Chapter 41 - The Whole Story

After the movie all of us went to the Fortress together. Ochaco, Momo, Itsuka, Toru, Dorothy, and Melissa wanted to make adjustments to their costumes so they went off to see Kelex about that. Rumi, Yu, Nemuri, Toga, Sonico, Nejire, and Mina went to see our guest. Finding her playing with a saber cat through the barrier, I sighed rubbing my forehead.

"Have to admit it's impressive.", Sonico said.

"Don't inflate her ego...", I sighed.

"So that's the cat burglar from the comics you wrote?", Yu asked, "She...she looks more defined than the comic."

"I realize that now, but remember she knows martial arts so don't underestimate her.", I said.

Walking over to her, she noticed us immediately. The saber cat saw me, and ran off having tried to attack me once before and failed miserably.

"I believe you aren't the Superman I know now.", she said looking around, "This place is far more lavish than what the Fortress I know is."

"How long ago did Superman snap?", I asked.

"That's debatable.", she retorted with a smirk, "If you mean decided to start hunting down criminals and heroes that didn't agree with him...about several years ago now. All that said Reverse-Flash took us backwards in time before taking us here since he was afraid of Flash following us so to give you a specific is-"

"I get it...", I groaned, "Alright, how come you didn't stay and help him?"

"A woman has to look out for her interests.", she replied giving me a grin, "Times were tough right after the Boy Wonder snapped. Lots of good and bad people died trying to find a safe place."

"How many Heroes ended up following him?", I asked.

"Too many", she sighed, "Taking matters into their own hands to maintain the peace a lot of Heroes started doing raids without any consent, and a lot of innocent people died looking for us. I am not happy we led to so many deaths, but being caught was a fate worse than death."

"Hard to believe it all started with Joker.", I said.

"Haha this has been something ongoing for a while.", Catwoman hissed, "That bitch of an Amazon constantly pointed out to him the flaws in humanity trying to show him that we are incapable of caring for ourselves. Her people are no fucking better, raping men who washed up on their shores and killing them afterwards."

'I had heard rumors that might have been the case since there were no men on the island. I would have thought they'd rape them, brainwash them, and then send them back out to sea.', I thought.

"So how many of you are there here?", Rumi asked.

"And here everyone called me weird for dressing like a cat. You dress like an actual rabbit, is that some sort of fetish this Superman has?", she jabbed.

"My ears are real, and it isn't a costume.", Rumi said with an irritated look, "I am the Rabbit Hero Mirko to the public because my Quirk-"

"Don't bother, I still don't get the whole Quirk thing.", Catwoman sighed, "I get that it makes you like a Metahuman, but I don't understand why a bunny like you is a Hero."

"Don't call me a bunny.", Rumi seethed.

"Yeah, only Clark can call her that.", Yu giggled.

"You aren't helping!", Rumi snapped.

"Oh now I get it, all of you are his lovers.", Catwoman said with a smile, "How about we talk in a more private setting?"

The women tensed up wanting to throttle her.

"Selena, I am not going in the Bat's Cave.", I responded, "I know damn well Batman and you are a complicated thing. Not to mention you aren't the type to want to settle down. I don't sleep around with women just for fun."

"Well aren't you mister proper.", Selena groaned, "Like I said I-"

"Joined the Regime, and left because you felt guilty for betraying him.", I stated, "Don't bother replying."

Rolling her eyes she didn't respond.

"What I need to know is who are the most deadly people that came here?", I asked.

"Well my group was the last, he made three trips.", Selena said, "In my group was Blackfire, Power Girl, Maxima, Vandal Savage, Grodd, Toy Man, Manchester Black, Saturn Girl-"

"Hold on there...Power Girl and Saturn Girl shouldn't be in your timeline.", I said narrowing my eyes.

"Don't ask me, they showed up a year or so before he went crazy. Said something about a rogue Superman destroyed their universe.", Selena said.

"None of you thought to ask for help?", I asked.

