Chapter 92 - Date Night with a Spider

"What is this place!?", Esdeath gasped looking into our bathroom, "This is far larger than the imperial bathing rooms!!"

"Speaking of that...what happened to the Prime Minister and Emperor?", I asked.

"Hehe.", Leone laughed tossing her clothing to the side, "Akame cut of the Prime Minister's hands, and I squashed his head like a bug!! The Emperor was stoned to death since we were in a hurry."

"Ah!", I replied turning the water on.

"You have a hot spring?", Akame inquired looking at the water.

"Yep, it comes from a different planet!!", Mina giggled, "Clark transports it here through some doohickey...I don't remember what it's called."

"Interesting.", Akame stated, "So when is second dinner?"

"We just ate!!", Itsuka and Nejire laughed.

"I know, but I usually have a lot of food through the night.", Akame informed them.

"It's true...", Esdeath and Leone submitted.

Listening to Selena and Natasha tell her to keep food out of the bed, saw her make a sad face. As much as I loved eating on my bed at my parents house...several of my lovers hated it. They didn't like the crumbs that got left on the sheets. Not only that since we regularly had intercourse they liked having clean sheets every day. Helping the women scrub down, I looked over to she a healed Wanda nodding her head as she eyed me carefully.

"Haha you aren't fully grown yet I see.", Wanda laughed.

"What do you mean? This is pretty much as big as I will get.", I told her.

"No, you'll get about a foot taller and that lethal weapon will get bigger.", Wanda informed me.

"Bigger!?", the women shouted.

Telling them everything I tuned her out as I got into the spring. Wriggling next me, Katherine and Ochaco pulled my arms around them before relaxing as well. Seeing them like that Harley ran over and sat on my lap before Wanda could. Enjoying the view, it was times like these that made relax...till things went down hill.

"Eep!!", Jiro shouted as Wanda started fondling her chest.

"Don't worry about your chest, all of you high schools develop nicely in the future!", Wanda giggled, "Clark, why haven't you courted the Dragon Lady yet?"

"You mean Ryuko?", I asked.

"Yeah, her...she should have been hear by now!", Wanda said fondling Momo's breasts.

"Why are you being so perverse!", Momo shouted.

"Sisterly bonding!", Wanda told her.

"Is that true!?", Starfire gasped, "Blackfire maybe that is why are not-"

"If you try it I am putting your head through the wall...", Blackfire warned her, "The only people I will allow to touch my breasts are Clark, my babies, and myself only."

"Anyways...", I said trying not to have a grin on my face, "Ryuko and I have a professional relationship, there is nothing romantic going-"

"She like's you idiot.", Wanda said jumping in, "She told me she fell for you when you swooped in to save her during the invasion after the World Barrier broke. If you weren't such a pussy, she'd be here right now!"

"What do you three think?", I asked Yu, Nemuri, and Rumi.

"No comment.", Yu stated.

"Figure it out yourself.", Nemuri and Rumi huffed.

"That hurts.", I replied with a smile.

Kicking me the two huffed louder while acting indifferent. It was pretty clear they wanted my attention, and weren't happy they weren't getting it. After bathing I spent time with them making sure that they were okay and weren't needing something. Feeding them dark chocolate and pop corn, the two of them became happy again. Giving them shoulder rubs patched things up pretty easily after that. Watching a movie till everyone was ready to retire, I noticed that Wanda was out like a light on the sofa. Carrying her to our bedroom, I set her on the bed and immediately was pulled into a kiss by her.


"Hehe how charming of you to carry me to bed, you naughty man!", she teased.

"I can go through you in the pool if you want.", I told her.

"No, I am fine.", she laughed, "I won't be need this anymore."

Pulling out a ruined unicorn, I decided not to ask where she was keeping it. Giving her a smirk I was about to start teasing her when she lifted her waistband up. Looking down her pants nervously, I cautiously asked her what was wrong.

"I didn't wear the cute ones!", she huffed, "I forgot to put them on!"

"Haha, it's okay.", I told her.

