Chapter 38 - Overcharged

Author Notes:

Sorry for the delay, I got back late last night and was too exhausted to write. Unfortunately my grandmother ended up passing away shortly after I left her house on Friday. Thank you to all of you that sent kind words to me.


The brilliant white light blinded those who were looking in our direction, and made it hard to keep their eyes open for those who weren't. Feeling the wind pressure press against themselves, everyone held on to something praying they wouldn't be blown of into the city or further away. Teleporting civilians, Heroes, and Section 13 members into the Wayne Complex forcibly the shields were raised to maximum output to deal with the radiation, debris, and the explosive force. It did little to stop the wind pressure as everyone found out though.

"What the hell is that guy!?", Endeavor shouted over the roar of the explosion.

"A monster!!", Ivan retorted, "Where the hell are we!?"

"It's the Wayne Complex!", Rumi shouted, "Clark's AI teleported us here!"

"What about Clark!?", Charles asked.

"He's still in that!", Nejire cried, "He took it head on to by time for the teleportation to happen."

" mean...", Sonico said as she felt her chest tighten up, "He...he took that head on for all of..."

"Yes!", Melissa replied tearing up, "He put himself in the way..."

"Damn it Hairicín!!", Sonico hissed, "I warned you not to go in, but you didn't listen to me!!"

"I had my orders!", Hairicín refuted, "If I didn't do it the UN would have made the damn call!!"

"Clark died protecting your sorry excuse for a life!!", Sonico snapped punching him in the face, "You fucking asshole!! You left me to die, and only Clark looked for me after everything I did!! He was the only man not related to me that treated me like a person, and not like a piece of meat!! I...I wanted to date him and marry him one day, but you took that from me!!"

Looking over at her, my girlfriends watched her continue.

"I know I am bitch because I used people for my own benefit, but he saw the good me under the exterior I made to make people like me.", Sonico cried, "He was the future I wanted to have!! I wanted to be with him, and help people together!! You killed him because you have no heart you bastard!!"

"Sonico!", Toga said holding her back.

"You fucking bastard I will beat you into dirt!! I don't give a damn if I rot in jail!! He was my only reason for continuing to live!!", Sonico broke down into tears, "He came when I called for help, and saved my life...I can't pay him back for everything he did for me. My relationship with my parents is getting better because of him. I have the courage to bow my head to beg for forgiveness to everyone I used because...because I knew that even if they all continued to hate me at least one person would truly want me. You took away the only future I had..."

"There is no use in crying over him now!", Hairicín snapped, "In a few minutes all of us are going to be dead!! Once that blast reaches us we are all going to be roasted alive!"

"You bastard!!", Sonico snarled, "You are only worried about yourself!! There is no remorse in your eyes for getting him killed!!"

"I don't-"

"I agree.", Ivan said staring at him, "I am invoking Protocol One. Are we in agreement?"

"Agreed.", the other Branch Heads said.

"You are hereby under arrest pending an official investigation into your actions today. You are also stripped of your authority and privileges till the investigations are completed.", Ivan said.

"We are about to fucking die, and you want to do this now!", Hairicín snapped.

"Yes!", they retorted, "Ladies, do you know if this barrier will hold out?"

"I don't think that is necessary...", Melissa's father said viewing the explosion through welder's goggles, "The explosion isn't moving...and my sensors aren't detecting any radiation in the city."

"What!?", Melissa gasped looking at the readings, "That...that can't be right. You are sure he used a Supernova?"

"Yes.", Ivan said.

"That isn't any radiation in the atmosphere at all...", she said.

"None!?", they responded.

"All of you, please stay within the barrier.", Eradicator said, "It is unsafe to leave the barrier till otherwise stated."

"Is something going on?", Ochaco asked.

"Master Clark isn't in a state that any of you want to be around him in.", Eradicator stated.

" mean he's alive!?", they shrieked.

"Master Clark is alive.", Eradicator said, "However, his mental state is too dangerous for anyone here to be near."

"What's that mean?", Hairicín asked for clarification.

