Chapter 25 - Together As One

Arriving back at the mansion, the women had just finished putting stuff away from the beach. Telling them I had grabbed pajamas for all of them, I told them we should rinse off from the beach. Agreeing with me I was going to suggest that we use different showers since just using mine would be a bit tight. When I tried to do so, Nejire and Yu stopped me.

"There is no issue with being a little snug in the shower.", they said.

"No point in hiding now.", Nemuri stated, "You are going to see us all naked anyways, might as well do so now."

"Okay.", I said not really going to argue it.

---R-18 Start---

Stripping down, we threw the bathing suits in the washer and set them to wash while we were busy. Getting back to the bathroom, the women were waiting for me to join them. Getting into the warm water with them, Toga was the first to make a move. While I was rinsing the salt out of the my hair, she gave me a deep kiss. Feeling her love through the kiss we parted, and looked at each other. Looking up at me with desire I ran my hands over her body slowly, sending shivers down her spine.

Going one by one with each of them, I made sure to feel every inch of them. These women were the ones I loved more than anything in existence. All of them were people that I could never see myself without in my life. They were the pieces that completed me, and made feel at peace. I would turn the world to ashes to protect them, and anyone who dared to lay a finger on them wouldn't be spared. Anyone stupid enough to harm one of them would find that I am capable of making the fool beg me for death once I was done with them. I would tear their mind to shreds with my psychic power before crushing every bone in their body.

Spending nearly thirty minutes in the shower with them making out and getting the foreplay rolling, the women were ready. Barely getting dried off before we were in bed about ready to make love. Grabbing the protection from the bag, Nemuri looked at me like I was being weird.

"Clark it's their first time.", Nemuri stated.

"So?", I asked, "I am not about to run the gauntlet with worry about getting them pregnant! Most of us just got into U.A, and I am sure they want a few years with just us after we graduate."

"That's easy for you to say!", Nemuri said.

"If you don't want me to wear it for you, I won't.", I stated.

"What are you talking about?", Toga asked impatiently.

"These are condoms, you wear them to decrease the chances of making you pregnant.", I stated, "I was going to put one on before going-"

"Just give it too me.", Toga said, "Stop bickering, and just do it."

"Toga, I don't want you all to stress out about potentially getting pregnant.", I stated.

"You don't have to worry about that.", Momo laughed, "Our parents started making us take the shot when we turned 13. They think we have already been doing it."

"...they have?", I asked, "Toga, did my mother take you to get birth control?"

Nodding her head I tried to figure out when that happened.

"We sleep in your bed, and are over at your house nearly half of the week.", Mina stated, "What did you think they would think?"

"That...that is true.", I said, "Still though I should be-"

Jumping on me Toga went it for, and buried me in her. The sudden pain made her wince, and sniffle a bit holding back a few tears. Holding her tightly I tossed them too the side, and laid her down. Locking our hands together, I kissed her and used my psychic powers to try to remove the pain with pleasure. Moaning she tried to dig her nails into my back though that wasn't going happen.

"Clark...I love you.", Toga said chasing my lips when I pulled back, "Please...don't ever leave me."

"I would never leave any of you.", I said kissing her forehead, "You are stuck with me for life, all of you."

"Thank you...for rescuing me from the darkness I fell into as a young child.", she said, " literally mean everything to me. There is no place I want to go without you there with me. I want to stay with you forever and ever."

"Himiko...", I said softly.

"You are the only one I can see a future with, and I would do whatever you ask of me to stay by your side.", she said, "Please call me by my first name now, I want you too. You are the only man I will let call me by that name."

Stimulating the other women, I held Himiko closely. Moving together the two of us matched each others pace as moved through several positions. Going from the bed to the wall then to the ground, and finally back to the bed I held her hands softly. When I finally climaxed she gripped the bed tightly as she felt the wave of warmth enter her.

"Clark...hold me tightly.", she whimpered.

Holding onto her till she came down from her high, I pulled out while kissing her. Asking if she was only getting to go once, I told her I would going with them all till the morning she gave me a playful smile.

