Chapter 22 - First Day Of Being A Pro

The day I had been waiting for arrived, and I was psyched to be going out on my own. Finally I wouldn't be tied by having a supervisor nor would I have to call in for work. I would be able to go all over the world to help people that I had been hearing for years, and help end their cries for help. Getting up I got the Hero Suit out, and confirmed that everything was ready to go. Getting the girls up so we could get going, they gave me grins saying I was being to giddy for my own good. Once they were ready we had a quick breakfast before I flew us all to school.

Seeing them off to their classroom, all of them had made it into Class 1-A, I headed to my classroom. Meeting Nezu at what was once a conference room, he handed me my assignments and asked if I had any questions. Finishing the assignments in a a fraction of a second, I handed them back to him. Giving me a shocked look he looked at the work, and nodded his head slowly.

"I knew you were intelligent, but...this is scary.", he laughed, "You even completed your college work, was being in middle school boring? I am sure you could have transferred to the US, and skipped grades there."

"You do a lot for love.", I said with a smile.

"Haha I suppose so.", he said handing me license, "You have been registered as Superman as you requested. Make sure you keep things professional, and keep track of your time."

"Of course sir, I understand.", I stated, "Anything else?"

"No, just remember not to over do it.", he laughed.

Nodding my head I shot out an open window. Doing a lap of the building, I zoomed out of the area headed out for my first day of work. Expanding my hearing out I immediately began listening for calls of help. Finding my first hit, I shot of towards San Francisco to help where I heard several calls for help.

---San Francisco Bay Bridge---

Rush hour traffic was terrible in San Francisco, and today was no exception. Stuck in traffic on the bay bridge thousands of drivers were stuck in traffic waiting for the police and fire fighters to clear an overturned semi. An idiot driver cut the semi off, and was currently wedged under the cab. Heroes were on the scene trying to help when the entire bridge started shaking violently. At the same time a 7.3 magnitude earthquake hit San Francisco without warning. With nowhere to go the people were trapped on the bridge as the the bridge began to buckle under the stress of the shaking and weight.

Panic quickly set in as people ran from their vehicles to escape danger. Pushing each other as they ran those who couldn't move quickly were quickly pushed aside, and families were split as the mob separated children from their parents. Arriving on the scene instantly I started evacuating people by loading people onto signs, and I quickly got them to solid ground. Making trips in rapid succession, I did my best to reunite families as I went. A few minutes after I arrived the bridge suspension cables in the middle section snapped. Dashing over to the cables, I grabbed them and pulled them up. Looking up at me in shock the Heroes and Police didn't know what to think.

"Get the rest of the people off the bridge!", I shouted doing emergency repairs to the suspension cables, "Please make sure no one is left behind in the vehicles!"

Once I wielded the cables back together, I started removing the remaining people I could see in a glance. After they were clear I started taking vehicles off the bridged, and placing them in nearby parking lots. Watching from the ends of the bridges the public were in disbelief, and were cheering for me. Smiling and waving to them I got the job done in ten minutes.

"Thank you for the assistance..?", the cops asked hinting he didn't know my name.

"Just call me Superman.", I said with a smile, "I am the newest International Hero."

"Wait...YOUR THE GUARDIAN ANGEL!!", they shouted realizing what the media called me, "You are doing Hero work again!!"

"I just got my license.", I laughed.

"Thank heavens you did!", they said shaking my hand, "It would have been terrible if you hadn't shown up!"

"It's all in a days work. Now if you will excuse me I need to go into the city, and help with relief efforts.", I stated, "Thank you all for your service today!"

Flying into the city I began moving destroyed buildings, and rescuing people alongside other Heroes. Putting out fires, shutting off gas valves, and restoring power to the city I worked alongside people with all different hats to keep the downtime to a minimum. Flying in personnel from around the state to help in the recovery efforts, the news didn't waste any time announcing my return to the world.

"...we are in here in San Francisco where just over an hour ago a massive 7.3 magnitude rocked the city. As you can see most of the damage has been cleared, and emergency personnel are onsite treating the injured.", a reporter said, "If you are just joining us the newest International Hero, Superman, is on the scene working alongside city employees and Heroes restoring vital necessities to the city. For those of you who are thinking that he looks familiar, four years this young man was responsible for taking out the notorious Vlad Chomsky in Romania and is also the same man to take out the dangerous villain Mind Breaker."