"He literally dumped us in a desert in the middle of fucking nowhere.", Selena said, "We barely made it out alive, and Power Girl was in really bad shape. She is the reason we weren't caught, even though they were vaguely related in some form he didn't give a crap. He beat the hell out of her before she managed to get away."

"Where is she now?", I asked.

"Why should I tell you?", Selena responded.

"If she needs help, I need to look at her.", I stated.

"She is currently in New York City resting in one of the abandon stations.", she said, "Be aware she isn't in the best shape because he was trying to kill her."

---New York City---

"There a reason you are in a hurry?", Nemuri asked, "You want to meet her or something?"

"She has all of my powers as well. If there is another Superman coming for us a second person like me would be very helpful.", I replied, "Before you ask no I am not here to get some. I know how bad things were when it started over there."

"Whatever.", Yu said with a smirk.

Locating the manhole cover to the station, we went down to find a sleeping Power Girl. Sure enough she was still injured, and appeared to be depowered. I assumed Superman knew she'd be a problem, and had something to handle her. Walking over to wake her up, she swung at me the moment I was in her range.

"You aren't killing me bastard!!", she snapped.

Fortunately she wasn't powered up so she only ended up injuring her hand. Had she been empowered a city block would have likely been destroyed.

"Calm down, I am this world's Superman.", I said, "Catwoman said you were in bad shape, but I didn't expect you to still be depowered."

"Don't remind me...", she said sitting down, "I...I don't know why my powers aren't working. If I had done something in the beginning I could have stopped him!"

"Kara, you can't blame yourself for his stupidity.", I said, "Let me take you back to the Fortress, and get you on the road to recovery."

---Fortress of Solitude---

Getting her several tests to see what was wrong, I found nothing. Blood test was normal, no trauma to the brain, no Kryptonite in her, and no tech blocking her powers. That meant either something magical sealed her power, or something else happened. Explaining that to her, she looked rather upset.

"So I can't be a Hero anymore then...", she said.

"Not necessarily.", I replied, "For the time being you won't be able too, but I am trying to figure out how to get to New Earth where a friendly Justice League is. They should have several magic users that can research this more."

"I guess that will work, but I don't have a place to stay here. Since we are-"

"Before going there, there is no Krypton in this universe. I have your cousin's powers, that's all.", I replied, "Now then, you can stay at my house for the time being as we have several guest rooms open."

"Sorry to be a bother.", she said to the others.

"It's fine, sorry to here about your world.", Mina replied with a somber look.

"'s fine.", she said rubbing her arm, "My universe was destroyed, then my second home was taken over by my insane's been a shitty ride to this point. Once we get my powers back, I am going to take him down. I can't imagine how bad things have gotten over there."

"I have the Speed Force so I can get us there without any issue...just have to figure out how.", I laughed.

"You do? Hmm...neither of the three Supermen I know have it.", she said.

"Speaking of that, Catwoman said the reason your universe was destroyed was because of an Armored Superman.", I stated.

"Yes, Superman-Prime.", she said clutching her fists, "I have no idea where he came from, but he showed up one day when I was on Earth-2. He came down full of rage and hater, the Justice League wasn't even a speed bump to him. Within a day most Heroes and Villains were dead. I watched him kill my actual cousin, his wife, and their child before I fled. It is one of my biggest regrets..."

"Hey now, it's thanks to you we know he is coming.", I replied with a smile, "Don't beat yourself up over what happened. We will make sure that when he comes here that both of us are ready to kick his ass!"

"Haha", she said with a warm smile, "I appreciate the pep talk, but should you be flirting with me?"

Sighing the women rolled their eyes at me.

"It is what it is.", I stated with a grin, "Anything to keep you around to help take Superman-Prime and Injustice Superman down."

Since I figured she'd want to help in some capacity, I gave her the Blue Beetle suit that Melissa used to wear before she got One For All. Luckily she knew about the suit from her world's Blue Beetle, and thanked me. Offering to let her spar with the others, she accepted the opportunity to spar a bit to ease her nerves. While they fought I sat back while talking to Kelex.