"You would be dead if you were near him.", Eradicator said glaring at him, "Master Clark has already stated he has a few choice words for you."

"Oh...", Hairicín said with a gulp.

"Allow me to pull up a monitor for you all to view the situation.", Eradicator said motioning to one of the Kal-El Legion Robots, "Please be at ease."

---Outside AFO's Base---

"Damn it Nova, give me a damn warning!", Blaze snapped, "You almost got me with that one!"

"Maybe you should pay attention to your surroundings.", Nova stated with an annoyed look, "Now lets get the information, and leave. I have no interest in a drawn out war with Hairicín. After that attack I will need a time to reset, and if he survived we don't have a counter."

"Fine.", the Fifth Ranked Member Earthshaker said, "I have a date with my wife after this so I don't have time to waste here anyways."

"I have a spa appointment in an hour.", the Fourth Ranked Member Tsunami sighed, "Can we move this along?"

"You all knew what we were doing today, and didn't plan for any hiccups.", the Third Ranked Member Jester sighed, "I don't know how you all get anything done by slacking off all the time."

"Sir, shall we go?", Nova's personal maid said.

"Yes Shelia, let's go.", Nova said turning around.

As they turned to go towards the base a feeling of dread came over all of them. The subordinates pulled their commanders to the ground just as a powerful blast of air came screaming at them. A few subordinates didn't react quickly enough, and were caught in the blast. They didn't even get a chance to scream before they turned to burning particles. Even though the rest made it to the ground the air pressure was still overpowering to the point that when one of them took a breath their lungs collapsed. When it was all over Blaze struggled to get back up as his whole body felt like it went through a sandblaster.

"What...the...fuck...was that...", he panted.

"Sir...the volcano...", his maid said trembling as she pulled on his arm.

"What is Rebecca? What is...", Blaze said looking back at the volcano.

Where the volcano once stood was now a giant gash in the ground. Past that the entire ocean seemed to have parted in two. In the sky the clouds were now completely gone, and not a single sound could be heard anywhere around them.

"Who the hell did that!?", Earthshaker shouted trembling in fear.

Looking behind them they saw me standing there glowering at all of them. Staring back me in disbelief none of them could utter a word as there was no way in their minds I could have survived a direct hit from Nova. What made it all the more worse was the fact that I wasn't even scratched by the blast.

"Since you won't talk I will do it for you.", I growled seething in anger, "You bastards have the balls to try to destroy my home, kill my loved ones, and slaughter millions without batting an eye. Instead of remorse all of you treat this like it's a game, it isn't. I don't expect people like you to understand the hardship of others as you get everything handed to you now. Today is the day you learn humility, and the price is your fucking lives."

"Shit-", Earthshaker said going to use his Quirk.

Before he could do he felt something come over him. Unable to use his Quirk he looked at me trembling in fear.

"I...I can't use my Quirk...", he gasped.

A split second later he saw a heart in my hand, and looked at his chest. Seeing a hole in his chest his stomach dropped as he looked at his comrades.

"Run...", he said meekly as he fell to the ground as the blood streamed from his body.

Getting between me and their superiors the subordinates intended to fight me to buy them time to flee. Sighing with annoyance I gave them a look of inferiority.

"You really think you are going to hurt me.", I said walking towards them, "You started this war, and I am going to finish this right now!"

Vanishing from their sight I appeared in front of them lining up a punch. Feeling the hairs on the backs of their necks stand up, the subordinates saw their lives flash before their eyes. Running head long at me I had to give them credit for being dedicated to their jobs. Slamming my fist into one of them the air reverberated as an overwhelmingly loud cracking sound manifested before the person vanished instantly. Suddenly all of them felt a powerful force pulling them towards me.

---Wayne Complex---

"What the heck was that sound?", Bakugo said covering his ears.

"Master Clark is squashing them with overwhelming force.", Eradicator said as the monitor showed the Oblivion Group people flying at me and being crushed by something.

"What is he doing?", Melissa asked.

