Chapter 65 - A Quirky Family

---Later That Night---

Confronting Nemuri, she admitted to be pregnant too. Saying that I ruined the surprise, I asked if anyone else was too. Stating it was just them for now, she said my weekend of love making may change that though. Telling her not to say that so loudly, I hugged her tightly as I kissed her.

"I am sure you are very happy.", I said.

"Infinitely happy.", she giggled gleefully, "I can finally be a mother all thanks to you."

"Oh you had a big part as well.", I chuckled, "How you going tell Nezu?"

"It's none of his damn business.", she answered immediately, "He can't tell me when I can have children. That is for us to decide only. The bundle of joy we made is our child, and no one else's."

"Alright I understand.", I stated kissing her.

"I was happy to hear that your powers were able to be shared now. I am three weeks along so I still fit into the time frame.", she told me as she pressed against me, "You can go to town on the others now too. Since I am first you have my blessing."

"Thanks for your permission.", I chuckled grabbing her butt playfully, "I assume you may want to celebrate?"

"I can't drink anymore till the baby comes, but I can celebrate other ways.", she stated with a smirk.

"Mmm I see.", I chuckled picking her up, "Let's celebrate then."

---R 18---

Taking her clothes off, I immediately started fingering her as she laid on the bed. Gasping as I kissed her, Nemuri gave me a smile as my free hand massaged her breasts. Placing her ankles on my shoulders, she leaned forward a bit to give me a handjob.

"You did a good job.", she said playfully to my dick, "I expect several more after this one."

"Haha, we will see how you feel after having one.", I teased.

"Oh I might want you to make another soon afterwards.", she stated with a naughty smile.

"Why you!", I stated with a smirk.

Continuing with the foreplay till she came, I slide in once she had. Hammering Nemuri into the bed, she said this was how I did it. Kissing her to keep her quiet, I wrapped my arms around her. Slamming her butt into me was her non-verbal way of saying she really liked this. As we were going, Rumi jumped on my back with a needy look of desperation.

"You didn't invite me!", Rumi said.

"Maybe this was your punishment for exaggerating your parents on how we met. I chased you everywhere asking you to date me, right?", I jabbed with a naughty smile.

"I am sorry, I won't lie again I swear.", she swore.

Pulling out of Nemuri, I pulled Rumi onto the bed and slid right into her from behind. Feeling her body tense up as my dick hit her pleasure spots, I smacked her butt as I playfully pulled on her ears. Grabbing hold of them made climaxed hard enough to make her loose it for a moment. Remembering she had a lot of nerve bundles in her rabbit ears I started to massage them.

"Don'", she complained as she grinded herself on my dick, "You are...cheating..."

Letting her ears go, I wrapped my arms around her as I laid on her. Clapping against her she gripped the bed tightly as she tried hanging on to her sanity. Massaging her chest I told her to lose herself, and that I wouldn't judge her for it.

Hiking her butt up to give me a better angle, she looked back at me with desire. Turning her over so we could see each other, she kissed me while slamming into my lap.

"You jerk, I want you to know I hold you responsible for making me this way.", she huffed.

"I take full responsibility.", I answered.

"Good because your stuck with me. I am having your kids, and I can't see myself anywhere else.", she said.

"More like you can't get rid of me. You are my girlfriend, and I won't let you go.", I whispered, "Every inch of you I love, and I look forward to having a large family."

Lock herself around me as pinned her to the bed, she started panting and gasping with pleasure. Keeping my rhythm consistent, I listened to her ragged breathing as I made love to her. When I got close I felt her pull me in to the base as I came in her. Feeling her climax in return I kissed her neck as filled her body.

Separating from her, she looked like a mess and was staring at me longingly. She wanted me to keep fucking her till she was satisfied. Taking Nemuri back, I slid her onto my dick and bounced her on the edge of the bed. Laying against my chest as her butt clapped against my lap, she felt calm and at peace.

"Thank you for being my boyfriend, and taking me in. I enjoy every moment I am with you, I want you to know that.", Nemuri said.

"I wouldn't trade any of you for all the wealthy in all the universes.", I said, "I belong to you, and you belong to me. No matter what anyone says I love all of you."

"We know.", Nemuri said bouncing on me.

