Part 5

" i can bring her back if you want "he said playfully glancing at me,

" No,i'm staying at angel's house tonight "

I looked at him with a daring expression,

"Okay,As you like"he mumbled not even looking at me,

" but don't be late tomorrow" she said quietly,

Well i went upstairs and changed my clothes into a little black dress and golden heels,

I took my small gold purse from my closet and sprayed my favorite vanilla perfume ,

I dragged myself downstairs and noticed that kerem's family had left So I kissed my mum's cheek quickly before i opened the door .

I felt the breezy air of july hit the bare skin of my shoulders when i saw Dex's car approaching me ,

I smiled at him as i entered the car while he smiled back at me

"You look gorgeous " he said as I smiled at his compliment ,

"you look elegant too" i said quietly admiring his grey button up shirt as he nodded with a smile,

" So, it's two years of...David & Angel,now" i chuckled finger quoting it and glancing at him while he's driving ,

" yeah, time flies, i still remember the day he confessed his love for her , We were all surprised "

he said with a grin

"I wasn't " i said proudly , he knew that david had told me about his love for Angel before she even knew,

"So, What about Mr green eyes and your favorite series" he chuckled as i know he is talking about Kerem,

"Oh please" i said rolling my eyes making him slow down the car,

"Since when have you started talking about him this way?" He asked confusingly trying to focus his attention on the road,

" since this morning" i said carelessly,

" Bella look at me" he commanded ,

I looked at him as i took a deep breath before i sighed

"I met Mr green eyes this morning and we had the most stupid argument on earth then guess who were my beloved father's visitors?" I said as he looked at me with surprise,

"Who?" He asked squinting his eyes,

"The Bursins" i said making his lower jaw drop and his eyes widen as fuck,

"A-Arabella are yo-ou drunk??? Should i bring you some coffee , lemonade or something else

I-i dunno but you seem hallucinating and your eyes are tired and—" he started to talk nervously When i cut him off,

"No bitch i'm sober and no i'm not hallucinating stop talking like a dumbass "

i said sarcastically

" Mr Bursin is my father's new business partner" i sighed "and that son of a bitch he calls a son is so arrogant and annoying and i can't believe i once had a crush on him" i said letting out an exasperated breath,

" that's too much to happen in one day and coincidentally it's your birthday " he said sarcastically as i chuckled,

He tucked his hands into his pockets and took out a silver bracelet with my initials engraved on it

"Speaking of your birthday ,you probably thought I've forgotten you but guess what? Your birthday gift ,little bitch"

he said with a smile while he pulled my hand to put on the bracelet ,

It looked so lovely , i felt my smile widen i rolled my arms around his body and hugged him tightly ,

"Oh my god, D, i love you so much " i said while he smiled at me returning to focus on the road,

" i love you too sweetie and I'm sorry i couldn't come this morning you know my boss is a piece of strict shit" he said sarcastically

"Oh yeah i know,it's george ,never mind" i chuckled as I noticed that we arrived at angel's

As we stepped out of the car,

The house was so crowded as i heard the annoying loud racket of pop music, i haven't seen Dex for a while and he's probably found some hot girls , i rolled my eyes and i decided to go get a drink ,

I know i've just turned 18 and I'm not allowed to drink yet but who cares ,it's my fucking birthday and nobody will notice if i took a shot of tequila , only one shot and i will still be sober any way.

I didn't realize it was my eighth glass now until i felt a grip on my arm pulling me to the dance floor, i looked up to see the face of whoever pulled me with the drink in my hand And i found out it was a guy about 23 yrs old he had wide brown eyes and an ash brown curly hair ,

he had too much freckles on his cheeks which seemed cute,

My lips parted to say something but he cut me off

"What's your name, love" he said raising his voice to make sure i'm able to hear him in this loud music

"Arabella, yours?" I said as loud as his voice while dancing

"I'm Jeff" he said while he looked at the drink

in my hand

"you're absolutely under 21" he said still dancing with me homogeneously,

"Who cares" i said rolling my eyes " it's my birthday and i really wanted to chill"

I said loudly

"Alright " he said with a chuckle "happy birthday " he continued

"Thank you"i mumbled with a smile

I really don't remember how this conversation ended but it was fine at least wasn't stupid as that i had with Bursin this morning ,ugh, i picked up my phone as i staggered towards the toilet trying to regain my balance ,

i opened the door and entered while looking at the screen of my phone i saw a message from Dex telling me that something serious blew out and he had to leave urgently i puffed as i scrolled among the other notifications when one of them caught my eyes ,

It was an instagram notification

"The bursin has requested to follow you" i looked up at the mirror then looked down again to make sure my eyes weren't making things but they were not,

I tapped the 'confirm' button before looking at my reflection in the mirror again ,

"He followed me back" i mumbled to my reflection in the mirror,ugh stop bella you're overreacting i was making sure my curls were well defined when soon i heard my phone buzzing in my pocket and it was another instagram notification ,

It was a message from him actually it was a reply on my latest instagram story which was a photo of me and Jeff half an hour ago,

"I don't want to be sassy but seeing an 18 year old girl with a drink in her hand is inappropriate and i'm sure Mrs Turner won't be happy to see this ;)"

I closed my eyes angrily staring at his message with my teeth gritted before i texted him back

"Are you trying to get into me?"

He has seen it immediately and he's typing now,

"Can i call you?" I squinted my eyes at my screen ,

I thought for a moment before i sent him my number and waited for him to dial me while i packed my stuff and went out of the toilet to look for angel thinking about what he would tell me,

My deep thoughts were cut off when i heard my phone ringing loudly in my pocket,

It took me a moment before i answered

" what do you want?"

I asked coldly while i made it to the front doors and towards the yard just to avoid the loud music in there,

"Nothing, just was wondering how the party is going" he said playfully ,

" Well, it was going pretty fun before you texted me" i said sarcastically ,

"C'mon ,You could only delete my follow request but you couldn't resist,love" he said playfully and i can feel a smirk growing on his face now,

" Well it's not that late ,i can delete it, if you hang up, now " i said trying to end this conversation ,

" oh please, you probably know how many hot girls are waiting for me to call them or even follow them back, yanno you're lucky" he said trying to tease me,

" Seriously bae, i don't even care so you better shut the fuck up and donnot try to call me again"

i hung up before dragging myself inside again and looking for angel to tell her i'm staying with her tonight when i saw jessie passing by

"jess " i said loudly trying to catch her attention as she turned her head to face me

"Oh bella, i miss you" she said smiling with that drunk voice

" yeah i miss you too" i said with a smile

" did you see angel somewhere?" I asked her loudly,

" yeah she went upstairs ,she's packing her stuff right now "

" what ,why?" i asked with my eyebrows furrowed ,

"They're travelling to paris tonight, David is definitely proposing to her in this journey "

she said with a big smile,

"Yeah, he must be proposing to her" i said with a confused smile,

When she nodded at me and crossed her way towards the bar,

Well ,i have no place to spend my night now, fuckkk and even Dex had left,