Chapter 59 - Battle For Freedom Part 1

---Wayne Manor, Friday Evening---

Going over the shielding systems one last time I wanted everything to work perfectly. This would be the toughest fight my girlfriends had ever faced, and I was nervous about their safety. I was bringing along some of the Kal El Legion as medical backup for our group. On top of that I was bringing Amazo and Vision for assistance.

"You don't have to be so worried.", Momo and Sonico said, "We are tougher than we look!"

"I know that.", I chuckled, "I am just worried that something will fail, and your lives will be in danger. Call me a worry wart, but I don't want anything bad to happen to any of you. This is the first time you will be fighting people of high caliber power...this won't be like the fighting we have done here. These people have decades of experience outwitting people of planetary level destructions."

"You saying we can't handle it?", Selena and Ivy teased.

"No, I just worry about your safety.", I replied hugging them, "I am not made of stone, I can worry about you. There is certainly no replacing any of you."

"Really? If there are other versions of us in other universes, does that mean you could pick another one up?", Raven asked.

"There is only one Raven like you, I won't find one exactly like you.", I stated giving her a kiss.

"I...I see.", she said in soft tone, "We are irreplaceable then, that's good."

"Let's also remember that you all have to come back alive for tomorrow night.", I teased with a smirk, "I will have things ready by then, and don't even think of making plans on Sunday. All of us aren't leaving Jupiter till Monday morning...assuming you can move."

"Hehe!", the women snickered.

Getting the women fitted in their shield gear, I walked through the protections they had. Listening careful I explained that they could tank most hits, but to avoid taking direct hits from Shazam and Black Adam. Nodding their heads they understood their limits, and swore to be careful.

"So still aren't going to give us a hint?", Itsuka and Nejire asked, "You know for what you have planned this weekend?"

"Nope, my lips are sealed.", I replied with a smirk, "I can tell you it will be an experience."

"You can tell me!", Sonico said putting my arm between her breasts, "I won't tell them anything."

"I know you would.", I laughed, "Do you want to join?"

"Mm...", she said thinking about it, "I...I guess I can, you will be gentle with me right?"

"Of course.", I told her with a soft smile, "It's not enjoyable unless both parties are happy."

"Okay...", she said blushing at my response, "If you don't, I...I won't talk to you for a week."

"Then I will make sure to do my best.", I said.

"So what is the plan?", Blackfire asked.

"How much ass kicking will there be!!", Mina and Maxima shouted.

"Yes, we must have lots of kicking of the butts!", Starfire agreed.

"Alright, I will update you on what Batman and I agreed too.", I said.

First thing tomorrow we would be meeting up with the group of Hero's Nezu had contacted. I knew All Might and Endeavor would be in the group, but I wasn't sure who else was coming. We would leave here at 9am for the Injustice World to join the fight.

Before our arrival the Insurgency would evacuate civilians from Downtown Gotham so we don't have to worry about civilian casualties. Once they are clear the Insurgency will launch an assault on the ship currently over Gotham. That will bring the Regime out to fight them, and we will arrive a few minutes after the conflict starts.

"I am handling Superman and Wonder Woman, that leave all of you with the rest of the Regime. Batman has countermeasures in place for Black Adam and Shazam, you will have to speak with him about that.", I stated, "All of you are to subdue and capture the Regime Members, Superman and Wonder Woman won't be joining them."

"You mean you are dispatching them?", Maxima asked.

"I intend too, both of them slaughtered millions trying to enforce their laws. They don't deserve to enjoy life any longer, they die tomorrow.", I replied.

"Agreed.", the Injustice women agreed.

"Make sure you don't hold anything back against Wonder Woman.", Fury said, "She may be a pretty face, but-"

"She has an ugly face, you can't call someone with children's blood on their hands beautiful.", I snapped, "I am dragging her to the Pits of Hell, and leaving her in eternal agony for her crimes. Neither of them deserve peace!"

"I like it when act like a manly man.", Selena purred, "Makes me want to pounce on you right now. We will have to have some other conversations before that though."

"Like..?", I asked.

"Well from what the others say your quite an animal in bed.", Selena stated looking at Rumi and Nemuri, "Nemuri said you don't use rubbers, make them take the pill, or pull out so are you ready to be a father? Your luck always won't hold out you know."

"I recognize that possibility.", I said.

"So if a few of us said we wanted children, you'd go along with it?", she asked with a smirk pushing her chest against me.

"I...I might.", I said with a smirk, "Are their others?"