"I don't think this is anything to do with magic.", I said, "I think this has everything to do with mental trauma. If memory serves this has happened to Supermen in many worlds before after they experience a shocking tragedy. Since our powers are mentally controlled, any change in our mental state can potential inhibit our powers."

"You believe she has trauma?", Kelex said, "I don't see any indications that she has mental damage."

"No, I mean emotional mental trauma. Kelex, she lost her home world and Earth-2. She watched everyone in that universe be slaughtered by Superman-Prime, and then ended up on Injustice Earth where that Superman snapped. All of that sounds like it happened in such a short amount of time that I think she is hiding her pain.", I said examining her body language, "Her unwillingness to face the trauma is probably hampering her from using her powers now."

"How do you propose to fix that?", Kelex asked.

"There is only three ways I can think of...first is trying to coax her emotions out, second is throwing her in a situation where she faces the trauma head on, or three build a relationship that will let her open up.", I stated, "For now I am going with the third option because we have time."

Telling him to monitor her brainwaves at night, I wanted to see if my hunch was right. If I was correct she was likely suffering from nightmares of the past. Once they were done training, they went to take a rinse off in the showers. Deciding to keep her existence a secret for now, I didn't want the world governments trying to catch her. Right now outside the suit she had no way to defend herself. She'd likely be taken as lab rat by the corrupt people in Section 13.

Once they were done, I accessed the Japanese Government databases and got her setup with an identity. Since she would be living with us it made sense to make her look like a normal inhabitant of Japan as far as the legal system was concerned. Handing her an ID and relevant documents I said to safeguard them as they were her only means to confirm her identity if the police hassled her.

"You going to keep Selena in that containment thing?", Kara asked.

"She has been up to criminal activities here.", I said looking at her, "It's best for her to stay here because she is a wild card. I don't need her messing things up in my universe, but I may have something I can have her do."

"I take offense to that.", Selena said.

"I frankly don't care.", I replied.

"Oh, and I suppose that you can locate where all the fugitive people are.", Selena snarked, "You don't need little old me to help with that, right?"

"I can read your mind Selena.", I said, "I already know where to go, and I know where all your stashes are so I can return them."

"Hey that's not right!!", she shouted, "I have rights too you know!! A woman is entitled to a bit of privacy, I bet you used your x-ray vision to sneak a peek too!"

"Oh believe me he has better women to look at.", Nemuri retorted with a smirk.

"You can read minds?", Kara asked, "I don't know any Supermen that can do that either."

"When you get your powers back I will show you.", I said, "I have noticed that every Supergirl and Superman I have seen never uses their true potential. All of you hold back for some reason."

"We hold back?", she asked.

"Most, if not all, your powers are accessed via your mind. Your flight, strength, speed, and heat vision all come from your mental power.", I informed her, "Your heat vision is only the tip of the iceberg so to speak. All Kryptonians have the ability to control the complete EM Spectrum, and control of their bodies molecules."

"Really!?", she said, "Doesn't that mean we could theoretically block Red Solar Radiation and Kryptonite Radiation since they fall in the spectrum too?"

"That...that is true.", I said realizing that valid point, 'That means I...I wouldn't have a single weakness aside from magic, but if I am like Superman-Prime I would have heightened resistance since magic doesn't exist here like his world.'

The more I thought about it the more I realized that I needed to further explore my weaknesses. If really powerful magic was my only weakness, aside from my loved ones, that would make me one of the most powerful versions of Superman in the multiverse. The fact I had the Speed Force only further solidified that fact, but there was something that I was curious about.

'The Speed Force is supposed to speed up my metabolism, but it never manifested in me likely because I only need sunlight.', I thought, 'I wonder if I speed up my metabolism in a star if I might be able to increase the solar radiation absorption rate I have.'