"...That's right Jacob, International Hero Superman is on the scene!", another reporter said, "Formerly known to the public as Guardian Angel, Superman is making his international debuted here in San Francisco. We have reports that he single handedly held up the Bay Bridge before it collapsed saving thousands from plunging into the icy waters of the bay."

Once utilities were back up to a somewhat functional state, I helped treat the most critically injured people with my Med Bots. Focusing on the people and ignoring the reporters that were asking me for an interview, I got through the most injured people in a hour's time. Confirming with first responders that they had it from here, I touched base with the Mayor and Chief of Police. Asking if there was anything else they needed done, they said that they had it handled.

"I wanted to thank you personally for saving the people on the bridge.", the Mayor said.

"It's not a problem Mayor, it's a Hero's duty to go where they are needed.", I stated, "Farewell, I wish you the best in recovering from this disaster!"

Shooting off into the sky I waved goodbye to the public before vanishing into the blue sky.

---New York City---

Stopping in New York City next, I found a robbery in progress. A villain that looked like a minotaur stood in the window of a jewelry store holding a young boy hostage.

"Back up!!", he shouted, "I will kill him if you don't back up!!"

"Mommy!! Mommy help me!!", the boy cried reaching for his mother.

"Please save him!! He's only four!!", she told the police.

"Shit where are the Heroes!?", one of the cops snapped.

"Nearest one is three minutes out!", another replied.

Becoming irritated that the cops weren't backing up he grabbed the child by the throat.

"Please don't hurt him!!", his mother screamed.

"I said back up!!", he shouted at the cops, "This is your last chance!! If you aren't backing up in three seconds I will kill him!"

"No you won't.", I said descending from the sky, "Let the boy go, or you will find yourself in the hospital."

Looking up at me the villain froze.

"Who the hell are you!", he snapped.

"I am Superman, and I am here to put an end to this.", I said, "Let him go or I will make you."

"Haha I'd like too-", he started to say.

Before he could react I was in front of him holding the boy. Looking at his hand, he found that it completely crushed to pieces. Dropping to his knees screaming in pain I handed the boy back to his mother, and walked over to the villain.

"You like picking on the weak, let's see how you like fighting me!", I said hitting him under the chin blasting up through the seven story building.

Flying several stories past that, I caught up to him and proceeded to slam him into the ground. Unable to feel anything now the villain was completely disoriented, and no longer a threat. Grabbing the bumper off a ruined car, I bent the steel around his wrists ensuring he wouldn't break free.

"Alright officers he is all yours.", I said, "Thank you very much for keeping him preoccupied. You all did an excellent job, and you young were quite brave."

Patting the kid on the head I gave him a soft smile.

"Are you in need of any medical attention?", I asked.

"I am fine!", he said with excitement, "You are so cool!! Where are you from?"

"Haha I live in Japan.", I stated, "I came as soon as I heard you calling for help. You are brave boy, I am glad you are alright."

"You really heard me from that far away!", he said with wide eyes.

"Of course!", I said with a smile, "Now then, you have a good rest of your day."

"You are leaving already?", he asked.

"Evil never rests, and neither does Justice.", I said with a nod.

Zooming out of the area the young boy looked around for where I went. Unable to see where I went he told his mother that I must be really fast. Agreeing with him she held her son tightly thanking the lord he was alright. Arriving on the scene shortly afterwards reporters started interviewing witness and the police. Telling them that I took care of the villain in moments the reporters asked to confirm that it really was me.

"Something wrong?", the cops asked.

"It's just...Superman was in San Francisco only a few moments ago.", the reporters said.

"Wait!?", the mother gasped, "You mean he wasn't lying about coming here after hearing my son? I...I thought he was only joking."

"No ma'am, he was in San Francisco only moments ago.", the reporters said, "He was assisting the city in rescue operations after the earthquake that hit the city a few hours ago."

Hearing that I had come so far for a single child, the boys mother felt touched that a Hero would do something like that. No Hero she knew would cross an entire nation to save a single boy.

"Is there anything you'd like to say ma'am?", they asked.

"Thank you...thank you so much for saving my son.", she said sobbing, "Thank you for rushing here to save him!"