"I do of course.", Blackfire said.

"As do I, I wish to have a baby!", Starfire stated.

"Not till mine is born...I am not sharing his fatherly attention with you.", Blackfire stated.

"Come on, we can have our children together!", Starfire said.

"Heck no!", Blackfire stated, "I won't have my newborn exposed to you right away! The child might catch you stupidity."

"It isn't contagious!", Starfire protested before realizing the real insult, "I am not stupid!"

"Could have fooled me.", Raven sighed.

"Raven, you are supposed to help me!", Starfire complained.

"I am, don't have kids yet.", Raven stated, "We have enough energy between Mina and you to power the Fortress."

"Hey!!", they shouted, "What's the supposed to mean?"

"It means your really hyper.", Itsuka giggled.

"Well...that is true.", Mina agreed, "I can't help it though!!"

Trying to convince her sister it would work out, Blackfire didn't budge. Turning back to me while they argued Selena gave me a serious look.

"On a more serious note, Nemuri has already asked you for a child.", Selena said, "Maxima is very serious about settling down immediately. Ivy, Harley, and I would also like children too."

"Wait...where does Harley fit into this?", I asked, "I haven't said I would-"

"Her daughter needs a father, and she isn't the criminal she once was. She has changed a lot since the old days.", Ivy pointed out, "The Harley from our universe wants to atone for her actions. If you give her a chance you won't be disappointed."

"Won't you please agree?", Selena asked fondling my crotch, "You could have former Big Three riding you whenever you wanted."

"Big Three?", I chuckled, "I think a lot of other villainesses would complain about that."

"You know what she meant.", Ivy replied with a smirk.

"How about we let her settle down first, and see if she wants that? She has been on the run and in hiding for a long time. Let her rest and decide afterwards.", I said.

"So it's a yes if she still wants to join after an adjustment period, I will tell her.", Selena stated.

"I didn't-"

"Hehe.", Selena said with a wink, "We will make some beautiful babies Clark, or rather my strong man. I am looking forward to be joined too you, I hope you know."

"'s impossible to argue with you.", I sighed.

"Don't worry, I will make it up to you. Ivy and I will ensure your needs are taken care of.", Selena stated with a smile, "A big boy like you is going to need daily attention, we can keep up with you."

"Ahem, what are we chop liver?", Kara and Rumi asked, "We will take care of that too."

"Don't cut us out.", Fury and Maxima added.

"We will be having daily intercourse to sire heirs.", Maxima stated.

"He's plowing me first!", Nemuri snapped.

'Oh boy...', I thought.

Calming them down I said I could handle anything they threw at me. Leaving it at that the women got their gear ready for the morning. While discussing how things would work moving forward.

---Next Morning---

Waking up early all of us got ready to go. Keeping things professional for now, they all recognized there was a chance that some of us might not come back. Keeping hopeful though the women did ask what we would be doing for breakfast.

Meeting the professionals by the fuselage I was surprised to see that all the teachers were present along with a few other pros. Seeing Nemuri armored up alongside the women, Aizawa sighed.

"You know our jobs don't need us to show them everything about-"

"Say another word, and I will knock you out.", Nemuri said with a twitch.

Nodding his head he didn't say anything else. I wasn't sure why Aizawa was here as he wasn't going to be much help as that world had no Quirks.

The Dragon Hero Ryuko walked over to speak with the women while I got the final touches down with the robots. Asking if all women that arrived with me were dating me, Rumi confirmed that. With a look of confusion she asked what made Rumi settle down, and be in a serious relationship.

"You saying I can't date anyone?", Rumi asked.

"No, I meant based on your track record...he'd have left because of your destructive behavior.", Ryuko replied, "You have violent tendencies after all."

"That's simply because those boys couldn't keep up, or were perverted scumbags.", Rumi scoffed, "Clark tends to my...instincts, but also trains hard with me so we match very well."

"Fair enough, still though he is pretty young.", Ryuko said glancing me, "He is really built though, how big are those biceps?"

"You don't know the half of it.", Yu snickered.

Looking at her for an explanation Yu made a gesture that made Ryuko blush.

"You have already-"

"Oh yes!", Nemuri answered, "Best I have ever had, and the most faithful guy I have dated. He checks all my boxes."

"Hmm...", Ryuko said, "I thought cheating was typical among young men."

"Don't say that!!", Toga and Nemuri shouted.

"I merely made an observation.", Ryuko stated with a calm expression.

