Now that man there...he is wanted by the UN for the attempted assassination of the British Ambassador, and for aiding in the slaughter of thousands in the Africa. I have seen your face plastered on every single police station I have ever been too."

" me...", he sobbed.

"Oh boy you have no idea how many people want your head on a platter. You really picked the wrong assassination target tonight.", the Commissioner said with a grin.

Handing him over to the police, David asked about his daughter. Going to my room, I showed him that she was completely unharmed.

"Darling are you alright?", David asked.

"Clark protected us.", she said with a smile, "Nothing happened to me, I am completely fine other than a little shaken up from being awoken by a winged man screaming."

"Thank the lord you are safe.", he said holding her tightly.

"I am fine Dad really.", she said hugging him.

"What is that glowing wall?", All Might asked.

"A force field.", I stated, "I have barriers all around the house in key areas to protect my family. To me family is the most important thing, even above my own life. I can replace physical things...I can't replace loved ones."

"It is a good thing you planned ahead.", he said, "Where are you going next?"

"To greet the people that thought it was a good idea to attack my home. I will be back, you all get some sleep.", I said.

"Kay!", they said getting comfortable.

"Just like that?", David asked, "You were all just attacked!"

"Clark will protect us if we are in a life threatening situation.", Momo said fluffing her pillow.

Looking to me I nodded my head. Stating that I would beat the snot out of anyone, regardless of their status, that would harm the people I care about. Telling them that I was going over now, I changed into an all black version of my Superman suit before flying over.

"Go help Clark.", Melissa said, "I am fine here."

"But dear I-"

"It's fine dad really, I am safe here. You have to make sure Clark doesn't go overboard in anger.", Melissa said.

---Marriott Hotel---

Taking the opportunity to sample the benefits he could have in Japan, the boss was currently being entertained by two escorts he hired for fun. Currently opening a thousand dollar bottle of wine, he was confident that his people would be able to handle the murders. Just as he was about to pour a glass for himself the outside wall exploded inward sending him flying into the bathroom.

" are the one that ordered the strike on my home.", I said walking towards him.

"Fuck!", he snapped, "I should have fucking known they couldn't handle this. All of them were fucking useless bastards!"

"Oh'll be the useless bastard when I am done.", I said ripping the wall out with my pinky, "When I am done with you the only thing you will be able to do is lay in a hospital bed on life support."

"Heroes don't seriously injure people!", he snapped.

"I am not here as a Hero tonight. I am here as an angry man whose loved ones you tried to have killed.", I snapped grabbing him by the collar, "No one lays a finger on them...not the President of the United States, not the Queen, not you..."

Blasting him from the twenty-seventh floor to the ground floor with a single blow, he laid in a crater quickly filling with sewage and his own blood. The blow severed his spine, and he couldn't feel anything below his ribcage. Descending down to him slowly as the water started rising, he felt his blood run cold.

"I will tell you what ever you want!", he shrieked.

"Your men already did...", I growled, "You have nothing to bargain your life with."

" can't kill me!", he said, "You won't be able to become a Hero!"

"A Hero sometimes has to make the difficult choices that others won't. You have no issue ordering a nine year to be killed, but try to weasel your way out of karma for all your crimes. Tell me, whose soul do you think is purer yours or mine?", I asked, "How many people have you killed while they pleaded for their lives or for their family's lives? Don't bother answering, I read your mind already. You enjoy the rush of torturing people which disgusts me. I am not doing this for fun, this is a warning to any criminals in the future. Lay a finger on a single hair of my loved ones, and I will hunt you down to the ends of the Earth."

Picking him up, he looked at me with genuine fear. It was at that point that his life flashed before his eyes, and he started wetting himself. Crying he called out for his mother to save him, but he remembered that he was the one that killed his parents.

"You plead for forgiveness in Hell!", I said punching him out of the building and over the Pacific Ocean.

Feeling the air resistance blast his body like a sandpaper, he saw the next punch come sending him further over the ocean. The sensation and smell of burning flesh started to hit him hard as he tried to scream, but no sound came out. Seeing the next punch, he watched entire cities fly by as the land came and went.

'What the hell is happening!?', he thought.

---Vlad's Castle---

Sipping on an evening glass of the finest wine he had, Vlad was savoring it with his wife and daughter. Pouring them a refill their butler made sure to take the utmost care of the wine as he poured.

"I wonder how those assassin's are getting on with the elimination of that girl?", his wife asked.

"Sir, if they fail I will ensure that the job is done correctly in a single evening.", the butler said.

