Chapter 62 - The Universes Worst Teacher

---U.A High School---

"Excellent, we will need to start training immediately.", Lucifer stated.

"That's fine, I have to give my report then we can-"

"I already got him up to speed on everything, the more time you waste the less time I have to train you.", he said pulling me through a portal, "You really need to learn your Speed Force more."

"Wait, where the hell are we-", I got out before the portal closed behind us.

---Earth 15---

Arriving in a Metropolis the two of us found the city was completely normal. There was no fighting that I could hear, and it appeared that there were plenty of Heroes around the world to help those in need. Looking at Lucifer I was going to ask why he brought me here of all places.

"In about three seconds scouts are going to arrive to gauge this world's strength again.", he said, "I brought you here so you can see first hand what you are really fighting."

"Wait, you are saying that they are sending scouts!?", I asked, "I thought he was breaking into each universe one by one, and attacking."

"Oh no, he is doing it rather methodically.", Lucifer said as a series of explosions hit the city, "That's your queue kid, go knock them dead."

"Haha...your jokes suck.", I sighed.

"So does your mother, and you don't hear me complaining.", he jabbed.

Flipping him the bird, I shot off towards the commotion. I wasn't the only Hero showing up to the scene either, as many members of the Justice League showed up around the same time as me. Holding back to observe the situation I noticed that Mera was fighting, but there was no Aquaman present here. If memory served she hardly ever fought without him around so I was already concerned. I mean I could have been over reacting, but Lucifer had mentioned this wasn't the first time scouts came here.

'I know in the comics Earth 15 was a world Prime did destroy, but I thought Prime killed something different here?', I thought.

Watching Wonder Woman, Batman, Green Arrow, and Cyborg arrive to back up Mera, I was certain now that Aquaman was dead. Watching them getting their butts handed to them I looked around for Superman or Supergirl. After a few minutes of getting their butts kicked I had genuine concerns as to why they weren't showing up.

"Where the hell are they?", I asked aloud.

"Dead.", Lucifer said floating behind me, "A Black Lantern Doomsday killed them."

"Hold on!?", I gasped, "You mean they made a Black Lantern Doomsday!?"

"Several of them.", he chuckled, "Still feeling confident? If you don't stop them sooner than you intend too, your going to be burying your family."

Realizing that they were in trouble, I shot down to the battlefield. Slamming into the ground the pressure wave knocked the two Black Lanterns back. Blasting them with light from the ring it did injure them, but it wasn't like it did more than that. While the light injured them it wasn't like they couldn't fight through the pain.

'I guess ten nearly depleted Life Entities aren't really enough to do much damage like I had hoped...', I thought.

Switching from the ring to magic, I dropped a bolt of lightning on Black Adam and Shazam. While it did undo their spell it didn't kill Black Adam like it did the Injustice Black Adam.

"Fine if you won't stay down...", I said, "I will make you stay down!"

Freezing their mouths before they could speak, I blasted holes through their chests. Collapsing to the ground I pulled their rings off, and destroyed them with brute strength and my ring. Once their rings were destroyed they turned to ash, and blew away like dust on the wind. Turning back to the Heroes all of them looked at me like they saw a ghost.

" are alive?", Batman asked.

"I am not Zod, I am from a different universe.", I stated, "My name is Clark, it's nice to meet you all."

"Oh...", they said with a bit of disappointment.

"I am sorry to get your hopes up.", I apologized, "So...I assume this isn't your first time fighting a Black Lantern?"

Before he answered several lanterns from various corps showed up expecting to fight the Black Lanterns. Seeing me though with a White Ring they relaxed, and greeted me. Greeting them I re-asked my question to them all.

"This is the three breach we have had.", Sinestro stated, "Right now we are on high alert for more of them."

"A colleague said you fought a Doomsday, what was the first one?", I asked.

"Joker.", Batman stated with a grim look.

"Yeah...I can imagine that wasn't pretty.", I said, "Well I-"

The world around me froze as Lucifer interjected himself into the situation.

"Come on, you need more details!", he sighed, "Ask to meet with the Guardians of the Universe on Oa. Meet with them, and see what they know! Am I going to have to babysit you through this whole thing?"