---Ten Miles Off The Coast of Ireland---

A massive storm was going on in the North Atlantic, and it was causing problems for a passenger cruise ship that had been caught out in the storm after the ships engines seized up. The crew were frantically trying to get the engines going as sitting in the storm without engines would be the death of everyone on board. Several messages had gone out to nearby ships for assistance, but at the moment it was far too dangerous to make an attempt to assist. The Irish Coast Guard were dispatching several ships to take the passengers in the event that ship capsized. Hearing their calls for help, I landed on the deck of the ship. Entering the wheelhouse, I saluted the captain and asked if I could be of assistance.

"Are you a passenger?", he asked.

"No, I am a Hero. I heard you calling for assistance, and came to assist. If I understood right your engines are seized up, can I take you into port?", I replied.

"Take us in port?", he asked with a confused look.

"Yes, what port where you heading too?", I asked.

"Killybegs...are you capable of using the water to push us?", he asked.

"Of course not, I am going to pick the ship up and fly it there.", I stated.

"I don't know what kind of sick joke you are playing sir, but I would like you not to have such a sick sense of humor. This ship is several 210,00 Gross Tons, there isn't a Hero alive that can lift this boat!", he snapped.

"Sir, just tell the people to stay in their cabins. I will get you to Killybegs.", I stated leaving the room.

Looking at his crew he started cursing me under his breath till the entire ship started shaking. Turning to his attention outside the window, he saw the ship start to rise out of the water. Running outside with his crew all of them nearly fainted when they saw they were currently nearly two hundred feet in the air. Running back inside the radio operator called the Coast Guard.

"This is the Radio Operator Charlie aboard the Crystal Lady, please cancel the order to send rescue boats.", he shouted.

"Captain Smith of the Guinness here, were you able to restore your engines?", the Coast Guard Officer asked.

"No! A Hero came, and is currently carrying us towards Killybeg!", the operator said.

Looking at his crew in confusion the captain had him restate his words. Hearing the same thing again the captain was going to ask what he was talking about till one of his men called out that there was a large flying object flying towards them. Getting out the night vision binoculars his jaw dropped the moment he saw the cruise ship flying through the air. Getting his commander on the phone, he told him what he was seeing and got the same response he gave the Crystal Lady radio operator.

Several of the men got their phones out, and started recording out of sheer disbelief. No one back home would believe them if they didn't have proof. Arriving in Killybeg fifteen minutes later, his commanding officer fainted in his chair seeing me carrying the ship into port. Dock workers, and other ship's crew just stood their watching the giant cruise ship land in the port. One dock worker looked at his dinner beverage with a serious look.

"I really need to cut back on the old lady is right. It's making me see things, I could have sworn I just saw a ship fly into port.", he said.

"It did you blithering idiot!", his boss said smacking his head, "That's the Crystal Lady, the one that called in for support two hours ago!"

"Oh...that's a relief, I don't think I could have given up drinking.", the man laughed.

Getting the ship tied off securely, the dock workers watched me handle the thick cables without the aide of machines. Getting the stairway in place for the passengers, they looked at me with relief. Saluting them I flew out to retrieve several other ships there were trapped in the storm. Carrying them back to their port destinations, the people onboard thanked me sincerely for saving their lives. Telling them to be more careful next time I flew off to my next destination.

---Siberian Maximum Security Prison---

Currently a massive prison break was going on in the Siberian Prison called the Ice Coffin. Security guards were fighting tooth and nail to keep the prisoners from escaping. Many of these men and women were violent psychopaths that if freed would likely kill dozens of people again before getting caught. On the scene was Ivan, from Section 13, along with his team of Heroes.

"If one of these fuckers gets out I swear I will fucking have your heads!!", he shouted at his group, "How the hell did this happen!?"

Locked in combat with several villains Touya and Darren were currently trying to stem the flow of villains along with the main team. Shouting at Ivan to give them an ETA on when back up would arrive, Ivan looked at him like he was an idiot.

"We are in the middle of fucking Siberia you numbskull!! Outside of us the nearest Hero is over four hours away!", Ivan snarled.

"Say what!?", Touya shouted, "You're saying we are on our fucking own!? Why the hell didn't you take this into consideration!?"

