Chapter 35 - Not One, But Two

---Wayne Manor---

After picking the girls up from school, we came home to do their homework then get some training in for the Sport's Festival. The girls were all hyped up to get ready for the festival because they wanted to throttle the competitors...especially the perverts. Nejire warned the younger girls that they would end up wearing a uniform for the festival, and wouldn't be permitted to take any gear I made. Nodding their heads, they got stretched out then started working out. Spotting them as the worked out, I admitted to myself that they all looked really sexy like this. Eri though looked adorable trying to mimic the girls as they lifted.

She had a long day as she set a bully straight at school that tried to take her Tiger from her. From what the teacher said, Eri told the boy several times to let the Tiger go before she smacked him. She managed to make him stumble back, and start to cry as he tried making the teacher think she started it. Of course that didn't fly, and he got in trouble.

'Eri is becoming quite a smart, strong young girl.', I thought with a smile, 'I am happy she held back. She could have easily killed him.'

After a bit of weigh training, we went straight into martial arts sparring. The younger girls and I had stopped attending class when we entered middle school, but we kept training. Reading up and practicing martial arts from around the globe, I had been helping the women practice to hone their skills to a razors edge. Having training dummies installed that would act like real people, the girls sparred with them every night. They were programmed with martial art knowledge from several different styles, and would cycle through their moves randomly to keep the women on their toes. Training with them for a while they would they start fighting each other...except Rumi who had to fight me because of her strength.

Pushing themselves harder than usual, they finished our workout session with a hard earn sweat. Cleaning up the equipment, we got showered, and ate dinner together. Settling down for the night after that, the women discussed what we would be watching tonight. While they were discussing that, Sonico called me.

"What's up?", I asked.

"Do you mind if we go terminate my job tomorrow?", she asked.

"Sure, want me to meet you at your apartment in the morning?", I replied.

"That works.", she said, "Goodnight, and thanks for the help."

Ending the call quickly, the women didn't even notice the interruption. Unable to decide what to watch, I suggested we watch The Princess Bride. It was a movie my parent's company produced, and was extremely popular so they agreed to watch. Hand picking the actors myself, the movie damn near took every award out there for movies. Our company made a literal boat load of money, and the actors wanted to do another movie with me.

Watching the movie they really seemed to enjoy it, and were laughing through the movie. Even Eri really got into, and started repeating lines while she swung her arms around. Cuddling up together under the sheets as we got to the end of the movie, they all really enjoyed the movie. Getting cozy in bed, Eri fell asleep soon after the movie ended leaving the rest of us to settle in for the night. Taking the spot to the right of me, Nejire gave me a smirk as wriggled into my arm.

"What are you thinking?", I asked softly.

"You going to reward us if we wipe the floor with the competition?", she replied.

"Hmm, you want a reward?", I inquired with a chuckled, "What would you want?"

"How about you take us on a date? Is the Moon base ready enough that we can have a date there?", she asked.

"You want to take photos for bragging rights, don't you?", I teased knowing that's what she wanted.

"Maybe.", she giggled, "You know I like scrapbooking our adventurers together."

"I swear you are going to drive me batty.", I laughed.

"That's my job.", she giggled before giving me a kiss.

Wrapping my right arm around her, Yu took up the spot on my left before passing out.

---Next Day---

After dropping off the women, I headed over to Sonico's and just like the first time she overslept. Answering the door in a disheveled state, she yawned and looked up at me.

"Why are you...oh right, I am quitting today.", she yawned.

"Uh...aren't your parents staying with you?", I asked.

"It's a two bedroom apartment, and they are asleep in the spare bedroom.", she sighed.

"You going to be so presentable every time I see you?", I laughed.

"What do you mean?", she yawned, "I am clothed, I don't..."

Seeing the state she was in, she slammed the door in my face. Fixing herself she reopened the door pretending that she hadn't just shown me anything.

"Do I need to forget this happened again?", I asked.

"I haven't a clue what you mean.", she said fainting ignorance.

"Uh huh...well how about you get ready so we can get this over with.", I replied.

"Sounds like a plan.", she yawned, "Give me fifteen minutes, and then we can go. Mind if we grab a coffee on the way so I can think straight?"

"Sure.", I replied.

Twenty minutes later we were on our way to get coffee, then went to the Section 13 base. Turning invisible before we got close I wanted to see how they would react without me being there. Since I didn't know who were the corrupt ones yet, this was a good way to start testing. Following her closely as she went to see Ivan, he was busy organizing supplies for the upcoming raid.