"These ones are so plain though!! I-"

Kissing her to shut her mouth, I worked her clothing off while she started stroking my shaft. Finger her while tweaking her nipples, she moaned giving me a pleased expression. When she dropped my pants her grin grew even bigger.

"You see that!! He got hard for me!!", she boasted breaking away from the kiss.

"You realize he has done the same for all of us.", the others retorted.

"Oh...right.", she replied.

Sealing her lips again I used my power to stimulate her mind to calm her insanity down for the time being. Surprisingly it worked quite well as she wrapped herself around me, and ran her fingers through my hair. Moving her hips to take me in once she was ready, I slid right in taking her hymen out along the way. Grunting for a moment after penetrating her, she quickly recovered and thrusted her hips into my waist. Since she was so full of energy, I decided to give it to her as rough as I safely could.

Hammering her into the bed, her legs moved back and forth in the air while she tried to keep her sense about her. Placing our foreheads together as I continued thrusting into her, I got to watch her break into an ahegao face several times when I would slow down and force myself as deep as I could go without hurting her. When I would do that she would spasm and climax almost immediately.

Taking her in several different positions, I ended up finding she liked doggy the best. She absolutely loved me pulling her hair, and grinding her insides slowly. Smacking her ass several times I made her squeal before I finally climaxed. Biting the bedsheets as I filled her she once again wore an ahegao face till the last bit came out. Sliding out with a soft 'pop' she collapsed on the bed breathing heavily with a blissful smile on her face.

" you think you could do that with me?", Ochaco asked tugging on my arm.

"Yeah...that looked really hot...", Momo added.

"You want to do the same thing?", I inquired, "When we tried before you didn't-"

"You didn't do it exactly like that...", they said, "It was different."

Deciding not to complain, I gave it to them like they asked. Since Ochaco had shorter hair I had to make do with psychically pulling her back while with Momo I had no issue with holding her hair. While I was riding Ochaco hard, I got to make out with Asui and Momo which was interesting. Asui normally only liked a peck on the cheek, but tonight was was really going at it. Probing the inside of my mouth with their tongues I made sure to arouse them as much as possible before giving them their turn.

Listening to her moan, I flipped her on her side so I could see her face. Staring at her face I swore I could see little hearts in her eyes. Smack her butt firmly made her squeal while pulling back on her would make her have a beastial moan. When she did that her body would suck on me as hard as she could.

With Momo she crossed her legs trying to intensify the sensation. The added benefit was that her butt jiggled even more this way. Giving out only halfway through our first go, she moaned loudly while looking back at me with her left eye as she was pushed into the mattress. See the desire on her face, hearing her moans, and the sensations she was giving me I unloaded in her.

Asui was a different ballgame all together. Since her body bent differently in this position, it was a different feeling I got. I could feel her muscles clinging to me as she let me take control. Kissing her deeply on the lips she shook her hips a bit when I got close and froze when I climaxed. Holding her breasts as I grunted with every pulse, her tongue flopped out as she fainted from the pleasure.

"Shit...", Diana said with a smirk, "Let's go Clark!"

"Hold on a-"

Apparently my aggressive behavior this evening provide a bit to stimulating hence...I ended up giving everyone a small dose of the Superman pill, and then giving it to most of them as hard as they could take it. The pregnant women opted to sit this one out, but said I owed them after they gave birth.

---R-18 End---

"Haha...haha...", Wanda wheezed, "You have a Super doubt"

"Glad we are...on the", Iris moaned from simply breathing, "Were you pent up...Clark?"

" can't expect me to hold back when you all look at me like you want me to dominate you. It's not right!", I laughed with a smirk, "All of you okay?"

"Most of them...are out cold...", Melissa gasped, "They fainted early on...the rest of us...are good..."

"Yep...", Zatana groaned, "No wonder you knocked up twelve of us...probably more than that after tonight."

"Either way I am happy you enjoyed yourselves.", I said cleaning the bedroom with a snap of my fingers.

Sliding into bed, Rumi and Nemuri snuggled up close laying their heads on my chest. Falling asleep a few moments later I watched the others wriggle in close and fall asleep as well. As for the new women, they were sleeping soundly close by me. They had done well for their first night, and I was looking forward to many more with them.

