Chapter 32 - Upgrades

Author Note: Had a great weekend camping in an RV. It bit disappointed it rained most of Saturday and Sunday, but nothing a little drinking couldn't fix. Hope you all had a great weekend!!


---Wayne Manor---

"You're saying he has nukes!?", Rumi snapped, "How the hell did he get them!? Where the hell did he get them!?"

"Russia, looks like the gentlemen AFO paid is an expert in acquiring rare and deadly items.", I said, "I have AFO's location, but the place is lined with lead so I can't see inside. If the nukes and chemical weapons are in there a frontal assault is not an option."

"So how do we deal with this?", she asked.

"Fortunately a good kick in the ass is getting Section 13 to move quite a lot of resources into securing the weapons, and information.", I said, "That said I have been monitoring and intercepting communications from double agents in their ranks to Oblivion Group. For the time being I have stopped them from being notified, but I can't stop it permanently without eliminating people."

"Well I think it's smarter to wait till after we secure what was stolen, and then have you deal with them.", Yu said, "If they have leaks you're going to have to plug them. Killing them prior will only make Oblivion Group suspicious something is up."

'I am not a fan of executing people, but I don't really have a choice.', I thought.

Explaining in detail what was stolen, as far as data wise, I theorized he intended to use Project Genesis to boost the Nomu. From what I gathered it was some sort of experiment to take Quirks beyond the limits of what would normally be possible. I knew Nova had the capability to wipe a city off the map with a snap of his finger, but outside that he was a mystery. My only option was to go to the facility where he was modified, and that would be difficult as the majority of the structure was collapsed.

"So you will need to visit this place, where is it?", they asked, "In Russia?"

"Estonia actually, it's a former soviet military facility that is about a mile beneath the ground.", I said, "My research says other experiments were done down there, and the area is highly radioactive."

"You are going to be alright, right?", Ochaco asked.

"Of course", I chuckled, "No problem for me."

Leaving it at that, I asked them about their day while I started work on another project.

---Next Day Undisclosed Location In Estonia---

Arriving on the site of the former soviet base, I used my x-ray vision to look underground. Seeing the complex beneath me, I drilled down till I was in the base. Looking around to get my bearings, I was hit by an overpowering stench of death. Even after years of abandonment the place still smelled terrible. As I started to walk through the corridors the sense of how massive Project Genesis came into view. Sitting in the middle of the facility was a massive thick glass bubble with steel containers the size for people inside it. Descending down to take a look I opened one up, and found the skeletal remains of a scientist inside. Judging by how the door was fused shut he likely died from suffocation. Seeing a notebook in his lab coat, I pulled it out to take a look.

"Day 274 since Project Genesis began. Remaining test subjects all seem to be responding well to the use of Big Bang Particles. Subject 1 seems to be responding incredibly well as his body grows stronger after ever dose from the particles.", I read aloud, "Big Bang Particles?"

Looking at how they had the unit setup, it was similar to my fusion generator. Their setup though would have been sufficient to create a mini sun down here. Taking a close look at the setup, it appeared the reaction took place at the top of the bubble. Looking at their equipment though, they couldn't have possibly sustained the solar reaction for a long period of time. Within minutes the solar reaction would collapse, and cause a mini...

"Supernova...", I said, "That's what they were calling a Big Bang Particle, the fallout of a Supernova. Cosmic Energy from something like that would be astronomical, even Megaton couldn't absorb all of that. Just what in the hell were they doing trying to do by exposing people to such dangerous radiation levels."

Walking around the facility some more, I found the holding cells where they would have kept the test subjects. Skeletal remains of people laid in the cells except for the last two. Both of their doors were blasted open from the outside like someone had purposefully let the people out. Further in I located an old library full of records related to the experiments they did down here. Having Kelex teleport them to fortress I asked him to start scanning them into his database. Finding a file on Nova himself I read it myself before letting Kelex take it.

Subject 1: Nova Leeman

Age: 16

Quirk: Energy Absorption

Opening it up, I read the experiments they did too him.

'If his Quirk was Energy Absorption it stands to reason that was the only reason he survived, but that much probably caused his Quirk to evolve if not mutate.', I thought, 'That means he probably can bring the equivalent force to a small Supernova to bear. If he uses that power near the volcano or in the city...I don't have anything powerful enough to contain that blast. The radiation from that would kill thousands of people, those that survive would have their DNA collapse and I can't repair that.'