"Excuse me, I think I was supposed to be reporting to you till a new Branch Chief was named.", Sonico said.

"Managed to free yourself I see.", Ivan said not bothering to look at her, "You get any information?"

"Succulus had several scientists and scummy individuals under her thumb.", Sonico stated, "She got into a fight with Blaze, and her base was destroyed."

"So really not that much, got it.", he said.

"You not going to say anything else?", she asked.

"Why would I?", he asked looking back at her, "You got taken when you weren't on guard, that's on you."

"I understand that...", she said with a twitch, "It is my fault I got captured so easy, but from what I heard you didn't even start looking for me. There a particular reason you didn't?"

"Single, no children, or close family.", he replied, "Not much of a reason to look for someone like that. Before you go huffing and puffing, I didn't make the call. I know you been using those knockers to tempt Clark, I would have gone looking just to have you as our means to have a connection to him."

"You do know I am worth more than just a bargaining chip...right?", she twitched, "I am able to fight, and hold my own! Besides that I have a mother and father!! What do you mean I don't have close family!?"

"You don't have a good track record of of fighting.", Ivan snickered, "You had some of the worst hand to hand combat scores to date in our organization. As for your parents you never speak about them so we all assume you don't speak with them."

"...I came to tell you I am quitting. Since I am not wanted here, I will find work else where.", she huffed quite visibly annoyed.

"Suite yourself kid, turn your badge and stuff in.", he said pointing to his makeshift desk.

Giving them everything she had been given, she left without any real issue. Reading his mind I confirmed Ivan could have cared less about what she did. He wasn't fond of her track record for causing issues, and felt she was a liability to the cause. After we were outside she stomped her feet in anger.

"That fucking jackass! Clark, I will have you know I came in ninth of forty in my course for Section 13.", Sonico said, "Don't believe that oversized teddy bear!"

"I understand.", I said knowing full well she was overselling it.

She did come in ninth, but it was out of twelve people. Telling her that it would be alright, I asked what she would do now. Saying she intended to take counseling with her parents, she also wanted to apologize to colleagues and classmates she hurt. Seeing she was genuinely trying to change I decided to extend an olive branch to her.

"Want to blow off some steam with me?", I asked, "Seems like you have some energy to burn, and I am a pretty good sparring partner."

"Sure!", she said, "Let me get changed back home, and then we can go train."

---Wayne Manor---

Sonico's clothing choice still left something to be desired, but she really hadn't had the opportunity to go shopping for more moderate clothing yet. Her outfit consisted of a skin tight crop top, a bra, and short running shorts. Sonico had a toned body, but didn't mean she wasn't thick. Doing my best not to look, it was hard not peak at her assets swinging around freely.

"Sorry...I swear I am not doing this on purpose. I will get more appropriate clothing today, I swear.", she said, "We have only gone dress shopping..."

"I frankly don't care what you wear, just wear what is comfortable.", I said with a smile.

"Haha, I don't think your girlfriends would say the same.", she giggled.

Helping her stretch out, we immediately got into combat sparring. As I expected Sonico's assets were the cause of her issues. She was having problems maneuvering fluidly because her chest was free to do as it pleased. While pleasing to the eyes, it caused issues when they offset her balance depending on how fast she moved. It wasn't terrible, but it did make her strikes veer off course by maybe three inches when she was really pushing it. She could probably learn to cope with it, but her having a turbo metabolism probably made that impossible as her weight could change substantially almost every hour depending on her food intake.

"Mind if I ask you a question?", she asked during our break.

"Sure.", I said, "What's up?"

"Why does it seem like you don't have a fast metabolism yet you are faster, and stronger than me?", she inquired, "Surely you burn a hell of a lot of calories throughout the day."

"I do have a fast metabolism, but it doesn't function quite like your.", I chuckled.

"So like you process carbs a lot more efficiently than I do?", Sonico asked, "Lucky! As you can tell I have to eat a lot or risk burning my body out. I did it once as a middle schooler because people made fun of me for eating so much. Damn near killed myself pacing my meals out like a normal human being."

"I am sorry to hear that.", I said.

"It's fine, I learned not to fuck around with it afterwards. While I was in Succulus' prison I was getting dangerously close to experiencing that again.", she stated with a shiver, "I was starting to sweat bullets there for a while."

"Well I am glad you managed to save yourself.", I said.

"Thanks.", she replied, ", I will ask you later."