---Next Day---

Waking up and making breakfast for the women, they came out sore, but able to move. Their bodies were still had the lingering effects from the pill and they were getting used to things now so it wasn't as severe. Getting them settled in, I decided to go back to Earth-65 alone which Wanda was fine with.


Touching down in the encampment, I watched the shinobi's doing their usual workout routine under the watchful eyes of S.H.I.E.L.D Agents. It wasn't all that surprising as Nick did have a few martial artists in house that could understand what the refugees were talking about. Nick was being cautious with them because he wasn't sure what they were capable of, and the shinobi were a bit uncomfortable being under watch 24/7.

"They are treating us like we are animals!", Tsunade huffed slamming her cup of sake down, "Do they think we are going to attack them!?"

"I think they do...before this all happened there was an invasion going on, and when I showed up here their world was about to be devoured.", I told her.

"Devoured?", Ino asked.

"Unlike your universe their entities of massive proportions that live of which eats entire planets.", I informed her, "I killed him because he went insane, but they were minutes away from destruction when I came here."

"It's true.", Gwen nodded.

"Still though we aren't that bad!", Tsunade shouted.

"Nick is a paranoid old man.", Gwen giggled, "His paranoia sometimes saves people, but most of the time it doesn' gets people killed."

"Can't you talk to him about our treatment?", Sakura asked me.

"Not going to do much good, till he knows what you are capable of he won't let you roam freely.", I sighed, "That said, I am speeding up the construction of a few biodomes on a planet near mine. Once they are complete I will move your group there, and you won't have this problem then."

"A world near yours?", Kakashi inquired.

"Yes, it's a world in my solar system that has no one living on it at the moment. I am making it habitable for life to live on it. Overall it won't be much different from your world...well you won't have the same evil shinobi you had before haha!", I chuckled.

"How long till the biodome is done?", Hinata questioned.

"A few weeks, we are doing the finally safety checks and climate control tweaking.", I replied.

"...any chance you could look for Naruto?", she asked softly.

"And Sasuke!", Sakura added.

I was going to answer when an idea came to mind. Asking if they had anything that belong to the two of them personally, I said I could use magic to locate them...if they were alive. Telling them that if I didn't get a response it likely meant they were deceased. The two women handed me over one of the heads bands the men wore, and I used it as a medium to locate them. Trying the spells I knew to track them, I got no response out of either item so I decided to summon their spirits to see if they were dead.

Appearing in front of us in spectral form, Naruto was busy eating ramen and Sasuke was brooding hard. Seeing them in this form, the two women lowered their heads understanding they weren't coming back. Smacking the two of them upside the head they stopped what they were doing to look at me.

"What was that for?", Sasuke asked with an irritated tone.

"My ramen!!", Naruto shouted.

" that literally the first words you want to say after being summoned back as ghosts?", I sighed.

"Ghosts!?", Naruto asked, "Where are they!?"

"He's talking about us...", Sasuke sighed.

"Oh...right.", Naruto laughed, "So we died then?"

"It appears that way, do either of you remember anything from your deaths?", I inquired.

"All I remember was a red beam hitting me, and then everything went dark.", Sasuke stated.

"Umm...", Naruto said trying to think, "OH!! I was using Kurama's Chakra to fight them, but the really rich looking guy...oh yeah...he ripped Kurama out of me then squashed me."

"He took Kurama!?", Tsunade asked, "Did he say what for?"

"He said something about making them pets, but I don't know if he was serious.", Sasuke answered, "Not really sure what he was thinking...kept babbling on about things before killing us."

"Anything in particular?", I asked.

"It was jibberish...something about making a theater for his final act. Is he mentally okay? He kept talking to himself, and laughing randomly.", Sasuke said.

"No, he is completely mental...he is a basket case.", I answered with a sigh.

"You able to make us new bodies, and bring us back?", Naruto inquired.

