Chapter 43 - New Allies

---Wayne Manor---

That evening Kara slept peacefully without any issues. Explaining the situation to my girlfriends, they told me they were fine with it. They couldn't imagine the pain she felt having to endure all that heartbreak she had been holding in. Trying to make her feel included in the group, the women stayed up most of the night talking about their hobbies. I could feel that Kara really enjoyed the evening chatting with the girls. Sleep next to Kara, I wanted to be the shield between the girls and her if she had a nightmare. I didn't want any of them dying because she had a night fright.

The next several days went by very similar to the last without any real change to the resistance we faced. Pointing that out to me, Melissa was worried that something was going on in behind the scenes that we weren't seeing. Agreeing with her, I had Kelex sift through the backlog of data we had been collecting. Nothing stood out other than the fact the leadership had gone dark so all the facilities had been running autonomously.

"You think they went into hiding?", Momo asked.

"And leave all that money and product unsupervised?", Selena laughed, "Do you realize how much money we collected?"

"That's true, running any organization requires a hefty amount of money.", Kara agreed, "We have gathered several hundred billion dollars in cash alone, that doesn't include the precious metals and product we have."

"So you are saying we could retire?", Dorothy giggled.

"Not with all of your clothing budgets.", I laughed.

"So what's the plan for today?", Kara asked.

"We are going to strike Nova's home base, it's the one most likely to get us answers.", I replied.

"Which continent is it on?", Mina asked, "I hope it's not Australia, I wasn't a fan of the giant spiders..."

"No, we are going really south.", I teased.

"Like South Africa?", Momo asked.

"Further.", I said, "We are going to Antarctica."

"Seriously!?", Toru shivered, "It's really dark, and cold there right now!"

"I realize that, but it's where his base is.", I replied.

"Where in Antarctica?", Sonico asked.

"A mile beneath the ice.", I responded, "Kelex, transfer us over."

---Mile Below Antarctica---

Arriving at the base, it was clear a skirmish had broken out here as there were scorch marks and frozen vines everywhere. Assuming that DC villains had decided to strike while he was weakened, I was curious what the result was. Instructing the girls keep their guard up, we walked inside where I started using x-ray vision to look for people. Finding a group towards the center of the base, I led us over to them.

"Why the hell did he build a place in Antarctica!?", Poison Ivy shouted, "It's freaking cold in here!!"

"Maybe you should where an actual coat?", Cheetah snickered.

"Let me skin you, and use yours!", Poison Ivy retorted.

"Try it, and I will turn you into a scratching post!", Cheetah hissed.

"Will you both shut up.", Blackfire shouted, "You both are driving me fucking insane!"

"Same here.", Stargirl said, "I am about to rip my hair out."

"I don't get why we have to sit here.", Poison Ivy stated, "She could have sent us back to somewhere warm."

"You want to tell her no?", Maxima asked with a smirk, "She shut Manchester up the moment he argued with her."

"You think he will actually come here?", Stargirl sighed.

Looking at me, Kara motioned to me that they were likely waiting for me. Whomever left them here was trying to help me for some reason so I wanted to find out who that person was. Walking around the corner, Poison Ivy stood up with a smile on her face.

"Finally you show up.", Poison Ivy groaned, "Can we leave, and talk some place where it's above freezing?"

"Yeah...three of you are villains, I don't really want to take you in public.", I replied.

"Seriously!?", Poison Ivy snapped, "We are being hunted down by the Regime, you think we are dumb enough to cause issues?"

Turning back to Selena, she flipped me the bird and turned her back to me.

"Scratch that, we won't cause problems.", Poison Ivy said.

'I can kill them before they do any harm so I guess it's fine.', I thought.

Since my parents and Alfred were gone, I had Kelex teleport us to the mansion.

---Wayne Manor---

"Thank heavens for the fucking Sun!!", Poison Ivy cried basking in the warm sunlight.

"Agreed!", the other four whimpered.

"Alright, so who left you five there?", I asked.

"Someone who has a sick fixation with you.", Stargirl said with a shiver, "I mean body pillows, dolls, and toys she claims match your dimensions."

"Ew!", Selena gagged.

"Believe me...I know.", Cheetah said pretending to vomit, "She reeks of death and despair, but the moment she hears you mentioned she goes full psycho."

"She is honestly worse than Harley.", Poison Ivy stated.

"Sounds like Cynthia.", Sonico informed me.

"Agreed, so how did you lot meet her?", I asked.

"If you haven't realized it, when you are on the run you tend not to have money with you.", Maxima replied, "All of us took sketchy no questions asked jobs to make money. She found us during our work day, and basically threatened us to follow her. Being threatened with an invisible death tends to make you accept things."