Sending the file to Kelex, I was about to continue my search when I heard something moving in the halls. Following the sound back to it's source, I saw something hideous walking down a hallway corridor. It looked like a Nomu, but wasn't nearly as well built. Seeing bare bone exposed it was clear this thing wasn't alive...completely. The moment it saw me, it came barreling towards me. Using my heat vision to try and incinerate it, it fazed right through it. At the same time it's speed increased ten fold getting to me almost instantly. When it was point blank I used my ice breath to freeze it in ice. Having Kelex take it back to the lab, I wanted to run tests to figure out just what the hell it was.

---Fortress of Solitude---

"It's a living person.", I said looking at the scans, "I am confused as to how he can be alive in that state."

"Sir, it appears to be connected to their Quirk factor. If these tests are correct his Quirk factor is nearly exhausted.", Kelex said.

"So his Quirk factor is the only thing keeping him alive, but he doesn't have a Regeneration Quirk.", I stated, "Do we see anything in his genetics or biology?"

"I suspect his Quirk evolved, and he is sustaining himself with the radiation.", Kelex said, "How shall we proceed?"

"I can't read his mind, so the only option we have is to put him through the Rejuvenation Pod.", I said, "Have Amazo watch over him, and make sure he doesn't escape. The moment he wakes up I want you to let me know."

"I understand, on another note sir this experimentation site is one of many.", Kelex said, "It appears that this is the only one that gave results, and based on the data from the library only two subjects survived. Nova, and this man who should be Edgar Potem."

"I see, keep sifting through the information and let me know anything else you find.", I said.

"If I may, this Nova Leeman, he isn't an ordinary human. The Heroes and the city won't survive an encounter with him.", Kelex said, "If you do end up encountering him my suggestion is to get him far away from populated areas. The charts show that during the last test they ran on him he was outputting nearly twice the energy of the sun."

"I see...he really is a powerhouse.", I said, "Kelex, I want you to to prepare me a suit with my energy fabric I made several years ago. Funnel all solar radiation into me, aside from red solar radiation, any other energy needs stored in the suit."

"I will start the process immediately, what are you going to do?", he asked.

"Finish a side project for my family.", I replied, "If we are dealing with someone this strong I have to make sure they have a chance to survive the encounter. I will have my hands full with him, and there are more bastards in his group that would be more than happy to hurt them."

---Wayne Manor, Later That Day---

"So this stuff is supposed to give us superhuman strength, increased speed and stamina, and give us a regeneration factor?", Rumi asked.

"Clark, are you absolutely sure this is safe?", my father asked.

"I can assure you it is.", I said, "I am doing this because I want to ensure you are all adequately equipped to handle things."

"You saying we aren't strong enough?", she asked.

"Not in the slightest", I replied, "Nova's Quirk is effectively discharging small Supernova's. I found the information I was after, he is someone that was used as a lab rat by the Soviets. He is someone that can probably wipe Japan off the map in an hour if he felt like it."

"Seriously?!", Nemuri gasped.

"The last output they confirmed was twice the power of our Sun.", I said.

"Clark, that's an astronomical amount of power.", Melissa responded.

"He will likely show up to retrieve the data from AFO. It will be a far worse battle than the one at U.A.", I sighed, "I am taking this measure to ensure your safety because I will have my hands full with Nova. When he shows up I have to get him out of range to attack anyone."

" are going to fight him?", my mother asked.

"I don't have the option.", I said, "If I could go head first into AFO's lair right now to retrieve the data now I would. I confirmed with several scientists, and my own computer models that if a nuke is in there it will set off the volcano and potential set others off."

"You will come back, right?", she asked with a worried look.

"Of course I will mother.", I chuckled, "He isn't going to take me out."

---Fortress of Solitude---

Collectively accepting the injection, I took us all to the my base on Jupiter to administer the shots. Basically the same Super Soldier serum that Captain America had, this serum would enhance their bodies on a biological level so it wouldn't inhibit their Quirks. Injecting them with the serum I got them setup in the Solar Exposure Chamber afterwards. After ten minutes in the chamber my loved ones came out with little changes to themselves.

"Are you sure it did anything?", Alfred asked.

"Hit that tree.", I said.

Doing as I asked, he blasted a hole through the tree without any injury to himself. Seeing that the others did the same with similar results putting smiles on their faces.