"Holding a Miniature Black Hole.", Eradicator replied.

"A...a Miniature Black Hole...", Charles replied as his smoke fell out of his mouth, "Haha...haha...I need a vacation..."

"You mean he generated a Black Hole!?", Ivan shouted, "Is that how he-"

"Master Clark absorbed all the energy that Nova released.", Eradicator stated, "He punched the Black Hole into existence."

"PUNCHED!?". the Heads screamed, "You don't just punch one into existence!? How strong is he!?"

"Don't answer that.", Rumi told Eradicator, "That's an order."

"Yes Miss Mirko.", Eradicator responded.


Forcing the Black Hole closed once the support personal were gone, I walked towards the remaining four members. Calling for an emergency evac I gave them a smirk of satisfaction.

"No one is coming for you.", I said over their earpieces, "I have control over the EM Spectrum, that includes radio waves. I decide who gets to make calls for evacuations, and you aren't on that list."

"You...You aren't human!!", Jester croaked, "What the hell are you!?"

"Today I am your Undertakers.", I replied in a cold tone, "There is a price you pay for trying to kill my loved ones, attempting to destroy my home, and threatening the lives of millions. Usually I would hand you over to Section 13, but since I watched you do it personally I have no issue being the one to put you all down."

"We can take him!", Blaze said holding his broadsword, "We are the strongest four in our organization!"

"Your arrogance is frightful.", I mocked, "I am not surprised how you got the name Blaze."

"You mocking me brat!", Blaze said as he started to heat up.

"I don't have time to play your petty games.", I said swing my arm down in a chopping motion.

As I swung down a ray of gamma radiation extended out from my fingers. Cutting him in half effortlessly, his corpse fell apart in front of them.

"How about we pay you to let us go?", Jester asked, "I have a lot of money, and can promise to make it worth your while!"

"I already have your account information, I read your minds.", I said, "I know where all your bases are, I know who works for you, and where the rest of your comrades are. You can't hide from me because I know everything about you Samuel Henry."

Staring at me as the color drained from his face, Jester wet himself.

"Do something Nova!!", Jester shouted, "He is going to-"

Swinging my left arm, I smacked his head clean off his shoulders. The move was so quick that air friction cauterized his wound preventing him from bleeding out.

"Damn it Nova, if you aren't going to do something I will!", Tsunami said starting to use her Quirk before her body froze up.

Slowly closing my right hand her body started to compress into ball. Screaming in pain till there was a loud snap, I let her drop to the ground without a second thought.

"You certainly are your grandfather's grandchild.", Nova said.

"You are the reason he died.", I stated.

"I don't deny that, it was one of the most difficult things I have ever done. Your grandfather was my savior, and a dear friend to me.", he said looking up at the sky, "He was among the team that saved me from that hell hole, and gave me a chance to reintegrate into society. I owe him a lot actually, having to kill him is something that still weighs heavily on me."

"You can save the sentimental stuff for someone who cares.", I snapped, "You killed him, and just tried killing his only child, my mother. If you are expecting a mercy kill from me, you aren't getting it."

"I don't.", he said taking his armor off, "I will take you on alone as I did your grandfather."

Closing the gap instantly I slammed my knee into his jaw. Stopping him from flying away I grabbed him, and headbutted him into the ground leaving a massive crater in the wake. Getting up from that blow he shot me a smile of satisfaction as he threw a punch at me.

---Wayne Complex---

"Why aren't Clark's punches doing anything?", Dorothy asked.

"It's a side effect of his Quirk Awakening. He made of pure energy now, and you can't really hurt that.", Hairicín replied, "He can't take a beating forever, but his threshold is unknown at the current time."

"Clark doesn't seem to be taking damage either.", Charles said.

'If he is pure energy...could Clark be draining him just by being close to him?', Melissa thought looking to the monitor, 'If he absorbed the Supernova, could he be drawing this out to draw out as much power from him before ending it?'