"I would have thought Blackfire and you would have been immune since you are Superhuman.", I stated.

"We aren't gambling on that.", the two said shaking their heads violently, "Dying in combat is one thing, dying for no reason is another."

"Fair enough, so what did you need to tell me?", I asked.

"She said that Nova is no longer a problem for you, she killed the Oblivion Group members, will be sending you the information Oblivion Group has, and wants to go on a date.", Blackfire said, "Am I missing anything?"

"She refers to herself as Mrs. Wayne.", Poison Ivy stated with a straight face, "Thought you might want to know that."

"Seriously!?", I groaned.

"That will be our last name, not hers.", Sonico refuted, "I can't believe she thinks Clark will go on a date with her."

"Well you come to her, or she comes to you.", Maxima clarified.

Rubbing my forehead I asked how I could communicate with her. Stating that she would contact me, I would have to wait about three days for word to reach her. Since I had three villains on my hands now, I was going to send them the Phantom Zone since they really weren't my problem. When I asked Kara for what she thought, she shook her head saying that while they were villains they were assets if the Regime showed up. Looking at them, and then back to Kara I was doubtful they would be that helpful.

"We can fight asshole.", Blackfire said.

"Yes, but you three have a habit of switching sides at the drop of a hat.", I responded.

"Which side are we going to betray you too?", Cheetah bitched, "One side wants our heads, and you tolerate us...pretty fucking clear who we ally with."

"Kara, what do you think?", I asked.

"Honestly you know what they say about your enemies.", Kara replied.

"Fine, but let me make this clear...", I said apply psychic pressure on their minds, "Hurt a single hair on any innocent persons head, and I will take your heads off."

"Got it!", the three replied cowering in fear.

"Good, if you actually do some good I will put in a word with Batman for you.", I stated.

Getting them something to drink and eat, Stargirl and Kara got to talking while Poison Ivy teased the hell out of Selena. Asking her if she became my pet I swore Selena was going to rip her throat out out. Maxima, Cheetah, and Blackfire seemed rather calm sitting at the table peacefully. Asking why they didn't stay with/join the Regime, all of them said it had everything to do with dealing with Superman and Wonder Woman. Informing me that it all started when they switched to outright killing Villains and Heroes that got in the way. They had considered joining Batman, but they weren't sure how long he would hold out.

"I thought you had a thing for Superman, Maxima.", I said.

"I did, back when he was a sane man I was very fond of him. After he lost his wife he became a shell of his former self.", she said, "I tried several times to comfort him, but he used me as a punching bag saying that I would never replace Lois. The last time I tried he branded me a traitor, and ordered my execution so I left."

"Fair enough, how about you Blackfire? Your sister Starfire sided with Batman if I am remembering right, why not join her? Your world is at risk from invasion by Superman.", I stated.

"Haha, I won't ever join my sister even if it was the end of the world.", Blackfire laughed, "She stole my birthright from me so I made sure there was nothing left for her to claim."

"All this because you started out unable to absorb UV energy.", I sighed.

" did you know that?", Blackfire asked, "Only a few people know that."

"I have known about the multiverse for a long time.", I replied having Kelex give the women several comics, "I used all your escapades to make comics."

"Seriously!?", Poison Ivy gasped stopping her argument with Selena, "Well...I guess you did me justice."

"Agreed.", the women said admiring their comic drawings.

Explaining that I had documented their histories and such, I apologized for prying into their private lives. Reading their origin stories the women softened up a bit as this was likely the kindest thing someone did for them. After they ate I asked if they wanted to do some training in the gym. Since we would be going up the Regime and Prime working out seemed to be the best idea. Accepting the offer we went downstairs to train.

Spotting the women as they used the equipment, Maxima asked Kara if her powers had come back. Stating that she had only recently been able to fly again, Maxima looked at her with concern. Asking her to spar with her, Kara hesitated a bit as she wasn't comfortable sparring with someone at her level without her Kryptonian powers. Pressing her to fight eventually Kara relented, and accepted.

Watching the two square up, Maxima didn't waste anytime pressing Kara. Throwing punches that would kill most, she was trying to force Kara to snap out of the funk she was in. Using the bit of martial arts I had shown her, Kara was putting up a bit of a fight.

"You think she can win?", Cheetah asked me.

"If Kara gets past the funk, it's a cake walk for her.", I replied.

After a few swings, Maxima managed to slug Kara sending her towards the wall at a high rate of speed. Deploying the shielding to stop her from flying out of the room, Kara crashed into the shield with groan of pain. Getting back up she shook the blow off with a hint of irritation.