"Probably best not to voice those observations.", Raven sighed, "It will only cause trouble."

Agreeing to that Ryuko changed topics to discuss more normal things like how life was and what not. Fifteen minutes later we were ready to depart for the Injustice Universe. Giving the Pros the plan as they got settled in, everyone understood what they had to do.

"Last and most not hold anything back against the Regime. I may be taking on the strongest two, but the others are no slouches. If you give them an inch some of them will try to kill you without hesitation.", I stated.

Nodding their heads, I picked up the fuselage and took off to the Injustice Universe.

---Injustice Universe, Outside Gotham---

Arriving outside Gotham as intended I touched down in a secluded area where everyone disembarked. The fighting had already started downtown so we quickly got sorted. Changing into a Dragon, Ryuko offered to airlift those that couldn't fly into the fight zone while everyone else flew in. Looking at my girlfriends I gave them a smile and nodded my head.

"Alright, it's go time.", I said.

"You be careful.", Ochaco and Toga told me.

"Yeah, we are supposed to have a bright future with you.", Dorothy and Melissa stated.

" don't get yourself killed.", Rumi said trying to be tough even though she looked worried.

"Don't you worry, I will be fine.", I chuckled.

"Please make sure you don't hurt your manhood. We will need it!", Maxima stated with a wink.

The men looked at me like I should exploded which made me sigh. Telling Maxima that she didn't need to blurt that out I left before Mina or Starfire could say something worse.

"Jeez...he is a lucky son of a bitch.", Endeavor said, "I can't believe he sleeps with all of them, I don't know how he does that."

"I know...even I would have problems.", All Might chuckled, "Well as long as he is being responsible we can't fault him."

"Yeah we can, Nemuri can barely keep a lid on her relationship with him. We are constantly covering for her outbursts...", Aizawa sighed, "If what I heard is right she might end up on maternity leave soon...the world doesn't need her offspring, she is too much already. Her kids might be even worse than she-"

Punching him on the top of the head Nemuri glared at him.

"What I choose to do with my boyfriend is between him and I. I don't need your blessing to have a family with him, so fuck off!", Nemuri snapped.

"I get it...damn that hurt.", Aizawa complained.

---Downtown Gotham---

The plan hadn't gone completely right for the Insurgency, an undercover spy in the city had alerted the Regime about the evacuation so things started off rough. Fortunately most people had evacuated before the fighting got serious, but there were still stragglers trying to get away.

"Harley, how is the evacuation going?", Batman asked mid combat with Grundy.

"It's not good!!", Harley shouted dodging a lightning bolt from Shazam, "They already blocked the exit we were using!"

Having placed Harley in charge of evacuation efforts, she had been trying to take the last group out when the tunnel collapsed blocking escape.

"How long till backup arrives?", Black Canary called out to Batman.

"They should be here any moment!", he replied.

Crashing into the street their Superman looked at them in anger.

"Bruce this is ridiculous, you know you can't win this.", Superman (Injustice) stated, "If you surrender now this will be less painful than it's going to be."

"You know I don't give up Clark.", Batman replied.

"Suit yourself...", he said dashing at Batman.

Throwing a punch meant to knock him out, Superman saw a blur before something smashed into his face. The impact made him black out for a moment, and left him reeling as he flew backwards through the street. Crashing into a collapsed building, several blocks away, it took a moment for him to understand what happened. Looking back at Batman, he saw me standing next to him.

"Glad you could join us.", Batman chuckled.

"Traffic was backed up.", I laughed.

"About time you showed up!", Harley snapped, "We've been getting our asses kicked here!!"

"There are children here, watch your language Harley!", I jabbed with a smile.

"Sue me!", she replied with a grin.

Looking at this world's Superman the grin left my face. Staring him down I started walking forward towards him.

"So you are this world's Superman...", I stated, "I am not impressed, not in the slightest you bastard."

"So he called in another Superman to help him.", Superman (Injustice) said picking himself up.

"No, I met some of the people you chased into my world. They told me that fucking crybaby Superman was destroying their world because he lost his wife and child.", I replied, "I don't blame you for killing Joker, I would have done the same without hesitation. That said you took things too far, hunting other villains like animals, attacking their families, and killing innocent people that disagreed with you. This is probably a stupid question, but do you have any regrets you killed all those innocent people?"

"All they had to do was fall in line, and everything would have been fine. They'd be alive if they only listened to me.", he said.

