Chapter 71 - I See Living People

---Universe 15---

Bringing Asui and Jiro with us the two women were in shock about the idea of other universes existing. When we arrived in a completely different world the two did a double take to make sure they weren't dreaming. The thought that additional realities existed was never truth to them.

"You guys weren't exaggerating...", Jiro said, "There are other world's!!"

"Does that mean their are other versions of us?", Asui asked.

"Yes, and not all of you are Heroes in your alternate lives.", I chuckled.

"Have you met our alternative selves?", they asked

"No, I have no intention of doing so either.", I laughed.

The few alternate realities I saw of theirs wasn't that good. A few played out similar to the normal series, but the world never got as peaceful as ours. of them each was enough already for me to handle. Two or three Rumi's was something I didn't want to think about.

"So what are we doing here exactly?", Asui asked.

"You both want to help people right?", I asked motioning towards people being evacuated from Universe 13 and the few remaining from Universe 11, "All of these people are refugees being chased from their home worlds. Do you mind assisting with getting them the things they need?"

"We can handle that.", they said leaving with the other MHA women.

Taking the DC group with me, we walked over to see how things progressed. Greeting all of us, the Batmen said things were progressing smoothly. With Prime not pushing them hard like before, they were thoroughly evacuating people to the Phantom Zone while injured people came here.

"We are on schedule to have Earth 13 completely clear by tomorrow evening.", Batman (Universe 15) said, "No signs of the Black Lanterns yet."

"They are currently gathering their forces on Earth 1. Currently they are still trying to retrieve Prime from the void I threw him in. So far his pawns are breaking apart before reaching Prime.", I informed him, "My recommendation is that we strike them first before they get him."

"You want us to attack them?", Mera (Universe 15) stated, "Are you insane? We have been barely fighting them, and you want to launch a surprise attack!?"

"He's right though, we strike them they have to play defense.", Mera (Universe 2) retorted, "We can apply the pressure to them, and do hit and run tactics on them. Better yet Clark can take Nekron head on. Clark has the Death Force and soon the Life Force at his disposal. If he fights Nekron now we can catch the Black Lanterns off guard."

"It sounds risky, but it also eliminates potential civilian deaths.", Superman (New Earth) stated, "We'd be the ones setting the pace, and making them scramble to fight us."

"You really think you can handle Nekron?", Wonder Woman (Universe 22) asked.

"I am confident I can potentially kill him, but...we lose Universe 1.", I stated.

"Do what you need too.", Wonder Woman (Universe 1) said placing a hand on my shoulder, "If you need to destroy my universe to kill him, do it."

"How exactly do you intend to kill him?", Cyborg (Universe 8) asked.

"I plan on creating a Big Bang event in Universe 1, and dumping all that energy into his dimension...collapsing it completely with him inside. He can't leave so he will die with it.", I said.

"Oh shit!!", Shazam (New Earth) laughed, "Would that actually work?"

"It might, but only the kid here could probably survive the experience. Any of you other people would die immediately.", Spectre stated, "You can't be in Universe 1 when the event happens."

"You sure he can survive it?", Selena asked him, "If he doesn't I am coming for you with one of those Ghostbusters vacuums."

"I hope your kidding because that wouldn't work.", he replied.

"Oh we'd make it work.", Blackfire said with a smile, "You best ensure our partner returns to us safely, or there will be consequences."

"Am I a joke to you? You realize I am the Spirit of Vengeance, and could kill you if I wanted too.", Spectre pointed out.

"I am just saying...if he doesn't come back I will kick your ass regardless of the consequences.", she snapped.

"He is attached to me...If I die he'd go with me.", I chuckled, "I really appreciate the sentiment though Blackfire."

Giving her a kiss the few Shazam's present made disgusted looks. Assisting with the evacuations I helped ferry people across, and reuniting them with family on Universe 15. Passing out food, blankets, and water to people my girlfriends seemingly really enjoyed it. The work wasn't that action packed, but the reactions they got from people were genuine.