"I can do research from the Fortress, and-"

"You can't monitor every universe from your Fortress nor can you expect you computer to monitor it all for you.", he stated.

"Fine...speaking of that, is the Fortress of Solitude still here?", I asked.

"Yes!", he said with a smile, "See now that is thinking on your feet! Now do your thing, I am going to get a few drinks while you are working. Supervisors privileges and all."

Time resumed immediately allowing me to change what I was going to say.

"The Fortress of Solitude equipment may have gathered information on the Black Lanterns during your fights. Can we start there?", I asked.

"Well...the Fortress is locked.", Wonder Woman said, "No one has been able to get in since he passed."

"We will see about that.", I said.

---Fortress of Solitude---

Observing this version of the fortress, it appeared to have several coatings of previously unknown metals to me. Looking at the door I found that it made of Supermanium, and would require a Dwarf Star Material key.

"Give me a second.", I said vibrating through the door.

Once on the other side I unlocked the door, and opened it for them. Stepping inside I headed straight for Kelex to ask if his sensors had picked up anything. Once we got to the computer though it was clear someone had damaged the computer.

"So you said three breaches including today...looks like you had more than that.", I stated.

"Joker, Doomsday, Shazam, and Black Adam are the only four we have encountered.", Sinestro said, "Are you suggesting we missed some?!"

"Well someone did a number to Kelex, and it appears to have been within the last two weeks.", I said popping open the access panel, "Lots of circuitry is fried, and potentially some of his database may be blown. If I was willing to bet it was likely a speedster using the Speed Force. You wouldn't have been able to detect them without another Speedster."

"Superman would have heard someone tampering with Kelex, it had to have happened after Doomsday killed them.", Wonder Woman said, "Superman wouldn't have let Kelex be damaged if he were alive."

"Then either someone else came same time as Doomsday, or you had a fourth breach.", I stated, "Either way Kelex must have had information that was important enough to cover up."

"That is troubling...", Sinestro said, "We thought we had our equipment set up sure that someone damaged it?"

"I am one hundred percent sure.", I replied.

"Then we have a bigger issue.", Batman said.

"Where is your Flash and the other Speedsters?", I asked.

"We...we had to put them down.", Green Lantern stated, "They was the toughest thing we had do. I never want to kill my friends again..."

"Ah...I am...", I started to say before something hit me, "Wait, that means you have no one left to travel to other world's right?"

"I mean...yeah that is true.", Mera said, "Why does that matter?"

"And...the Super Pill formula for giving people Kryptonian powers was in Kelex's database.", I pointed out.

Pointing that out to them they all looked at me. Realizing that they were being setup from the get go to be easily crushed they looked frustrated. With no means to alert neighboring universes Prime was systematically taking them out, and testing the waters in each universe. I decided that I needed to go back to each of the ten destroyed Earth's to see what information the Kelex's there had along with checking Oa and Brainiac's databases.

"So you are just leaving?", Wonder Woman asked, "You aren't here to assist us?"

"I have to gather information and prepare for the army coming to my world. The faster I can piece together what is missing the sooner I can relay it to the Alliance.", I stated, "We are still gathering allies so the more information we have the better."

"Army!?", Sinestro and Green Lantern snapped, "What do you mean army!?"

Giving them the information about the origin of the Black Lanterns, who was leading them, and what where he was now. Looking at me with an irritated look Wonder Woman asked why I didn't mention that earlier. To them this information was critical as he would be there in a few weeks.

"With all that in mind I have a duty to relay crucial information to the Alliance. I really do appreciate that you confirmed some things for me.", I said.

"If you knew this why didn't you tell us and the other universes?", Mera asked.

"I -", I started to say before I stopped myself.

The plan the Alliance agreed on was to make a stand on Earth 22, and we accepted that some universes would be lost. These people didn't have a Superman, much less a Supergirl, to protect them. This was a similar situation to what I just lectured Injustice Superman on, I was turning my back on people calling out for help.

"It was decided upon by the Alliance I am apart of that we wouldn't engage Superman Prime till Universe 22. We are still gathering allies so we aren't in any position to be fighting the army currently.", I stated.

"So you were fine sacrificing our universe?", Green Lantern questioned.