Giving her a nice load twenty minutes later, the two said they wanted more. Embracing them again, I messed them for nearly three hours before they were satisfied. Both women were satisfied, cleaned me off once we were done. Taking a shower together, I then proceeded to get ready to visit Universe 16.

---R 18 End, Universe 16---

Entering Universe 16 a short time later, I had Kelex scan for any signs of Black Lanterns. A few minutes later he confirmed there was a single Black Lantern currently engaged with this world's JLA and they were getting thrashed. Shooting down to the Earth, I found the JLA and Young Justice Teams engaged in a fight with Superdoom, or rather a replica of Superdoom from Earth 45. The public was fleeing from the fight, and even supervillains were trying to take down Superdoom.

Lex Luthor and others were trying to assist in taking the robot down, but nothing they were throwing at him were stopping him, let alone making him slow down. Superboy and Superman both were being smacked around like children, and Metallo wasn't doing much better. Throwing Metallo into a building the structure started to collapse, and fell towards the fleeing public. I zoomed in and caught the building before anything could hit civilians. Making sure no one was inside, I threw the building at Superdoom. The impact sent him flying with the building towards the harbor away from civilians. Shaking off the blow Superdoom turned his attention towards me.

"Who are you!?", Robin shouted.

"We will talk later, get the public and injured out of here!", I retorted vanishing from sight.

Reappearing in front of Superdoom, I threw a powerful punch into his chest. Sensing that he was using a conventional power source supplemented by a Black Lantern Ring I had to take him out before he detonated his ordinance as he would turn most of this world's Heroes as many were in the blast radius. Fazing through several of his blows I grabbed both of his arms, and yanked them off. Throwing them to the side I grabbed him by the chest as I ripped his chestplate to pieces.

Seeing the inner workings of the machine, I located his power source and grabbed hold of it. Siphoning off the energy so he couldn't charge his detonation device, it switched to trying to use Red Sunlight to weaken me. No allowing the sunlight to penetrate my bioelectric field, the energy passed harmlessly around me. Sensing that it was having absolutely no effect, it then blasted me with the Black Lantern Energy. Countering with my White Lantern Ring, I grabbed hold of the opposing ring and crushed it like cracking a walnut.

Pulling the power source out of the robot as I siphoned off the rest of the power, before stowing it away. Stowing the machine in a pocket dimension, I wanted to re-engineer the robot to be a force for good in my world. Using magic to repair the city, the Heroes watched me in disbelief.

"Great...a Superman with magic.", Luthor sighed, "As if you weren't already a pain to deal with."

"The only pain here is you.", Superboy retorted.

"I wasn't talking to you brat.", Luthor replied observing me, "Is that a Lantern Ring?"

"Yeah it is...a White Lantern Ring.", Hal stated.

"Is that good or bad?", Joker asked reloading his RPG, "Please say it's bad, I have a lot more ammo to use!"

"It's a good thing.", Sinestro answered, "Don't piss him off, he took the robot out with little effort. I wouldn't run it passed him to execute us similarly if we upset him."

"Let's get him!!", Harley shouted.

"Did you not hear the man...", Wonder Woman sighed.

"Come on pudding!!", Harley said pointing a kryptonite gun at me.

Firing it in tandum with Joker, the two weapons hit back to back but I didn't feel anything. Seeing that Kryptonite didn't make me flinch, Luthor's face started to turn pale.

"Can use magic and immune to Kryptonite...I am not liking these odds.", he said.

With the repairs done, I flew over to the populace looking for injured people. Healing them with Med Bots and magic, I got the civilians patched up before approaching the league. Removing my helmet I gave them a smile.

"He looks identical to Superman!!", Shazam shouted.

"Greetings my name is Clark Wayne, and I am from an alternate universe.", I stated watching both Batman and Superman flinch in shock.

Snickering Flash, Hal, and Shazam looked at them with a smile. Glaring at them Batman wasn't amused with their antics.

"Alternate Universe?", Luthor asked.

"Yes, I come from another universe with a warning of impending death coming for you. There is an evil version of Superman and his backer Nekron that are coming for your universe. They are going universe by universe killing every living thing in their path.", I said, "Almost everyone from Universe's 1 thru 11 have been completely wiped out with only a small number of survivors. They are currently wiping out Universe 12, and will soon move to Universe 13. The machine you just fought was an underling of their group...the Black Lanterns."

