A night with a tyrant (2)

Amelia downed her drink while making sure to not let in linger for too long in her mouth since she could not stand the taste. All the while the duke's gaze felt like it could burn a hole in the side of her head.

Only when she had completely emptied her glass did he say something again.

"You're probably wondering why I've brought you here."

'No' Amelia thought but she nodded in agreement nonetheless.

"There's something that I need from you. In exhange for your cooperation you can continue living here and I will make sure that there is nothing left to be desired."

Even though the duke's words could come off as kind they left a bitter taste in Amelias mouth. He was speaking as if she actually had a choice in the matter when the truth was that she was completely at his mercy. He could decide to off her on a whim, or throw her out in the cold without even a shred of clothes on her back.

Even if he were to treat her well in the beginning there was no telling when she would no longer be needed and she would be disgarded.

How could she possibly live well like that?

Amelia clenched her hands that were resting in her lap, digging the nails into her palms to soothe the anger that had suddenly risen. She had to swallow her emotions and hide them somewhere deep down so that they would not show on her face. Now was not the time for feeling bitter if she wanted to survive.

She forced a grateful look on her face and lifted her eyes to meet the duke's gaze.

"I am yours to do with how you please, Your Grace."

She had never gotten used to saying such words. Every time she had to grovel at someone's feet it felt like she was slowly peeling away her last remaining bit of self respect and it made her resent herself. But humbling herself even to the people she hated the most had been effective in keeping her alive so far and self respect would do her nothing if she were dead anyway.

But the duke did not react to her words the way she had expected him to.

Instead of looking pleased he frowned and his gaze became sharp. Amelia recognized the look. It was the same one that her father would make when he bacame angry with her and it was usually followed with a beating.

She dug her nails deeper into her skin and focused on the stinging sensation to keep her heart from racing.

"May I ask what it is that I can assist you with, Your Grace?" She was usually wiser than to ask questions or talk back but she was growing impatient and the words slipped out without warning.

The duke shifted in his seat, leaning forward and poured himself another glass of wine.

"For reasons that I won't get into need a rumor to be spread in high society about me having taken a mistress. I thought you would be a good person to help me with that"

Without realising it Amelia started chewing her bottom lip, getting increasingly annoyed. 'Stop beating around the bush and get on with it'.

"You want some?" The duke asked and nodded towards the empty wine glass in front of her on the coffe table.

"Yes, thank you."

At this point she would drink anything, even poison, to lessen the sour emotions that had risen and make the night even slightly more bearable.