Continuing the slug fest, I was overwhelming him. Every hit of his he released some of his cosmic energy, and I absorbed it without any issue. Out of all the people in the group that came here, I couldn't read his mind at all. This wasn't the level of Mind Breaker, someone much stronger had done something to him to make him resistant. Seeming to feel my attempts to read his mind Nova smiled with pride.

"It seems you understand that there is more at play than you original thought.", he said.

"Who helped you?", I asked.

"A Professor.", he replied, "You went to the lab where I was made, right? The contraption they made made miniature supernovas, but it wasn't always a sure fire thing. During one of those experiments I met man from another world. I saw a world like this one, but not everyone was empowered as we are. Those that were are far beyond what a Quirk user can do, are you one of them? I saw that symbol on your chest over there."

'He saw another Superman!?', I thought keeping a poker face.

"No, you couldn't be. I know you were born here proper so that isn't quite true.", he said, "The man with that symbol was a tyrant, and was subduing anyone he wanted with any force he wanted to use. Those people called him Superman though...same as you."

"What does that have to do with anything?", I asked.

"After that day, I no longer had a Quirk Factor.", he smirked, "Any test they ran on me they weren't able to find a Quirk Factor, but I still had my powers just at a much higher output. The only answer I can conclude is that the world I saw changed me into this. The Professor gave me enhancements to make me stronger, and hunt down the ones that experimented on me. Your grandfather unfortunately got between me and one of those men, and he died for it."

'A Professor...from that world...', I thought, "What is his name?"

"Eobard Thawne.", Nova said.

"The Reverse-Flash!", I snarled.

"Hmm I wasn't expecting you to know him.", Nova laughed, "Have you seen that world as well?"

"You trusted that psychopath!?", I shouted.

"I did, I want my revenge for what they did to me!", Nova said.

"Where is he?!", I asked.

"I am right here flyboy!", Reverse-Flash said as I side stepped him.

Seeing him clearly, it appeared he was either running slower than he should be or I was seeing him quicker than I should. I knew my senses should be able to register him, but I didn't think I could dodge him that easily. I should be slower than him yet I dodged it like it was nothing.

'Did the Supernova force a Solar Overcharge?', I thought, 'Does this mean I can match his speed!?'

"You're faster than the Superman from my timeline.", he said, "Here I thought I might have an easy go of it getting rid of you."

"Why are you here Reverse-Flash?", I asked, "Go back to your universe, and leave mine alone."

"I can't go home!! They are hunting us down like animals over there, and the Regime wants my head...particularly Barry Allen.", he retorted.

"You killed his mother, framed his father, and tormented him...", I sighed, "What the hell did you think would happen?"

"How do you know that...", he said, "My brain is also-"

"I know about the existence of a multiverse.", I said, "Every action we do creates its own world. There is a world where I am Hero and one where I am Villain."

"If you know that much then you can kind of figure out why I don't want to go back.", he stated, "If I go back they will kill me, same goes for the other villains I managed to smuggle in here before the Flash figured it out."

"Couldn't you go back in time, and stop it?", I asked.

"Don't you think I tried that!?", he snarled, "I tried it several different times, and every time he ends up going mad!! Between the Joker and Wonder Woman I couldn't change my timeline!! No matter what I do, whether Lois Lane died at the hands of a villain or old age, he snapped and went on a rampage. Wonder Woman kept pushing him to that point!!"

"So you are from the world where Wonder Woman is a War Mongerer...", I said, "Hold up, you smuggled others here!? Who the hell did you bring here!? You realize Barry Allen can follow you here you nimrod!!"

"That's not my problem now is it.", he said grabbing Nova, "He is my ticket to trying to handle my Superman problem. I need him alive so I will be taking him back with me. As for the people I brought, I think you'll meet them eventually. All of us are in hiding in case those bastards chase us down here."

"You have to leave.", I said getting ready to fight him.

"You aren't faster than me, you honestly think you can win in a fight?", he snickered, "I could kill your family in a split second."

"That's exactly why you are a threat I won't let leave here alive!", I said narrowing my eyes, "All you are is a discount Barry Allen, and I will show you that!"