"Hold the phone.", Hal said grabbing my armor, "You're saying Black Lanterns are coming here!?"

"Hal calm down.", Superman said.

"No, those are walking freaks of nature!", Hal snapped, "What do you know about them!?"

"I know that if we don't stop them now, they will become too power to stop in the future.", I stated, "There is an Alliance between several realities being made now to combat them."

"Exactly how bad are we talking?", Supergirl asked, "I get there are eleven destroyed universes, but how hard were our neighboring universes hit?"

"Universe 15 lost their Superman, Supergirl, and Speedsters to the scouts from the Black Lantern Corps.", I responded, "They are desperate to hold them back because they are a single fight away from losing everything."

Joker's smile vanished as a serious look came out.

"So what your saying is they will soon be coming for our heads next.", he stated, "Harley, get the car we need to prepare for war!! We are going to need a lot of guns, ammunition, and manpower!! Put out job postings on Monster and Craigslist!! We need all insane people we can find!!"

Blinking at him I wasn't sure if he was being serious or joking. Diving into his mind for an answer wasn't worth it given how messed up he was.

"So what do you need from us?", Luthor asked.

Showing them the images from the destroyed worlds, and live combat footage of Prime all in attendance were very concerned.

"I can handle Prime, it's Nekron and the Lantern Corp I need help with. As you can see I have a White Lantern Ring, but the power it holds is very limited at this point. I need to recharge it with Life Entities, do you happen to know where yours is?", I questioned.

"No.", Hal said.

"I know someone that might be able to help.", Wonder Woman answered, "Zeus may know where-"

"I wouldn't trust this Universe's Zeus for anything.", Spectre said manifesting next to me, "This Universe's Zeus is nothing more than a sperm donor. He has unleashed so many bastard children on this world that it's a wonder you maintain any peace."

"...The Spectre...", Superman stated, "You are bound to him?"

Showing that I also had the Speed and Negative Speed Forces Barry hid behind Shazam. Stating that they should just help me, Flash was a bit shaken that someone like me had such powers.

"Aren't you effectively a God?", Luthor questioned, "Why are you being so open with us?"

"I am the only truly superpowered person on my world. Someone like Lobo could defeat my world's military within days.", I said, "If I don't reach out for help now...there won't be a safe place for my family to call home."

Looking me in the eyes Luthor studied me for a moment before sighing.

"You aren't like this idiot.", he said pointing at his Superman, "You have killed people, haven't you?"

"I have, I am not afraid to do what is necessary for the public at large.", I replied, "I have killed a Wonder Woman and Superman who became tyrants on their world. On my world I have killed a few villains that murdered hundreds just because they were a nuisance to their plans. If it means I spare innocent people suffering and the person can't be redeemed, I have no issues killing."

Hearing my words Luthor nodded his head.

"I am in.", he said.

"The JLA is in as well.", Batman stated.

Handing them communicators, I said to reach out to the other universe via the Sub Space Transponder. Telling them to coordinate with them, I added that if they had a Black Lantern come here to contact me and I would assist taking them out. Leaving them to return to my world, Luthor turned to his team and said they were falling back.

"Luthor, why are you so quick to help?", Superman asked.

"He isn't hiding what he actually believes in.", Luthor replied, "You may think your a boy scout, but you're no different from us."

Leaving it that their group left leaving Superman confused. He didn't understand what he meant nor why he believed it.

"Do you know what he meant?", Superman inquired.

"It's probably because he recognizes that some lives do need taken.", Hal said, "Honestly, do you believe that?"

"I...", Superman said, "I don't know..."

---MHA Universe, Later That Day---

Getting dressed up in decent clothing on, I put on a pair of fake glasses to hide my identity. This ability to hide in plain sight confused me, and Spectre had no real answer how it worked. My family had no issues recognizing me, but everyone else did so it didn't really matter I guessed. Taking Nemuri down to a ramen shop her parents wanted to go too, we took a seat and waited for them to arrive.

"Now Clark...I want you to be aware that these two aren't my biological parents. They are actually my aunt and uncle, my biological parents died when I was young.", Nemuri said gripping my hand, "I apologize in advance because they are probably going to embarrass-"

"Little Nemu!!!", a woman shouted out entering the restaurant.