"Excluding Eri, Rumi, and Dad all of you should be able to lift between one and two thousand pounds now.", I said, "Rumi you should be close to five tons easy, same for you dad. Eri, you should be about a thousand pounds."

"Is that a lot?", Eri asked.

"Haha, it is.", I laughed, "You are likely the strongest person in your class now."

"This serum is permanently active, and you will not have to worry about side effects.", I chuckled, "Though you will find it difficult to get drunk."

"Really!?", Nemuri and Yu asked.

"Yes.", I laughed.

"Do you plan on selling this?", my Dad asked.

"No, this stays in the family.", I said with smile, "A Wayne Family heritage."

"Sir, I am not a Wayne though.", Alfred replied.

"Alfred, you are family to us.", I responded firmly, "I have always regarded you as family as have my parents."

"Thank you sir.", he said wiping a tear from his eye.

"I hate to be a damper, but who is in that box?", Rumi asked.

"Someone I picked up from that facility.", I replied, "I am repairing the extensive damage to his body. He is strange though, when I brought him in he was in a state between life and death. He is a Weaponized Human, but he looked more like a monster. The process will take several days to reach completion."

"He is another Weaponized Human?", Nejire asked.

"Yes.", I stated, "He is, and he is incredibly fast."

Leaving it at that, we returned home and relaxed for the evening.

---Next Day---

Waking up again with bland ceiling above her head, Sonico sighed with frustration. They were feeding her like a regular person to keep her from using her Quirk, and it was driving her batty. If she didn't increase her carb intake she would slowly starve in the room.

'I have to find a way out of here.', she thought.

Getting up she paced around trying to figure a way out. As she was thinking, she could hear a conversation coming through the vents in her room.

"So they are finally asking me to come in!", Succulus laughed, "Finally I am getting the recognition I deserve for my heritage!"

"Congratulations!", her subordinates cheered.

"I wouldn't say it's about that.", a man said, "Your treachery has been found out."

"Treachery?", Succulus asked, "I don't understand, what treachery!?"

"Don't play us for a fool, the breach in our security came from your end.", he said, "You are the reason we took such a big hit from Section 13. The members decided that your heads on the chopping block for this."

"I didn't give them the information, and no one in my crew is a traitor!", Succulus, "Blaze I have no clue what the members are trying to say!"

'Blaze!? The Rank 2 member!?', Sonico panicked, 'If he is here to kill Succulus...shit!'

Looking around in a panic, she grabbed the sheets off her bed and started to drench them in water in the bathroom.

"You can play the fool all you want, but our servers were all off the internet. Your servers were the only ones that are on the internet. That flaw cost us billions in lost revenue and product.", Blaze said, "Right now you have two options, peacefully accept your punishment or die by my hand."

"Surely you joking, your flames are useless. We are under the Baltic Sea surrounded by water!", Succulus said.

"This is precisely the reason we never let you join the main group.", he laughed, "You are foolish child that doesn't understand where she stands on the totem pole."

"Enough of this!", Gravi shouted.

"You took the words right out of my mouth!", he snarled.

Using the wet blankets to cover her, a massive explosion rocked the entire base. Flames poured from nearly every vent connected to the audience chamber they were in. Cowering under the sheets, Sonico was grateful she woke up otherwise she'd be toast. Hearing a something hit the floor with a thud, she then heard Succulus start cursing him out. Poking her head out of the blanket, she saw that the door to her room was open. One of the vents above the door allowed the fire to melt the lock.

'My chance!', she thought.

Poking her head out, she found no staff around so she quickly got to the kitchen to fuel up before trying to locate a way off the ship. During that time several more explosions occurred each one more violent than the last. Alarms started going off announcing that there were breaches in the hull. Locating escape pods, she was going to leave when she remembered that there were still others trapped here.

Clenching her fist she went back to free them. By now the water was pouring in, and Succulus and Blaze were fighting each other. She wasn't his equal by a long shot so her underlings were trying to help her fight. Getting the keys from a nearby hanger, she got people out of their cells and started helping them to the escape pods. Checking for anyone else, she ran into the scientists Succulus was keeping.

"We need to move now, the ship isn't going to hold out much longer.", Sonico said.

Not arguing with her the scientists saw this as their chance to flee, including Overhaul. Grabbing his serum and notes, he stealthily followed the others pretending to be a panicked scientist. Retrieving what information she could off the terminal near the escape pods, Sonico got them sent off first then followed after them. As she was boarding her escape pod, an injured Succulus and a few of her crew members came barreling down the hallway.