If that was true I might be able to absorb a years worth of solar radiation in a matter of moments. Superman Prime One Million spent 15,000 years in the Sun to get his power, and I might be able to do it in days though it would be incredibly dangerous. All that energy would increase my mass exponentially as well as change me into an Living Energy Entity. Deciding to bring it up with Kara at a later time, I looked at the others as they came over with their adjusted costumes

"Whose the blonde woman?", Ochaco asked.

"My name is Kara, it's a pleasure to meet you.", Power Girl said, "I am one of the people from the other reality."

"Oh, it's nice to meet you Kara!", Ochaco replied with a smile.

'Her chest is ridiculously huge!!', the girls thought comparing themselves to her.

"Alright, so what is our plan for our internship?", Nejire asked.

"Well, originally I figured we'd do patrols around the globe but I decided to change that plan. We are going to be striking Oblivion Group bases around the globe with Kara and Selena.", I replied.

"I don't remember volunteering to be a Hero.", Selena replied.

"You want to stay here alone?", I asked.

"Wait you don't live here?", Selena responded.

"Nope.", I stated.

"Ugh...I will help you.", Selena said with a bit of frustration.

Injecting nano bots into her body to track her location, I told her the rules for her release. Accepting the terms begrudgingly we went home for the day.

---Wayne Manor---

"Uh Clark, I have seen those two people before at Bruce's house.", Selena said with a twitch.

"Same here...", Kara stated.

"Don't get me started with that.", I sighed.

"Something wrong?", my parents asked.

"This is Kara and Selena, they are two people from the other reality I told you about. They will be staying here with us for the time being, is that okay?", I responded.

"That's fine.", they said, "Are they staying in guest rooms?"

"Yes.", I replied.

Asking Alfred to prepare rooms for them, Kara and Selena stared at him dumbfounded. Looking to me for an explanation I told them my last name which made them die laughing.

"So you are telling me that you are effectively this world's Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent?", Selena laughed, "Good lord, this has to be some awkward sense of divine humor."

'If only you knew...', I thought.

"Now I really understand the not related part.", Kara laughed with a smile.

"Believe me, it's weird seeing other worlds with Batman and Superman.", I sighed.

"We can imagine.", they snickered.

Once their rooms were ready, I showed them around the house and too the gym. After that we went shopping for clothing since the two of them had little to nothing to their names. Of course this came with problems of there own as both Kara and Selena drew quite a lot of attention, especially Kara. Having natural blonde hair in Japan made you stand out like a sore thumb, and men here seemed to like blondes. Plenty of dirty guys tried to smack her butt, but found me hold their hand with an angry look.

"I never went to Japan in my world, are the men that dirty here?", Kara asked.

"Meh, it really depends.", Yu said, "We happen to be at a store where a lot of Heroines shop, and perverts tend to flock here to try to sneak a peek. Believe me I have had my fair share of men try to snap pictures of me in exposing angles."

"So being a Hero is a profession here?", Selena asked looking at a bra.

"Yep, we are technically public servants.", Nemuri said looking at leather boots, "We get government paychecks based on patrolling, and the number of villains we catch."

"That sounds like a bad system, who makes sure Heroes don't cut deal to keep cash flows coming?", Kara asked.

"Clark said the same thing...", Mina said from the dressing room, "Is it not that way in your world?"

"Not at all, all the Heroes had day jobs we did and Heroing was sort of a side job.", Kara said, "I worked alongside my cousin as a newspaper journalist, and then on my second earth I helped out on a farm."

"Yeah...I just took stuff from filthy criminals.", Selena laughed.

Listening to them talk as I stood outside the store, I was making my presence known so perverts stayed out. The majority of the regular perverts knew to stay away when I stood outside the store because I had put four perverts in the hospital for peeping on Pro Heroines just at this store alone.

"So Clark said that not everyone in your world has powers.", Melissa stated, "Is it any different than our world?"