Children hugged them, elderly thanked them sincerely, and parents thanked them with tearful smiles. For some of the women it was a bit too emotional as they also started crying, like Ochaco and Toga. Wanting to do more to make them comfortable the girls came to me to ask if we could use my equipment to make proper houses for them. They just wanted them to be in something better than tents in grass.

"You all don't have to ask for my permission for that stuff. If you want to do, do it. Anyone gives you lip about it tell them to come find me, and I will set them straight.", I chuckled, "You do what you think is necessary for them to recover, and stay safe."

"Thank you!", Momo and Toru said kissing me.

Using my portal generator they brought the Kal-El legion over, and had them start rebuilding ruined buildings to house people. Working together to plot out spaces for people, the women got busy doing their home building project. While they were doing that Mera (Universe 2) handed me her deceased husbands Trident so the suit could absorb it. Like the Tear, which allowed me to sense death/decay and see the dead, the Trident allowed me to sense all living things throughout the universe. It was like I had a connection to everything in the universe, and could almost touch them if I wanted too.

Feeling all life around me I could also sense those who needed help anywhere, even in other universes. If I focused enough I could feel the emotions they felt. It was almost like an out of body experience, but the upside was that I could sense where the Life Entities were now. With that ability I would be able to charge the ring completely for a confrontation with Nekron. Now that the Life Force was imbued into my suit I would beat the piss out of him too.

"Everything okay?", Mera (Universe 2) asked me.

"Yeah, it's an out of body experience but I am fine.", I replied.

"If things change let us know.", Wonder Woman (Universe 1) said.

"Yeah, your housing two opposing forces so it could become unstable.", Zatana (Universe 8) added.

"What is this, are you all dating him now too?", Mera (Universe 15) asked.

"No, but we have a better chance than you do.", Iris (Universe 2) mocked.

"Excuse me?", Mera (Universe 15) snapped, "What's that supposed to mean!?"

"Nothing much, just that word on the grapevine is that you were going to use your body to keep him helping here.", she shrugged.

"So what if I was going too?", Mera (Universe 15) stated, "I am happy to do what is needed to protect my world."

Realizing that a catfight was about to break out, none of the men wanted anything to do with this. Excusing ourselves before things got physical it didn't take long for this world's Mera to snap, and start fighting the others. The two Mera's started punching each other while throwing knees into each others gut.

"This is going to get ugly.", Aqualad (Universe 9) sighed, "If they are like the Mera I know...they don't take kindly to other women chasing their men."

"Dude I think it's all women that are like that.", Cyborg (Universe 8) stated, "Have you never dated a woman before? I don't know how Clark does it, but his girlfriends at least seem to get along."

"You got to share your secret man.", Blue Beetle (Universe 4) pleaded, "I want to meet a woman too!"

"First...don't be so desperate, it makes you look bad in their eyes.", I pointed out.

"Haha, it's the Super Dick.", Shazam (New Earth) stated, "It's the only way I can think of."

"Who the hell coined that term?", I asked him.

"I heard several of the other guys saying it.", he replied, "I think Lex from Universe 3 coined it."

"Of course he fucking did...", I sighed.

Stopping the two women before their fighting started to effect others, I told them to stand down. Stating that in fighting between allies was something I wouldn't tolerate, I told them to bury the hatchet.

"Both of you are going to have to trust one another with your backs when we fight the Lanterns. If you can't trust your teammates you are going to get people killed.", I stated, "Now both of you cut this shit out, this world's Mera...I don't date women who use themselves to make deals. There is no love in relationships like that, I have no interest in starting a relationship with you. Once Prime and Nekron are gone, I won't be coming back here. You have a Superman that will be staying here so my presence won't be needed."

"But I-"

"This isn't up for a discussion, I have my own world to worry about and the Injustice Universe. I have to step up for both world's as needed.", I stated.