"We can't have a bunch of little fights, this needs to be settled in a single fight.", I replied, "Prime and Nekron are taking out universes at an alarming rate so we don't have the luxury of time. If we went to every universe before Universe 22 many of you wouldn't be able to prepare to help us, and some of you wouldn't agree to help either."

"But you didn't ask anyone...", Mera stated.

"Listen, if we asked would you have accepted?", I asked, "You'd have to make a snap decision because he's almost here."


"In the event your world couldn't be saved, would you have been willing to flee and regroup at Universe 22?", I pressed them.

"I mean..."

"If we are going to stick our necks out, you'd have to be willing to back out if it became clear we weren't going to hold out.", I stated, "We can't make this our Alamo, if we are going to do that we would want to make sure we were at least equal or greater than their forces. Right now between four universe do you think we could hold against eleven?"

" made your point.", Wonder Woman sighed, "It's just from our point of view we have been left to die."

"I understand, and I am sorry that is the way it panned out. Personally I was only made aware of the threat when a Reverse Flash from another world showed up in my world a couple months back.", I said, "I have none of your counterparts on my world...I am the only Justice League member that exists in my universe. While I understand that you are upset, I have to prioritize my world because I am all they have. If I fall, they all die..."

"So before you knew, did anyone know?", Mera asked with an apologetic look.

"One person, but the world she arrived in went to hell in a handbasket before they could act on it.", I replied.

" it really hasn't been that long then.", they replied, "We really can't get upset about that..."

"I know it's not the best news, but you can at least prepare.", I sighed.

Nodding their heads, they got to work preparing for the threat. They had the advantage of being being able to prepare, but that was only going to do so much. Continuing to look over the damage, Lucifer arrived with women and alcohol in hand. Looking at him as I tried to figure things out, he started talking to me.

"You sure you can't speed things along here, and help them?", he asked as the women feed him, "Those two women are eligible."

"You are aware that I don't chase every single woman I meet, right?", I retorted.

"Could have fooled me.", he jabbed.

"I resent that statement, I have met plenty of other women that I haven't pursued.", I replied, "Either way, Mera lost her husband and if memory serves Wonder Woman and Batman have a thing here. I am not into NTR so I am not ruining a relationship."

Shrugging his shoulders he continued to watch me work. Once I figured out what was broken I got up, and closed the panel.

"I am sure you could gather several universe close to the one to help you.", he stated.

"Uh universe is stuck in the 19th century, one is steampunk, and one is a radioactive wasteland if I remember correctly.", I answered, "Not a lot I can work with."

"Isn't that Young Justice crew in the universe next to us?", Lucifer asked me.

"I think so.", I sighed, "One decent universe isn't going to be enough of a boost."

"Well that would bring the total to five in your alliance.", he said, "Adding this one would be six, you'd only need six or seven more to balance the odds."

"Is there something about this world you want to protect?", I asked.

"I don't know what you are talking about.", he said with a smirk.

"I am not your errand boy...if you want save something take it away from here.", I pointed out, "You are an Archangel after all."

"The booze here are extremely good, have a heart would you.", he chuckled with a smirk.

" want me to make a stand here for your booze?", I inquired.

"It's some damn good booze.", he stated showing me a bottle, "This world also has less taxes so the price is good."

"You pay for stuff? I'd have thought you'd just take it.", I laughed.

"I am an Archangel, I wouldn't ever commit a crime.", he said with a straight face.

A few moments later both of us started laughing as that was a bold face lie. After a few minutes I got serious, and asked if had anything else for me. If he didn't, I wanted to go to the destroyed universes to collect what data I could from Kelex, Oa, and Brainiac. These repositories might hold clues as to potential reasons for them to destroy the computer.

"Not at all, by all means have at it. I will be here if you need me.", he said shooting the women a devilish smile.

---Fortress of Solitude, MHA Universe---

Having spent a few hours collecting what I could, I returned home to repair the Kelex computers and process all the data I collected. While Kelex and the assistant robots handled the circuitry, I sat down with my girlfriends to break the news. Sitting down with them the women looked a bit apprehensive about this meeting.

"Is everything alright?", Toga asked.

"What law did Starfire break?", Blackfire questioned.

