The day before the banquet (3)

Despite the change of route the carriage ride was still just as nausiating. But Amelia had no opputrunity to pay it any mind because outside the window the surroundings had started to become familiar.

It was an area well known from her childhood. To her right was a bakery from which her and the other children were sometimes were given the left-over and burnt bread in the evening, and ahead was the square that was always full of people that had made it the perfect place for pickpocketing.

And if they turned left in the crossroads just slightly ahead...

"Sir Paul, can you ask the coachman to stop?"

She called out with almost no regard to the proper etiquette, and when the knight did not respond right away she even doubled down.


Paul looked like he had just seen a ghost.

"Ah... of course."

He swiftly knocked on the front window but by the time that the carriage fully stopped they had well gone past the place where she wanted to go.

Without saying a word Amelia exited the carriage, completely lacking grace as she clumsily climbed down. Well on the ground she lifted her skirt so that it wouldn't be too stained from the filthy road and promptly headed down the street towards the narrow path that was so familiar.

She could hear the knight calling for her from behind but she paid it no mind since she figured that he catch up to her without any issue.

Down the narrow street the buildings became increasingly more deterioated the further she walked and the alleyways turned more and more cramped. They were the perfect places for someone to hide since it was difficult seeing all the way through them.

It was a bit frightening considering how she was dressed in expensive clothing.

Sir Paul who had just caught up behind her whined: "Miss Ainsworth, we really should be heading back. This is not a safe area for any of us to be."

Even though she was aware of that fact she felt something of an invisible pull. She just wanted to go a little further.

She continued on for not even a minute longer before her strides came to a halt, right by a particularly dark alleyway. Because the buildings were so close together they offered good protection from wind and rain hence why it had always been considered a good place for seeking shelter. Before she had been taken away by her father she had frequented this place often, foolishly expecting for a boy that was most likely already dead to be waiting for her there.

It was as if she had expected him to be there this time as well, older and taller but still the same person as all those years ago. But as Amelias eyes adapted to the darkness in the back of the alleyway she realised that he wasn't there, just like she should have already known.

'Like he would have stuck around here even after eight years. Like he's even alive...'

She chuckled bitterly.

"I'm sorry Sir, I shouldn't have dragged you here. It was foolish of me." She murmered to the knight who stood behind her.

He hesitated for a moment, seemingly not sure what to say, but then asked:

"Is this perhaps the area you grew up in?"

"So you realised... Then again it would be pretty obvious since we're so close to the red light district. And with the fact that I'm the daughter of a prostitute is pretty well known amongst the staff by now..."

Amelia did not know how or why she was suddenly able to speak so freely. Perhaps this place had reminded her of how she was before the harsh lessons and beatings?

"We should go back" she muttred. The thought had left a bitter taste in her mouth.

"Since it's the place you grew up, don't you want to stay around some more? Perhaps go to where you used to live? We're already here it couldn't hurt to stay for just another minute."

Though it was a sweet thought Amelia only became sullen when she thought of the place that her and her mother used to live. It had been a cramped lodging within the brothel with only a single bed and a wardrobe fitting within it. Amelia could clearly recall the image of her dying mother laying in their shared bed, pale with sunken cheeks and a miserable expression on her face.

"No, I don't think I want to go back there. Besides, there's not much to see."

Paul seemed to become dejected by her words and so she added:

"But it was very kind of you to suggest it. Really."

An awkward silence hung over them as they walked back. To break the tense atmosphere Amelia thought to raise the question had been looming over her for a while now.

"Come to think of it Sir, do you know where all the children are? This area used to be full of orphans when I was little"

The fact that she hadn't seen a single child during their time there was truly concerning. Had this part of the town deterioated so much that they could no longer survive? She bit her lip anxiosly.

"They are probably all in the hostel since it's getting colder outside."


"Right, I guess not many people know of it. It was one of the first things His Grace did after being rewarded his title. He used a portion of the dukedom's taxes to build shelters for the orphans of this area, even adding much of his own fortune to do it. He is currently working on getting the local nobles to contribute to their education since it would have a positive impact on the economy long term if these children could join the workforce."

Amelia was stunned. All her life she had yet to meet a noble who cared for the filthy children on the streets, let alone regarding them as assets.

'The duke really did such a thing?'