Moving to Mina next she took me in without batting an eye as apparently her going overboard doing things had torn her hymen a while ago. Still she moaned loudly feeling me stretching her out.

"Clark!!", she shouted kissing me, "Don't stop, I want you to feel good. I have been dreaming of the day we would be together like this."

"Mina, I have wanted to do this for a long time too. It was hard not acting on the many offers you girls presented me. I really wanted to this a while ago, but I put it off...I am sorry."

Grabbing her pink butt firmly, she squealed gasping with pleasure. Listening to the rhythmic sound of our bodies clapping together, I had her on her back laying on me. Holding her breasts as I was making love I gave her several compliments throughout our first go up till I poured my seed into her. Holding my hands as I did so I felt her quiver with each pulse.

"We are doing this frequently.", Mina informed me, "At least twice a week, hehe. This is too good to do any less than that."

Ochaco was next, and she was shaking like a leaf. Kissing her I gingerly rubbed my dick on her opening till I penetrated her a few minutes later. Holding me tightly she shook her hips to take me past the halfway point to get me in completely.

'This feeling...I feel comfortable, and secure.', she thought as I moved, 'I feel his passion and love, it's everything that I have been wanting from him.'

Rolling over I had her ride me as I admired her beautiful body. Sitting up partway through, I pulled her into my chest and took over. Kissing her neck and nibbling on her ears she climaxed several times before I did. Feeling relief radiate from her as I filled her I playfully grabbed her butt making her smile and squeal.

Itsuka was next, and I watched my length outline on her stomach. Feeling her insides gripping me I couldn't help but go a little rougher with her. Filling the room with the sound of our bodies clapping together she tried several positions before speaking.

"Clark...I so...much!", Itsuka said between her gasps.

"I love you too Itsuka.", I said holding her tightly, "I love everything about you from your quirky personality to when you hit me when I act stupidly."

" of keep line.", she said panting.

With one arm wrap across her breast my free hand gingerly fiddled with her clit till we climaxed together. Kissing her passionately I told her to always keep me on the straight and narrow. Accepting the task, she gave me a beautiful smile as we parted.

Brushing Toru's hair from her face, I brushed my hand across her cheek. Toru had the equipment now to make herself visible whenever she wanted, but she chose to only wear it on on special occasions. She felt a special connection to me as the only person to be able to see her through the barrier around her body. Being able to see her without the aid of tech made her feel we were destined to be together. Sliding into her she didn't let out a sound, and only looked me in the eyes with her brilliant, crystal blue eyes.

"Clark, I want to be with you forever and ever.", she said as I started moving, "I want you to know that I will always stand by your side no matter what."

"I know Toru, I feel the same way. I love being able to see your natural beauty every time I look at you. You are like a hidden gem that only I can see.", I said, "I want you by my side for as long as I live, and into the next life."

"Clark!!", she shouted lunging into my arms.

Wrapping her legs and arms around me she wanted me to hold her the entire time. I could feel her entrust everything to me, allowing herself to fall into the bliss of pleasure I was inducing in her mind. Taking her to pleasure heights she never could of imagined, I wanted her to experience a pleasure only I could give her. Looking her in the eyes as I climaxed, I watched her expression soften as my warmth filled her.

Pulling Momo into my arms next, she slid me in before I had a chance too. Kissing me right off the bat she looked me in the eyes with tears in her eyes. Letting her hair down, I thought she was breathtakingly beautiful and only few could match her...those that could were all in the bed with us. Wrapping her arms around my neck she pressed her forehead to mine.

" have been there for us since we were kids. Always protecting us and keeping those who wanted to hurt us in check. I remember you fought a gang of villains that attacked us while we got ice cream one summer. You became so angry when one of them tried to lay a hand on me.", she cried, "I didn't realize it till then, but...I have always been in love with you. I don't want to think of a day that we will be parted. Please...please put that big head of yours to work, and find a way to keep us together forever."

"Momo...I-", I started to say.

"I know you must be afraid of falling in love because you are immortal. You love us unlike an other man could, and I can't imagine living like you. It must be hard being forced to hold in how you feel, and the fear you have of hurting someone...or the thought of one day living without us.", she said somehow understanding how I felt.