Judging by the cramped expressions coming from other patrons, they knew her all too well. Walking over to us I got my first look at her aunt and uncle. Her uncle appeared to be a very quiet man that dressed formally even though this was a family ramen shop. Completely bald he gave off quite a relaxed feeling to me. As for his wife...she was the complete opposite.

Nemuri's aunt was, in a word, bodacious! She had curves for days, had a chest that would make any man cry with joy, and had a bubbly personality. On top of all of that she dressed just as sketchy as Nemuri did. Skin tight, curve highlighting clothing that barely contained what was lurking behind the fabric.

Taking a seat in front of us her aunt shook my hand with a smile as did her uncle. Nemuri's uncle scanned the restaurant secretively as he slowly put his coat up. It looked like he was looking for anyone that was staring at our table, but I didn't say anything.

"So you are Little Nemu's fiancé!", her aunt said, "And the father of the baby she is carrying!! I am so glad to finally meet you!!"

"Dear, we should keep it down a bit more. I am sure Nemuri doesn't want potential villains hearing the news.", her husband stated.

"Oh that is true, sorry dearie.", her aunt apologized, "It's just so exciting that my niece is having a child!! We have to go cloth shopping, and get everything the baby needs!!"

"I know, but we kind of have to wait to know what the gender will be.", Nemuri laughed.

"Oh right!", her aunt said with beaming smile.

Placing our order, her husband watched the waiter taking notes carefully. There had to be a reason that he was so cautious of everything, and I was curious why.

"So you'll be able to provide a comfortable life for my niece, yes?", he asked me.

"Of course, everything she and the baby need will be taken care of. If she wanted to retire to stay at home she could, but she won't. She enjoys crime fighting too much to retire.", I teased.

"Of course, someone has to clean up after you.", Nemuri jabbed with a grin, "You couldn't do it without me."

"That is good to hear.", he said with a smile, "So...Nemuri told us she isn't the only woman in your life?"

"That is correct, I have a harem.", I replied.

"You won't replace or get rid of my daughter...right?", he asked with a serious look.

"Of course not, Nemuri is stuck with me for life.", I swore.

"Hehe.", Nemuri giggled kissing me.

"Aw, how sweet!!", her aunt said, "They are just like us in our youth!! The baby is going to be so freaking adorable!!"

"Of course they will Nemuri is their mother.", I said with boasting smile.

Turning red Nemuri wasn't ready for a compliment like that. Thanking me she shifted around saying that she thought they would take after me more than her. Holding her hand tightly I refuted that, and kissed her.

"...if you say so.", she said with a smile.

Watching us, they gave us content nods. Asking about how we met we told them about our run in while I was assisting All Might. Saying she felt I was the one when she saw me, Nemuri said she waited for me to get into U.A before pouncing on me. Admitting that she had been trying since the day I had enrolled she apologized for not telling me.

Explaining to them that we were living together, and my plans for marriage they gave their blessing. Telling us to savor every moment together as our food arrive, I noticed the husband stare at the food suspiciously. Noticing something he 'accidentally' spilled his sake on her food. Calling himself a klutz he immediately took the plate back to the waiter who had already left. Following after him I was curious what was going on. When he got to the waiter, who was in the staff lounge, he threw the plate on the table and hoisted him into the air by the collar. Watching the display in shock, his demeanor changed.

"Listen tried to drug my wife and I.", he growled, "Trying to take my wife away is a big mistake kid!"

Slamming his fist into the waiters gut, he started punching him in the face till the waiter blacked out. Throwing the plate into his face he turned around to see me standing there.

"Something you want to tell me?", I asked.

"Since you will be family, I can tell you. My wife's family Quirks usually have to do with pheromone generation. Nemuri generates sleeping gas, her mother generated hallucinogenic gas, and my wife makes gas that arouse those who don't brace themselves. I am always on guard because while most men just stare, others will act on their lust and try to assault her. My quiet act is only to make sure they underestimate me so I can beat them within an inch of their life.", he said.

"Sounds like a tough life.", I replied.

"It's what I have to do to protect my wife.", he stated, "My daughters have pheromone Quirks too, I am always on guard. Sometime I have to crack skulls for my point to come across."

"What's your Quirk?", I inquired.