"It isn't our prison you fucking idiot!", Ivan said ripping a villain's head off, "Our base is just stationed here because it was a good location!"

"So we are fucking dead!", Darren snapped.

"You can only die when I say your allowed too!", Ivan growled.

In truth an oversight on the prison's side led to this. A recently checked in criminal managed to use their Quirk to disable the security system when the guards weren't looking. All it took was a small amount of static electricity to destroy the security system. Once the system was out, all hell broke loose. The guards closest to the prisoners died within minutes of the prisoners escaping, and the rest were desperately hanging on. Arriving on scene as the wave of villains poured out of one of the the entrances I used my cold breath to encase them and the entrance in ice. Seeing me flying over head Ivan grew a big grin on his face.

"Well if it isn't the Golden Boy!!", he shouted, "Glad someone heard we needed assistance!"

"Pleasure to meet you sir, how can I help?", I asked.

"We and the guards can handle the small fries. There are several supervillains in here that we can't-"

Before he finished a massive beam of light cut through the side of the building. Shooting out a man made entirely out of light tried to flee.

"DON'T LET HIM ESCAPE!!", Ivan screamed.

Catching him before he got I attempted to hit him, he started to laugh till my fist connected. Blasting him into the ground, he skidded across the dirt turning back into human form. Trying to stand up, he realized several of his ribs were broken.

" did you hit me?", he wheezed.

"I have complete control over my bioelectrical energy. I simply coated my hand with it, and hit you.", I stated, "Now stay down before I make you a vegetable."

"Haha...", he laughed before fainting from the pain.

Looking to Ivan he stated that there were a few more supervillains inside. Nodding my head I flew inside the hole he made to find any surviving guards. Finding several villains holding guards captive I approached them ordering them to stand down. One man, made out of living rock, swung at me and told me to piss off. Shattering his arm I punched him into his comrade sending them flying through several walls in the prison. Slamming into more of their fellow prisoners they flew out of the prison, but were too injured to flee.

"Stay down, there won't be a second warning.", I stated, "Any of you try to flee I will ensure you don't threaten anyone again."

Flying back inside I quickly subdued the remaining prisoners beating the shit out of all of the ones who didn't want to listen. Once they were subdued I used boulders from a nearby mountain to make stockades for them. Treating the injured guards, I flew into Moscow to bring in reinforcements to take control of the situation. Any hope of them escaping now were quashed, and order was quickly restored.

"Great work kid!", Ivan said, "We haven't met officially, but it's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Ivan."

"Pleasure to meet you Ivan.", I stated, "Do you need me bring in anything else?"

"Actually...we have some prisoners here that were awaiting a break in the weather to have them flown out to be sent to that Phantom Zone of yours. Think you can take them to Charles' base?", he asked.

"You need only point them out.", I stated with a smile.

"Excellent.", he said.

Pointing out several villains to me, all of them looked like they had been given a death sentence. Watching them squirm around brought a smile to his face as he knew they thought he was ordering their execution. All of them were murderers that had killed hundreds of people, making them uncomfortable made his day quite nice. Anytime he could make them suffer for their crimes, within the confines of the law, Ivan was happy to do it. Escorting them to the other base, I handed them to Charles who thanked me for the speedy delivery.

Deciding to stop to take a lunch, I flew back to Japan to eat with the girls. Logging my time and locations before settling in for a meal, the girls wanted to know all about my work today. Telling them what they wanted to hear, they all looked shocked by how much I had done in a few hours. Once lunch was over I went back out to continue doing Hero work till the end of the school day. In total I ended up doing nearly two hundred missions by the end of the day. Handing my sheet to Nezu his face became tense.

"You did...all of this?", he asked, "You know this is more than some Heroes do in a month, right?"

"I understand, but this is nothing for me.", I stated.

"Please come with me, I want Recovery Girl to check you out.", he said with concern.

Taking me to the infirmary he had her do a thorough examination to ensure that I wasn't overdoing it. While I was getting examined Nezu called around to confirm that what I had written down was correct, and he nearly had a heart attack when he confirmed it. Looking back to Recovery Girl she shook her head in disbelief.

"He is completely fine, if I were beating on things I would say he didn't break a sweat all day.", she said.