"It's true...", I told her, "This world is like living in a world of tissue paper. I live constantly on the edge fearful that I will hurt someone...especially the people I love more than my own life. I can't ever stop holding back...there isn't a person alive that handle my strength. All this time I protected all of you because I want to have a future with each of you. The thought of someone hurting you makes me go crazy, and I can't hold back. If something ever happened to any of you...I couldn't bear the pain of losing you."

"Clark...", they said tearing up.

"You are the chip in my armor...the one thing I can't ever become immune too.", I stated, "Losing one of are right, I can't bear the thought of it. Just thinking about it tears me up inside, and makes me feel powerless. I completely acknowledge that all of you are strong, brilliant women with no limit to your potential, but...if you died because a villain wanted to hurt me...I couldn't live myself. I would kill the villain or group of villains that hurt you regardless of what the world wants."

Looking at me in shock I apologized, but said that I couldn't live a moment longer knowing that the bastard responsible was alive.

"I...I know I am a fool, but I can't help it.", I said holding her, "I would give up all my powers if it meant I could save you...a moment without you isn't worth living."

"You damn idiot...", Rumi sniffled, "There you go saying that shit can't be saying that to us."

"She is right...", Yu sobbed.

"You jerk!!", Nemuri cried, "Why the hell didn't you walk into my life sooner!? I spent so long looking for a man like you!"

Voicing similar complaints the others smiled at me, and kissed me deeply. Telling me that they felt the same way they asked me the same thing Momo did...make them able to live beside me permanently as immortals.

"Alright, I will start working on it.", I stated, "Give me a few years, I will make something to reverse Rumi and Nemuri to twenty-five and give you all immortal lives."

"You make it sound like you already have the idea in your head.", Melissa stated.

"I do...but it requires testing before I would dare put any of you in the machine.", I replied, "I want to make absolutely sure that I don't loose any of you."

"What don't you have in that head of yours?", Mina laughed.

"Nothing.", I replied kissing her, "I have all need right here to make it happen. With all of you beside me there isn't anything I can't do. You give me the hope and courage I need to step forward, and face this world. I will make so that only you all are my weakness...all of you are the only thing that stops me from cross that line from Hero to Tyrant. Seeing you smile is what makes me know I am doing the right thing."

"Don't say that shit!", Rumi said slapping me, "You make me feel like something I haven't ever been before. I hope you fucking understand that you have to take responsibility for all of this!"

"Would you feel better if I got down on my knees, and asked you to marry me?", I asked.

All of the women shrieked, and turned bright red.

"D...D....Don't say something like that!", Rumi said kicking me in the gut, "Y...Y...You can't just...just say that stuff without warning!! T...T...There is a process you have to go through before you pop question!! Do you even have a ring!?"

Reaching for my pants, Nemuri quickly stopped me.

"Don't answer like that!", Rumi shrieked almost having a heart attack, "Are you really serious?"

"I mean it, absolutely! If you wanted too I would marry any of you in a heartbeat.", I stated, "There is no doubt in my mind. There is no reason to hesitate when you love someone as much as I love all of you."

"I...I...", Rumi said as steam poured from her head.

"My intention was too get down on my knees, and ask each of you at graduation. If you want it too be earlier I will happily do it.", I said.

"At graduation!?", they gasped.

"I don't want to hide my love for you. I have no fear expressing how I feel for you all.", I stated, "I don't care what the world will say I just want to wake up next to you all every day, and sleep in a bed together every night. The world can piss off in regards to what is acceptable, and what isn't."

"Make it graduation day.", Nemuri said.

"Agreed!", the others said, "We will tell the world together!"

Giving them a smile, I finished making love with Momo as I massaged her shoulders and breasts. Feeling her shake her hips for me in a teasing manner, I was looking forward to round two. Looking to Melissa, Dorothy, and Nejire the three made M's with their legs putting a grin on my face.

" for the three of you. Since you want to wear my symbol...I think I will have some fun with you three.", I teased.