"I can answer that.", Spectre told them manifesting next to me, "Unfortunately that isn't possible, you have already reincarnated in a different world. All you are now is memories with a shell of your former personalities. This is the only time you can be summoned, after the spell finishes you will no longer be able to manifest anymore."

"Ah...", they said looking at the women they were going to marry.

"I think we should step out.", Tsunade suggested.

Agreeing with her, we all stepped out to let them talk. Standing a ways away from the tent we all sat around not really knowing what to say. I honestly didn't know what to tell a woman who lost her love on their wedding day...that isn't something that normally happens. Once the spell broke the two women came out shortly after, and went to their tents. Saying they had to go console them, I said I would stop by tomorrow to check on them.

Leaving with Gwen the two of us did some patrolling around New York City as she had the day off today. Latched onto my back as I flew us Gwen was amazed by how different the city looked from the heights we were flying at. Asking me if this is how I usually did my patrolling I just chuckled, and said I usually did it much faster than this. Telling me to show her, I told her to hold on tightly then rocketed off at my normal patrolling speed.

"This ridiculous!!", she laughed, "How can you work like this!?"

"I process images and sound much faster than humans.", I replied, "I can cover the entire globe in a second if I wanted too."

"Damn!", she said with a smile, "This is really something else! I have never gone this fast!"

"You want to see something else just as cool?", I asked.

"Is it dangerous?", she retorted.

"If you let go, yes.", I answered.

"Then let's go!", she stated with a smirk, "I like a bit of risk in my life."

"Oh really?", I laughed, "I can show you risk this evening."

"Hehe", she giggled biting her lower lip, "Only if you say please."

Giving her a smirk I nodded my head, and dove straight into the ocean. Shooting through the water I showed her the Great Barrier Reef, the depths of the Mariana Trench, and the seas beneath Antarctica. Showing her the penguins that lived there, her expression lit up with joy as she got to reach out and touch them. Spending some time swimming around with the penguins, we returned to New York City for lunch.

"That was the most amazing date I have ever been on!", she told me with a big smile, "You can go where ever you want without any problems!! I wish I had you powers!!"

"Haha!", I laughed.

Having pizza for lunch, we ended up meeting her band members who had seen us sitting outside the pizza shop. Acting like I was a famous movie star they asked to shake my hand and take a few pictures which I didn't mind. Telling them about what we had done thus far today, she showed them pictures and videos she had taken.

"Girl you can't let him get away.", they whispered to her, "If you don't make a move one of us will!"

"Shh!! He has super hearing!!", she retorted glancing over at me who was faking not hearing them.

"You need our help?", they asked.

"Well...I didn't think I would like him this much.", Gwen replied, "I have been having a blast all day, I didn't clean my apartment...or my bedroom."

"We aren't cleaning your apartment for you...", they told her, "We are friend's, but we aren't that good of friends."

"Hey! We have been friends for years!", she gasped.

"We have, but we aren't 'Clean your house for free' friends.", they snicker with playful smiles.

"Fine...I owe you a pizza and some beer.", Gwen compromised.

"Make it three, you are a sloppy girl.", the drummer teased.

"Don't say that out loud!!", Gwen puffed her cheeks, "I am not that messy!!"

Staring at her for a moment she admitted that she was slightly messy. Agreeing to three pizzas and a six pack her friends said they had to go, and quickly scampered off. Giving her a grin she realized that I had heard their conversation, and turned bright red.

"I...I am not a messy woman I swear!", she said.

"You do remember I have been in your apartment already, right?", I told her.

"When was...SHIT!", she shouted, "You have already seen it...damn now I owe them pizzas and beer for no reason. Why didn't you stop me!"

"I didn't want to embarrass you.", I replied.

" wouldn't have.", she said softly.

Finishing our meal, we were going to do some shopping when I got a call from Diana. Telling me that there had been an earthquake in Thailand, she informed me the government was requesting my assistance with search and rescue. Informing Gwen of this, she asked to come with me.

