Tea party (2)

Even though Amelia had been determined only moments earlier she began to grow more and more anxious as the carriage slowly approached the Earl's estate.

Outside the window the forest that she'd grown familiar with as well as the distant view of the town from beyond the trees had been replaced by open fields covered in blankets of frost. Right ahead of them the roof of a large manor was visible.

Just like when Paul had escorted her to town he was seated across from her in the carriage. Thankfully he didn't look at her though. If he did the nervousness on Amelias face would've most likely been obvious.

The carriage became shaky as it left the main road and rolled onto the estate's graveled courtyard. Even though the view from the window was limited it was plain to see that the Earl was wealthy even by aristocratic standards. The main manor was grand in size with a meticulously detailed exterior and the front garden vast and obviously well kept.

The fact that Amelia had been invited suddenly seemed even more strange.

As the carriage came to a halt Amelia could feel her heart starting to beat faster, and the creeping nausia made her regret the small lunch she'd eaten while she was getting ready.

She silently cursed herself for being so sensitive.

'I'm here for information and nothing else. I am using them, it is not the other way around this time.'

She recalled what Olivia had told her before she left and the thought of having a friend waiting for her back home slightly soothed her anxiousness.

Paul opened the door for her and presented his hand to help her exit the carriage. She took a deep breath before exiting.

In the courtyard they were met by an older, haughty looking woman who, although dressed as a servant, gave of the impression of being someone on high nobility.

"Miss Ainsworth I presume? I am here to accompany you to the greenhouse were the party is being held. May I ask that your escort waits in the estates sitting room."

The voice was stern and the woman did not meet Amelias eyes even once.

She nervouslesly glanced towards Paul who nodded in confirmation.

"I shall meet you by the carriage later, miss."

The greenhouse was much larger than she had first imagined and it's sheer size and tall ceiling reminded her of a small manor. Contrary to the dreary enviroment outside the greenhouse was filled to the brim with carefully selected, exotic greenery. The inside was also consideribly warmer than and Amelias coat began to feel to warm only moments later.

A thin stone path cut through the greenery in the center of the greenhouse, and voices could be heard from further down it. Like the maid had previously instructed Amelia followed it and after a while she reached a clearing with a large round table in the center of it.

The sunlight that shone through the glassceiling and lit the entire area up made the scene in front of her resemble a beautiful painting. Five ladies, all of them adorned head to toe in the most magnificant clothing, were seated at the table and seemed to be having a pleasant chat. The only discrepency in the picture was the one empty seat.

'Even though I am right on time, turns out that I still arrived late somehow.'

Amelia felt like an outsider where she stood, partially hidden behind a thin tree that bore curious yellow fruits. Part of her told her that the moment would be ruined the moment she stepped forward, however she realized it would be even stranger if she just turned around and left. With baited breath she began walking again and even though she tried her hardest to be light on her feet the sound of her footsteps against the stone suddenly seemed to echo between the walls.

As soon as Amelia was within sight from the table a lady rose to her feet, as if she'd been expected. Her hair was dark and her skin pale and by the looks of it she was about the same age as Amelia.

Amelia recognised her as one of the ladies who she'd overheard whisepring during the banquet.

"Miss Ainsworth, I am so glad to see that you could attend despite the short notice" the lady beamed.

"On the contrary, I am glad to have been invited. Lady Bogarte I pressume?" Amelia responded, trying her hardest to not appear stiff.

"You assume correctly. I am happy that we finally get to meet. As I wrote in the letter I wanted to introduce myself during the banquet but the opportunity never presented itself. You probably don't remeber me but I believe you spoke to my husband?"

"Indeed, I do remeber speaking to the Lord that night. In fact I believe that I remeber you as well. You wore a yellow gown, did you not. I recall thinking that it was very beautiful."

Lady Bogarte looked surprised.

"Yes, I did wear a yellow dress. I am flattered to be complemented on it, though in my opinion it pales in comparison to the gown you wore."

"That's very kind of you to say, lady Bogarte."

Even though Rosemary seemed to have a friendly attitude Amelia could feel the stares of the other ladies while they spoke. Though they didn't seem outright hostile it was at least clear that Amelia had interrupted whatever conversation that they may have had before she arrived.

"Right, you have yet to meet the other ladies, no?" Rosemary asked, seemingly unaware or perhaps pleading ignorance of the tense mood.

She went ahead with introducing the other guests; an older looking viscountess, a widowed baroness with elegant streaks of grey in her dark hair, a lady with a beautifully round belly and glowing demenure as well as a newly wed baroness who looked to be around Amelias age. Even though Amelia tried her hardest to remember their names it seemed to be a fruitless effort, perhaps due to nerves. She did however remember the name of the newly wed woman, Charlotte Carlton, as as she recognized her as the other lady who Rosemary had been whispering with during the banquet.

This was good news. If they did indeed pity her like their comversation had suggested they'd at least not treat her with outright hostility.

Amelia found herself more cautious of the older ladies who's faces appeared stern throughout the entire introductions.