Sliding into Nejire, I began fingering the other two while stimulating all twelve women with my psychic powers again. Churning up Nejire's insides I feel the passion she held for me through my partner. She had her legs wrapped behind me, and was trying to get me further inside her with every single thrust of mine. Leaning forward I lightly nibbled on her nipples making her squirt all over my member as her body convulsed from the hard climax. Making her do that three times over the course of round one I poured my seed in as she climaxed the third time.

"Clark!!", she screamed, "Give me it all! I want you keep giving me it!! Fuck...I can't...I can't live without this!! You and I will have to do this every day, and I will make you feel the best I can!!"

"Nejire...we can do this several times during the week, but everyday is-"

"Clark, I am not asking.", Nejire said sitting up looking me dead in the eyes, "We are doing this every day, and I won't hear no. I know you have been handling things yourself, but now I will take care of that."

"Haha over my dead body.", Nemuri stated, "I will be taking it."

"Clark, why don't you move in?", Rumi asked.

Looking at Rumi in shock the group was disbelief.

"He said all that stuff, body feels really hot.", Rumi said, "I am not the rabbit hero in just looks only..."

"He isn't moving in!", Nemuri snapped, "He should move in with Yu and I first."

"No, we should just move into Clark's room.", Nejire said, "He has a really big room!"

"Honestly...except for Nemuri, Yu, and Rumi all of you practically already live out of my room.", I stated, "You have half of your wardrobe in my closet, and leave your clothing all over my room. If I didn't put them in the hamper I doubt we could see the floor in my room."

"Hehe we were hoping you'd use them to help you.", Mina said.

"I am sure he does.", Momo said with a wink.

"I...I have no comment.", I stated turning a bit red.

"Well no more of that shit! We will take care of you.", Nejire said.

"Okay...", I said not really intending to say no to something like that.

Pulling out of Nejire, I slid into Melissa who was more than ready. Out of all the girls she theoretically would be the one that could handle more of my strength. Deciding to test that theory I very slowly added more force with great responses. As I slowly added more force she seemed to climax harder than the other girls, and she accidentally activated her Quirk during her first climax. It wasn't an issue for me, and I made sure to take advantage of the activated quirk pushing her further into pleasure. When we climaxed later on together she was an absolute train wreck unable to say complete sentences without tripping over words.

"I...Clark...You...Love...", she said panting and gasping for air.

"I love you too Melissa.", I stated.

Kissing her as I pulled out of her, I could feel her body try to stop me as she wanted to go again immediately. Pulling out completely her vagina kept winking trying to lure me back in for round two.

"Last, but certainly no least is you Dorothy.", I stated, "The girl that came across the world for my help. It has been a crazy four years with you in my life...I wouldn't have it any other way though."

"Hehe.", she laughed as I plunged into her.

'Mother...Father...I finally with the man of my dreams. Thank you for bringing me into this world, and allowing me too meet Clark.', she thought as I moved around in her.

Bucking her hips up for me similar to Rumi she gave me a playful smile. Matching her movements I playfully smacked her butt, and kneaded her generous mounds. As the largest breasted woman in the group, she used those breasts to distract me many times since they started growing. Switching to riding me she wanted me to relax while she did the work. Holding her hands and looking into her eyes I took over once she became exhausted. Pressing her into the bed face down, she looked back as the sound of me clapping against her butt filled the room. Crossing her legs to make herself even tighter it was clear she understood the techniques of how to please a man.

"My mother gave me a book on how to please a man, and I intend to use all the knowledge to make you see how much I love you. Clark you literally save my life, gave me a home where I could sleep without worrying death would take me. I give you everything I have, and will do anything you ask of me.", she said with a tearful smile, "Being with you has been the best thing that ever happened too me. I want you to know that you are my knight in shining armor."

"And you are my fair maiden.", I replied, "I will always swoop in to save you, all of you."

Wringing me out as best as she could, she refused to let a drop flow out of her. Looking to Nemuri, Yu, and Rumi the gave me playful smiles as I moved to them next. For the next several hours I kept making love with all of them, seven times in total each. The younger girls were completely spent, and three older ones were unable to move an inch without gasping. Kissing my lovely girlfriends I laid there till dawn when I woke them up. Sitting up with them we watched the sunrise in our tropical paradise.