---MHA Universe (Clark's World) Thailand Coastline---

Arriving with Gwen in tow, we arrived to see that several coastal areas had collapsed during the earthquake, and we already had teams sifting through debris pulling people out as quickly and safely as possible. Dropping her off to help out with the main group, I flew off to help small villages that would have taken time to get too. Seeing me arrive the villagers quickly showed me to where collapses had occurred, and I would would lift the debris off the people so they could be dragged away.

After helping several of villages out I noticed that the tide was going out further than it should have. Realizing that a tsunami was coming I flew out to locate it so I could stop it before it did any serious damage. Finding the wave a few miles off shore, it had already capsized dozens of fishing boats leaving people floundering around for something to hold on to. Suppressing the wave using mental force, the tsunami crashed into a psychic wall I made and slowly I let the rushing water go so that it wouldn't damage anything on land.

Turning my attention to the fishermen that were holding onto their boats for dear life, I flew down to assist them. Sensing predators in the water I used the Life Force to communicate that the people in the water weren't food so they wouldn't be attacked. A few stubborn sharks tried to ignore me, but when they sensed my killing intent they shot away from the area in a hurry. If they hadn't listened I was going to make sushi with them so they dodged that bullet.

Picking up vessels and their crew, I took them to port and continued to do so till all the fishermen were accounted for. Reuniting them with their families the people were extremely grateful to all of us for arriving so quickly. Helping with the clean up, and start of the rebuilding process so they could at least have a place to sleep tonight. Running over with a handful of flowers for us the children were doing what they could to express their gratitude for saving them. Receiving the flowers from the kids I watched our staff and my lovers just melt at the sight of their smiles. Even the emotionally restrained Katherine and Raven smiled at the gesture of thanks.

"This Hero work isn't so bad.", Ivy and Selena said trying not to seem happy about it.

"Yeah it does...but there is something about the smell of gunpowder that just sends a chill down my spine.", Wanda added.

"I can help you with that.", Esdeath said starting to freeze her back.

"YIKES!!", she screamed leaping into the ocean.

"Haha!", we laughed.

Swearing like a sailor at Esdeath, Wanda splashed her with sea water and flipped her the bird. Taking that as a challenge Esdeath and her tussled in the water which was amusing. Rushing into the water as well the others were quick to join them along with the kids who thought Esdeath and Wanda were just playing. Watching them splash around, and few of them slam each other into the water I couldn't help but laugh.

"Is this normal for all of you?", Gwen asked watching Mina attempt to German Suplex Melissa into the water.

Stopping her from doing so, Melissa did the same back but sent Mina flying as she laughed like a moron.

"Yeah...this is pretty normal.", I said turning to Starfire who was chasing Blackfire.

Starfire was holding some random sea animal she found, and Blackfire wanted nothing to do with it. Having suffered her sisters weird things for picking up random animals, she was afraid it would do something weird. It was a harmless octopus, but considering they had probably seen some weird space creatures I felt a bit bad for her. Seeing me watching them Blackfire double timed it over to me screaming for help.

"Save me from that thing Dear!!", she shouted, "I don't wish to be violated by it!!"

"What are you talking about?", I asked with a bit of concern, "Where did you hear that?"

"Mina showed us painting of people being assaulted by tentacle creatures!", Blackfire said, "Powerful warriors have fallen victim to those monsters!! That must be one of their young, and my idiot sister is playing with it!!"

"Mina!!", I shouted as she was swimming back to shore.

Seemingly understand what was going on she gave me an apologetic look, and quickly shouted that she had tried scaring the others with artwork she found online. Apologizing to Blackfire, Mina told her that octopus didn't actually attack people in real life. Looking to me to see if that was true I told her that it was, and that some people considered eating octopus a delicacy.

"Why would you play such a horrible joke on me!", Blackfire huffed.

"Sorry, I didn't think you believe me.", Mina laughed dryly, "I am really sorry."

"Then those Predator things aren't real either?", Blackfire questioned.

"Those aren't real either...did you believe they were?", I asked.

"Well...the universe is vast, never know...", she said, "I don't do well with disgusting things...I blame Starfire for that."

"Yeah...I had a few giant snails and slugs that uh...may have tried to eat her when we were kids.", Starfire laughed.