"I am broken no laws!", Starfire protested.

"It doesn't have anything to do with our fight. It's something much bigger, and really only effects you all.", I said, "So you remember that I told Nova's power is no longer Quirk based?"

"Yes.", Melissa and Momo replied.

"Well...mine are no longer either.", I informed them.

"Why is that bad?", Yu and Rumi asked.

"Yeah, that doesn't seem like a problem.", Ivy chuckled, "Is that the big reveal?"

" power can now be passed down to my offspring.", I said.

All the women looked at me with a shocked expression. Once they realized I was being serious, Nemuri, Rumi, Selena, and Maxima all high fives each other.

"Uh...", I said.

"You free tonight?", Rumi asked.

"Oh don't even start with me...", I chuckled, "You realize that just 1 child with half of my power would be stronger than anyone, but me, on our world right?"

"Hehe, we can bring them up to be wrestlers!", Mina giggled.

"No, I think that is the opposite of what we should do.", Itsuka laughed.

"Yeah, our children will be too kick butt for MMA-", Nejire started to say.

"No martial arts...", I said rubbing my forehead.

"Come on Clark, how bad do you really think it will be?", they asked.

"You want me to answer that?", I chuckled.

"You really think that poorly of us?", Blackfire questioned.

"Not of you...just things you might encourage them to do.", I stated, "Either way, I wanted you to all be aware of that. If you see our kids flying through the air, burning things with heat vision, punching holes in the walls, and stuff like that...that's why."

"Oh that's nothing.", Mina laughed.

"We least for you.", Ochaco giggled.

"That only happened twice!", Mina stated.

"What happened twice?", Selena asked.

"As you know Mina has the ability to generate acid, when we were little she tried showing off and put a hole in a few walls.", Momo said, "She was trying to show off to Clark, and accidentally took down a small shed, and a statue. Mina was so terrified the police were going to take her to jail. Clark took care of it though, since then she has been more careful with her acid."

"Now I understand why he is worried.", Kara sighed.

"Like I said it only happened twice!!", Mina pouted.

Proceeding to tell them all the crazy things we did when we were younger, I just nodded my head confirming all of it. Since the women were going down memory lane I decided to make lunch while they talked. While I was making lunch, Kelex updated me on the findings thus far. Comparing the databases of the multiple Kelex computers, they found that specific data entries were missing from around the time that the Black Lanterns attacked. Fortunately the Earth 1 and Earth 2 databases were completely intact so we did have some information to work with.

"Finding anything of interest?", Raven and Melissa asked coming over to me.

"Just going over Kelex's findings thus far.", I said, "It appears that there are detectable energy signatures that we can use to find where a breach will happen. We can work with this to setup earlier detection, but..."

"But what?", Melissa asked looking over my shoulder.

"There is some notes here from the Oa and Brainiac databases...", I stated, "Research into the Seven Forces of the Universe...this information is in the Kelex databases from Earth 1 and Earth 2, but missing from the others."

"I am not familiar with the Seven Forces of the Universe...", Raven said, "It isn't in any of the books from the libraries I have read."

"Speed Force, Emotional Spectrum, and others are part of the Seven Forces.", I replied, "There is something within the seven that allows a user to kill even immortal beings permanently."

"Really? So it could deal with my father and other corrupt immortals?", Raven inquired.

"Other than being warped and corrupted by it...yes.", I chuckled, "Using the Void Wind or Tear of Extinction can kill an immortal like an Old God permanently. Using them will twist you into an evil version of yourself if you don't keep yourself grounded."

"Damn...why didn't they destroy the records in the Oa and Brainiac databases?", she asked.

"Probably because of laziness on their part.", I stated.

"Could you potentially make something to kill them using this data?", Raven questioned.

"Possibly, but realize why you tamper with this stuff it usually doesn't end well.", I laughed.

"That is true.", Melissa agreed with a smile.

Helping me bring the food out we had our lunch then the women went back to bed. Sitting down to sift through data that I had, I wanted to figure a way out to use Death Force in some manner to attack Nekron. As a divine entity it should be possible to harm him with said energy, but the backlash was the problem.