"I have inner energy that I control to strengthen and improve myself in combat.", he said, "It comes in very handy for defending my family."

"So Chi or Chakra then...", I chuckled.

"Effectively yes, but not like in those stories you write. I can only enhance my body, not anything else.", he replied.

"Still that is pretty cool.", I said.

"Thank you, we should probably get back to the table.", he suggested.

"Does your wife know?", I questioned.

"No, she hasn't the slightest idea.", he answered, "That is the way I want to keep it, I don't want her to worry about it. Just because some men can't control themselves doesn't mean she has to suffer. I support most things my wife does, like I assume you do for Nemuri."

"May I ask how her parents died?", I asked.

"Official report says it was an accident...but it wasn't. All For One killed them trying to steal her mother's Quirk. Her husband used himself as a human shield to protect them, and in fleeing the scene her mother was killed by a truck. Nemuri was only three when this happened...she doesn't know what really happened. As far as she knows her parents died in a car accident like the report says.", he replied, "Gran Turino was the first Hero on the scene, and was the one held him back long enough for back up to arrive. We cremated her mother in case All For One tried to steal her Quirk...assuming he could."

"Why did you never tell her?", I inquired.

"For fear she might try to take revenge...", he said, "I know she isn't like that, but we didn't want to risk it. If you ever tell her...make sure you are ready for whatever happens."

"I understand.", I stated as we went back to the table.

Find the two women make a lot of noise at the table, his wife was already tipsy. Getting another plate of food out for her, we ate while talking about Nemuri in her youth. When we got to the embarrassing things though Nemuri shut down the conversation not wanting her secrets to come out. Looking at me she said I was forbidden from telling Rumi anything. Agreeing I gave her a smile as I finished my meal.

Parting ways from them we returned home. Once we were completely gone from sight, Nemuri's aunt kissed her husband with a smile on her face. Asking what his impression was of me, he said he approved though it was weird that his niece, who was in her thirties, was dating a teenaged boy. That said he was very happy she found a suitable man to settle down with, especially one that could handling her flirtatious personality.

"Does this make you want another one?", she asked, "I can probably pop out another one or two if we wanted more."

"No...I think we have plenty.", he said, 'I'd like to retire one day, once our other daughters find good men too. If we have anymore I will be dead before I can retire.'

"Hehe I am sure I can change your mind!", she giggled kissing him, "Come on let's get home for some-"

"Of course dear.", he said cutting her off.

---Fortress of Solitude---

Returning from our dinner, Nemuri was thrilled that her family approved. She was worried that her uncle might not have given his blessing given the age gap, and our student-teacher relationship. Giving me a kiss, she thanked me for taking the time to meet them and said that for now she would keep Nezu in the dark. Eventually she wouldn't be able to hide it though as she would swell up, and eventually have to go on Maternity leave.

"We will cross that road when we get there, right now I want to enjoy this feeling.", she said hugging me, "I have been waiting for this since I was in my early twenties."

"I know, I am very excited as well.", I said holding her, "You will be a very good mother, and I look forward to seeing our child."

Kissing me, she told me to go get to work on the upgrades to the Phantom Zone Projector. Doing just that, I came over to find Raven, Kara, Selena, Melissa, and Momo looking over the plans for the Phantom Zone. Seeing me approach the women gave me a pleasant smile, and a kiss.

"How was dinner?", Kara asked.

"Her family is very much just like her.", I chuckled, "Anyways, how goes looking over the prints?"

"Well...these plans are different from the projector I am familiar with. There are many improvements, and safeguards that weren't ever installed on the one from my world.", Kara said.

"I can't comment on that, but I will say it is different from the Kryptonian tech you brought here. How did you comprehend all of this knowledge so quickly and efficiently? I realize you are a genius, but's in a completely different league. It's almost like you only used the original as a basis for yours...", Melissa added.

"Well...admittedly that is true.", I stated, "The original was only the jumping off point. My portal projector helps to reinforce the barrier between that space and our making it nearly impossible to break out of. It took a lot of tuning to make it happen, but it was worth it. This space will be the safest place for the civilians to hide out in."

"So how exactly do you intend to wide the opening it makes?", Selena asked.

"That will require making adjustments to the cooling, power supply, and lens.", I answered, "Let me show you what I have thus far, and we can go from there."