'Oh shit...', Mina and I thought.

"It still gives me night terrors...", Blackfire stated gripping my arms.

"Well you don't worry about that, I will kill anything that lays a finger on you.", I chuckled.

"Then please-"

"Excepted your sister when she annoys you.", I replied.

"Drat!", she laughed with a smile, "Oh well...I suppose I can allow it."

Joining the women in the water Mera, Kara, Diana, and Fury all teamed up to throw me into the water. Holding on to them when they threw me, the five of us flew a mile out to sea before splashing down. Laughing as I took us back to shore, the women on shore were laughing at us as we were covered in seaweed.

After playing around for a bit they returned to base while Gwen and I went back to her world. Finishing the day walking around her New York City, we retired to her apartment around dinner time. Cautiously entering her apartment, she didn't know how well her friends had cleaned...or if they even had. Entering before me she did a quick check before inviting me in.

Having me take a seat on the couch while poured us drinks, we sat on the couch to watch a movie. Taking what Wanda had been telling me seriously, I pulled Gwen close to me wrapping my arm around her waist.

'Keep it together Gwen', she though, 'I just need to make a subtle move, and have him take the lead. Just got to follow my romance novel information I have been gathering for this moment.'

Reading her mind I made a move. Pulling her onto my lap so she could face me, I gave her a smile. Looking me with a flush expression I pulled her in for a kiss which she was more than ready for. Feeling my shaft start to swell up against her body, she teasingly rubbed herself against it.


"You want to do this here or the bedroom?", I whispered.

"Bedroom...", she panted.

Carrying her to the bedroom, I quickly removed her clothing so I could see her. Doing the same to me, she started stroking me with a nervous smile. Pushing her onto the bed, in gentle manner, I spread her legs for foreplay. Eating her out, she clamped her legs around my head wriggling around while trying not to moan to loudly. Putting a barrier up for her, the moment it was up she stopped holding back.

Making her cum, I stood to get ready to penetrate her. Spreading her legs and vagina for me, she moaned loudly as she stretched to accommodate me. Her breathing became ragged as my shaft impaled her womb. Taking it slow at first I quickly rammed up the pace as Gwen shutdown mentally as she sprouted an ahegao face. With a smirk on my face I leaned forward to kiss her neck.

Filling the room with noises of my sac hitting her ass, all she could do was moan my name. Rolling her over to her side, I held her leg firmly while continuing to make love to her.

"Clark...I am going to cum again!!", she screamed after a few minutes.

"Me too.", I told her moving into a position under her while she laid on her back on top of me, "I am going to make you take it all."

Carefully putting her in a Full Nelson, she wrapped her legs around mine before we came together. Sensing my climax, she climaxed harder than ever before as she felt my spurts fill her. Breathing heavily, she acted like she had just done a marathon at 500 miles an hour.

"Fuck...", she gasped, "You are an animal!",

"Ready for round 2?", I said.

"Wait what!? You just-"

Thrusting again she screamed loudly as I went for round 2...3...then 4. By the fourth round Gwen was on the verge of fainting, and couldn't feel her lower body. Laying in her bed with her on my chest, she purred like a kitty enjoying the warmth I naturally gave off.

---R-18 End---

"You okay?", I asked.

"I can smell purple...", she drowsily replied.

"Haha looks like I went a bit too rough on you.", I said.

"It's okay did your best...", she yawned, "We can...try again tomorrow..."

Before I could say anything else she passed on me sleeping peacefully. Not quite understanding what she was meaning I let it slid, and relaxed with her while I stared out at the night sky.


Author Note: Got to watch the new Pokemon show on Netflix as my little cousin wanted to watch it before bed. I have to say as someone who hasn't seriously watched since the Diamond and Pearl days...Ash's character design sucks!! He looks like a rip off Naruto with the whiskers and a terrible drawing style. They need to bring Brock back because I know Ash isn't cooking anything to eat on the road. Sorry for the rant, just watching my childhood go up in smoke...well at least Steve says I look great!! Happy to see he came back...20 years later lol.