"You aren't going to take revenge if you keep holding back.", Maxima said.

"Maxima...don't go there.", I warned.

"You are frightened by this Superman-Prime, but you are capable of fighting him.", Maxima stated, "You are a coward that fled, and you are haunted by your failure."

"Hey now, let's not say-", Melissa started to complain before Maxima cut her off.

"Shut up!", Kara shouted becoming enraged.

"Shit...", I said, "Kelex, teleport them to Mars."

Leaping at Maxima at high speed, the two women vanished in an instant. Having Kelex teleport me too, I wanted to make sure they didn't kill each other.


The instant they arrived on the red planet, Kara punched Maxima hard enough to cause several sonic booms. Flying through several rock formations Maxima stopped herself, and went right back to Kara. Returning the blow in full, and then some, Kara shot across the surface like a stone skipping on water. Catching herself she flew back at Maxima, and started a high speed martial arts fight. The two were skilled fighters so the fight was a stalemate, but their fight was ruining the surface of the planet.

Pressure and impacts from their blows were making craters all over the place. As they got more serious the blows could be felt miles away. The two women started to forget this was a duel, and were actually trying to harm each other. Before they did though I interceded as I didn't need the two of being bitter with each other. With a single blow I sent them crashing into the Martian soil leaving them unable to get back up immediately.

"You both are done fighting.", I stated, "I won't watch you beat each other to death."

"I...I am sorry.", Kara said.

"As am I, I apologize.", Maxima coughed, "That was certainly a blow to behold."

"That was me taking it easy on you, I plan on terraforming the planet. Both of you destroying this planet would botch that plan.", I sighed.

"Are you single?", Maxima asked.

"Seriously!?", Kara shouted, "I thought you liked the Superman from your world?"

"He is insane, this Superman is quite sane.", Maxima replied with a grin.

"I am not single, I have a harem.", I replied.

"Even better!", Maxima said, "We should make children immediately!"

"I am only fourteen, I am not making kids till I am in my twenties.", I stated.

"Fourteen!?", she gasped, " look much older!"

"Thanks?", I replied with a confused look.

"Young, strong, and good looking...our children will be powerful indeed.", Maxima muttered to herself.

"Will you shut up.", Kara snapped.

"Do I sense jealousy?", Maxima teased.

Rubbing my forehead I broke them up before they fought again.

---Wayne Manor---

Taking us back home, I found everyone placing bets on the winner of the fight. Telling them to break it up, they asked who won the fight. Pointing to me the two said I one shot them. Throwing their slips they told me I shouldn't have interfered.

"If I didn't stop them we wouldn't have Mars anymore.", I sighed.

"So I was thinking...what are we supposed to do with our free time?", Poison Ivy asked.

"Outside of training, you all are stuck with me. You are too dangerous to leave unsupervised all day, especially Poison Ivy. Out of all the villains here you are the most likely to try to kill people as you have a plant fetish.", I stated.

"Okay that isn't completely true, I just really hate people that trash the environment with no regards for the plants they kill!", she replied.

"Says the woman that tries to eradicate humanity for plant life.", I chuckled.

"I can be valuable asset for your team, my babies are quite potent in restraining people.", Poison Ivy said patting her plants.

"Well that isn't the biggest problem...none of you have Hero licenses.", Ochaco said.

"Hero License?", the five asked.

Explaining the license system to them, the five said that sounded fucking stupid. Saying everything Selena had I was happy they thought it was as stupid as I did. Once the complaining was done I decided to see if I could potentially get something sorted out for them so they could help me, like being sidekicks. Sending a few messages off to people to see what could be done, the last option was to just take them and wait to see if anyone complained.

'I could always say they are robots, but...people may think I am weird because they are all women.', I thought.

Getting them settled in their individual rooms, I decided to call it for now. It was only early afternoon now so I figured we'd go back out this evening. Let the other three know what I was planning, they opted to join us in the evening for patrols. Coming back in a hurry, they knew full well my parents and Alfred wouldn't be home till tonight and Eri was going to a friend's house after school. Seeing a window of opportunity they accepted the relief happily.


"Hurry up!", Rumi said to me pulling me into the bathroom.

"I am hurrying, I can't take my pants off while you are pulling me along!", I laughed, "Are you all that backed up?"

"Yes!", Nemuri replied, "Now hurry up!"

Taking the opportunity to slip out of the room, Kara decided to go do something else. Having only been sleep in my bed so she wouldn't be alone she wasn't part of the harem quite yet. I intended to pursue her though as I thought we made a good couple.