"Not really, we do have aliens from other worlds living among us.", Selena jabbed looking at Kara, "It's about an equal split between friendly and unfriendly people coming to our world. For the most part it's peaceful, but we have our moments of turmoil."

"I am curious...", Ochaco asked Kara softly, "Clark was saying your have a lot of dangerous people in your universe. Some of them are on his level or stronger, I was wondering how you think he would fare in a fight with them."

"That's difficult to say, but there are dangerous criminals in our world. There is the Bounty Hunter Lobo, Doomsday, Darkside, Trigon, and several others that are a match for the Supermen I know.", Kara said looking at me, "Your Clark is different though, I can't place it but he seems much deadlier than the Supermen I have met. If I were to say whether or not they are his equal, I would say that he is probably stronger than most of them. Darkside and Trigon are difficult to gauge because both are Deities. Are you worried about something?"

"Yes.", Sonico said, "I have access to that Speed Force stuff too, and I saw a future where Clark fights an Armored Superman. You said his name was Superman-Prime, right? During that fight I saw many people I know lying lifeless on the ground, and he looked terrifying as he fought the villain. You were there along with Selena, and several others."

"Wait, you saw a future like that?", Kara asked.

Explaining the bits of the dream she remembered while they all tried stuff on, Kara listened closely. Hearing that her cousins killer was coming here made her conflicted. Part of her wanted to take revenge for his death, but the other part of her was fearful of him. She watched him effortless kill all those Heroes, and the sights came flooding back to her. The guilt of being the only one to survive ate her up inside. Paying for the stuff the women decided on, including the stuff Selena tried to steal, I had Kelex teleport us home to do laundry.

---Wayne Manor---

Having a meeting to go over the plans, I marked where I knew bases were on a world map. Since we had time to thoroughly hit them all I decided on hitting ten a day. Reminding the women that their people would try to kill them without question, they acknowledged the risk. Stating they wanted to help me, my girlfriends all looked determined to see this through. Selena looked interested as she saw opportunity to steal any valuables she could find, but Kara looked nervous. She was experiencing what mortality felt like without her powers. She had her powers, but mentally she thought she didn't have them so this risk scared her.

Telling the women that we would be leaving at 8am like usual, Eri asked to go with us. Telling her that she had school to attend, I promised to let her intern with me when she got into U.A. Puffing her cheeks out she felt like she was being left out. Asking me to come have lunch with her at school, I said I would have to ask her teachers for permission. Tell me to do that with a pouty face I thought it was cute she was trying to spend time with me.

"Is she normally like that?", Selena whispered to Itsuka.

Nodding her head, Itsuka said she was always like that. Asking if we were related, Momo informed her that she was only adopted after I saved her from an abusive guardian.

"Oh I see, so the little girl has a crush on him!", Selena whispered.

"Glad you are keeping up.", Rumi retorted.

"Are you going to stay like this the whole time rabbit woman?", Selena asked.

"I want to set the tone right now.", Rumi said glaring at Selena, "I don't like the idea of working alongside a criminal, but Clark wants to put you to work for the common good as punishment. Personally I would love to see you in jail for theft."

"I am sure he realizes that I am purfect angel.", Selena laughed.

"Yeah, the kind that flies around hell.", Rumi said, "Don't you get comfortable with staying here, the moment we find a way to repair your home your going home."

"Believe me I want to go home, Reverse-Flash didn't tell us over 80% of you had powers here. You know how difficult it is to get anything done here without powers? I had to dig in my claws to make even a bit a money to support myself.", Selena hissed, "I don't need some egotistical Hero lecturing me. All you Quirk Users make it incredibly difficult for those of us without powers to do anything."

Before they could bicker anymore I told them to cool it. Stating that we help them fix their home so they didn't need to stay here, everyone agreed that it was for the best. Having the plan in place we had dinner and relaxed in our rooms. Having Kelex make sure Selena didn't try to bolt in the night, I went to bed with my girlfriends and Eri.