"To answer your question, you can show me how serious you are with actions.", I whispered, "Be who you are instead of the bimbo I originally met. I guarantee that you have a beautiful woman hiding under that questionable façade. That girl is the one I would be happy to add to my group."

"I see.", she said blushing a bit, "Be who I are the first guy to tell me that. Most guys would have told me how to dress and act, it's nice to be told to be me."

Giving her a pat on the head I gave her a smile. Sparring for around two hours, I dropped her off at her apartment then went about me day like usual. Waiting for her inside was her parents who saw how she was dressed and the sweat on her. Before she could tell them we had been sparring, her mother jumped the gun on her.

"Sweetheart, congratulations!!", she shouted hugging her tightly, "You should have spent more time with him, and cuddled. Cuddling is very important after you make love with-"

"Mother!!", Sonico shrieked, "All we did was some training with some light sparring, we didn't do anything sexual!!"

"Is that what you kids call it nowadays?", her mother asked.

"No!! We practiced martial arts, and talked a bit!!", Sonico insisted, "Can we do some shopping? I don't like showing off this much skin to Clark...I feel dirty."

"Of course dear, it means you are finally starting to value yourself!", her father said with a smile.

"Get cleaned up, and we will go shopping!!", her mother said pushing her into the bathroom.

---Wayne Manor---

Getting back from school, the girls wanted to relax today. After the training the night before they felt confident they would be able to handle themselves in the festival next week. Sitting down in my room with the girls, Nejire laid on me complaining about how boring school was today since the school was preparing for the festival. Rubbing her back as she complained the others gave her a smirk.

"So how was your day?", Nejire asked after venting.

"Meh, I helped Sonico quit and then flew around looking for trouble. It was pretty quiet today so nothing really exciting happened.", I laughed.

"That sucks.", she replied giving me a kiss, "So what do you want to do?"

"Well how about we all go shopping?", I asked, "Once the games are over you all will be going to to do intern work."

"So?", they asked.

"You realize that depending on the Hero you intern with you might stay at their office, right?", I replied.

"Oh...", Mina said looking at me, "You mean we might be separated for a while?"

"Yep.", I stated.

"Can't you send us requests, and then we accept them?", Ochaco asked.

"I don't have an agency.", I laughed.

"You don't need an agency to send offers.", Rumi stated.

"Oh...well I guess I can see. I am an International Hero so I may not be allowed too.", I replied.

"Nonsense!", Nejire said, "See if you can!"

---Next Day---

"You want to offer internships to your girlfriends?", Nezu asked trying not to laugh, "I never would have considered that till you brought it up. As a Pro Hero you are technically allowed to extend the offer, but I am not sure how that would pan out. A lot of people would say you are playing favorites since they are your partners."

"If that is all, I can live with that.", I chuckled.

"Extend offers to a few other students, and that should be sufficient.", Nezu said.

"Okay...", I sighed leaving his office.

Texting the girls that I could extend the offers with some conditions, they told me to extend the offers immediately. Replying that I would also need to extend the offer to other students, Itsuka immediately replied with ask Jiro and Asui to join us. Agreeing with her, I felt they were probably the most likely to get along with the girls and wouldn't cause problems for me.

---Paris, France---

Setting off after my talk with Nezu, my first stop was Paris where a villain had slipped out of police hands and was currently fleeing Heroes and the cops. A Gravity Quirk user, the villain could make anything weightless so long as he was touching it. Tossing cars and semi's like they were made of foam he was doing everything within his power to avoid being recaptured. Fleeing from his line of sight the civilians were doing their best to avoid being crushed by debris he was throwing.

"Get out of my way you ants!", he shouted.

Picking up a tanker truck, he flung it into a crowd of people to buy himself time to flee. Screaming as they dove for cover, I arrived in time to catch the tanker midair. Setting the vehicle down on the street I dashed forward appearing in front of him. Spotting me the moment I threw a punch he only had the opportunity to start to shout when my fist smashed into face. Flying into the arms of an awaiting Hero, I immediately got to work healing people. Calling the Kal-El Legion in for support I had the robots clear the debris, and help those in need.

While I was doing this the Heroes were already interviewing with reporters. Answering their questions they reassured the public that everything was alright now. Not wanting to share the spotlight with me the Heroes did their best to angle themselves away from my direction. While I was healing an elderly woman, two young children wandered over to me. Seeing a few scrapes and bruises on them I gave them a soft smile before patting their heads.

"Are you two lost?", I asked with a grin, "Do I need to look for your mother and father?"