"Wait!!", she shouted.

Before Sonico could reply they dove into the pod causing her to hit the release button. Slamming the door behind them the pod shot out of the ship moments before the ship exploded. Trapped inside the capsule with the villains, Sonico expected her to attempt to kill her. Instead of attacking though, Succulus started crying.

"That...that ship was my mother's.", she cried, "Everything of hers was aboard, and's all gone."

"I...I am sorry my lady...", Gravi wheezed, "I couldn't stop him from destroying the ship."

"All my hard work, all my's all for naught now.", Succulus cried, "I led you all to your deaths, I am so sorry."

"Are you okay?", Sonico asked.

"No!", Succulus shouted, "My home, the place where I was born and raised, is gone! It had everything my mother left me onboard, and now it's gone!! Everything I loved and cared about was on that ship, now it's fish food!"

"I...I am sorry.", Sonico said.

"They tried to kill me...", Succulus said with a shiver, "I did everything they asked of me, and now they want me dead. Those people will take my empire that I built with all of you...DAMN IT!!"

Holding her several of the look a like sisters and Gravi held her tightly crying with her. Looking at them with confusion, Sonico wasn't understanding what she was seeing. Deciding to leave them as soon as they got to the surface, Sonico sat there in silence on the way up. Upon breaching the surface the women saw the entire beach and nearby city ablaze with the culprit standing among the flames.

"Shit he didn't leave!", Succulus shouted, "We need to go now!"

"Trapped like a rat with nowhere to run this time!", he shouted swinging his arm down with a chop.

Kicking the emergency release button for the dome, Gravi grabbed Succulus and jumped out of the pod. Following her lead the others followed suit just before a a large fire sword chopped it in half. The water in the surrounding boiled over as the heat instantly superheated the water. Running back to shore, Sonico could see other escape pods dotting the beach with people fleeing into the nearby city. Looking back at Blaze he didn't seem to interested in her, but more Succulus. Her surviving crew readied themselves to fight with her, but she knew they weren't going to last. Doing the only thing she could think of, Sonico called out for help.

"Clark, I need help!!", Sonico shouted at the top of her lungs.

Stopping in his tracks, Blaze looked back at her with a smug grin.

"He was only joking about that, there is no way he heard-"

A moment after she called out, they all heard a series of sonic booms heading towards them. Looking towards the sound, Blaze managed to turn his head to see me the moment I punched him in the face sending him skipping into the sea. Landing on the beach I looked over to Sonico with a smile.

"You really do show up...", all the women said.

"Well yeah, did you all not believe me?", I asked with a smirk.

"I...I was kind of gambling with that. Really thought your hear was more, for comforting the public.", Sonico admitted.

Sighing I shook my head with disappointment. Telling her I wouldn't lie about that she just laughed at me. Running over she gave me a hug while burying her face in my chest.

"Thank you...thank you for saving my parents and coming when I called.", she said softly.

"No problems...I take it this is Succulus and her crew?", I asked.

"Yes.", she said.

Noticing the tables turned in Sonico's favor, the other women tried to get out of taking a beating. Reading their mind I didn't see anything, but sadness at the moment so I wasn't going to hit them. That said I would be taking them into custody myself.

"Kelex, get the holding cells ready. I have a few guests.", I said.

"Understood.", he replied.

"You aren't going to hit us?", Gravi asked.

"Not today, you aren't trying to fight.", I replied, "Now him on the other hand...oh I will hit him."

Getting out of the water Blaze ignited himself to remove the water from his body. Cracking his neck he gave me a grin of excitement.

"So your Superman, you do pack quite a punch.", he said, "Haven't been hit that hard in years. I only want Succulus, and her crew. You can take tit cannon there, and go without any trouble from me."

"Succulus is my prisoner as is her crew.", I said, "She is coming with me for interrogation."

"Can't I maybe give you a peek or a kiss, and you let me go?", Succulus asked.

"You may think your beautiful, but I am not impressed.", I retorted.

"You don't have to be rude about it!!", Succulus said.

"Your funeral kid!", he said getting ready to blast me.

Freezing him with cold breath, he stopped using his heat for fear he'd explode himself. Going to retrieve him, his body fell into a warp gate without warning. Shutting behind him I sighed not really caring at this point. Looking back at Sonico I gave her a shrug, and walked back to her.

