First dance (1)

Amelias hand rested in Dario's as he escorted her through the halls towards the ballroom at the manor's furthest corner.

By every step they took the tension in her throat grew. She tried to both contain and hide it by focusing on her breathing and thought she was doing a good job until the duke said:

"You don't have to be nervous. No one will dare to disrespect you, especially considering the rumor's that you might be the next duchess."

Amelia looked at him, surpised both by his words and by the fact that he seemed to have noticed her anxiousness.

"And even if they don't believe that rumor no one will be foolish enough to disrespect a person who I favor" he continued.

She merely looked at him for a moment and blinked.

'He favors me?'

She could only muster a quiet hum as a response.

They were getting close to the doors that led to the ballroom and the pleasant tunes of violins could be heard coming from behind them.

Amelia braced herself for their entrance and for the beraiting that could follow if she were to make a mistake in precence of nobles. But before they got close enough for the doormen to notice them Dario stopped his steps.

"Before we go in: rather than addressing my as 'Your Grace' feel free to call me by my name instead. It would be more befitting for someone of your position."

Amelia hesitated. For her to call him by his name was a little bit...

"'My Lord would also be suitable if you're more comfortable with that"

Once again it was as if he knew what she was thinking. It was peculiar.

"Then, my Lord..."

Even though he nodded approvingly at her answer he somehow looked a bit disappointed.

The moment the portier announced their precence to the guests the entire ballroom came to a halt. The previous chatter died down and all heads turned towards their direction. It was overwhelming being in the center of so many scrutinizing eyes.

They had entered the room to a balcony that ran across the ballrooms longest side. It made Amelia feel like they were standing on a stage.

Befittingly Dario cleared his throat next to her and began speaking with an imperative tone.

"Thank you everyone for attending my celebration. I do not regard this as merely a celebration of my birthday but also of the approaching anniversery of this dukedom's and kingdom's rebirth. That's why I hope that you will all enjoy youselves tonight because as members of this dukedom this is a celebration of us all."

Despite the heartfelt words he had a cold look on his face as he spoke, indicating that he wasn't entirely sincere with what he was saying. On a similar note not all guests looked entirely cheery despite the loud applause that promtly spread throughout the room.

After the applauses settled the feast continued on like before but Amelia still noticed the burning stares of the nobles from the corner of her eye as they went to join the crowd on the floor below.

"What do you say about getting the first dance over and done with? It might aid with those prying stares if they were to get a good look from the start."

The duke's words sounded dry but as Amelia caught a glimpse of him she noticed that a mischevious grin played on his lips.

It remided her of someone.

"From your words I reckon you're not very fond of dancing either then" she replied jokingly, seemingly disarmed by the strange sense of familiarity she had just experienced.

"Is it that obvious" Dario chuckled.