Shaking their heads, they told me that they weren't missing. Letting the elderly woman go I turned my attention to the children. Asking for clarification, they explained they were looking for someone to help them. Telling me they had seen me on the television, they snuck off when their mother wasn't looking. When I asked how I could help them they asked me to help their mother.

"Is she injured?", I asked.

"Dad isn't nice.", the brother said.

"Dad is mean.", the sister said.

"Does your father beat you?", I asked with serious expression.

Nodding their heads my stomach turned in anger. These two were no older than three years of age, there was no justification for abusing children let alone a partner. Clenching my fists, I looked into their minds to see where their mother was. Picking them up, I walked across the street to a laundromat where they their mother was hiding from the fight. Seeing me walk over with her children in tow she ran out to see them.

"Noel and Jacob, I have told you not to wander off!", she scolded them.

"We brought a Hero.", they said as I set them down, "He will help!"

Choking up at their kindness, their mother wasn't sure what to do. Looking at me and then her children she told them that they would be alright.

"Ma'am, is your significant other abusing you?", I asked.

"What do you mean...", she asked gripping her shirt.

"Your children say you are being beaten by him along with them.", I stated, "If you are in trouble please let me help you."

"We...we are fine.", she said trying to convince me.

"Your children deserve to have a happy, safe life.", I told her, "There is no need to hide your pain. I can tell you are lying."

"He...he is working on it.", she tried to say, "I promise we are fine."

"Ma'am...", I said calmly, "Please think about what you are saying. You are shaking like a leaf, and look terrified. Your children came to me because they know you need help. I can help you, you just need to tell me that."

"Momma...", her kids said pulling her sleeves.

Picking them up she started sniffling. Explaining that her fiancé was abusing them, she swore that he was trying to get better. Telling me that he was really hot tempered when he drank, she showed me her injuries from the night before. Asking who their father was, she pointed to one of the Heroes being interviewed.

"Your fiancé is a Hero?", I asked.

"Yes.", she said, "You can't let him know I said anything. If he found out...he will-"

"Don't you worry, I will make sure he doesn't hurt you.", I said with a reassuring smile.

Walking over to see him, I saw the abuse he gave her and his mistresses as I viewed his memories. This bastard had nearly a dozen kids with six different women, and all of them were petrified of him as he was one of Frances most popular Hero. A single word from him was enough to sway a good chunk of the public against them. It wasn't just an exaggeration, one of them tried to call him out and he utterly ruined her in public.

'Men like this fucker really piss me off. Like seriously, if you don't love them don't fucking lead them on and sleep with them!', I thought walking up behind with her and the kids behind me.

When I got up to him, I cold cocked him in the back of the head. Stumbling away from me he turned to curse me out, but saw his fiancée and children behind me. With a twitch anger I saw what he was going to say so I cut him off.

"Mind explaining to me why you are abusing your fiancée and children?", I snapped.

"I resent those accusations!", he retorted, "I don't do any-"

Grabbing him by the throat I lifted him into the air while staring him down.

"Cut the crap, I can read minds you moron. You can't lie to me, I know you are a dirty son of a bitch who has broken the hearts of six women leaving twelve innocent children without a father!", I shouted, "Deny it all you want, but I don't have a problem dragging your ass all the way to prison myself! Don't you dare tell me you don't know what you are talking about! Those are your children, and you have the stones to tell me that you don't beat them!! You are an angry drunk that has no intention of quitting. Stop being a shitty father for them, and step up for all of your children!! They deserve to have a loving household, not worrying about whether or not dear old dad is going to fly off the handle."

Had it come from anyone else he might have been able to weasel his way out, but as a massively popular International Hero his word was equal to ant compared to mine. Tossing him back he looked at the reporters who were writing down what I said, and snapping his photo.

"You are a disgrace to all Heroes!!", I barked, "Heroes like you are the scum of society!! All you do with your fame is get wealthy, shit drunk, and flirty with any woman you want!! You led six women down this path, and you disgraced one in public when she wanted you to step up to be the father for your daughter!! I will bring them here right now, and we can settle this my way!!"

"I don't have time for this farce!!", he snapped, "I haven't the slightest idea what you are going on about, and those sniveling children aren't mine!!"

"You know damn well they are yours. The only reason you deny them is because they are getting in your way for getting with a reporter your about to go sleep with.", I said calling him out.

"What!?", the reporters shouted, "Is this true!? What do you have to say??"

"I...I...", he said stumbling over his words now.

"This is the kind of man you want to share your bed with?", I asked the female reporter in question among the group.