"Lots of tyrants have said that throughout history...", I growled, "All of them use the same damn excuse as you, it was for the greater good. You don't have a shred of remorse for what you did...looks like you really are too far gone. I have to wonder...what would Lois have thought if she saw what you have done."

"Don't you bring her into this!", he snarled.

"You lost your wife and child, I am sorry for your loss, but this ends today tyrant.", I sighed, "I am going to drag your ass straight to the bottom of hell. For all of the lives you ruined, and took before their will pay infinitely more than them."

"Enough!", he shouted shooting forward.

Throwing a right hook at me I stopped it with just my index finger. He froze when he saw it happen as did his team. Throwing several more punches I stopped them all with a single finger.

"What the hell!?", Shazam shouted.

"If this is the level your at Clark, this is going to be a one sided beatdown.", I grabbing his fist.

Slowly crushing his fist in my hand he dropped to his knees holding back his scream. Crushing his hand a few seconds later he screamed just as I threw a knee into face. Before he could fly backwards I grabbed his head, and slammed my knee into his face a second time. Hearing the bones in face crack as he crashed back into the destroyed building as blood poured from his nose.

"Haha we are going to win this!", Harley laughed.

"It's too early to celebrate.", Batman said seeing Wonder Woman charge at me.

"Your head is mine!", she shouted leaping towards me.

Vibrating my body her sword passed harmlessly through me. At a loss for what had just happened she quickly found my hand grabbing her face with a death grip. Swinging her sword down on my arm the sword hit it, and bounced back without so much as a scratch. Blasting her with a gamma blast to the face she screamed as the intense heat burned her as she flew back into Superman.

At that time the rest of the backup arrived. Realizing that the number advantage was gone the Regime became a bit nervous. Not knowing who most of them were made it even worse as they had no idea what they could do, or what their weaknesses were.

"Guys...who are they?", Hal said nervously.

"They are with me.", I said appearing behind him.

"Hal, behind you!", Flash shouted.

Turning around he pointed his ring at me, and tried to blast me. The White Lantern Ring absorbed the attack leaving me unharmed which made the Yellow Corpsmen in the fight put some space between us.

"You...your a lantern!?", Hal shrieked.

"I am...", I said glaring him, "Do you have anything else to say? Your ring is useless in a fight against me."

"Fall back!!", Sinestro shouted to his corp.

"Who gave you permission to leave?", I said looking at him with red glowing eyes, "You don't move till I tell you too!"

Freezing in place he felt the sense that no matter what he did he'd be killed instantly if he moved. The same pressure was washing over his corps as none of them dared move a millimeter, let alone breath.

"I hope you aren't stupid enough to think that I will hold back, right?", I asked throwing Hal at Sinesto, "The Regime has innocent blood on their hands, including the blood of children. I made a deal with Batman I wouldn't kill most of you, but crippling you isn't killing you is it? Beating you to within an inch of your life isn't killing you, right? If you die in the hospital because of your's no skin off my nose."

The corpsmen backed up as they recognized the threat was serious. Knowing their rings weren't going to work, all of them were fully aware a brawl with me would leave them in a heap of twisted bones and flesh.

"Did you forget about us!", Black Adam and Shazam shouted as they gathered lightning in their hands.

Turning to face them, they blasted me with their strongest lightning attacks. Arcing off metal objects the entire area was bathed in a bright white light as the their lightning hit me. The loud roar of the magic was deafening.

"Superman!", Kara (Injustice) shouted.

"He's fine.", Kara (Girlfriend) said, "He's just flexing a bitno."

Once the light died down the two Regime Members waited to see what became of me. Swing my arm to blow away the dust, I cracked my neck with a pissed off look on my face.

"You're alive!?", Black Adam shouted in disbelief, "Superman is weak immune to magic!! You should have been reduced to ashes!!"

"Was that supposed to tickle?", I stated with an annoyed look, "I will show you lightning!!"

The sky came alive as lightning from as far as the eye could see came dancing to a focal point.

"HE CAN USE MAGIC!?", the Regime members screamed.

"NOW EAT DIRT YOU ASSHOLES!!", I shouted swinging my arms downwards.

With a snap of my fine a solid bolt of lightning dropped vaporizing the environment around the men. The large amount of lightning undid their enchantments leaving them to take the brunt of the assault. Black Adam rapidly aged on the spot turning to ash in seconds, but Billy was rendered unconscious as he crashed into a a tree. Bringing down dozens of more bolts down the Regime members dove for cover.

"Grundy, get him!", Superman (Injustice) shouted.