Sighing Mera (Universe 15) stormed off like a spoiled child. When she was out of earshot this world's Wonder Woman apologized stating that she wasn't used to being told no. As a Princess very few told her no. Telling her it was fine I said that it was fine for now. Asking how things were proceeding with the Amazon and Atlantean forces here, she said that training was progressing smoothly but that obviously the Amazons were having issues with not being able to replace their troop numbers. Saying that they were likely going to have to open the island up to good men, I saw several of the younger male Heroes perk up. Rubbing my forehead the women snickered looking at them like they were idiots. Telling them not to act so desperate they sighed and got back to their discussion.

"Yo Clark, you got a minute?", Beast Boy (Universe 16) called out.

"Sure what's up?", I asked excusing myself from the women.

Explaining that they needed assistance with some of the refugees, he said some of the orphans were causing problems. Stating that the majority of team had little experience handling upset children, they wanted me handle it. Saying that I could do that, I flew over to the children in question they were certainly giving the team problems. Seeing me touchdown the children bolted past the team, and came running over to me. Hiding behind me the kids that the Young Justice team was being mean to them.

"Is something wrong?", I asked the children as I knelt down to talk to them.

"They don't want to play with us...they want us to stay put in a room, and leave us there...", the children complained, "We want to play games..."

"I see, well we can't play here.", I said, "Everyone here is busy working, but...I can take all of you to the park to play there if you want."

"Really!!", they shouted, "You mean that!? No takies backs, right!!"

"Haha of course, we can play there till you are burnt out.", I chuckled, "We will stay there till it's dinnertime."

"Yay!!", they shouted, "Everyone did you hear that!!"

Rushing out of a small apartment building dozens of children came pouring out. Rushing out with frisbees, baseballs, and kites all of them wanted to play. Telling the Young Justice team I would handle the kids they looked at me like I was insane.

"Are you serious? Your time could be spent better else where than with the snot nosed kids.", Robin (Universe 16) stated.

"I choose to give these kids my time because they need me, I won't tell them no because you think I should. Maybe you don't remember, but these kids have nothing left. They are desperate for a attention and fun, there is nothing wrong with me focusing on them...unless you are saying I have to pick up your teams slack for some reason. I thought Young Justice was supposed to be the best up and coming Heroes?", I remarked levitating the children, "Now you focus on your duties, I have the kids under control."

Giggling and laughing as we flew through the air the Heroes and families watched us fly overhead. Waving at everyone the kids laughed and shouted hello to everyone. Touching down in the park, I snapped my fingers and repaired all the equipment to a brand new state. Breaking up to go do their own thing, I played catch with several of the kids and threw frisbees with others.

Teaching them how to play jump rope, hopscotch, four corners, tag, and hide and seek the kids burned off their energy running around the park. Treating injuries as they came up from their antics all of them seemed to be having the time of their lives. Watching from afar Harley, Ivy, and Selena watched me playing with the kids while on their break.

"You see that Harley?", Ivy stated, "Have any doubts about him with kids now? Kids absolutely love him."

"No, I really haven't had doubts.", she said, "He is a great guy, and my daughter already loves him like a dad. She tells me to just start dating him already."

"You should listen to her.", Selena laughed.

"Easy for you to say.", Harley replied, "I just want to be absolutely sure...I don't want to put my daughter and myself through the wringer again."

"Clark isn't going to hurt you.", Ivy said, "Haven't you-"

"I know that, but I am still afraid I will get hurt.", Harley stated rubbing her arm, "It's harder than you think getting over a several year old abusive relationship."

"You just need to get it girl.", both women told, "Grab the bull by the horns, and go for it. You know he likes you, you'll be treated like a Queen by him."

"I don't know...I have done a lot of bad stuff.", she stated.

Looking at each other Selena and Ivy nodded their heads.

'The only way she is going to do it is if we do this together.', they both thought.

Later that day I took the kids back to where they were staying when several of them started to fall asleep. Walking into the home half asleep, I made sure they all had comfy beds, a stuffed animal, and cozy pajamas. It may be stupid to some people, but to the kid it was something to ease them through the nights. Tucking them in after a meal I read them a story, and stayed with them till all the children were sound asleep.