Walking up to him she back handed him, called him a fucking cunt, and then stormed off. Seeing her reaction to him the reporters chased after her, and his fiancée for a story. Seeing his career go down the drain he became furious. Barreling at me fuming with rage I punched his lights out literally making him shit his pants before he hit the ground.

"Take a nap, and think about your life choices.", I stated.

Turning him over to the police, I told the woman to just call out if he gave her any trouble. Looking to the children I told them to let me know as well, and that I would be there immediately. Giving me a hug before I left I returned to doing my normal routine as usual.

---Fortress of Solitude Later On---

"So the person I brought back is about to wake up?", I asked looking at the pod, "He regenerated a lot faster than I anticipated."

"It appears that healing the person rejuvenated their Quirk as well.", Kelex said, "He should be conscious in a moment."

On queue the man began to stir triggering my robots to get ready to move if needed. Groaning as he sat up holding his head.

"Where the fuck am I?", he groaned, "What day is it?"

"Welcome to the future!", I said, "It is 2014."

Looking at me like I was an idiot, I sighed and told him that it was in fact 2014. Telling him where I found him, I asked if he remembered what happened to him last.

"It's pretty hazy.", he stated.

"Do you remember someone named Nova?", I asked.

"Yes, he was one of the men in those bloody experiments they were making us do.", he said, "Trying to make us living weapons to fuel the Red Army. Stalin wanted Super Soldiers to match the American' many of us died in those shithole labs!"

"I understand they were trying to weaponize your Quirks.", I stated.

"Weaponize!? Those people wanted to find a way to force Quirks to evolve!", he said, "They wished to deploy sleeper agents around the US, and have them on standby. At the flick of a switch they could have troops ready to attack and cause havoc. Nova and I were the last survivors of that program. We...I remember now, the last day they tripled the output of their machines. Nova howled in pain before everything went white and my body...oh god the burning!!"

Thrashing around violently his body started spasming as he went into cardiac arrest. Apparently whatever he was remembering was so traumatic that his body had a violent reaction to it. Trying to calm him down, he grabbed me raving like a mad man.

"The voices, stop the voices in my head!!", he howled, "I can hear the voices from the beyond!! Haha they are screaming in terror!! There is some sort of battle going on!!"

"What are you talking about?", I asked not hearing anything.

"You can't hear the voices of the dying people!?", he laughed, "Haha!!!"

Flat lining on the bed, I tried to resuscitate him but he wasn't coming back. Burning his corpse for safety I looked over what I knew. It appeared that Nova was far stronger than double the Suns output, and that America had some equivalent tech that pushed them to speed up the program. All documents related to the program were destroyed with the fall of the USSR so all that was left was the information AFO had purchased.

"Now what precisely did they think America had?", I said to myself, "Do they have a Nova equivalent on ice?"

---French Alps Base---

"So you got him to come back for a bit, and then let him have a peaceful death...I don't see a problem.", Succulus' mother said.

"That's not the issue. He said that at the end of the program they sped up the development because of something the US had. What exactly are they hiding?", I asked.

"You are referring to Hairicín.", she replied, "He is the American answer to Nova. Hairicín can bring to bear the equivalent power of a full powered hurricane to a fight. His control of weather is second to no one, and unlike Nova he doesn't require a recharge."

"Recharge?", I asked.

"Yes, Nova can't generate massive amounts of energy without resting for extended amounts of time. He absorbs nuclear radiation to recharge himself, and expand his capacity.", she said, "I watched him do it several times."

"Great...if he shows up during that raid he will get a free recharge.", I groaned.

"Just keep a sharp eye out for him.", she replied.

"Mother!!", Succulus said running into the room in a rather revealing mechanic uniform, "I am having issues with Robot Number 13. It looks like it's motor bound up, and needs a rebuild."

"Dear...I have told you to pay attention to your surroundings. We have a male guest, and you are showing too much skin.", her mother said, "How do you expect to get married and have grandchildren for me?"

"Uh...", Succulus said thinking for a second before looking to me, "You think you can donate to the cause?"

"I am leaving...", I said ignoring her.

After I left her mother smacked upside the head. Scolding her she told her daughter to have more tact when speaking about that stuff.

"Find yourself a good man, and give me grandkids. Don't just ask random men!!", her mother said pulling her cheeks.

"I...sowwie!!", Succulus cried in pain.


Author Note:

Sorry for the late update. I had to drive to California over the weekend with family to see my dying grandmother. I should have the next chapter out by Thursday afternoon at the latest.