"Grundy no want to die!", Grundy said hiding in a ruined house, "Grundy will die if he fights Magic Superman!!"

"It's the Guardian Angel: Superman.", I said to Grundy before looking at Superman and Wonder Woman as they got back up, "All right Batman, I took care of those two for you. I think the rest of you can handle the remaining Regime Members. Superman and Wonder Woman are coming with me..."

Speed Force Lightning danced off me as I shot forward, and sucker punched the two of them with the force of a dwarf star. The pressure wave from the punch blew many of the Regime members away like they were paper scraps in a hurricane. Flying after them I left the group to handle the Regime.

"Uh...", Barry said looking at the unconscious Billy and the rest of the Regime, "Let's go team?"

"Grundy not care, Grundy smash Insurgency!!", Grundy said barreling towards the Insurgency.

"Haha I'd like to see you try!", All Might shouted lunging forward.

Ducking the first punch from Grundy, All Might threw his weight into a powerful uppercut aimed straight into Grundy's chest.

"Seattle Smash!!", he shouted slamming his fist into a dumbfounded Grundy.

Launched skyward, Melissa and Raven were waiting for him. Using her magic to fling Melissa at Grundy she slammed her fist straight into his face when they met.

"Grand Canyon Smash!!", she shouted.

Flying straight into the pavement Grundy was knocked out cold. Using her Float and Blackwhip Quirks in tantum Melissa easily moved around to assist with the evacuation. On the ground Momo, Ochaco, Mina, Toga, and Toru helped prevent being flanked by low ranking grunts in the Regime. The other women were busy engaging members like Aquaman, and Eradicator. Effortlessly beating the crap out of them the girls were disabling the attackers temporarily for capture later. While they were handling that Endeavor was at odds with Killer Frost.

"Damn it, what the hell are you!", Killer Frost said having issues getting ice near him.

"Seems like you you can't take the heat!", he laughed, "I don't see what he was on about, you are pretty easy to handle."

"Shut up hot head!", she spat launching several volleys of ice at him.

Unfortunately Endeavor didn't think his next move carefully. Rushing forward to take her out he didn't realize she would likely panic under pressure. Instinctively putting a massive wall of ice up once the two met it superheated the water inside the ice, and exploded. The blast was enough to level the city block and left the two of them in rough shape. Running through the debris Sonico was chasing the Flash as he attempted to leave to find his Superman.

Not letting him leave her sight Sonico was quickly catching up to him which confused him. Only a handful of people were his speed or faster so to meet a new person like this was shocking.

"You aren't getting away!!", she shouted.

"Who the hell are you!?", he asked.

"My name is Sonico!", she replied.

"You mean like that blue hedgehog guy in the magazines?", Flash laughed.

"Don't laugh at me!! My dad messed up on my birth certificate because he was to excited to pay attention to how he wrote my name!! It was supposed to Sonya, but he wrote Sonico!!", she blurted out.

"Haha!", he laughed harder, "Well it's been fun Sonico, but I have places to be!"

Increasing his speed to try and escape, Sonico put her foot down. Catching him in his stride, she dragged his face into buildings as she continued running down the street. Slamming him into a large propane tank, her lightning ignited the gas as the tank ruptured. Fleeing before the explosion happened, the Flash wasn't as fortunate. Taking the blast head on he flew through two houses before Sonico caught him again.

Barreling towards the group again, both Kara's and Maxima noticed her running towards them. Without saying a word Sonico threw him at the three women. Recovering from the concussion he got from the blast he felt three fists hit him in unison making all the bones in his body shatter. Blasting him into several Sinestro Corpsmen, they crashed into an abandoned school where the men were down for the count.

"Good job ladies!", Maxima laughed, "This will be an easy clean up! You are a strong fighter!"

"Thanks!", Kara (Injustice) replied with a smile.

"Maybe you want to join our group too?", Maxima asked.

"I...I hardly know him.", she replied shaking her head.

"Suit yourself.", Maxima sighed.

"Are you seriously trying to add another Kryptonian!?", Blackfire said throwing Sinestro into a ruined brewery, "One is enough!"

"Well I thought she might want a good man too!", Maxima retorted.

"Stop sharing Clark out with others!!", Nemuri snapped knocking out grunts with her sleep gas, "He isn't a time share!!"

"Is this really all you all argue about?", Black Canary inquired.

"We also argue about what to eat, and where we go shopping.", Itsuka stated bitch smacking Robin into a brick wall, "It's pretty normal."