Getting my clothing off I was pulled into the shower, and immediately got to it. Letting my hands roam her body, I gave Rumi a kiss with a smile. Kissing her neck as started to finger her, Ochaco nervously tried to give me oral. Feeling her kiss the tip before slowly taking it in, I noticed Nejire and Nemuri giving her tips. The other women played with each other all while I simulated their minds with my powers. Even Sonico, who I wasn't intending to sleep with today, was making merry with Momo.

"Mmm I love this.", Rumi panted.

"If it weren't so restrictive you'd be doing this nightly.", I teased, "I am not complaining, it be nice too do it like this daily like we wanted."

"Considered moving yet?", Rumi moaned.

"Named a nicer place than here.", I chuckled.

"My old flat where we fucked like rabbits. I really need you to start fucking me more often, you make my urges unbearable when we don't do it.", she said looking at me.

"I forget you are almost always in heat as a rabbit.", I responded, "Does it bother you that much?"

"You have no idea...", she gasped, "Some nights I go commando hoping you will take the bait, you only have a few times."

"If you want we can start moving into the Fortress early. You can be as loud as you want without worrying someone will hear you.", I teased, "We have that nice big bed we can try all sorts of positions on."

Feeling her react to that, I saw the others pause for a moment as well.

"No need to worry about being caught, it would just be us over there. I can turn up the pleasure too make you all scream with pleasure too.", I suggested.

"That sounds hot.", Yu said with Toga eating her out, "Really, really hot and steamy."

"Agreed, we should move in.", Nemuri said, "Slowly Ochaco, don't force it."

Playing around for a bit more, we eventually moved to the main course. Spreading her legs as I pulled into me, I slipped right into Rumi. Gasping as she felt me enter, I felt her vibrate with satisfaction like usual. Her body had really become addicted to the mental stimulation, and the feeling of me inside her.

Picking her up so her legs dangled, she really enjoyed the feeling. Buried completely in her, I started moving in her. Feeling her body resist me when I would pull back she would always shake her hips almost begging me not to pull out. Moving with enough force to make the sound of my sac clap against her heard throughout the room, I kissed her as we enjoyed the sound.

Flying a bit off the ground to try other positions, we eventually ended up with her facing me while latched tightly on to me. Making her butt blurry with how fast I was going, she was in utter heaven.

"I am getting close.", I said.

"Keep going I want it all.", she replied tightening up.

Pouring my seed into her, Rumi went limp from pleasure overload. Letting her catch her breath afterwards, Ochaco was next as a reward for her oral. Rubbing her vagina with my dick in a teasing manner, I made her beg for it before I went in.

"Stop teasing me...meanie.", she gasped.

"You know what to say.", I teased as I throbbed between her thighs.

"Please...please put your dick in me, and don't stop.", Ochaco said as I glided into her.

Looking at her from behind, I smacked her butt playfully to tease her. Bouncing her on my lap, Nejire and Nemuri had fun showing me what was next. With a smirk I smacked their butts too, and told them to give me a kiss. Doing as I asked, I then proceeded to turn Ochaco around so I could see her face. Staring into her eyes as I went along, nuzzled her cheek into my hand leaving all the moving to me.

"You put a lot of work into your training.", I whispered to her, "Good job Ochaco, you have done very well."

Holding her tightly as the water washed over us, I did my best to ensure that we climaxed together. Listening to her soft moans she took it all in it made me want to go again and again with her, but Nemuri wasn't going to wait much longer before she burst. Simply reaching for Momo next caused her to jump on me, and demand she be next which made me grin ear to ear.

In Maxima's room Kara was speaking with Maxima and Blackfire. Hearing the events in the shower Kara blushed making the other two snicker.

"They are mating, yes?", Maxima asked.

"You could say being intimate or making love...", Kara sighed.

"It's all the same in the end.", Maxima replied, "Tell me, does it sound like he is a capable lover?"

"I am not going to answer that...", Kara said having noticed the ongoing occasional things the girls did under the sheets.

"I take that as a yes.", Blackfire laughed, "You like him right?"

"I am not sure he wants another woman.", Kara replied.

"Just ask him, be bold!!", Maxima shouted, "Come with me, I will show you how to be bold!"

"Wait, I don't think we need to go into-", Kara started say as Maxima dragged her out of the room with Blackfire, "I am not going in there!!"

Putting her superior strength to use she stopped Blackfire and Maxima.

"If I want to date him...I will tell him myself. He is busy with them, and I am not about to get involved while they are doing...that!", Kara said.

Hearing us stumble out of the bathroom, and into the bedroom Maxima snuck over to peep through the keyhole at the door. Watching me toss the women onto the bed, she noticed that all of them seemed to be high and very horny. With a smirk on her face Maxima looked to Kara with an idea.