Like talking to a friend

Four days had passed since Amelia spent the night in the duke's room but despite her earlier resolve she had not even gotten close to asking Olivia about what she needed to find out. Instead she had gone back to the library multiple times to look for information that she might've previously missed, a futile search that had resulted in nothing.

It was not like Amelia did not trust the maid who had done nothing to suggest any ill intent towards her. Olivia had even gone so far as risking her job by offering Amelia words of advice about her master a few nights ago, and ever since Amelia had returned from spending the night with the duke Olivia had been treating her warmly to an extent way beyond what anyone could expect from a servant.

Though Amelia was not sure what the reason behind Olivias goodwill towards her was she was at least convinced that that the maid would not voluntarily rat about her inquiries. At the same time there was no way to be completely certain of a persons character; who knew if Olivia was going to start making demands as a condition for her silence. Furthermore the risk of maid simply misspeaking and giving away Amelias plans also remained.

It was a risk that she had to take though.


She was seated by the vanity and Olivia was carefully combing out her hair and applying scented oils to it.

"Yes, miss?"

"I just realised that I never thanked you for the advice you gave me that night. Your words really soothed my worry and thanks to you my first time did not hurt nearly as much as I first thought I would."

Even though Amelia was truly thankful to Olivia these words also served as a warning for her to not be thoughtlessly loose lipped. If the maid stabbed her in the back Amelia would not hesistate to take her down with her.

"I am very happy to hear that, miss." Olivia smiled happily.

"Truthfully I am really happy that you were assigned as my maid. I feel like not everyone would treat someone of my background this well".

Olivia's work on Amelias hair briefly stopped and for a short moment it looked like she frowned. "Well I don't know about others, but for me I care more about a persons character than I do their background."

She layed down the comb on the vanity and began making a braid.

"You're very kind" Amelia disregarded the unpleasant expression she had just seen on Olivias face and met with her eyes in the reflection of the mirror, smiling warmly.

"I've been wondering, you have told me before that your family is from the countryside, correct?"

"You have a good memory, miss."

"Then, if you don't mind me asking, how did you end up here in the city, working for a duke?"

It was indeed a bit odd. While Olivia was a noble and would therefore be technically permitted to work for someone as high ranking as a duke or even a royal, it was highly a highly unusual accurance. Her father was simply a baron with very little money, land or social influence and he lived far away from the city. Most high ranking nobles considered it shameful to hire someone of Olivias social standing.

"Well, I was lucky. My father heard from an acquaintance that the new duke was hiring servants of all different backgrounds, so he used the last of his money to take me here just so I could be interviewed for the position. And well, as you can see I ended up getting it."

"Weren't there any jobs in the town you lived in? Why travel so far?"

"Of course there were jobs, a lot of places were looking for seamstresses since not very many commoners there are efficient in sowing and embroidery. But the pay here is so much better, they even offer to help pay for the womens dowry. I started working with the goal of marriage in mind so this job was perfect."

Amelia had not thought that she would find the answer to her question so easily. A seamstress, that was perfect. It weird that she had not thought of it before.

"Then do you have anyone in particular that you want to marry?..."

Because Amelia was finally able to relax a little the conversation that followed was a pleasant one, it even felt like she was talking to a friend. It became clear just how much she enjoyed spending time with the curly-haired blonde.