"Here is too many more sunrises spent beside all of you.", I said softly hugging them, "I love you all so very much. Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I look forward to our bright future together."

"We love you too!", they said coming in for a kiss.

---R-18 End---

Getting up, we got into the shower where the women were having some issues moving. Massaging their bodies to loosen them up, I enjoyed being able to feel them all over again. Once we were all cleaned, and got a little fun out of the way, I went down to make us breakfast. Making a big breakfast for them to replace the energy they lost during the night they thanked me for cooking.

"So Clark...", Melissa asked, "I notice that even though your power increases the calories you use doesn't. Why is that?"

"Well you see it's a side effect of my Solar Radiation Manipulation quirk.", I stated, "My body makes the necessary energy I need just exposing myself to sunlight. I don't need to breath, eat, or drink to sustain myself."

"Really!?", they asked.

"Haha yes, I still like eating though.", I chuckled, "The Sun doesn't have a taste after all. I enjoy food too much to not eat it."

"Haha!", Mina laughed, "Agreed!"

"So you are sure that your Quirks won't pass to your children?", Nemuri asked.

"I can pass on what is there genetically, so I can pass on Quirks in my gene pool.", I stated, "My Solar Radiation Manipulation Quirk isn't transmissible to my offspring or others. All For One can't steal it nor can Eraser Head negate my Quirks."

"That is so cool!", Ochaco said with a smile, "You really are like a God."

"I wouldn't put me on his level.", I stated with a smile, "He is far more powerful than me. There is absolutely no comparison between us."

"What have you tried?", Rumi teased.

'That is one secret I will keep to myself.', I thought, "Now how would I pull that off?"

Talking about my inventions that I had coming down the pipe, I told them all about them and about the books I was writing. Showing them some samples I had they thought my ideas were really unique and unlike anything they had read. When they read the Batman comic I had outlined they became even more intrigued.

"So this Hero is Quirkless?", Melissa asked.

"Yes, he uses his knowledge, wits, gear, and martial arts to take down those with Quirks. He is incredibly skilled to the point that the other Heroes in this universe I will make respect him.", I stated, "Batman is a Hero I want to write about because I think that if someone wants to be a Hero they should go for it, and exhaust methods before giving up on that dream."

"You are right, you shouldn't ever give up on your dreams!", Melissa said with a smile.

'Also...he is motherfucking Batman. You don't fuck with him unless you have a love of having the shit kicked out of you.', I thought, 'Even Superman respected him enough to acknowledge that Batman was the biggest threat to him.'

"So what's this flying car you have here?", Yu asked.

"It uses the same tech as the Levitation Field Generators, and allows the cars to fly off the ground.", I stated, "It works on any surface meaning it can drive on water, or any terrain. They will run on miniature hydrogen power plants whose only by product is water."

"So you are saying the only thing they emit is water?", Rumi asked.

"Correct.", I stated, "Literally driving a car in barren wastelands can make water for watering crops for those living there. Since hydrogen is the most abundant resource in the universe..."

"The fuel costs could be made to be pennies on the dollar!!", Melissa shouted, "You could make fuel so cheap that even the poorest people could afford to pay for it!!"

"That exactly my plan. They will become more self-sufficient, and able to improve their own lives.", I stated, "I want people to be able to help themselves as much as possible with a little help from my technology. If I can help save a single life with my is worth building it."

"Hehe!", Dorothy laughed with a smile.

"So you are skipping school today, right?", Momo asked.

"Yep, I already notified Nezu. I have a big conference today with a lot of potential investors, backers, and Hollywood executive producers. Today I will be introducing the Wireless Power Transmitters and Receivers to the public.", I stated.

"You mean those things you installed in our phones so we don't need to charge them?", Yu asked.

"Yes!", I stated with a nod.

"Why not use the wireless power for the cars?", Momo asked.

"It will take time to get power globally, and not every country might embrace the tech. I want people to have a method that they can use without being reliant on a power source that their government may not allow.", I stated.