Dashing at him, he jumpstarted the Speed Force within his body to avoid the blow. Just nicking his cheek both of us were surprised that I hit him on the first go. Taking off in a dead sprint towards the complex, I flew after him at top speed.

"Kelex, get my girlfriends and their families off the planet now!!", I shouted, "Include Sonico with them too!"

Seeing me gaining on him the Reverse-Flash put the pedal to max, and started extending his lead on me. Lightning danced from him as he continued to speed up more and more. Doing as I asked Kelex started pulling them to the Fortress, but before he could get Sonico the Reverse-Flash snatched her. Rushing out to sea, I shot after him pouring every ounce of energy I had into catching him.

"Clark!!", Sonico shouted.

"Sonico!!", I replied, "You need to break free from his grip!! I will catch you!!"

"Haha if she breaks free from me at this speed she will burn to a crisp before you reach her!", the Reverse-Flash mocked, "If you want me to let her go, all you have to do is ask!!"

Everything happened in slow motion at that point as I watched him start to let her go. Seeing her clothing start to burn I screamed out in frustrations. As if answering me my body responded to the crisis as my speed suddenly started increasing exponentially. Seeing this happen the smug look on his face vanished, and was replaced by fear. Looking around myself, I found that the lightning that he was discharging from his movement was being absorbed by my body.

"What the hell!?", he shouted.

"Don't you hurt her!!", I growled forcing my body to absorb more and more of the lightning.

The more lightning I absorbed the more the world around me slowed down. When I was mere inches from him, he completely let Sonico go. Grabbing her the moment she was out of his arms, I reached out and seized him by the throat. Stopping us instantly, we reappeared in the Nevada Desert. Letting Sonico go, I grabbed Reverse-Flash with my other hand, and started crushing his neck.

"How dare you threaten her!!", I growled, "This isn't your world nor your timeline!! You helped that bastard nearly kill my family!!"

"Let...go...!!!", he gasped rapidly punching me.

Shattering his hands with every hit, his body healed itself almost instantly from the damage. Aiming for any part of my body he could reach he quickly realized it was no good. Trying to vibrate out of my grip neck I matched his vibrations exactly preventing him from escaping.

"Let go!!", he howled in anger hitting me with a giant bolt of lightning.

"I am not letting you go!!", I snarled, "I know exactly the type of man you are!! If I don't kill you here you will make another attempt on my loved ones!! No one lays a fucking finger on them you shit bag!!"

Feeling him losing his strength I crushed his neck, and blast him in the face with heat vision. Thrashing around as his body tried to keep up with my attack Reverse-Flash screamed for a few minutes before going silent. Laying still there on the ground, I let him go before I incinerated his body with Heat Vision. Turning back to Sonico, I rushed over to check her injuries.

"Are you okay!?", I asked her.

Without a word, she wrapped her arms around me and planted a kiss on my lips. Tears streamed down her face as she continued kissing me.

"You idiot!!", she cried, "I...I thought you died back there!! You can't do that to me!! I won't stand for you pulling those reckless stunts!! I...I thought I wouldn't be able to tell you that I love you!!"

"Sonico, I-"

"No fucking excuses!!", she sobbed, "You can't torment me like this!! I love you idiot!!"

Hugging her tightly I let her cry her eyes till she was done. Kissing me again she looked me in the eyes full of determination, and without a shred of doubt.

"Clark, I want to be your girlfriend!", she said, "If the world came crashing down around me, I know you would do anything to save me. I don't want to be in a world without you in it! What the other girls told me...I want to experience it for myself. I have told you I am train wreck, but...I promise you that I will push forward with the help I need. All I want...all I to know that I have you waiting for me every night. That no matter how badly I fuck up, that someone will always be there to help me back up to my feet. I don't want to live a fake life anymore, I want to be me and be with you!!"

"I understand Sonico.", I said with a smile, "I can tell you mean that with every fiber of yourself. If you want to join my harem, I am happy to have you. Through this process I will be by your side to your support."