Making a machine with that level of power was dangerous, if someone took over the machine it would be a massacre. There was a chance using the Anti-Life Equation might also help, but it be difficult to direct only at the enemy and not allies. Sifting through data for a better part of an hour I came across notes from the Guardians of the Universe, and their research of the Life Entity. Apparently they had been researching all the entities that make up the Emotional Spectrum, and had been recently investigating the Life Entity.

Per their notes it appeared I had been approaching the White Lantern Ring wrong. I had been under the impression it was all about emotional control, but according to the notes it was more about harmonizing with Life Entity. Emotions had it's place in the functionality, but it was more important that the wielder synced with the Life Entity. Unlike the other Corps, the White Lanterns were more or less bound to what the Life Entity wanted. We had much less free will in how we used our powers, so that was a limiting factor.

"I there something the Life Entities in the ring are after?", I said examining the ring, "This would be a lot easier if I could talk to them."

Trying to see if telepathy would work, nothing happened for the first couple of minutes. Assuming that there was some other trick to I decided to imagine like I was in a magic vein before trying again. Recreating the sensation and peace I felt in the veins, I got a response from the ring.

"Wielder of our White Lantern Ring, we have been awaiting your arrival.", the Life Entity said floating in front of me in my mind.

"There aren't more of you?", I asked.

"There is only one, we were pieced together from ten individuals. When the universes we were connected too were wiped out, we were left in a near death state. It is only by the grace of the Presence we survived.", it told me.

"Why is my ring unable to harm the Black Lantern's much at all?", I inquired.

"We are only ten nearly dead Life Entities. Our power is nearly depleted, you will need to contact our counterparts in various other universes to gain their blessings. With their help our power can be restored, and we can assist you more than we can now.", it informed me.

"I was told my world has magic, but no one can use you know why?", I asked.

"The Life Entity of this world is still asleep, if you wish to you must awaken it to get it's aid in restoring the magic to this world. This world was separated from the influence of the Sphere of the Gods hence why no one can access magic here. The Life Entity here can help re-establish the connection, but be warned...the Gods will be alerted to this world's existence should you do that. As you are aware, not all of the Gods will react warmly to your world.", it said.

"There is a Life Entity here!?", I gasped, "I didn't think there was one here!"

"Yes, there is one. It resides on your Earth, and you will need to seek it out.", it said, "Start there then continue to other worlds."

Ending the conversation there as the entity was too weak to continue, I decided to prioritize the locating of the Life Entity. Since I had one here I could probably use the same trick to speak with it I had with the ones in the Ring. As for restoring magic...I didn't see the need to needlessly endanger people of this world with outside influences. If it was separated currently, it was for a good reason. It was clear that some people knew about this universe, but for the most part it was under people's radar.

'If it ain't broke don't fix it. Besides, it's not bothering anyone here. In the event my future wives need magic I can use one of those Infinite Batteries to bring magic here for them.', I thought.

"Have you found anything of use?", Spectre asked me.

"Yes, it appears Nekron knows about a few things that could harm him. I am going to try to make a weapon with it...what do you think?", I inquired.

Showing him the research, he wasn't against it. Understanding we were fighting something that was basically unkillable, we needed all the advantages we could get. Looking at me he said I would have a hard time controlling it. Deciding I needed more information on the Void Wind and Tear of Extinction, I felt visiting a few more universes was in order to grasp the knowledge better.

"Do you know an Earth like that?", Spectre asked.

"Unfortunately no...I am going to have to go world hopping.", I sighed, "This is going to be a nightmare, so many worlds to search..."

"What are you hoping to find?", he asked.

"Either powerful allies or the information to tap into the Void Wind/locate a Tear of Destruction.", I said.

"That's a tall order.", he said, "Well where are you going to start?"

"Probably just run around looking for world's to visit.", I sighed.

"Sounds like an adventure.", he said.

Agreeing with that, it was kind of exciting to see what was out there. Putting the notes away for now, I left the robots to repair the Kelex's I brought back. Falling into bed with everyone I got comfortable, and read a book while they rested around me. Selena and Ochaco snuggled up to me in their sleep putting a smile on my face.


Sorry for the delay between Work and Steam Summer Sale I have been busy, I regret nothing!! Though my wallet is a lot lighter lol.