"Makes sense, lots of politicians are in industrial titan's pockets.", Yu said.

"Yes, I know some countries will embrace the tech for the transmission and receiving, but when it comes to making the power I believe there will be many companies that fight back.", I stated.

"So Clark...just out of curiosity do you have an estimation of how much you'll be making from all your inventions and writings you have here?", Melissa asked.

"Let's just say money won't be any issue for us.", I stated.

"Oh come on, how much?", Momo asked.

"Well assuming the group buys into the projects by the time we graduate...I will be a trillionaire.", I stated.

All their faces froze.

"You mean trillion with a...T?", Dorothy asked.

"Yes.", I stated, "Even though we will be wealthy, I still want to help the less fortunate. Make scholarships, and opportunities for people that just need a helping hand. Of course, I will make sure all of your families are comfortable too. It's thanks to them that I got to meet all of you...Toga I will be skipping your parents."

"No complaint here.", she laughed, "As far as I am concerned your parents are my parents. They welcomed me in with open arms like Eri and Dorothy...they made the mansion feel like a home for me."

"You mean it?", Ochaco asked, "My parents will be able to retire when they want?"

"Of course, they will be able to travel if they want too as well.", I stated.

Running over she hugged me tightly thanking me over and over. To her, her parents were the first Heroes in her life. They had given up so much to raise her and while they weren't wealthy, they were happy. She was grateful that she would be able to give them the peace that she felt they deserved.

Once breakfast was over, I flew us home and got changed into our clothing for the day. It may have still been really early in Japan, but the women were pumped up for the day. Waiting up for us, Eri stared at us with her cheeks puffed out.

"Why did you leave me behind?", she asked.

"I am sorry Eri, we had some adult things to do.", I stated, "Do you need me to lay down with you?"

Smacking her hand on the bed like I was in big trouble I laughed, and laid down next to her. Wriggling in close with stuffed tiger, Eri was out almost immediately. Sighing the women shook their heads at me.

"She has you wrapped around her finger.", Toru said.

"Like all of you don't.", I retorted.

"Oh shush!", Rumi said kicking me in the butt.

"Ouch.", I playful said.

"That didn't even register too you.", Mina laughed sticking her tongue out.

"Oh right.", I replied.

Climbing into bed with me the women went back to sleep till our second sunrise came. Having only a lightly meal, I saw the women and Eri off to their destinations. When I got back home I got a suit on for the meeting. I planned on showing off some of the older tech my world had that came from generations prior to mine. Walking out of my room I buttoned up my cufflinks trying my best to act like someone that was running things with authority.

"Oh my goodness my little boy looks ready to take on the world!", Mom said with a smile.

"Thanks Mom.", I stated, "I am looking forward to showing them what I have."

"That is great son, I know you will knock this investor meeting out of the park.", Dad stated.

"Haha I will do my best.", I stated, "So...I wanted to ask a favor of-"

"Of course they are more than welcome to move in.", Mom said.

" did you know I was going to ask that?", I asked.

"A mother's intuition.", she laughed, "I take it things went smoothly?"

"Yes, we cleared the air and put it all out in the open.", I stated, "We are all on the same page with things, and...I told them how much they mean to me. In addition, I told them about my powers and my weakness."

"Clark, it is a big weight to carry.", Dad stated, "It is good that you told them. If you are truly in love with them it is important they understand what they are getting into. Now that they know, and it has only made your relationships stronger walk forward confidentially son. Once you graduate you will have to be the man they can rely on, and support them no matter the trials you face."

"I know Dad.", I stated with resolve, "I intend to be the man they deserve."

"Good, now let's go show those investors the face of the next President of the Wayne Group.", Dad said.

"Of course!", I stated.

Pulling the limo around for us, Alfred opened the door from the driver's seat and then closed it behind us. Driving off towards to our Japanese Headquarters, Dad went over the importance of making an entrance to the meeting. Telling him that I had that covered I stated the world would see what I was capable of making.

'It's time to show them that up till now what I have made is only child's play.', I thought, 'Today I unveil my Assistant Robots and a path to a brighter future!'