"Thank you Clark.", she said laying her head on my chest.

Taking a deep breath she slowly let it as she felt my arms wrap around her. For the first time in her life she felt a warmth in her chest that she hadn't ever known, a warmth that she had been missing in all of her previous relationship.

'This...this is the peace I wanted for so long.', she thought with a smile, 'It's the feeling of belonging, a place where I am wanted for me. I don't have to be someone I am not to have a man love me. I can have the family I wanted with my parents, and have a man love me for who I am. All those years of wishing for this to day to's finally here.'

Picking her up Princess Style I flew off back to Japan. Having Kelex send everyone back to the Wayne Complex. I checked to see if Nova was still where I left him, and of course he was long gone. For now that was fine as there was a lot of damage for my robots to repair. Landing at the complex my girlfriends and parents came running over to me. Running past them was Eri who jumped into my arms crying as she hugged me as tight as she could. I could feel that she had been worried about my safety after watching me take the attack head on. Following her was my mother who was an absolute mess. Scolding me for scaring her to death she thanked the lord that I was in one piece.

" are grounded for...for lifetime!!", she cried, "You can't make me worried like that!! After losing my Dad to him I thought I lost you too!!"

"I know mother, I am sorry for worrying you.", I replied softly.

"Don't forget about us!", Nemuri said wiping a tear from her face, "You owe us a big explanation, and you owe us one hell of a date!!"

"Nemuri!", I said in shock, "You can't go-"

"I don't give a rats ass about that right now Clark!", she barked, "We all thought you died!! I am not hiding our relationship now!!"

Receiving lectures from all of my girlfriends and my parents. The Section 13 Heads smirked as I just nodded my head to everything they said.

"Seems like even he can't get out of that.", Ivan chuckled.

"Looks like Sonico finally found herself a man.", Charles said with a smirk, "Glad she is happy, and out of our hair."

"You and me both.", Ivan sighed.

Calming them all down, I turned to Hairicín who was still sitting where I last saw him. Walking over to him I glared at him. This whole mess started when he decided not to listen to my warnings.

"You have a lot to answer for.", I said.

"Ha, we will see.", he sighed, "I was following orders, whether you like that or not is irrelevant."

"That's what everyone who follows dictators has said to excuse their crimes.", I said grabbing him by the shirt, "Look around you at everyone who you almost took down with you. All of these people have lives, families, and loved ones they might have never been able to see again. The only excuse you give is that you were following orders, but you and I both know you are only using that as cover. You never really gave a shit, you only came because I caught your failure."

"So what of it, I was still following my orders. Section 13 has always only dealt with USSR projects that have fallen into the hands of villains. We don't deal with localized threats, that's on Heroes shoulders not ours.", he said, "Whether you like it or not, All For One wasn't our primary target just the stuff he stole...the stuff you destroyed."

"He wouldn't have gotten his hands on it if you had done your job. Since you are too stupid to monitor such things, I destroyed them so no one could get them.", I growled.

"If you are going to kill me, just do it.", he retorted, "I don't have anything further to say about it."

Before I turn him into nothing, Eri came over and pulled on my shirt. Looking down at her, I saw the petrified look on her face. She was genuinely afraid of me, and she asked me stop being scary.

"You aren't a bad guy!", she said.

"I...", I said letting him go, "I know Eri, I am sorry."

Calming down I picked her up with a soft smile on my face. Giving her a kiss on the forehead she laughed, and hugged me again. Eri was right, I couldn't kill him because I wanted too. Oblivion Group and Reverse-Flash were blood thirsty villains, Hairicín was an asshole with no disregard for others safety. I had almost forgotten that in the heat of the moment, and crossed a line that I didn't want to cross.

'I won't be that Superman...', I thought looking back to my family, 'I don't want to be the kind of man that makes them terrified of me. What I want more than anything is to keep them happy, and going around killing people wasn't going to make them happy.'

"Let's go home, and let the robots do there thing.", I said softly, "Kelex, take us back to the base."