Serving them dinner, ham and a fresh garden salad, the family was about to dig in when someone blasted through their roof. Exploding the table on impact, the assassin boss was unrecognizable...just a literal burnt corpse barely clinging to life. Looking at the assassin, Vlad asked what was going on.

"He...too...strong...", he said before fainting.

Using my heat vision I cut the castle to ribbons collapsing it on top of the family who quickly managed to escape. For the first time in their memory someone actually dared to attack their home, and they would make them suffer. Seeing me their butler went on the offensive, but the moment he went to activate his Quirk his arms smacked the two women.

"What the devil!?", the butler shouted.

"You are a nuisance.", I said crushing him down like a soda can.

Seeing how easily I handled the butler the family was in disbelief. Their butler was the first line of defense, the only ones that had beaten him were those among Vlad's comrades and Section 13's elites. The child dispatched him faster than anyone the butler wasn't even there.

"Dear...we may have done something bad.", his wife said.

"Daughter, take him out!", Vlad shouted.

"I...I am trying!", she shrieked, "He isn't dying! Something is wrong!! Not a single person should be able to resist my Death Spirit Quirk!"

"You are nothing but a flea to me.", I said blowing a hole through her gut with air pressure alone, "Lie there and die in silence, no one wants to hear you speak."

"Daughter!!", his wife said running towards their daughter before my heat vision cut her in half like a knife making her die a few moments later.

Seeing his dead family at his feet Vlad became enraged, and activated his quirk. Turning into a massive ten foot tall Werewolf, Vlad tried to use what he thought was his superior speed. Lashing out at my throat all he hit was dead air, but he felt a part of him was missing. Looking to his left his entire left arm was gone.

'When!? How!?', he thought as the hairs on his body froze standing up in fear.

"You are too slow doggy.", I said tossing his arm to side, "You fucked with the wrong family asshole. The moment they set in my home your life was already over Vlad. No one is coming to save your life, but don't worry I won't you be died for long. I can rebuild your bodies, and we can do this over and over till my anger is calmed."

"You...You are a fucking monster!!!", he squealed stumbling backwards.

"I don't cut loose often, but when I do those that are my enemy...learn to not piss me off.", I growled, "Now I suggest that you prepare yourself, attempting to kill my parents, butler, and my future harem members comes at a very steep price. Ten deaths should be satisfactory before I turn you over to Section 13."

Feeling my Killing Intent wash over him like a tsunami, he was the first person to truly see what happens when I get mad. Here on the mountain there was no need to worry about anyone aside from them getting hurt. For the next two hours I pumbled the entire family into the dirt destroying the mountain by the time I was done. When that time came the family had experienced death eleven times, and had been brought back from the brink twelve times. Cowering behind the butler the once bold assassin boss was nothing more than a scared schoolboy. The family were gripping each other tightly repeatedly apologizing. Carrying the boss back to Japan where I turned him over to the police, he immediately started telling them everything his organization did.

Leaving the Commissioner to make the necessary calls and arrests, I flew the Chomsky family to the Section 13 base in Colorado.

---Section 13 Western US Headquarters---

Sipping on some hot tea to warm himself up, Charles was going over the daily reports. After their successful capture of highly dangerous supervillains his team had received a generous bonus, and extra vacation. Without his mental protection Mind Breaker was singing to their interrogators which meant they would be called into action soon. With their wide network of crime organizations taking them down for good would take several years, but they could move forward confidentially.

"Smith, you found any leads yet?", Charles asked.

"Not much outside what Mind Breaker has been giving us. Their organization really clammed up after his capture. His information is good, it's just they are a few steps ahead of us.", Smith said, "Besides...several nations are reconsidering the need for Section 13 after the incident in Japan."

"Yeah, lots of friction with the Japanese allies.", Jetson said.

"Even my contacts are coming up with nothing.", David stated with a sigh.

"Maybe it's time to retire.", his secretary said.

"Hell no, I heard what happened to the Japanese Head...I like to keep my head on my shoulders.", Charles laughed, "Maybe if we pray really hard the kid will bring us more information."

Laughing about that for a moment, an alert came over the loudspeaker that something was flying towards the base at a high rate of speed. Rushing outside, the staff was ready for a fight but calmed down when they saw it was just me. About to scold me for breaking into their airspace they quickly saw the four people I was carrying in.

"Go...go get the big wigs on the phone now!", Charles shouted, "We have high profile guests!"

Doing as he said, David quickly got the North American and European Branch Heads on the line. Demanding to know why they were receiving a call, Charles took the phone from David.