"He did over 200 hundred jobs around the globe today...", Nezu said.

"What!?", she asked, "That can't be right, that's more than the top five Heroes do in a week!"

"Clark...I understand you want to be of help to public, but you are going to earn a lot of hatred from Heroes if you do this on a daily basis. No Hero is going to match you if you keep these numbers up.", Nezu said with concern.

"I don't mean to be rude, but I don't care. Their opinions don't matter squat to me. They aren't the people that are asking for help.", I stated, "The public are the ones that dictate whether or not I am doing too much. Heroes don't have to live up to my standards, nor do I have to live up to theirs. My duty is protect Justice and Liberty for all people around the world, I don't care if it earns me hatred in the Hero Community. I won't let their insecurities stop me from saving a single life, their pride is worth nothing compared to a life of an innocent person."

"I...I see.", Nezu said not expecting that answer, 'He is a completely different Hero to the ones I have met. His priority is the world, not just a city, he will do whatever it takes to save someone. It's's like he is among the legends that started the Hero movement. I was skeptical at first about giving him the license, but now I can say with certainty that he is up to the task both physically and morally.'

"Is there anything else?", I asked.

"Not at the moment, I will send your sheet over to the UN...we will see how big of a hornets nest you kick up.", he chuckled.

Leaving the two of them to join the girls, I escorted them to my home. Telling me all about their first day in class they all seemed to be really excited to be there. Listening to what they had to say, I kept a smile on my face listening to them.

---UN Headquarters, New York City---

Receiving Nezu's email, the receptionist brought the documents into the Auditorium to the ranking five members. Reading through my days work all of them looked at each other trying not to start sweating. Prior to me the highest daily mission total was 80, and I about quadrupled it on my first day. Confirming the logs with members in the auditorium, they announced the number of missions I did which shocked everyone. That said, none of them were upset by it. Sure I jumped around nation to nation, but the results spoke for themselves. Having mainly helped catch criminals all day, the council had an issue. If my numbers kept rising there would be trouble among the Heroes.

The council understood that most Heroes were in the business for making money. Once they started releasing my numbers I would immediately shoot to the top of the charts without anyone coming close to him. Not only that, there was already people that were pushing me through the Hero Popularity Rank. I was already in the top five hundred, and climbing.

"So what do you suggest?", the UK Ambassador asked, "At this point we can't tell him to cut back or remove his license. He has already garnered too much public attention."

"We can't simply do nothing though.", the Chinese Ambassador said, "Before long we will have Heroes rioting saying he is-"

"If I may...I don't think that is a bad thing.", the Ireland Ambassador said, "In all of those situations, were their any Heroes nearby?"

"Well...", the US Ambassador said, "In the San Francisco one yes, but that was a natural disaster. I can't count that one because it wasn't something a Hero could openly complain about him for. The New York boy he saved, police confirmed Heroes were minutes away. The few other robberies and assaults he stopped all didn't have Heroes close by."

"In my nations case there wasn't a Hero that could do what he did.", the Ireland Ambassador said, "I would wager that it is a similar case in most of these situations."

"I can say that he brought Heroes to the prison in Siberia to assist in the final round up, and left it to them to secure the place. I agree with my Irish friend, I don't see the issue with this. He isn't being arrogant, and is working with local Heroes. Any Hero that complains about that...well the public probably doesn't like anyways.", the Russian Ambassador said, "If I am reading the message the principal has here, he deems that the boy is solely focus on the public's well being. We shouldn't interfere with that, instead we should be supporting that."

"Agreed.", the Romanian Ambassador said, "My country won't stand for any punishment for his actions after all he did for us. Today alone he saved several villages of people after a mudslide, and before he got his license he took out Vlad Chomsky. I'd like to remind me EU colleagues that it was because of that we were able to lower our crime rates."

"I second that, if the boy is doing good work don't hold him back.", the French Ambassador said.

The rest of the EU ambassadors quickly backed that up along with dozens of other smaller nations I caught villains in today. In their cases they had too few Heroes to keep up with the villains. Having me patrolling their country made it a safer place for all of their citizens. Holding me back was the last thing they wanted too do.

"I concur as well given the facts we have.", the US Ambassador said.

"Alright, then we will release the numbers first thing in the morning.", the UK Ambassador said.