"Thanks Clark.", Wonder Woman (Universe 1) said, "It was nice not to have to watch out for them."

"It's fine, they just need time to get away from things.", I chuckled, "If they need me to come back for them, I will. The kids, all of them, have lost so much that they won't ever be able to get back. Giving them a little bit of comfort isn't a problem for me, no matter the time."

"How sweet, you'll make a wonderful father.", Mera (Universe 2) laughed.

"I hope so...Rumi is going to give me a lot of children.", I said wiping my forehead.

"Haha!!", they laughed, "That's right, she is a rabbit after all."

Taking our group back to our world we called it for the day.

---Fortress of Solitude, R-18---

Dropping Asui and Jiro off at their homes the two of them thanked me for the meal and the trip to the other world. Giving me a kiss they bolted inside in a hurry to dodge follow up questions from me. Returning home for the night, I found Harley, Ivy and Selena waiting for me in the shower looking sexually frustrated.

"What's up?", I asked with a smirk.

"We are trying to get Harley onboard, but she is playing hard to get. Think you can work your magic?", Ivy and Selena asked playfully, "All three of us need that deadly weapon of yours."

"Well...are you okay with this Harley?", I questioned, "I don't want to force you into this."

"If you mean consent, I do...", she said, "I know I ain't the prettiest girl her, but I can I promise to be a faithful woman to yah!"

Kissing her on the lips, Harley shut up and kissed me back. Pushing her gently against the shower wall my hands ran down her body to her butt which I playful smacked. Feeling her twitch with each smack, I got to work stimulating her with my mind and left hand. My right hand fingered Ivy, and Selena was clinging to my back kissing my neck aggressively as she grinded her breast on my back.

"See Harley, it's not as bad as you thought is it?", Ivy gasped.

"'s making me feel light headed, I feel tipsy all of a sudden.", Harley said panting heavily, "Your really good at this, I got start calling you Clark now, Sups isn't gonna fly anymore. After taking that that meat stick I am gonna be addicted, damn it's gonna be tight!!"

"Give it too her darling, I want to see her take it.", Selena purred stroking my dick and lining it up for Harley, "You make her understand she is your woman, and that you won't let her go. Show her what a real man can do."

Bracing herself against the wall and spreading her legs, I pushed my tip in to feel her out. Sliding in with a single motion after that, she tightened up as my tip pierced her womb completely. Reeling with pleasure she climaxed immediately as she screamed.

"Damn it!!", she gasped almost falling over, "It fits perfectly, fuck!! Now I know how you keep the peace's feels so good too. Your hitting all the good spots..."

"Oh really.", I said shaking my hips, "How does that feel?"

"Eek!! This...this is too much!!", she gasped.

Once she had taken the full length in, Harley sighed with relief and gave me a satisfied smile. Jokingly saying she felt like she was impaled, started moving as I pulled her back into me. Arching back so she could look back at me, I saw her breasts jiggle freely as the sound of our body smacking together filled the stall. Grinning Ivy and Selena moved to start sucking on her breasts making Harley climax again.

"Come on Harley, you want his genes right?", Ivy asked, "Ride him hard!! Don't you let him fucking stop!!"

"Mmm...", Harley moaned.

"Tell him what you want.", Selena said, "Tell him to dominate you. You want him to make you his wife, and love you and your daughter. Show him the type of woman you are!!"

"Hehe...yeah, I want it harder. Make me forget those years I was with the clown.", Harley laughed partially drunk on the sensation, "You're making me go crazy for this dick!! I want you to know that I want to stay with you, and to make you feel all the love I have for you. You gave my daughter and I a home, and protected her from danger. Yah risked your life without hesitations to protect my family after all I've done. I will make you proud to call me your wife, and I swear to never go back to my old ways. As long as I've got you...I never need to go back to who I was."