"Can we focus?", Constantine snapped, "This isn't bloody high school, keep the drama off the battlefield you bimbos."

"Bimbos!?", the women snapped.

"Shite, I meant idiots!", Constantine swore.

"You really need to stop drinking.", Batman said.

"Sod off!", Constantine rebutted.

Just as things were looking up, both Kara's heard something barreling towards the group. Looking to the other side of the city they saw Doomsday running towards them. Looking back to him as well Hal realized the situation changed.

"Shit, who the hell let him out!", Hal snapped, "Bruce, we are going to have stop him!"

"Why the hell should we listen to you Pee Boy!", Harley shouted making fun of his yellow suit.

"He's right, Doomsday takes priority.", Batman stated.

Seeing the monster charging them the two groups grouped together to fight Doomsday. Asking how he got out, Hal informed them that Doomsday was being transported to the ship when the attack started. He probably broke out of his restraints, and came to where all the commotion was.

"So what is a Doomsday?", Ryuko asked.

"He is a Superman, but with only the instinct to kill everything that breathes and moves.", Ivy replied, "I remember when he crashed on our world...Batman we aren't equipped to fight him!"

"We have to buy time for your Clark to return, and fight him.", Batman stated, "Both Kara's are going to have to fight him head on, the rest of us will back you up!"

Throwing debris out of his way Doomsday roared as he drew near. Hardening their resolve the group prepared to fight for their lives.

---Earlier, After Leaving the Two Groups---

Shooting after Superman and Wonder Woman I caught up to them near the Fortress of Solitude. Flying over them I dropped like a stone, and elbow dropped them both straight into the icy wasteland of the North Pole. Gasping for air the two quickly recovered to engage me in a fight.

Taking the lead Wonder Woman leapt at me screaming her battle cry. Swinging her sword at extreme speeds I deflected all of her attacks blow for blow without missing a beat. Applying the pressure back on her I started attacking her in between her attacks which overwhelmed her in seconds.

Flying in to back her up he threw a punch at my face which I vibrated through with a grin on my face. Grabbing his ankle once he passed me, I yanked him back around and slammed him into Wonder Woman. Hearing the unmistakable sound of bones breaking I watch Wonder Woman cough up a mouthful of blood. Flinging them into the Fortress Wall the two struggled to get back up.

"Is this really all you have?", I mocked, "You both are garbage both on a personal level and on the battlefield."

"We...we aren't down yet.", Wonder Woman said rising to her feet.

"We still have some trump cards to play...", Superman stated.

"You mean the Red Sun Gun you have in the Fortress or the Phantom Zone gun in the Fortress as well? Maybe you meant the Gravity Gun that you keep in storage, or maybe you meant Red Sun Eater you keep as a pet?", I asked.

Their smug faces turned to disbelief as I list off just a few items they felt confident could kill me.

"You are a disgrace to this symbol!", I said placing my hand on the Superman Crest, "This crest is supposed to give people hope, hope that everything will be alright! You made them fear this crest, not only that you killed millions of people under this crest!! You robbed all those children of a bright future!! Calling yourself a Hero is a sick joke, one Joker wouldn't even laugh at!!"

"Shut up...", Superman (Injustice) coughed.

"No!", I shouted, "You are going to listen to me before I bury you in the bottom of hell! On my world this crest gives everyone peace because I lowered crime to all time low! I don't hunt down criminals to kill them, I don't enforce my will on others, and I sure as hell don't kill innocent people!! I show up wherever I am needed, and give my all to help those in need!! Clark both of us see and hear the same thing right now!! There are people all over this world that crying out for help, and you turned your back on them!! These people placed their hopes and dreams on your shoulders...and you crushed it all!!"

"Shut up!!", he screamed.

"All of them believed in you, and you killed them!!", I roared as my anger boiled over, "I hear all the screams of pain, tears of sadness, and children crying out for their parents!! You fucking hear all of it too, but you turn your back on all of them and made their suffering worse!! Originally I was going to come here because my girlfriends wanted me too, but I saw the death you caused in Metropolis...and around the world!! All those families...all those children..."

Lightning danced around me as I glared at them full of rage and hatred.

"What you are about to endure is for all the suffering...anguish...and despair you caused!", I growled in cold, uncaring tone, "Your souls is stained with murder. They scream from the pits of Hell, and demand vengeance! Like cowards, you hid murder behinds masks, and so it is time to face the wrath behind my mask! Death has come for you now, upon your heads...let it lie!"