"The kid from the LA incident just brought in another big fish!", Charles said, "The Chomsky family is currently being dragged here."

"What!?", the European Branch Head spat, "You must be seeing things!! There is no way a ten year old shit caught the Number 5 Ranking Member of their organization!!"

"Sir I am telling you we have all four of them here.", Charles said, "They must have done something to piss him off because they all look petrified."

"I am getting a plane there immediately.", the North American Branch Head said, "Don't you dare let them escape! This is a big break for us! We can use this opportunity to rebuild our international image! If this works we will owe the kid big time, don't fucking burn this bridge Charles!"

"I...I have to verify this information.", the European Branch Head said pulling up a satellite view of Chomsky's mountain, "Where the fuck did his mountain go!?"

"What do you mean? We have had his coordinates for years, but the Romanian government never gave us permission to take him out.", his counterpart said.

"I fucking know that, but the mountain is not there. It's flat like it has been plains this whole-"

"I destroyed the mountain and his home.", I stated.

Stopping their conversation, Charles looked at me as the cigar dropped out of his mouth. Blinking rapidly he tried to process what I just said.

"Did you say you destroyed his home and mountain? Like the actual entire fucking mountain!?", Charles gasped.

"He ordered a hit out on a nine year old girl that came to me for help. In turn they came after my family, and attempted to kill them. That is one sure fire way to get on my bad side, you won't need to torture them. I broke them so they will answer any question you ask.", I stated.

Dead silence filled the room as the three people processed that information.

"You used some of your tech?", a woman asked.

"I put them on the brink of death, and brought them back several times so they understand that my loved ones are off limits.", I stated.

'Fuck...that is brutal!', the three thought, 'And he destroyed a fucking mountain doing it...'

"Why bring him to us, and not the Romanian government?", Charles asked.

"I need cover for my...actions in Romania.", I said whistling, "I don't have my Hero Licenses so I kind of need Section 13 to say I was acting on their behalf again."

"HAHA!!!", the woman laughed, "You got it kid! If this is the price we pay for you bringing in someone like Vlad Chomsky we are happy to pay that!"

"Also Charles, the girl that came to me wants to give Section 13 all the information that her organization has about political assassinations they carried out. Would that be of any use to you?", I asked.

"You happen to know any of the assassinations her group did?", he asked.

"One of their members was Death Wing.", I stated, "I say was because I crushed his wings after he lead the attack on my home."

"Uh...yeah I will take anything she has!", he said.

" make sure you take every fucking detail down and after that all the Branch Heads are to be given a copy of the transcripts.", she said, "Also, start the process on getting the child a pardon."

Nodding to David he quickly went to get started on that.

"Do you know where the members of her organization are now?", she asked.

"In the custody of the Japanese police. I kicked their asses so they are in no shape to be escaping right now.", I stated.

"Alright, well I appreciate you doing us the favor of bringing Vlad to us.", she said.

"You are welcome, if they give you any problems tell them you have me on speed dial. That should be enough to get them to start talking.", I stated before leaving them.

After I was gone, the three of them pulled up the recordings from satellite surveillance of the Chomsky residence. Finding that it had been completely destroyed the three of them were relieved to have him in custody, but also panicked as there was a ten year old capable of destroying a mountain and taking a dangerous villain out like it was just another day at the office.

"Charles...I don't think I need to say this, but things are changing faster than we anticipated.", she said, "Taking out two ranking members will put them in quite a bad position. We need to move with a passion to reclaim as much territory as we can before they have time to rebuild their organizational structure."

"With the two of them in custody we have a good information base, and can really start putting the screws to crime around the globe.", Charles said feeling a rush of excitement.

Having had to sit on his ass the last ten years unable to do much, now he had the opportunity to really make progress taking on crime. Using the kid as the nuclear option Section 13 was positioned well to start clearing the political bull crap that had held them back. Stating that if shit the fan they could call me in, and I would handle the situation really gave them leverage now that they had these two in detention.

"I will notify the Romanian government that Vlad is no longer present.", the European Head said, "I will also alert the EU Hero Association as well. Send me any information you get from him, and I will have our teams mobilize."

Ending the call the European Branch Head started getting to work. Making the calls he had been waiting twenty years for he quickly got them photos, and information regarding Vlad's capture. While he was doing that the North American Branch Head was smiling in her office.

"Finally, we have the break to put those scumbags down.", she told Charles, "Don't let this opportunity go, use this to bring an end to this shitty shadow war."

"Believe me...I know.", he said looking at a picture of brother and sister, "We all have some skin in this game."