"There is a few things to get you caught up on.", I said, "First, you need to quit Section 13. They didn't even start looking before they gave up. Second, from now on I want you to notify me when your in trouble, you should have called for help. Lastly, when you quit I want to be present...I am no longer as trusting of them."

"Because they abandoned me?", Sonico asked acting shy.

"Good lord get a room!", Succulus shouted.

"Part of it was because of that.", I replied.

"Hehe!", she laughed, "I planned on quitting anyways, I...I want to spend time with my family and get emotional help. My classmate showed me that I really am a bitch, and that I need help."

"Well the first step of therapy is admitting you have a problem.", I said, "I will be rooting for you."

"Thanks!", she said with a smile.

"Containment cells are ready.", Kelex said.

"Teleport the people I am targeting.", I said highlighting the villains with a laser.

---Fortress of Solitude---

Instantly they were teleported to a newly added holding cell in the Fortress. Located in the Carnivore Area, I had shields encasing them in a dome where they would stay during interrogation. In addition, I was using experimental Quirk Jamming Tech I had started developing for use in the hospital to prevent children from accidentally activating their Quirks when they were getting shots and check ups.

"What the hell!?", Succulus screamed seeing a T-rex, "Where the fuck are we!? Someone help!!! They are going to fucking eat us!!!"

"Your fine.", I said with a smirk, "Just know the only thing keeping you from being food is that shield. If the power goes out, you are dinosaur chow."

"You wouldn't dare!!", Succulus shouted.

Reaching for what looked like a power switch, the women inside started shaking their heads violently. Laughing I stopped teasing them, and got serious.

"Alright ladies, I want locations for Oblivion Group members.", I said.

"I...", Succulus said, "I don't have that information!"

"Say what...", I said.

"Being a junior member...I wasn't privy to that information.", Succulus said seemingly embarrassed.

"I got the information for your small warehouses from you.", I said.

"Yeah uh...well that was all I had.", Succulus said, "It''s part of the reason why I wanted more access."

"So, you are telling me you are useless for giving me intelligence?", I asked checking her mind to verify that.

Saying she didn't, I confirmed she had nothing. Twitching with anger I want to curse her out, but I restrained myself. Rubbing my forehead I tried to think of a plan. I had hoped to strike them first, but that plan was now out the window.

"Is something wrong Clark?", Sonico asked.

"No, we can attempt to work with this.", I sighed, "Just more work is all."

"We?", Sonico asked.

"You and I will start this together.", I said, "Since you are quitting no point in rushing home yet. Also, once you get your therapy over with you can come work at my agency. Hopefully it will be started in a few years."

"You'd give me a job?", she asked with a smile, "How kind of you!"

"Get a room!!", Succulus sighed, "So what becomes of us?"

"You mother was a former ranking member, surely she had records.", I stated.

"Maybe...but all that stuff is at the bottom of the Baltic Sea.", she sighed with a hint of sadness.

"She didn't have a backup base?", I asked.

"There is another base in the French Alps, but...I lost the key a long time ago.", she giggled, "Oops!"

"You are terrible at being a villain, get another job.", I said, "Go be something else, I saw your haven't killed anyone personally. All your victims are sure you are a vigilante?"

"I told your girlfriend I am a villain!!", Succulus snapped.

"We aren't a couple...", we sighed.

"Just like am not a vigilante.", she said.

"You are though...", we chuckled.

"Fuck you both.", she grumbled.

Laughing at her comment, Sonico asked where we went from here. Stating I needed whatever Succulus' mother had I left the self-proclaimed villains there while I took Sonico to search the French Alps.

---French Alps---

"You aren't going to drop me, right?", Sonico asked gripping me for dear life.

"I fly my girlfriends all over the globe, I am not dropping you.", I chuckled.

"So do you have an idea of what we are looking for?", she asked.

"Either an underground base, or an area I can't use my x-rays to see.", I replied.

Surprised that she was staying warm at this altitude, Sonico smiled and took in the sights. Thirty minutes of searching led us to a base nestled in a valley. Pointing out the entrance to her as we came in for a landing, she stared at the giant steel door built to look like a rock face.

"How the hell did her mother build this!? One would have thought this would have shown up on satellites!", Sonico said.

" would think.", I said wondering the same thing, "Makes me think someone is helping Oblivion Group..."

Something this large would have shown up on satellite imaging. The fact Section 13 didn't see it made me very suspicious as too what was going on here. Pulling the door off the hinges we walked inside to see what was hiding beneath the mountain.