"Don't pull out, paint her insides white.", Ivy said biting her lower lip, "Or are you going to just leave that statement without a response?"

"Yeah...", Harley laughed lazily.

Holding her steady as I kissed her, as soon as I climaxed she screamed into my mouth. Feeling the warmth rush over her Harley held my hands tightly as my seed filled her. Spurt after spurt shot into her, and she sucked it down greedily.

"That's the stuff...just what the doctor ordered.", Harley moaned kissing me, "It feels amazing having sex with you. Is this how it shoulda felt this whole time? Fuck...I ain't going nowhere now, thanks for being my man Clarkie Poo."

"Yes Harley, this is feeling you get when both people love each other.", Selena said with a wink, "Now finish up so Ivy and I can go."

"Seriously!? I am having a moment here!", Harley retorted.

"Exactly it's a moment, so hurry up.", Ivy teased.

"Jeez, look at the respect I get now.", Harley laughed, "Fine, but I get to go again after you both!"

---R-18 End---

Snuggling up with my girlfriends till they were asleep, I slipped out to my lab once I was sure they were out. Doing further investigation into the Death Force, I wanted to know to what degree I had the ability to kill something. Currently I knew I could kill things completely, but was I able to partially kill people by killing their ability to walk or their ability to see, effectively killing part of them without them dying. Using microbes to test this, I focused on trying to kill their ability to move. Sure enough I was able to do it without killing them.

'This gives me options...', I thought, 'Time Trapper is probably going to make an he is an older Superman Prime. Fighting the three is going to be difficult, but I have plans for those bastards.'

Noticing what I was doing Spectre observed my tests, and practicing. Using the Life Force I could bring things to life and with the Death Force I could snuff them out. These powers were incredibly dangerous if I used them unchecked, but I would use them properly. The fact The Presence didn't step in to tell me in anything shows he trusts me.

"What are you thinking about kid?", Spectre asked.

"The repurcussions of me misusing these powers...I effectively control who lives and dies.", I said.

"Yeah, it is a heavy weight to carry. If you wanted you could completely wipe out crime with a snap of your fingers.", he stated, "You could make your world a utopia overnight."

"I don't want that...I am not someone that can make those decisions for everyone, I am not perfect.", I replied.

"That's the mind set you need to keep while using your power.", Spectre said, "You can't let yourself develop a God complex like so many of your counterparts have."

"I know that much, I don't want to be them...we have to be better than those who came before us.", I chuckled, "Gosh that is a corny line."

"It's true though.", he laughed, "This will be the biggest battle you have fought kid. If you fall here nothing will stop Nekron from killing all life. No pressure."

"Haha thanks Spectre.", I said with a dry laugh, "I have too much to lose for me to fall here. What do you think about my plan to use the two forces to kill Nekron?"

"It won't work, you have to cause something even more catastrophic to kill him.", Spectre stated.

"More destructive than that!?", I spat, "What the hell does that mean?"

"Kid use your head, remember all the feats of other Supermen.", he said calmly, "You haven't hit your limit yet, and your armor has taken that limit to heights unfathomable to almost everyone. In that armor you are more powerful than any New God could hope to be, and no one could wear it but you."

" I need to do something more powerful than an explosion caused by life and death.", I thought aloud.

Coming up with a single idea I knew it was the only way to end him permanently as it was literally the strongest thing I could think of. I would need to collapse an entire universe into Nekron, and the resulting blast would erase him from existence. The biggest problem I had with that was that collapsing a universe would have a ripple effect through the multiverse, and could cause unknown damages to worlds below Universe 1. It was a risk I had to take to put an end to this, I couldn't let more people die needlessly.

"So if I kill Nekron, where does that power go?", I asked, "He is the Entity of Death, where will that power go?"

"It will vanish from the Spectrum completely, but death will still happen to people. It's just its place on the spectrum will be erased.", Spectre said.

With that we started to draw up plans for our assault on Earth 1 where the Black Lanterns were gathering.